Closed Diaries?



  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    My diary is open and I enjoy looking at other peoples food diaries. Honestly sometimes I do not have a clue what they are eating but I never comment on someones food unless they ate something that I love. I joined Feb 2012 and another person joined at the same time so it was interesting to see what their food choices were because they lost five pounds faster than me. They had stayed at 900 calories for several days and I had ate my excercise calories back because I love to eat that is why I am overweight. I guess it is just a personal choice.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Mine is open since I like the accountibility factor. I get ideas from others, so I want to be able to pay that forward.

    It's optional for a reason. There are a lot of food judgers out there, and I definitely considered the "risk" before opening it up. At the end of the day, a negative/rude comment isn't going to necessarily change what I eat. I know if something is appropriate for my day/diet without someone else chiding me (or applauding me, for that matter).

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I don't need people telling me my diet is "bad", etc. I know the facts, i know what i want to achieve, and i know how to get there. I don't need people bombarding me with myths.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Not everyone is here for support though. Some people are here only to track their calories and log their exercise.

    Agree. But it's such a great support system they should be using it fully.

    What? That's quite the assumption about what I need. There are other ways to gain a support system. And frankly, sometimes this one sucks.

    I agree 100%. The MFP forums are NOT the place for support and motivation.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    If they stay within their calorie limits, why are you concerned about what they're eating?

    THIS! I dont have to see every single thing someone eats in a day to support and motivate them.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    <<<Backing away from this slippery slope :wink:
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Because Im so tired of having to spend all my time on this site answering emails about my diary. Explaining that the bottom line is not the most important thing and that my body is not exactly the same as their body and Ive lost almost 100 pounds and they've lost 1.5 and I dont want to hear it anymore.

    Which really makes me sad, cause Id love to show off the exercise part of my diary.

    /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I had mine open for the first 8 months that I was on MFP - and then I had two people make really negative (not constructive at all...just mean) comments on my diary. I already see a counselor for my eating issues, and shame really drives me to eat more. So after seeing what those people said, the shame went into full force.

    I decided it was better for ME to close my diary and eliminate the shame factor. It's really helped me to stay on track because previously I was worried about what others might think of my choices. Now I eat what I choose to eat, good or not-so-good, and log it all and don't worry bc I am the only person who will see it.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I keep my closed because I'm currently in maintenance. I'm only logging to keep myself accountable and sometimes I don't log at all. I don't feel like answering questions about my eating habits.
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    I keep mine private cause it's nobody business what I eat...I feel that I already know what's good for me and what is not and I don't need no one's input on this matter...just my opinion to each their own...
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Mine was open for a while
    I had several occasions where people on the forums who creeped my diary came down on me for say...having a piece of cake at a birthday party, or the food choices I made when I was out for dinner etc. I found it irritating, I KNEW they were not great choices, I didn't need it reinforced when i'm nearly always eating healthy within my goals. I have found since closing my diary that i'm much more comfortable putting notes in there about how i'm feeling emotionally/physically so that I can keep an eye on how my improving diet is affecting me etc.*shrugs* I guess I feel like people can support me without seeing absolutely everything I eat. If I were running into a problem i'd open it up to my friends and ask for opinions for sure, but for day to day, I feel better with it closed.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Reasons like the very RUDE comments that this person got from asking a simple question about food why i usually keep off the Message Boards. Yes its everyone's personal choice how they have their info shared on mfp...But really her question was an honest question and ppl telling her to mind her own business and ragging her out is a little immature.
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57
    Mine private because:
    1)I enjoy my privacy.
    2)There is A LOT of people on here who think that there is only one way for you to diet and exercise that works and thats there way! This annoys me and i dont want to deal with these people.
    3)I have people in my life that are on MFP and just changing to be healthy that are my support.
    4)I don't think it defites the purpose because I'm here for the calorie counter and the forums for questions and ideas.

    That being said i'm not saying i don't understand that people want and some need support and they like people keeping an eye on them. I don't like that but I will help support any one who wants to be friends :)
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I have mine on private. I joined MFP to keep track of my my intake and in the process, learn to make better food choices. I don't close my diary at the end of the day and have it automatically update my feed that "Kany completed her food diary and is under her goal" because I don't need comments on it. I'm doing this for me but having friends on here are a bonus. I respect people who have their diary on private but I won't comment on the "under calories goal," news feed. I'm using the food diary as a tool to keep track of my nutrition and I that is why I have it on private.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I just wonder why/how when someone completes their diary for the day they get positive comments ie, good going, well done. when no-one can see what they have eaten. I'm all for giving postive comments on exercising, progress etc but I can't on a closed diary. Thats all folks.

