

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Like I said earlier, I don't count normal everyday stuff in my calories burned. I always swept, dusted, did dishes, laundry, etc- even when I was fat. But, I don't mow everyday and I must admit, I'm a little surprised that 1 hour and 20 minutes of yard work burned almost 500 calories. Some of if was just pulling weeds, so up and down stuff. The rest was pushing a mower (self propelled at that) and weed whacking. Not too shabby. I at least feel better at my pathetic attempt burning during a walk.

    Oh yeah, that was just the front yard. Off to take care of the back since we have the soccer pool party here on Sunday. Kids might get lost in the long stuff over the drainage field!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Take care of myself huh? Not gonna happen for awhile. Hubby had to have an MRI done on his shoulder. He has a high grade tear in the tendon to his rotator cuff. He is scheduled for surgery on July 15th and while they are in there, they are going to remove a few spurs and release an impingement.
    Yeah, he'll be off for 6-12 weeks. I don't see a lot of Bobbi time in the future. :sad:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Sam, I think taking care of ourselves is a great challenge. It's also why most of us are here.

    Black team. Remember the commitment you made to losing weight, getting in shape and getting healthy. Remember that if you don't take care of you, you won't be around to take care of every one else.

    I have a crazy busy week ahead, but you know what, I'm not going to forget about me. I'm not going to forget why I need to do this for me. I'm still going to carve out some time for exercise, it might not be my 'norm' but I will still do it. I'm still going to do my best with eating well even though I know challenges will be in front of me.

    Got finished with all the yard work. Waiting for one of the kids to get picked up so I can hit the shower. I am so totally gross. Our daughter told me I stunk and just sprayed me with her perfume. It must be bad. :blushing:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Lori-I only count my big house cleaning into my calories burned but not my everyday stuff that gets done in a few minutes ya know? One day a week I go thru the house and do a big heavy cleaning on it and I count that but I don't count any other times. And I can't count mowing because we have a riding mower and I doubt I would burn anything on there. Guess I could tell my hubby that we need a push mower so I can help mow some of the yard while someone else is using the riding mower and get a little workout in huh? But since I work 12 hour days I don't do too much around the house on those days. Too work out plus when I get home I gotta spend some time with my daughter.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Haven't read a DAMN thing, but Marla! 1 more post & you're at 5,000! WOO! :heart:

    That is all. :bigsmile:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    :smile: tag! Happt Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Haven't read a DAMN thing, but Marla! 1 more post & you're at 5,000! WOO! :heart:

    That is all. :bigsmile:

    No way-- I hadn't even realized--

    My husband will be mortified-- don't nobody tell!

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Yea!! finally a challenge that I can do..

    Hi all - actually got on the new horse today for the first time since I moved him - it felt great, all 5 minutes of it.. If I am good and careful, I may be able to work my way back up to 30 minutes sometime soon - as long as I don't tell my PT.

    Seems like my back is starting to feel better, but very slow.

    Lynnie - glad to see you are feeling better - hope the same is true for Owen.

    Off to find a place to eat for 14th anniversary. Italian sounds good to me tonight..

    BBL - Janie
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Sam that is a great challange I have been in the hospital with my friend the last 2 days she has a baby wednesday and got sent home today. I witnessed it all it was great. I took my lunch packed to the hospital so i knew I could only eat what I had taken I was so proud but it all had to be cold becasue of no microwave. But I survived, it was salad and fruits, I felt a little light headed this morning and my friend said its because I was hungry and I ate my peanut butter and bread and I felt better. well fixin to eat dinner then go wallking 3.75 miles everyone have a great night. Tamara
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good evening all! Hope you all had a great Friday. I have a cookout tomorrow to go to and swimming at the lake FINALLY!! I am so ready and I hope the weather holds out too! It was nice and hot today. I did get to go outside for a while and play t-ball with my daughter but I think my hubby and I played more than she did. Oh well it was fun!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Like I said earlier, I don't count normal everyday stuff in my calories burned. I always swept, dusted, did dishes, laundry, etc- even when I was fat. But, I don't mow everyday and I must admit, I'm a little surprised that 1 hour and 20 minutes of yard work burned almost 500 calories. Some of if was just pulling weeds, so up and down stuff. The rest was pushing a mower (self propelled at that) and weed whacking. Not too shabby. I at least feel better at my pathetic attempt burning during a walk.

    Oh yeah, that was just the front yard. Off to take care of the back since we have the soccer pool party here on Sunday. Kids might get lost in the long stuff over the drainage field!

    Doing the lawn work will give you a full body work out. I counted almost 100 squats one time! The weed wacker works the upper body. and the lawn mower works the whole body.

    Just in the past few years I have had a lawn guy cuz no one else will help me keep up with it
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Yea!! finally a challenge that I can do..

    Hi all - actually got on the new horse today for the first time since I moved him - it felt great, all 5 minutes of it.. If I am good and careful, I may be able to work my way back up to 30 minutes sometime soon - as long as I don't tell my PT.

    Seems like my back is starting to feel better, but very slow.

    Lynnie - glad to see you are feeling better - hope the same is true for Owen.

    Off to find a place to eat for 14th anniversary. Italian sounds good to me tonight..

    BBL - Janie

    Janie, So glad to hear that your back is feeling better. Small steps, don't overdo it.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    yay for vacation!!! and yay for shopping!! i just wish i had someone to shop with :frown: boys don't much like shoppin :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought my bike from wal-mart 6 years ago. and it's great!!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought a hybrid and I absolutely love it. If you can afford, look for a Giant or a Trek. You won't regret.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think my bike came from Target. And it's a man's bike but I do like it! It's a Magna (I think that's right) and a dark blue! I did change the seat out and got a cushier seat!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought a hybrid and I absolutely love it. If you can afford, look for a Giant or a Trek. You won't regret.


    You speak my language when you said Trek. I am in LOVE with their bikes and will most likely be getting a trek. as for the whole road bike or hytbrid thing, I think I have settled on hybrid. I'll give it a year or two on the hybrid and if I love the cycling thing I will take a second job and buy a high end road bike. lol

  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good night ya'll! Hope ya'll have a great one!
    Beth-Have fun shopping!!
    Andrew-good luck on finding a bike. I don't ride enough to give any advice!!

    Have a good weekend!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought a hybrid and I absolutely love it. If you can afford, look for a Giant or a Trek. You won't regret.


    You speak my language when you said Trek. I am in LOVE with their bikes and will most likely be getting a trek. as for the whole road bike or hytbrid thing, I think I have settled on hybrid. I'll give it a year or two on the hybrid and if I love the cycling thing I will take a second job and buy a high end road bike. lol


    Okay-- totally serious here, but this is going to sound funny, I guess-- Andrew, truly, be careful with the bike. An old dude who lived across the street from us years ago got into bike riding, and found that it, uh, apparently created too much pressure on certain essentials, that ended up not working anymore.

    He came over to tell DH about it, who was mortified-- my husband DOES NOT share private information with anyone, nor does he wish to have it shared with him-- but this man was telling him NOT to start bike riding if he, uh, wanted any more kids-- if you're gettin' my drift.

    Just sayin' is all--