I'm not attracted to my boyfriend but I can't leave him :-(



  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    I think you're stuck on yourself. You need to give him a break and let him go. He deserves someone who cares for him, as he does for you.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    So did you guys break up or what?
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Oh dear.

    You said a lot of things in here that were just answers pointing towards you needing to leave him. You CANNOT lead this poor guy on. You say that he is the empitome of the "perfect boyfriend" but, you are thinking about other guys, annoyed when he tries to touch or kiss you and all of those other words of honesty.

    One thing is, you said that he "reminded" you that he would be heartless and cold after you break up with him. Have the two of you talked about it? Does he know how you are feeling?

    I honestly feel horrible for your boyfriend but, I also know how exhausted you must feel living this lie. Do not do this to yourself or to him anymore, you need to leave. This has gone on for too long now. Allow someone to find him who wants to have all of the special treatment done for them and allow yourself to find someone who you can put up with on a daily basis.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    No no no no. Do not just put up with it and hope it will phase out. In the end you will be bitter that you stayed with him. You can't just put up with him because he's a nice a guy. You have to let him go. It's not your responsibility to worry about him becoming bitter or heart broken if you guys break up. Eventually he'll move on, but it's not healthy to pretend with him, you're doing more harm that way. Do him and yourself a favor and let the relationship go. You were his first love? Well in life sometimes we have more than one "love our lives" and we get out heart broken more than once before finding the right one. It's called life! Sweety, don't force yourself because you will become bitter and unhappy, then he will notice you're unhappy and he will probably try harder, which will then make you even more unhappy! Then he will then be unhappy at the fact that he's trying so hard and you're still unhappy and you two will just be the unhappy couple :sad: :sad: :sad: It will be a never-ending circle.

    There's another girl out there for him that he will love and she will love him back because he deserves that. As there is another guy out there for you, that you also deserve to have that will love you like crazy and you will love him too and might I add that of course you will be crazy attracted too!! I know looks ain't everything and there are so many other factors that play into being in a relationship with someone, but you have to be attracted to the person! How do you have sex if you're not attracted??? :huh: :huh:

    Good luck!
  • schenier1
    schenier1 Posts: 2 Member
    I would back up with him.
  • beaverfever5
    beaverfever5 Posts: 36 Member
    what's his email? I will forward him this thread!