    <stands back and waits for the next on-slaught> :noway:

    I don't even "complete" my food diary at the end of each day. Never have. So there are no status updates for me about it. I just have no need for others to see my dairy, it does nothing positive for me and actually triggers anxiety to think that people could be looking at something so personal, and that anxiety can actually lead to me to binge (and I eat very healthfully except on Saturdays. But food IS personal, if you don't think so try being vegan for a while. Even when you say nothing about it if you are eating a meal without animals people will comment on it - usually in a defensive manner. Like they think your food choices are a silent judgment on them. Refusing food is often seen as rude, etc, so food and eating can be touchy. Most of my friends on MFP are veg*n, so that is not an issue here, but it's the privacy aspect of it all that creeps me out. But I'm also very private in real life about most things.)

    If friends want to leave positive comments on someone's closed diary when it's been completed, that's a different question from asking why do people keep their diaries closed. I almost never look at my friends' diaries, nor do I comment on them. If I have a friend who logs in on MFP sporadically and they have a closed diary they complete I may say "good job logging" or something like that to recognize they logged that day. But frankly I'd rather comment on exercising, I don't have to spend time looking at anything but their status update to see what they did so I can quickly scroll down and do so. Plus, I know I feel like I accomplished something positive each day I exercise, and I'd rather have encouragement for that. That's just what I prefer. We all get different things out of this whole experience, I just don't need encouragement or support for my food choices.

    I can understand wanting to get food ideas, but other than that, I don't see why anyone cares what others do with their diaries. And if my friends had something particularly delicious that day they usually comment on it separately anyway. So, we all have different ways of utilizing the tools on MFP that work for us.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i don't comment on friend's closed diaries as my rule
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    Whats wrong with privacy?? My diary was closed when I signed up...never thought about opening it...and I have plenty of support.

    You feel uncomfortable supporting a member because you can't see what they are eating? Very interesting!
    I truly don't get why some individuals worry about things that have absolutely nothing to do with their own success.
    I agree . When people even my carefully selected MFP friends have chastized me for not having my diary open I wonder, why do you need to know what I eat in order for you to be successful?
    and I have been successful without an open diary plus I have AWESOME MFPals ! They're the reason I keep going !
    I wouldn't put my diary of my innermost feelings online (different than blogging to me) so I'm not going to put my food diary online.
    Further- I went through 2 years of therapy with a eating disorder specialist who had to ingrain in me the notion that there are no "good" and "bad" foods. Just food. I can't risk having someone's judgement affect my mindset. And being mindful of that risk is part of my success.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    It depends on why you are on MFP. If a person has joined to use it as a weight loss tool, not for support or social reasons, then keeping it closed makes sense. If a person asks questions in forums and is looking for support or help, then they should have it open so that other people have a reference point for giving advice or support.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Some people are just private or sensitive...they don't WANT your remarks or input. I don't know why that's so hard to understand??

    thanks I DO understand. however do they not want SUPPORT either from their MFP buddies?

    You can get support from your MFP buddies WITHOUT an open diary. I've never had mine open, and I have plenty of loving, supportive friends here.

    It's MY business what I eat or drink. I don't generally look at other people's diaries, either, unless they WANT me to.

    Everyone here has a personal path to take - and NO ONE can do it for you. It's like faith or religion - my way might not be yours, and I can encourage you, but I can't make any decisions for you.

    So, that's just my take on the subject :glasses: :glasses:
  • jadashute08
    jadashute08 Posts: 56 Member
    I have friends who have closed diaries but i refuse to comment on their day's. I am not going to say 'yay your under calorie goal' if i dont know your not eating like 300 calories a day. this is about being healthy, not losing weight on junk food and/or starving yourself. I refuse to be a part of that. I also wont comment on friends who have their diary open, but after their exercise, they've eaten a net calories of like 800 or less.

    This is the reason right here why my diary stays closed!