Carbs are making you fat



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    Sorry if I am repeating anything said, I didn't make it past the first page without this one thing to say, as it irks me when people go back and forth about "studies show..." or " no, new studies show..." etc.

    Bottom line: I can take ANY amount of data, pick out what I want to fit my desired outcome and it is still technically a legitimate study. Further, Studies can be altered by means of line of questioning. A person can literally be made to agree to anything! Basic statistics folks.

    My personal study suggests a universal answer... DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!

    Sorry to sound *****y, but the matter-of-facters based on "studies and evidence" start to bug after a while. . . Unless you have a PHD and havd done the study physically yourself, stop offering other peoples advice based on a biased study. I am pretty sure I am going to catch flack for this but whatever, it's F***ing Monday, end of the month, payroll week and I am an accountant. . . you do the math on how my day has been.... thanks! :D

    I'm curious as to what you mean that studies can be altered by "means of a line of questioning" And you are correct you can find a study to support about any argument out there, but when looking at the entire body of evidence you will get a clearer picture of where that evidence points.

    When studies are done to prove or disprove something (bias-driven result) the line of questioning can be chosen in such a way that it can either support or disprove the subject at hand. Happens all the time.
    ANd what you may consider evidence, I may not. What is supportive to you, may not be supportive to me. How can you truely establish a fact-driven statement unless you experience it for yourself? This is the sole reason why I may consider internet or reading material advice, but ultimately make my decision based on trial and error. Thank God for that too, otherwise I would have purchased a home at peak market, sold all of my gold, and have a lifetime supply of the South Beach Diet on hand...

    And how does one control for all the confounders if you are using anecdotal evidence? And again when looking at the entire body of evidence you will get a much clearer picture then looking at single one off studies

    I could rebute with a similar falacy! Did I not just mention how I take into consideration the "opinions" of others and their "studies" however I decide what works and is effective based on my own experience? Now, am I telling you that what you think or believe in is wrong? Heck no. What I am saying is that basing your entire life and health on studies is not just silly, it's just plain ignorant. Why not do a little digging and figure out what works for you, rather than jumping on the nearest band wagon because Joe D. Blow did a study and said you had to in order to live a long skinny life....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?

    Might wanna read this before answering Acg's question...
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    The only reason I low carb is because it helps me stay at a deficit. As a major carb lover, having just one/two pieces of bread or 1 bowl of cereal is torture. Not having it at all is not torture. I eventually need to learn moderation but I'd rather eat 600g of broccoli and a pound or two of chicken to keep me full rather than a tiny bowl of pasta...which would lead me to eating at least half a pound of it or more.

    YES!! This is exactly the reason I "prefer" not to eat certain carbs. I will eat some that are less easily digested or don't trigger cravings. You learn what those things are if you just pay attention.

    I was starting to think the majority of posters here were cray-cray.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?

    HINT: The really short answer to that is a two letter word.
  • skygazerca
    skygazerca Posts: 5

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?

    HINT: The really short answer to that is a two letter word.

    No, but "common" is also a pretty vague word. DNL facilitates additional weight gain. Fat is easier to store.

    Unless you're telling everyone that because DNL isn't "common", then consuming 4000 kcals of carbs everyday will keep a 5'7 120 pound woman as thin as a rail because carb to fat storage just isn't "common" enough to be a source of weight gain. But then that would defy kcals in/out which everyone seems to agree is the biggest factor of all.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?

    HINT: The really short answer to that is a two letter word.

    No, but "common" is also a pretty vague word. DNL facilitates additional weight gain. Fat is easier to store.

    Unless you're telling everyone that because DNL isn't "common", then consuming 4000 kcals of carbs everyday will keep a 5'7 120 pound woman as thin as a rail because carb to fat storage just isn't "common" enough to be a source of weight gain. But then that would defy kcals in/out which everyone seems to agree is the biggest factor of all.
    When did anybody say that? You said it turns to fat easily. It doesn't. Especially in a caloric deficit. ANY macronutrient will be converted to fat in cases of caloric excess. In a caloric deficit, there is no fat storage. Again, Thermodynamics.
  • skygazerca
    skygazerca Posts: 5

    On the other hand carbs jack your insulin, which tells the body excess energy is available and to do something with it. Well if you aren't using it for activity, the next trick is to replenish depleted glycogen in the muscles for instant future use. But once muscle glycogen has been topped off, those carbs have gotta go somewhere because they can't keep floating around in your bloodsteam. So nature made it very easy to turn excess carbs into fat. So easy in fact that your body only has to expend 4.4 calories of energy to transform 100 calories worth of carbs into fat stored in fat cells. (For a comparison, it's slightly easier to store fat as fat at 2.2 kcal/100, and a lot harder to store protein as fat at 30 kcal/100.) If you're eating foods high in carbs but not feeling full, you're induced to eat more than you really need.

    And then there's fructose, which the body can't deal with like glucose or galactose and has to get the liver seriously involved. A significant portion of fructose gets turned into fat while being metabolized by the liver via a similar mechanism that metabolizes alcohol. Alas, no buzz. But guess what sucrose (table sugar) is made of?

    So yes, kcals in/out but please let's give the body a little more credit for having really annoying ways to knock you off your path to the ideal body weight and size.

    So DNL is pretty common in humans?

    HINT: The really short answer to that is a two letter word.

    No, but "common" is also a pretty vague word. DNL facilitates additional weight gain. Fat is easier to store.

    Unless you're telling everyone that because DNL isn't "common", then consuming 4000 kcals of carbs everyday will keep a 5'7 120 pound woman as thin as a rail because carb to fat storage just isn't "common" enough to be a source of weight gain. But then that would defy kcals in/out which everyone seems to agree is the biggest factor of all.
    When did anybody say that? You said it turns to fat easily. It doesn't. Especially in a caloric deficit. ANY macronutrient will be converted to fat in cases of caloric excess. In a caloric deficit, there is no fat storage. Again, Thermodynamics.

    "Easy" ... so I'm sloppy as well in my wording. But "common" isn't appropriate either.

    "You said it turns to fat easily. It doesn't. Especially in a caloric deficit. "

    I wasn't talking about caloric deficit. If you read my post, you'd see I was talking about what happens during caloric excess.

    "ANY macronutrient will be converted to fat in cases of caloric excess."

    Right. With the order of energy expended, fat taking the least amount of energy to do so, carbs only slightly more, and protein WAY further along.

    Are we clear?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    FFS we had this conversation yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    FFS we had this conversation yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
    So.... I'll see ya back here tomorrow, same time, same place?
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    carbs turn to glycogen, and glycogen makes you look better... checkmate.
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57
    I love carbs! I eat carbs everyday!!! In control portions and make sure to balance our protien and try and get healthy carbs but i eat carbs!! Im loosing weight, getting stronger (even toning my mucles :glasses: ), looking good and staying healthy! So carbs are not making me fat but have fun not eating them and ill just enjoy my carbs :smile:
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I find this thread disturbing and almost hateful, its worse then high school!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I find this thread disturbing and almost hateful, its worse then high school!

    Why? Seems like a healthy debate to me.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    *Sits at a healthy weight, tucking into a bowl of porridge*
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    *Sits at a healthy weight, tucking into a bowl of porridge*

    Just had 2 oatmeal raisin cookies reading this!!:happy:
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Aww man, I'm jealous of you! Still, the apple and blueberries I added were gooood...
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    Not all carbs but white carbs and all un naturral carbs!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Mm I feel some people are a tad harsh but the OP didnt really explain why he believes what he does ;p

    I personally am on a low carb diet >20g for medical issues. I am not exping the insulin spikes or sugar crashes like I was before and feeling fantastic for the first time in 5 freaking years!

    My husband can eat carbs/sugar and lose weight, I on the other hand can not eat more then 20g of carbs a day without crashing and burning. My Insulin resistance is so bad that an apple will spike my levels out of control and ill feel like a pile of poo for a day or two after :/

    I dont believe carbs make EVERYONE fat, I would argue tho carbs make certain types of people fat if they have certain medical conditions ;) tho! I have lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks since I went low carb.

    I worked out 5 days a week w/trainer and followed the food advise exactly as instructed from the trainer/doctor. I lost 6 pounds in 2.5 months husband was down 35 pounds ??! Something was very wrong :( found out I am IR did as instructed by the doctor and BAM down 25 pounds. Husband can enjoy his pasta/bread and I can hope for the day I will be able to eat bread without feeling ill afterwards!
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