

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    'nother 2:30 am wakeup...
    jb :love: love the new profile pic! Remind me of pooch's name and story?
    Michele :laugh: loved the shorter-expiration-date-Swiss-Chocolate explanation. Will combine it with Nancy's Bruges recommendation next time to justify how fast I can make Belgian chox disappear.
    Fitz "dealt with alot of testosterone in my day" :tongue: for awhile Joe and I had 3 nephews, a BIL and a rent-a-son living with us. Loneliest I've ever been in my life. Sounds like you made your home happy and fun to attract all those extra "sons". What a warm heart you have!
    AlwaysNancy ConVERYgrats:flowerforyou: on the 2 lbs, reading about your boot camp, you sure earned every ounce!

    Did not do well yesterday. No lunchwalk, no dance class, had to work later than expected, came home grumpy:angry: , hit the wine:grumble: , then the nuts:mad: , then the cookies:explode: , then too tired to complete the log. Gonna try to catch some zzzzs and start fresh tomorrow by getting down on the mat before doing anything else.

    'night/mornin' all!:yawn:

    24=4351:angry: 23=12155 22=8299:ohwell: 21=10834 20=1837:sad: 19=10440 18=4583:grumble: 17=11646 16=18349 15=17066 14=10677 13=2316:noway: 12=11167 11=8173:indifferent: 10=7642:embarassed: 09=11971 08= 07= 06= 05= 04= 03= 02=9169 01=8364:tongue:

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    May: mat, SWSY, chiro or spa EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    We have another hot and sticky day in London. It's so funny, when I weighed over 300 pounds, I really hated the warm weather - I would be a soggy mess within five minutes of dressing. Now I can stay relatively fresh all day long. That's not to say I don't perspire, believe me I do, but nowadays it's only when I exert myself rather than just sitting still.

    I stopped off on the way to work and got myself an extra bottle of mineral water and a pot of melon and grapes from M&S. Much more refreshing than trying to carry a packed lunch to work. DH and I will eat late tonight as he won't be home from the antiquarian book fair at Olympia until about 8ish. To be honest, I'm not a fan of eating that late in the day, so I may just grab something when I get home, which will be 7ish and then just have a drink whilst DH eats.

    On a totally unrelated note, I've got the front door to the gallery open and there was a guy standing almost on our doorstep paying for something with his credit card details over his mobile phone. I sat at my desk and I could have written down his card number, expiry date and security code! I felt obliged to go and tell him how stupid he had been (but in a very diplomatic way of course). The truth is, it's just a good job I'm honest!

    Better get moving, I want to walk up and down the three flights of stair at least once every hour - just to get a bit of exercise in.

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh boy oh boy, Friday's here! :love: Looking forward to a couple of days off with a decent weather report. no less. Haven't been able to work in the garden all week (rain rain rain) except to pick greens and toss slugs. There's alot of catching up to do out there with my longtime friends, the Weeds.

    Oh Nancy, I can just picture your DH showing off his radishes! :laugh: That's just so cute. We're harvesting our 2nd planting now and the 3rd planting has germinated. They do like plenty of steady moisture, sure don't have to worry about that around here!

    Today is SWSY day, increasing weights a bit and aiming for 35 push ups. :tongue:

    Barbara, the pooch in my pic is my 9 yr old rough coat Jack Russell named Timber, or "T" for short. Gave him a bath the other day, which he just loves, and afterwards he looked so funny I had to grab the camera. He's an amazing dog, what personality! Smart as all get out, funny as heck, and sometimes a bit naughty. I swear he could write a book. :bigsmile:

    Fitz, that's so great about Chris helping you and pushing you harder. Is he a friend or a personal trainer that you met at the gym? Maybe both? Tell him he's doing a wonderful job! It sounds like you're enjoying your workouts. Great stuff! :happy:

    I've been trying so hard to maintain a positive outlook while carrying a boatload of worry over hubby not being able to find work. :ohwell: Earlier in the week I was able to get a grip on things and realize whatever happens we'll be ok, but yesterday brought all kinds of frustration over several different technical issues and my mood just went completely black. :mad: :angry: :mad: Surprised myself at how mad I was and how terrible I felt!! Sheesh. Every negative thought that I could possibly think was right there in front of me. Yuck! Not fun at all and I guess I haven't mastered the art of staying in control of my emotions now have I. Back to the drawing board on that one. :blushing: I stayed out of the cookies, thank goodness, and thanks Laura, for reminding me. :wink: Had a good sleep last night and feel much better this morn.

    Have a wonderful day, time for me to get rolling here. If you want to be lean, devour your greens!

