

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought a hybrid and I absolutely love it. If you can afford, look for a Giant or a Trek. You won't regret.


    You speak my language when you said Trek. I am in LOVE with their bikes and will most likely be getting a trek. as for the whole road bike or hytbrid thing, I think I have settled on hybrid. I'll give it a year or two on the hybrid and if I love the cycling thing I will take a second job and buy a high end road bike. lol


    Okay-- totally serious here, but this is going to sound funny, I guess-- Andrew, truly, be careful with the bike. An old dude who lived across the street from us years ago got into bike riding, and found that it, uh, apparently created too much pressure on certain essentials, that ended up not working anymore.

    He came over to tell DH about it, who was mortified-- my husband DOES NOT share private information with anyone, nor does he wish to have it shared with him-- but this man was telling him NOT to start bike riding if he, uh, wanted any more kids-- if you're gettin' my drift.

    Just sayin' is all--

    Marla, did you go buy him a bike?:happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good morning all. I have been coming off a stressful week. I am happy it is the weekend and I can go to the gym and ride my bicycle.

    I didnt read back but want to say hello to all of the black team!!

    :glasses: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Andrew I bought my bicycle at a yard sale and it is Green.:laugh: :laugh:

    How is THAT for technical???:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Busy couple days here in Browntown-- working like hell, trying my best to stay off the computer--

    Sarah's home from her tournament, having been knocked out too soon, again--

    Doing the parenting thing to knucklehead teens, trying to keep them in the land of "a clue," and not let their stupid hormones wipe out everything they've been taught from the cradle. Fun stuff.

    Trying to stay faithful, and not freak because our income is lower than ever with golf season fully here and DH doing the traveling thing with Sarah-- sure God has a plan here and will get us through this-- :noway:

    Up to four miles running, although last night I had 1/3 of a cheese steak instead of a lovely run. Bad trade. Aaron had a basketball game, and DH stopped on the way home -- then when we got home, kids had to be put to bed, life ran over me-- some day, somebody please tell me that my life will be something other than pure #$@! chaos.

    Using my freebie tickets on Monday to go to Six Flags in Jackson, New Jersey. (used to be "Great Adventure when I was a kid-- I still refuse to call it Six Flags, but I did for your benefit so you know what's up) Got freebies from a homeschool reading program that we did this year, and will take Rebekah, Hope, Abby and Josh (11, 9, 7 and 3) and leave Caleb home with the two teens of mine who had a fabulous day last Monday at the championship round of the U.S. Open. (another freebie ticket given us-- ) So, since they just had a fun day, in which significant money was spent despite the "free ticket" I decided to leave them home and just take the Y5.

    We're going with another homeschooling family who have 8 kids, but they're only taking their Y5, too-- same ages as mine, give or take a couple months. Should be fun. I'll try and forget how stressful life is, and just enjoy myself-- friend is driving, so I can bring my antenna down and relax a bit. Wheeeeee!

    Our AC is broken. Condensation tube is leaking, flooding the lower level-- van doorhandle broke, can't get in the driver's side--

    Interesting times, my friends-- :noway:

    Oh well-- just popped in to say hey. :heart: my team.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Evening black team-

    Phew seems like we are all having a busy week. Not much postage going on. No work out the last couple of days. I've just been feeling a bit off. Got to bed early last night instead of working out and felt much better today. Must have just needed the rest. But I got out and ran tonight and I am feelin good!
    I'm very excited tonight because.....I....AM.....ON....VACATION!!!!!!! I will not set foot in a Bed Bath and Beyond until July 6th. Man that makes me happy. lol. Beth and I have a great day planned tommorow. The DW will be heading off to the shopping outlets in freeport to get some alone time and shop for some clothes. She definately deserves it! and I get some quality Daddy time with my boys. Then in the afternoon we are going Bike shopping. While I should be excited about bike shopping I am actually stressed. lol I can't deciede if I want a Hybrid or a Road Bike. If I buy a road bike I gotta spend some loot because if you buy a cheap one it's kind of a waste of money, but I am afraid that if I buy a hybrid I will love rideing get REALLY into it and wish I had bought a good road bike. UGH!!!! ARG!!! hopefully there will be some smart person at the local bike shop who will advise me. Anyway, Have a great evening everyone!


    Andrew I bought a hybrid and I absolutely love it. If you can afford, look for a Giant or a Trek. You won't regret.


    You speak my language when you said Trek. I am in LOVE with their bikes and will most likely be getting a trek. as for the whole road bike or hytbrid thing, I think I have settled on hybrid. I'll give it a year or two on the hybrid and if I love the cycling thing I will take a second job and buy a high end road bike. lol


    Okay-- totally serious here, but this is going to sound funny, I guess-- Andrew, truly, be careful with the bike. An old dude who lived across the street from us years ago got into bike riding, and found that it, uh, apparently created too much pressure on certain essentials, that ended up not working anymore.

    He came over to tell DH about it, who was mortified-- my husband DOES NOT share private information with anyone, nor does he wish to have it shared with him-- but this man was telling him NOT to start bike riding if he, uh, wanted any more kids-- if you're gettin' my drift.

    Just sayin' is all--

    Marla, did you go buy him a bike?:happy:

    Jeannie - you read my mind.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marla - have fun at Great Adventure!! We have one near us that was "Riverside Park" when I was young.. still have trouble with that flag thing..

    Beth and Andrew - have a great vacation.. Andrew - good luck bike shopping - another well worth it expense is a good pair of bike pants - I use them to protect my (well padded, but still need it) tush..

    Bobbi - thanks for the well wishes - am taking baby steps - do not want to go back to where I was - not fun.. Physical therapist just OKed me for swimming - yea!!!!! When is the next 5K.. I'm living vicariously through you guys lately.

    We just missed the severe thunderstorms and tornado watches last night - thank goodness - tornado watches in CT - has been a weird spring/summer

    Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend..

  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Janie-glad to hear you are feeling better and can at least start swimming! It's good that you missed all the bad storms. I love taking photos of stuff like that but it is a scary thing too!

    Marla-Have fun at Six Flags. I have never been there but I am sure it is fun. We have Carowinds here and it's fun too but way too expensive anymore. It's all a money racket!

    Jeanie-Have a great bike ride! I need to get out there on mine.

    I hope everyone else has a great weekend and a great 4th of July! After lunch I will be off to the lake for a cookout so enjoy your days!!
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Hi everyone! Sorry haven't been logging on. I have soooooooooooooo much homework and not enough time in the day. I will try the me time, but I don't think my bio professor will like that. Atleast my grade won't. Is it true as you have kids you lose brain cells? I am beginning to think so. I studied my *kitten* off for this last exam, I am talking three weeks of studying at about 3 hours a day and I still managed to fail my test! I feel like giving up, but I can't. Remind me to never take a summer class again. I have another test in two weeks over 5 chapters, a 10 page medical journal, and a classification paper due. UGH@@ This is just one class. Thank god I am good at statistics, I don't even have to study for that class. Sorry, I had to vent! On a positve note, I get to go to Chicago on July 16th to see my grandbaby get baptized. I can't wait. Especially since I haven't seen my little doodle bug in 6 months, let alone my oldest daughter. I hate being away from my kid. Once school is over I am moving back to NC and live in the same town as her. Can't wait 18 months to YEp I am counting it down. Well, Sorry about all the venting. Everyone have a great weekend. :brokenheart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey-- I just took 120 ME seconds and painted my toenails--

    Challenge: take care of myself-- CHECK!

    We now return you to our regularly scheduled chaos-- :ohwell:

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Bobbi - thanks for the well wishes - am taking baby steps - do not want to go back to where I was - not fun.. Physical therapist just OKed me for swimming - yea!!!!! When is the next 5K.. I'm living vicariously through you guys lately.

    Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend..


    Supposed to be July 29th, have to wait to see how things with my hubby works out.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- calm down everyone--

    No, that wasn't a sonic boom--

    No, Christ isn't returning--

    It was just me screaming bloody murder.

    Yes, this fool just gave full vent to her anger (well, not full vent-- I stopped short of beating the snot out of her....) to learn that her 11 year old just spilled a gallon of iced tea throughout our incredibly full refrigerator (we shopped yesterday).

    Every bin is flooded. Every shelf covered. Every item of food saturated-- everything. It all has to come out, be washed off.

