

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    One bike ride at a time!!

    ( I am not sure if the good is offset by the smell of Bengay??!!)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh Sam, I am so sorry. I hated when I worked so hard for my kids and they just plain didnt appreciate it.

    I guess they have good and bad days too. Hey, how abouts a big old smiley just for her??

    HEY M.................
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning all. So much going on today.

    Shuntae- great wishes for your 5K!

    Sam- the day will get better I'm sure. Kids are 'fun' aren't they? Trust me, they get so much more appreciative as teenagers. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (Ok, trying to make you feel better.)

    Marla- hope things have calmed down in Marlaland.

    Andrew- hope you and the fam get a bike ride in today.

    I just got on the scale. It was not a pretty moment. Serves me right for those 3 (maybe 4) big soft numy nummy cookies I ate yesterday. Whatever. I wanted. I ate. Now I pay.

    I have pretty much given up hope that my scale will say what I want when I leave for vacation on Wednesday. I guess I could stop eating between now and then, but what's the real point there? It's just a number.

    I tried working out for results and all that got me was an extra pound. I will try and be good the next 3 days and hope the scale is nicer, but if it's not, it's not.

    I keep trying to convince myself it was just a number, just a goal to work toward. I wanted to weigh 149.999 when I left, but if I weight 152- do I really think anybody will notice the difference? I wanted to say I lost 50 pounds when people asked. Is it so much worse to say 48?

    Attitude here. I'm working on accepting what I have, being proud of what I have done and leaving it at that.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Here's a question I might get a response to: How do I calculate calorie burn for digging? Okay yard work or gardening is not the same. HRM won't measure it. Large and I mean large pile of dirt left in a lot next to us and its an eye sore. Owner won't do anything about it so I am trying to level it out so the dog doesn't fall and break a hip. Its more then general yard work and I can't find anything that compares. Any suggestions?

    Hey Bobbi - there is a category for barn chores that I use for cleaning stalls, etc. It seems pretty beefy on the calorie count, but still may not be as much as moving heavy dirt. Take a look and if it doesn't seem like enough, just add some.. not sure how else you could do it..

    Good luck..

    Good morning black team. How are you all doing?

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning Janie. Hope the back is feeling better or at least manageable. Although if it were me, I'd use it as an excuse to not have to clean those barn stalls!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good luck on the 5K Shuntae.

    Sam - sorry about M - I hope she comes around once the other kids start showing up. sometimes fun can be infective..

    Jeannie - love the smilies... can't wait to get approved to ride my bike - miss it terribly..

    Lori - don't sweat the scale - you look great..

    morning Lynnie and Bobbi - hope things are going well..

    shout outs to all my other black team friends. hope your Sunday is fun and active.

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Morning Janie. Hope the back is feeling better or at least manageable. Although if it were me, I'd use it as an excuse to not have to clean those barn stalls!

    Hey Lori - definitely no stalls for me.. I just rode my horse for about 3 minutes on Friday for the first time in 3 weeks on Friday. It felt so good, but I have to be really careful because I'm not really ready to do this. Just need something for my head though..

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lori.............STOP IT!

    I gained 4 pounds the 1st week with the trainer and 3 inches!! it was on my legs and really PO'd

    she said the muscles swell just like when you get a bee sting or scrape. you muscles swell and retain water. So you did good in trying hard.

    Dont give up!!

    and you have MY permission to say " I have lost 50 pounds!!"

    I would actually giggle if I met you and you said I am love 49.10 pounds!!

    Love ya man!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Morning Janie. Hope the back is feeling better or at least manageable. Although if it were me, I'd use it as an excuse to not have to clean those barn stalls!

    Hey Lori - definitely no stalls for me.. I just rode my horse for about 3 minutes on Friday for the first time in 3 weeks on Friday. It felt so good, but I have to be really careful because I'm not really ready to do this. Just need something for my head though..


    Janie sweety, wait to see what the doc says. I have seen ppl get an inch from recovery and then throw themselves back to square one ( in particular a friend who insisted on going back to tennis before her grade II ankle sprain was healed)

    I know you have to for your brain....but it is so not worth it in the long run.

    I pray you are better today!