    :drinker: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: You know I love Fridays:love: especially ones that start a three day weekend!

    Kat- so sorry you are back to your plateau:cry: but with your exercise that you are doing I'm sure it will move, just keep up the good job you have been doing. Enjoy having your DD home, it is such a short time that they are there and then before you know it they really have grown up and are gone on their own.

    rpphillip- getting ready for camp, sounds like you have it undercontrol. I completely understand the shorts from last summer not fitting this year, except mine are the ones I wore in 2010 they are still too small...I didn't even try to wear them last year...I'm closer this year but it may be the end of summer before I actually get them on:grumble:

    Mary- glad you are a survivor of the school year:flowerforyou:

    Michele- that banana butterscotch bread sounds interesting:huh: not sure if I would have made it to take to someone else if I hadn't made it before...you are quite adventuress to do that:happy: It's not too surprising that people were eating the carrots, they are sweet & crunchy and make people think they are eating healthy:wink:

    Alwaysnancy- hoping your workout was a success and that cooler weather was there to greet you on the way home:drinker: WOW what a workout you got:noway: I too would be hoping for a slower partner so there would be a break/resting time. Congrats on that 2lb loss:drinker:

    jen- so glad to hear you are getting 2 weeks with your DS, it's always an up lift when they come home even for a short time:happy:

    fitz- between grandchildren and classic cars it sounds like your house is quite busy.:drinker:

    Barbara- sorry to see that you are once again up so early:cry: and working late:sad: so frustrating. But today is a new day...so you go!

    Amanada- walking up three flights of stairs:noway: that is our example of how and what we all need to be doing. That's why your ticker shows such a SUCCESSFUL loss:flowerforyou: Thank you for the inspiration. it's amazing how not too smart people can be when it comes to their credit cards...yes he is quite fortunate that you are an honest person:flowerforyou:

    jb- I do so totally understand your frustration about DH not having a job...as we have now passed another week and didn't hear anything from the job / people we were so hopful for..I'm hoping it's just that this process is because of the holiday weekend and thay hubby is still in the running...otherwise it's back to the drawing board:ohwell: Staying positive is sometimes just so hard when I wish he was the one with the job and I was the one staying home:grumble:


    Yesterday hubby got to keep the two grandsons while Son #2 & DIL went to a funeral. He had lowered the heat on the hot tub and it's like bath water now and the three of them played for over an hour in the water, that's what I want to be doing instead of working...I WANT TO PLAY WITH THE GRANDSONS:sad:

    Last night I had saved some calories and I had read this receipe on the topics and it's really GREAT.

    iit's called 3, 2, 1 Cake

    In a large 1 galllon zip lock bag mix One Box of Any Flavor Sugar Free Cake Mix (you could use regular cake mix it will just have more sugar and more calories) and One Box of Angel Food Cake Mix. Mix both Cake Mixes together.

    In a small bowl take 3 Tablespoons of the mix with 2 Tablespoons of water - Mix
    Put in a small greased bowl or cup and Bake for 1 Minute in the Microwave
    That's it:love: 3 T Mix, 2 T Water, 1 min on High in the Mircorwave

    I put 2 Tablespoons of Lite Cool whip on it

    The little cake is only 104 calories...it was light and really good. I used Chocolate Cake Mix because it's usually chocolate that I'm craving. Hubby said it was just Okay...but because it was so light I felt like I had really had a special treat.

    Well this weekend is upon us and I'm determined to make it a success...so I will have to work extra hard on not over eating and getting in plenty of exercise, it's supposed to be windy today and tomorrow so we may not get in the bike ride that I'm hoping for..will have to see.

    Everyone have a great day. Let's log, drink and move so we too can be a success :drinker:

  • valj77
    valj77 Posts: 26
    hi everyone...i just found this board and wanted to post. i have been a member of mfp for a bit but have been a little lax in posting. im home recovering from surgery so i thought id re-explore the site. i lost about 105 lbs after having wls. while i had wls, it still is a struggle to maintain those healthy habits. i try to exercise 5 days/wk...im a little limited now due to surgery but am walking daily. i look forward to meeting all on this board!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I went to the doctor to ask about my hips. Turns out I have bursitis. There’s not much that can be done short of pain pills or a cortisone shot (not at this point!). I told my mom and she told me she was prone to bursitis. Thanks a lot Mom!

    As walking bothers my hips too much right now, I’ve started water aerobics. I took my first class day before yesterday. It felt good and, even though you use all the joints (amazing how many muscles I didn’t know I had), it didn’t bother my hips. Hurray for being able to exercise again!

    Kat, thanks for the reminder to count my blessings. It’s easy to slip into focusing on the negative things. I am grateful for so much…not for the bod, but for so many other, more important, things.

    BTW, I’m just finishing an intriguing and amazing book. “Intriguing” because I’ve never read anything quite like it before. It takes you into another dimension. “Amazing” because it’s a powerful story, told well.

    It’s set during WWII from the point of view of a German girl. I really didn’t want to read it. I really, really didn’t. That was such a terrible and depressing time and I’ve read many book about it. I read it anyway because of my Book Club. Yep, another adventure all due to the Book Club. Anyway, I highly recommend it. It’s called the Book Thief.

    What did you think of Phillip Phillip’s winning American Idol? he is SO cute! The voice doesn’t even make much difference although I do like his voice too. He’s just easy on the eyes. To me, he has the same sort of appeal as Paul Newman had…just nice, sweet and easy on the eyes.

    Robin, I’m glad your foot is feeling better.

    Barbie, I admire your persistence!

    Amanda, I’m happy you had a good visit with your grand twins. I don’t know the backstory but I hope the rift with your SIL heals soon.

    Congrats, Mary. You made it! Woo hoo.

    Congrats on the weight loss, Nancy. It’s so good to see the scale moving in the right direction. As soon as I get my act together (grrr), I hope to see that too.

    It's looking stormy here today. I'm actually cold, even with a sweater on. The end of May can be like this though. I hope the thunderstorms don't start too many fires.

    I'm off to a movie with some friends from the Meetup group I like so much. I'm glad I joined. About time I got out and about!

    xx Mimi SVQ
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi All!

    Busy weekend! Lots going on so marking my spot but short and sweet!
    :glasses: Just spent a couple of hours with DH and DD out doing yard work, I will admit not one of my favorite things to do :grumble: and DD doesn't much like it either...would rather spend the dau=y cleaning the inside :grumble: that the outside but we all chip in and do our part :bigsmile: and it is good exercise

    We are also painting the exterior of our house, we WE are not doing that, the house painters are :laugh: but we had to pick the paint and then get it approved by the Home Owners Association because we live in a gated community, which almost everyone here in the Palm Springs are lives in one and thats fine but anytime you want to do anything to your house it has to be approved, thats a pain in the ... you know what :grumble:

    Anyway...on a more positive note...:bigsmile: Welcome Veronica! You will enjoy our group! I sure do :love:

    Tomorrow we are off for the day to my SIL and her daughter graduated High School, my son will be coming up from San Diego she he lives to see us so that will be fun, then I have some friends from Hogh School coming over to my house later in the evening when we get back home for a sleep over but sadly on Sunday we are going to a memorial for another High School friends dad who passed away.

    Then finally Monday I can relax and maybe catch a few sales :bigsmile:

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial weekend and try not to over eat!!!!!

    Love Kat
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am sure you all have busy weekends ahead. I sure do since it is the birthday weekend for me. I love it when it falls in the middle of the 3 day weekend.:bigsmile: I plan to see my dad a couple of times this weekend and DH has some making up to do after forgetting our wedding anniversary.:noway:

    I know I will be working in the yard and enjoying my dogs and just enjoy being me and celabrating that fact I have successfully been me for 52 years!

    I over slept this morning because Ritter unplugged the alarm clock. He really likes cords, he loves to dig and when he drinks he walks away from his dish with a mouthfull of water that he drops all along the floor. Remind me again why I got a puppy? Oh yeah, he is awesome and Bodi really loves him too.:ohwell:

    Much love to you all!

    Robin, Bodi, and the Ritter

    Mimi I am glad you found a new way to exercise. You sound like such a different woman than the one that first joined this thread 2 years ago.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: On days when I get a gazzilion steps and burn a lot of calories, there’s no time for the computer. Yesterday I realized at bedtime that I was supposed to have done my weight training but with line dance, working in the yard, walking with a friend, walking with my hubby, and a lot of walking with the poodles, the day got completely away from me and I didn’t have time to write even a paragraph to you. Today there was a line dance party right after the line dance class and I was partly in charge of choosing and leading the dances. The weather is beautiful today (78 degrees in the middle of the afternoon) so I worked in the yard when I got home. It was too hot for the poodles so they wanted to come back in almost as soon as we got out at 5 PM…..I’m headed for bed early….it promises to be even warmer and nicer tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Fitz, sorry about your back. My hubby has back problems and spends a lot of time lying on an ice pack and doing special exercises suggested by the chiropractor.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I’m so happy about your day with your grandbabies…I’ll be thinking good thoughts that it’s the start of many more wonderful day.s

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I said no to all the desserts at the line dance party today…..knowing that if I had one bite, I’d be munching all afternoon…..you’re doing great with SWSY…as long as you are consistent you’ll get great results…..what a tough time for your family with your husband not being able to find work…..staying in the moment is the best prescription I know for stress like that.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, we love the Jesse Stone movies….we were watching the most recent one and you’re right, they don’t make them often enough….your basement full of exercise equipment sounds great…do you have a TV to watch down there?

    :flowerforyou: Kat, I have weighed myself first thing in the morning and last thing at night for over two years…..I record the weight so I can see the trends……little by little my weight went down and yours will, too. The important thing is to keep doing what you’re doing and not let the weight influence how you eat or exercise.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mary, congratulations on surviving the school year…..do you still have to move to the new classroom?

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I am already looking forward to the next season of DWTS. There have been so many great contestants that I'd love to see again.

    :flowerforyou: AlwaysNancy, congrats on your weight loss and on surviving your workout.

    :bigsmile: Veronica, welcome. I hope you’ll check in with us and become part of our family…..it helps to interact with a supportive group every day.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, sorry to hear about your hips and glad to hear that you found a substitute exercise program immediately….I know how sad I’d be if I couldn’t walk.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, what a bummer of a day…….I hope things turn around for you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

    Happy Birthday, Robin......enjoy the fabulous weather and your darling dogs.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Well just lost the WHOLE post:grumble: ...you are probably lucky...I was a little bit long winded....the short version...had a "sit -down "with myself and had some realizations....started the journey 15 months ago (began with ww) have lost almost 25 lbs.:smile: ..am changing habits of 25 years (or more lol) :laugh: am beginning to notice that I don't crave the sweets (my biggest problem) like I did and when I indulge...belly doesn't always appreciate it....I am thinking more about yogurt and muesli and fresh fruit...I am getting there...so anyway am trying to focus on the current positives and not worry so much about the scale number right now...if the positives become the norm the number should follow, right???

    :flowerforyou: Barbie -thank you for the monthly goals...have never been a goal person, but I am learning so how beautiful is that?!

    :flowerforyou: Mimi - my book club also read The Book Thief...they were all glad they read it...I had a hard time with it and did not finish it.:blushing: ..I was sorry about that after listening to the discussion ...we are currently reading Fierce Attachments...memoir about mother /daughter relationships ...should be interesting discussion ..my sister is also in book club

    :flowerforyou: Laura - thanks for kind thoughts and words about DS ..I am praying for your DH and that everything works out soon...I must say you are SOO upbeat all the time, what a gift.

    Enough of my ramble thank you for listening (DH thanks you too) Hugs to all..we are a fabulous group and I am so thankful that I am part of it!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday Robin!:drinker:
    Hope everyone enjoys their 3 day weekend.Hubby was asked to work in the am,will get time and 1/2,good since he won`t get paid for mon.Have a birthday party tomorrow afternoon .Sun we are having a pot luck lunch after church.Busy ,busy.
    Got good news tonite.No more going in for pt,unless ortho dr has other plans on Tues.I still need to do ex at home and said the knee will improve in time.having a hard time increasing my walking with out pain and the stairs are still a killer.
    Had a fun day with friend.Went to garage sales,she paid for a manicure for me and we had a nice healthy lunch.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Barbie - I packed my classroom into boxes and moved it into the new room, stacked in a corner. I can't unpack until August, as they have temporarily shoved the entire Physics lab into my room, and will move it later in the summer. I am still helping my daughter pack up her elementary music classroom, as she is also being moved to a new room. Talk about a pain with all of that music and instruments! She would certainly love to be done!
    Got to run - two grandsons staying the night. Mary
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: Happy, happy birthday, Robin!!!:smooched: :smooched: :smooched:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy birthday Robin :flowerforyou: x
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Happy Birthday Robin. Hope you have a great day!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies.

    Another beautiful day with lots of sunshine and warmth .... ah, bliss, just a shame that I'm working! I left home early this morning to get a good walk in before getting to work. Twas good to feel some sun on these old bones of mine.

    DH and I have a day off together tomorrow, although we do have to go to the nursing home for a couple of hours to visit MIL. I'm pretty certain DH will try to spend as much of it as he can working in the gardens, it will just be nice to be home together for a change.

    I think I have become addicted to grapes. Every day I eat a pot in the morning and a pot in the evening. I suppose there are worse things that I could eat - and they are so tasty right now. I'm still determined to have a liquids only detox on Monday and Tuesday, so the grapes will have to wait.

    Time for me to run up the three flights of stairs, I'm trying to do it at least once an hour.

    Have fun my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Jen - how wonderful that your son will be home! Enjoy him

    Alwaysnancy - loved reading about your bootcamp. Sounds really neat. Wish we had something like it around here

    Amanda - that was very nice of you to tell that man. He may not have realized it, or maybe he thinks no one would ever possibly take his number and use it

    Laura - what I do when I first try making something is I have a small ramekin that I put a taste for me in. Then I can see if it has decent flavor, consistency, whatever. Only then do I not mind giving the bread/cake/cookies to someone else now that I know that it came out decent. Thanks for the recipe for the cake. Sounds really interesting. I'm going to print it out. Something I can make when they put in the pool. Wish you could make more than 1 at a time. I wonder.....wonder if you can use mini muffins and bake like 24 at a time? I'm guessing at 350, just not sure of how long to bake it, maybe about 15 minutes?

    Veronica - welcome, post often.

    Did an hour on the StairMaster today. I'm beginning to think more and more what I need to do is 1/2 hr of whatever activity and then 1/2 hour of some HIIT. I'm starting to get bored.

    Kat - we're lucky, our HOA is pretty loose. They have certain things that they require, like when we built the detached garage it had to look like it was built with the house. As for the pool, we need to have a fence and they said something about the property line, but that's an "of course". As a matter of fact, for the past few years, they've been wanting to update the directory. Finally they asked me to compile all the information so I compiled what I could, now evidentally this one lady wants EVERYONE in the directory, so she's basically sitting on it. I really should give her a call to ask her how it's going because I do need my flashdrive back, I gave it to the president in mid-Feb. Yet, I remember when we lived in PA, there was a HOA who required this family to take down this (it really wasn't big at all) statue of the Virgin Mary

    Robin - happy birthday

    mimi - how resourceful you are to find an alternate exercise routine!

    barbie - boy, you sure are one busy lady!

    Jen - You know, I feel the same way when I eat a lot of high fat food. I feel so "yuk". Vince just can't understand it, really, a lot of people can't understand why I'd prefer veggies and chicken or fish grilled rather than something fried.

    Jen - that's wonderful you don't have to go to PT anymore. Keep up with those exercises!

    Off to the farmer's market and then yoga (Sat). Everyone have a great day

  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    HI ALL! New to the forums but not to dieting. sigh...
    I'm 54, 5'7, 140. While that all sounds great, I put on 15 lbs last Sept and have kept it on since. My weight gain followed a very successful Fat Flush that ultimately resulted in binge eating. I thought I was finally weight resistant and could eat whatever I wanted. Fat chance! (So there's where that expression comes from!) I read a great post here about how starvation dieting leads to weight gain which made a lot of sense. I'm now following the tracking plan here and find it's MUCH more satisfying. Who knew you could diet and NOT starve! I'm vegetarian, eat a very healthy diet with the occasional chocolate, movie popcorn or pizza allowance and would love to finally get a handle on this after a lifetime of focusing on my weight. Too boring and frustrating. There's got to be a better way!
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Wow it's another hot one here in Ontario. I got up early to get a run in before it got to warm. I was going to go on my own but my husband wanted to come. It's always nice having a little company with you. He basically runs circles around me but that doesn't bother me. Even though it was only 19 C it felt hot and humid to me. Got home and had a light breakfast, got the weekly call from my dad and my son. Had a quick shower and went into the big metropolis of Napanee. Ordered my first pair of progressives although I have to say very cool progressives. Bought some more perennials, got my license sticker for my car and was back home before noon.

    Michele, glad you liked hearing about the camp. I'm really glad we found out about it last year. It's only $10 each a night and it really is a challenge. We are the oldest two there but I really like all the people. There is one young couple there who just had their first child 6 months ago. I love how supportive they are of each other. He was kicking the pail closer to her so she wouldn't have to go so far. And she really cheers for him when he's racing. Go "Sweetie" go so the rest of the group pipes in their help too. "Go Honey Go!" I would of loved to have my camera handy as people completed the relay race. There expressions were just so awesome.

    Well think my afternoon will be spent sitting on the lawn tractor trying to get our grass cut. I have this sign I fought the lawn and the lawn won. It's really true this time. Last weekend when my daughter was home with her dog and one she was babysitting her dog picked up a tick. She had to take it to the vet because part of it was still in him. $400 later (because she was due for innoculations, heart worm and tick medicine) plus antibiotics. She said Boy it's expensive having a dog. I liked it better when you paid for all this. We never had ticks here until last fall and it worries me. We have 33 acres and we like to enjoy them and not worry about getting lyme disease.