    My DH bought a Rubbermaid gallon pitcher (man, I wish he'd lose this Rubbermaid fetish of his-- :noway: ) with a spout so the kids can get their own drinks. And intended it to be on the counter (against my wishes and better judgment-- )

    The kids know it's to be on the counter, but Rebekah thought blah, blah, blah-- kids!!!! Are they for anything other than aggravation? Me thinks not these days.:explode: Lately I can't wait for them all to be grown and gone-- yeah, I know, mother of the year over here-- so shoot me. :grumble:

    I came back to my desk to e-mail my boss so she knows why my deadline won't be met, and thought I'd take 30 seconds to ***** to you all--

    Lovin' life--
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Marla - start driving west & I'll drive east & then we'll meet in the middle on 80/90 somewhere & I can give you a big, fat hug! *BIGHUGS* I'm sorry, my dear. That is frustrating! :angry: Freakin' kids.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla - start driving west & I'll drive east & then we'll meet in the middle on 80/90 somewhere & I can give you a big, fat hug! *BIGHUGS* I'm sorry, my dear. That is frustrating! :angry: Freakin' kids.

    SOOOO on my way-- look for the crazy lady in the big blue van with the broken door handle, and broken window-- gaah.gif

    Marla's Refrigerating Cleaning Service is now closed for the day-- took me 90 minutes-- swear1.gif

    Heading back to type-- sigh.gif
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Marla - start driving west & I'll drive east & then we'll meet in the middle on 80/90 somewhere & I can give you a big, fat hug! *BIGHUGS* I'm sorry, my dear. That is frustrating! :angry: Freakin' kids.

    SOOOO on my way-- look for the crazy lady in the big blue van with the broken door handle, and broken window-- gaah.gif

    Marla's Refrigerating Cleaning Service is now closed for the day-- took me 90 minutes-- swear1.gif

    Heading back to type-- sigh.gif

    I hope it didn't ruin any food! *hugs*
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, my freezer mysteriously started defrosting like crazy--

    We have some leak there anyway-- we think it's in the icemaker-- dunno--

    As I'm coming down the homestretch, I notice a puddle in front of the freezer. I open up the door and the ice bin is running like a faucet, all over the food.

    So I had to grab that and dump out all the ice, shut off the water line to the freezer-- blah, blah, blah :grumble:

    Definitely not enjoying my day--

    We'll see what happens with the freezer-- always something, eh? I, for one, have had my fill of all the bullsh!t-- pardon the language. :angry:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Well, my freezer mysteriously started defrosting like crazy--

    We have some leak there anyway-- we think it's in the icemaker-- dunno--

    As I'm coming down the homestretch, I notice a puddle in front of the freezer. I open up the door and the ice bin is running like a faucet, all over the food.

    So I had to grab that and dump out all the ice, shut off the water line to the freezer-- blah, blah, blah :grumble:

    Definitely not enjoying my day--

    We'll see what happens with the freezer-- always something, eh? I, for one, have had my fill of all the bullsh!t-- pardon the language. :angry:

    Holy crud monkey Marla- Hang in there my dear! this to shall pass eh? talk about your rough day. We :heart: you!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Bought my bike. can't wait to put some miles on it tonight. And the winner is...

    Here's to a new way to burn calories!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :cry: Marla........sorry:smooched:
    :sad: :mad: :angry: :love: :brokenheart: :huh:

    Andrew-:drinker: Ride safely my friend!!

    everyone else HELLO!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I finally had a work out worthy of posting on the Black Team Thread

    800 calories WOOT!! I feel strong and happy!! Full of endorphins :laugh:

    :glasses: Jeannie
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Well, my freezer mysteriously started defrosting like crazy--

    We have some leak there anyway-- we think it's in the icemaker-- dunno--

    As I'm coming down the homestretch, I notice a puddle in front of the freezer. I open up the door and the ice bin is running like a faucet, all over the food.

    So I had to grab that and dump out all the ice, shut off the water line to the freezer-- blah, blah, blah :grumble:

    Definitely not enjoying my day--

    We'll see what happens with the freezer-- always something, eh? I, for one, have had my fill of all the bullsh!t-- pardon the language. :angry:

    Damn the bad luck, Marla. If it's not one thing, it's always something else. :grumble: Hope nothing gets ruined and that it can be fixed easily.


    Busy couple of days, lots going on at work. Did 11.5 hours there yesterday and a couple today too...our biggest client at work has their fiscal year-end on Tuesday and we have to have all of their invoices submitted to them by Thursday. Insane, but my checking account is going to love the overtime. Surprisingly enough, we got done early today so I was able to come home and spend time with BF, run errands, and go pick up my packet for tomorrow. Now, just hanging out at home and resting up. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I finally had a work out worthy of posting on the Black Team Thread

    800 calories WOOT!! I feel strong and happy!! Full of endorphins :laugh:

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Go you! I'm jealous.

    I miss the days of 800 calorie it takes HOURS to get to that. Oh well, something is better than nothing, right?