    :heart: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Did you ever know that your my Heeee roooooooooo............your everything I wish I could beeeeeeeeeeeee

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Hero of the day!!!!!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    so my bike ride got rained on. i am sitting on my grandpas porch about a third of a way into my planned thirty miles. i ate a huge breakfast so i hope the rain subsides. i need to burn off those calories plus the piece of cake last night. shhhhhhhhh......... are amazing!

    lori... lie. for example.. i have lost about fifty pounds.

    janie..take care sweetie you deserve to baby that body.

    jeannie and marla you just make me smile..that is all.

    oh the rain is stopping time to get off this phone and ride again. love to all!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lynnie, you ALWAYS make my day. Your words are smiles to me!!

    I hope you were able to get offa that porch!! (specially after that big ol breakfast!)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    so my bike ride got rained on. i am sitting on my grandpas porch about a third of a way into my planned thirty miles. i ate a huge breakfast so i hope the rain subsides. i need to burn off those calories plus the piece of cake last night. shhhhhhhhh......... are amazing!

    lori... lie. for example.. i have lost about fifty pounds.

    janie..take care sweetie you deserve to baby that body.

    jeannie and marla you just make me smile..that is all.

    oh the rain is stopping time to get off this phone and ride again. love to all!!

    Thanks lady!

    Thirty miles?!?!?!?! THAT'S amazing! Hope the rain let up so you could get on your way. :flowerforyou:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Afternoon everyone!

    Shuntae-I'm still giddy over your 5k lol!

    Marla-How yur day going?

    Lynnie-Dang rain, I know what you mean. I am sitting here watching it poor outside just thinking about my bike. lol

    Anyway I hope everyone is having a good day. catch you all later!

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Morning Janie. Hope the back is feeling better or at least manageable. Although if it were me, I'd use it as an excuse to not have to clean those barn stalls!

    Hey Lori - definitely no stalls for me.. I just rode my horse for about 3 minutes on Friday for the first time in 3 weeks on Friday. It felt so good, but I have to be really careful because I'm not really ready to do this. Just need something for my head though..


    Janie sweety, wait to see what the doc says. I have seen ppl get an inch from recovery and then throw themselves back to square one ( in particular a friend who insisted on going back to tennis before her grade II ankle sprain was healed)

    I know you have to for your brain....but it is so not worth it in the long run.

    I pray you are better today!

    :heart: Jeannie

    Thanks Jeannie - I'm taking it careful.

    I mostly work with the horse on the ground and there is a bunch I can do without getting on. I'm way too big of a coward to take any chances. No more riding for a while - at least until I get the OK from the doc. Just got the OK to swim gently - will have to get my ya ya's out that way.

    thanks, Janie

    ps, Shuntae - going to go look at your story. Way to go you!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry:
    ****imagine that big mess....but with a whole gallon of chocolate milk.....ya...that's what one of my boys did....and we got carpet in the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol don't feel bad Marla.....i get to thinkin those @#$%$# kids too!!!!!....actually glad to see i'm not the only one that feels that way sometimes:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...oh and in my house when it rains it pours.... when one thing goes all goes way wrong!!!!!!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Party is all over and I have to say that I truely hate it here. We only invited family because madison's birthday comes at a time were the resort were all our friends work is very busy. so, it was a family (his family not mine) party and it started at 12 no one showed. I told him that if no one is here by 1 that we will let her open her presents. 1 rolls around and no one is here yet. she opens them all and we are outside having lunch when I hear the doorbell. It's his Aunt M's Favorite person(she talks about her all the time) 1.5 hours into the party. Yeah what a great party. Me hubs my mom and ava were her party guests. I do have to say she loved all her gifts and the cake was really really good. (didn't turn out like I wanted it too. to much frosting) but it tasted fanFREAKINtastic!!!

    I also learned my leason that I am not a chow hound any more. I ate crappy yesterday night and I ate crappy for lunch. I was so stressed out about none of his family showing up that I had to go for a bike ride and when I got home I got sick. My body was telling me "Who the eff do you think you are eating like this!!"

    3 weeks until the next party. A turns 1! so I'm eating good and going to try to exercise 5 or 6 days a week. Then 3 weeks after that is their party in NY!! yeah fun stuff!!:noway: :noway: