

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I finally had a work out worthy of posting on the Black Team Thread

    800 calories WOOT!! I feel strong and happy!! Full of endorphins :laugh:

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Go you! I'm jealous.

    I miss the days of 800 calorie it takes HOURS to get to that. Oh well, something is better than nothing, right?

    pssssssst shuntae........over DID take me hours 2.5 for a fact:laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I finally had a work out worthy of posting on the Black Team Thread

    800 calories WOOT!! I feel strong and happy!! Full of endorphins :laugh:

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Go you! I'm jealous.

    I miss the days of 800 calorie it takes HOURS to get to that. Oh well, something is better than nothing, right?

    pssssssst shuntae........over DID take me hours 2.5 for a fact:laugh:

    That makes me feel a little better :wink:

    Actually, I do get over 600 with an hour of I'll take that. :happy:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I remember when I walked 1 mile and burned 200 cals. Now I have to be on the elliptical machine on 5 going 4.0 to burn 200 in that time. Guess it is good because we are getting more fit. But jeez, louise!!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry: is pretty! Sending good vibes that it stays pretty!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry: is pretty! Sending good vibes that it stays pretty!

    #$@! Kids

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Here's a question I might get a response to: How do I calculate calorie burn for digging? Okay yard work or gardening is not the same. HRM won't measure it. Large and I mean large pile of dirt left in a lot next to us and its an eye sore. Owner won't do anything about it so I am trying to level it out so the dog doesn't fall and break a hip. Its more then general yard work and I can't find anything that compares. Any suggestions?
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Awesome Andrew. Now don't forget to go here and log your travels:

    Now if only you two lived closer, finally someone who could keep up with me!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Ooo, is that chocolate syrup and cool whip? :love:

    We got home from New York. Cranky pants is in bed. To be fair, she was so good the whole trip. She slept almost the whole drive both ways. And last night she was up until 1am. There was a bus to go from the reception back to the hotel. It was supposed to be at 10pm, 11pm, and midnight. We missed the 10pm one and then it turned out the bus driver refused to do an 11pm one. So we were there until the end of the wedding and Harley didn't get to sleep til 1am. But she slept off and on on the bus ride to the reception, the cocktail hour, the reception, and the bus ride "home".

    I'm getting my internet fix while the dogs are kissing all over Dave. Good to be home!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    See how pretty?

    :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Ooo, is that chocolate syrup and cool whip? :love:

    We got home from New York. Cranky pants is in bed. To be fair, she was so good the whole trip. She slept almost the whole drive both ways. And last night she was up until 1am. There was a bus to go from the reception back to the hotel. It was supposed to be at 10pm, 11pm, and midnight. We missed the 10pm one and then it turned out the bus driver refused to do an 11pm one. So we were there until the end of the wedding and Harley didn't get to sleep til 1am. But she slept off and on on the bus ride to the reception, the cocktail hour, the reception, and the bus ride "home".

    I'm getting my internet fix while the dogs are kissing all over Dave. Good to be home!

    Glad you had a good trip, and good to see you back!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team!

    Marla- Glad the fridge is clean!

    Lori-Glad you home adn had a good trip!

    Lynnie-Set up bike journal. It's great!

    Went out on the bike for the first time tonight and OH EM GEEEEEEEE.....I am SOOOOOOO in love. This is going to be a life long and very expensive addiction. lol Must go farther and faster tommorow.

    :heart: :heart: :love: :love:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Awesome bike Andrew - I'm sure you will have many happy years together... :laugh: :laugh:

    Marla - I wondered what that was outside - I thought we were having a bad thunderstorm.. sorry for the hassle - isn't it amazing that the kids can time stuff like this just for the time you most don't need it.. and I only have 2 - can't imagine if I had 9 - I'd be committed..

    Bobbi - what is happening with your hubby? Hope all is well - sorry if I haven't kept up.. good thoughts and prayers for both of you.

    Jeannie - way to go on 800 calories. I'm so jealous.. since i hurt my back, I haven't gotten any appreciable exercise - I may lose my mind..

    Lori - glad you made it home safe - sounds like Harley was a champ for the trip.

    Lynnie - wish you lived around here - I'd bike with ya...

    Night all. Janie
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey all, just checking in.

    Andrew- enjoy that bike!

    Jeannie- woot on your calories burned and i agree with you and Shuntae, it does take forever to burn those calories.

    Marla- hang in there. Some days sure are like that and i only have 4, can't even imagine 9. You have been doing this kid stuff for a lot of years. We can't be mother of the year every day, we have hormones and moments and kids to drive us nuts. I'm sure that title is truly overrated anyway.

    I had a super busy day, so much going on. Last soccer game for my kids. Bought the snack and drinks since it was our turn. Kids run off the field and ask for snack. Yeah, that would be at home.

    Then we had a picnic for my DH's work. I am a key spouse for his detachment, so I helped plan it, had a huge list of stuff to take care of and take along, you know the drill. It went well. I stunk up the place with eating well. One of those days. I know weaknesses are sweets, cookies, cake, etc. When I'm faced with the challenge and it's right there in front of me. I fail. Oh whatever.

    I did get in a 1.5 mile run today and things felt ok. The knee is still a little sore, the foot is the same. I'm going to do what I can do and be happy that I can do anything. It felt good to run. DH and I might go again in the morning.

    3 more days at home, then we're off to Pennsylvania for 2 weeks. I have a thousand and three things to do between now and then.

    I'm sleepy. Exhausted actually. Totally worn out. Ready for bed. Night all.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I think it's bed time, but I just wanted to pop and say....


    Have fun! We'll be thinkin of ya!

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Awesome Andrew. Now don't forget to go here and log your travels:

    Now if only you two lived closer, finally someone who could keep up with me!

    Hey I take offense to that!:noway: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I can keep up and I might even pass YOU!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :wink: :love:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Evening black team!

    Marla- Glad the fridge is clean!

    Lori-Glad you home adn had a good trip!

    Lynnie-Set up bike journal. It's great!

    Went out on the bike for the first time tonight and OH EM GEEEEEEEE.....I am SOOOOOOO in love. This is going to be a life long and very expensive addiction. lol Must go farther and faster tommorow.

    :heart: :heart: :love: :love:

    I hate to say I told you so...... *chuckling*
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Awesome Andrew. Now don't forget to go here and log your travels:

    Now if only you two lived closer, finally someone who could keep up with me!

    Hey I take offense to that!:noway: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I can keep up and I might even pass YOU!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :wink: :love:

    Oh Girlfrain I forgot about your speed demon biker *kitten*! I am not that fast I just have bigger wheels than anyone else I ride with. Let's race. :)
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good Luck Shuntae ! The most important thing here is to have fun :flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good Luck Shuntae!!

    I was hoping that Madison would wake up and start screaming about the balloons in a happy way well, she wasn't so happy and wanted me to clean up the livingroom. She doesn't want anyone to come over for her party and she just has been such a booger all morning.

    Daddy worked late real late so I have both this morning. Thank GOD Ava is being good.

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Good morning Sam. Hopefully M gets better. Little girl moods are the worst! :happy: