

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Amanda - that is so great the weight you've lost! You must be so very proud

    Cath - ouch about the dentist! Did you see the dentist in Scotland, is that where you'll be having the work done?

    fitz - you went to the car races Sat? Which races, stock car (they were at Charlotte this weekend)? Dirt track?
    I also do the "girlie" pushups mainly because I'm concerned that if I do the regular ones, I will lose my form. Love your exercises!

    Today I did 30 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical and then 30 min stepping on the AMT. This is the first time I tried the AMT, it's certainly different. Tomorrow is water aerobics

    Last night I was really craving veges with my dinner. Hopefully, this is here to stay (the wanting veggies)

    Dawn - the butterscotch banana bread was quite good. Initially, when I saw the title for the recipe, I thought "yuk" but all the reviews said how good it was and it was! I took 1/2 to the Y and the rest to the bowling alley.

    Got my new beater for my KitchenAid today. Now to try it out..... what should I make?????

    Faye - I'll be interested, too, in what part of FL you are in. We have a place in Titusville (east coast, across the river from the Cape). Yes, guys take just what is absolutely positively necessary. Vince can never understand why I need to pack multiple clothing sets when he only has one (and so, a smaller suitcase)

    Finished reading "Master Your Metabolism". I'm going to try Jillian Michael's suggestion of no carbs after dinner. Last night I had some egg whites as a snack. I'd really like to have a larger lunch, but most days it seems that I don't have time.

    Did some more crocheting last night. Now I know that I don't have enough thread on this spool to do the last round, so I'm going to ask the lady who teaches the crochet class if I should just not do that round or add from another spool.

    Jen - your daughter sounds like a real hard worker! You have much to be proud of. That is so nice of you to help her. I'm sure she won't soon forget it, either.

    Mary - alls I can say is "va va va voom"

    jen - in my water class, we do cardio and weights. The weights are really foam barbells, but in the water they are much heavier. We do things like crawling on the water, stomping grapes (knees out and stomping), cross country ski, bicycle, jog, running in the water, sideways jumping jacks (I have the hardest time with that one). With the weights we pump our arms while jogging, lift one leg up and put the weight under the leg then the other then both, running in the water while holding the weight above the water, bicep curls with the weights, we also use these "paddles" which can be a real workout. If you google some of these items, you can get ideas of how they are used.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jellyfishjen, in October you’ll be the one getting the good weather while all of us up north will be watching the leaves fall and the temperatures drop……..about helping your daughter…..don’t let the “dream stealers” get you down..do what you think is right and discard or ignore the people the people who criticize you.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, the Rebel, I remember when you were focused and motivated and I know you can do it again….have been out on that great trail in Victoria that you used exercise on? Can you make one small change tomorrow?

    :laugh: where did the day go? 20,000 steps, over an hour of weight training, time with friends, a trip to the paint store to buy paint for the back yard fence and deck, ,tea and lunch and TV time with Jake....another great day :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Today I started doing the “manly” pushups and did three sets of five getting low enough to touch my nose to the mat….an awesome beginning. I made a few other changes to my routine based on “the New Rules of Lifting for Women”

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Barbie :heart: your the best. I can't believe you have kept this post going. I am really trying to get through all of my troubles and getting on with my weight plan. I think more about what I'm not going to eat then thinking of what I am going to eat. That is a good thing, because all I would think about is bad food. Now I get my brain to think of all the good food that will help me get back to better health. My weight is still not what I want it to be and my energy level is a an all time low. Medical problems along the way have not helped. HOWEVER...

    I am a fighter and I will do it AGAIN.

    I have logged in all my my food for the day and printed it out. I will stick with it.

    Yesterday was so warm here and with my Asthma it was hard to move.

    I can't believe I have the best job (passion) ever going and I'm eating so bad. How does that happen? I have dreamed about teaching children the fundamentals of Art. I love watching them express themselves and be proud of the outcome. Then other things get in the way at times. Life sure is complicated.

    Getting my weight down will help me for sure. Sorry about the ranting. I have to. this is my only place that I can put out my thoughts and feel like it will make a difference.

    Best to all.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning :happy: all Just stoping by to say Hello and wish you all a wonderful day!:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh Barbie, 3 set of 5 manly push ups, nose to the mat! :noway: My goodness, you're truly amazing. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I did 3 sets of 11 girlies yesterday and did a couple more singles at the end, total 35. THEN I got the big idea to try doing some manly ones. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Um, er, bottom line is, I can't do them. I started out in full plank position and could only lower my body about 3 inches. I had a pretty good laugh over it, lol. :smile: One day I'll look back on this day when I couldn't even do one of those buggars. I'm getting better at girlies, though. Poco a poco, as they say. I did a few of the planks on elbows, that's a good one. Thanks again for the tip.

    Down another pound this morning, yay. Walk/jogged the track yesterday, reaching 4.8 mph for a full mile. I'll reach 5.0 one of these days and call it good. I'm not trying to be a runner by any means. But it sure is nice to know I could run a bit if I ever had to chase down a rabbit or something for a meal. By the way things are going with hubby's job search, I just might have to. :grumble:

    Beans are cheap. :wink:

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou: Eat your greens, get your Omega-3s, drink your water and let's keep a-movin'!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: Doing terrible on steps,:embarassed: the lack of dance classes really takes a toll.:devil:
    Doing better on matwork, 3 days so far this week. Decided to get a jump on June and really commit to the mat.:tongue:

    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Mary msh0530!:love:

    Cath I am sooo with you about dental work. Sedation is definitely the way to go for exractions. Had a horror of one when I was 17, and vowed "NEVER again!".:noway: You won't remember a thing and sleep through the first part of the recovery. Watch that foot soreness. Stretch, massage, roll a tennis ball around with the bottom of your foot to prevent plantar fasciitis. It's debilitating and can keep you from the activities you love.
    :love: Barbie your chicken gravy and sprouted rice/quinoa sounds delish! The only one of your dances that sounds familar is Quarter after one. Tennessee Waltz was one of Mama's favorite tunes, Gonna look up the "surprise" line dance. And Irish Stew too (my maiden name is Kennedy :wink: ).
    Jane Good for you to do what you must to prevent future problems. :happy: Swimming and knee exercises WILL strenghten your quads. Hang in there!
    Jellyfishjen Salud:drinker: on your decisions to do what you feel is right despite the critics. Double salud :drinker: :drinker: on deciding to step away from the computer. I'm right behind you (almost):ohwell:
    :love: Birdie you look great in your little black dress!
    Jen/djhobs "Long day" You're right! And I'm right there with you. No second sleep for me this morning :yawn: , Line dance class tonight, so expect to crash hard.
    Fitz, JB, Barbie you inspire me with your pushups and planks.:bigsmile:
    Reb yah what is it with us?:frown: We know how to do it. Just don't know how to make ourselves want to do it. Every day.:huh:
    Michele, please do NOT share the butterscotch banana bread recipe, it's sounds yummy to me, I'd probably eat it all and not share. :laugh:
    Kathy, that's the spirit! :flowerforyou:
    Rachel. Michele, Amanda, Kat, Sally, Val, Laura, DeterminedinAz, Faye, Dawn, read your posts and send you all my very best,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    May: mat, SWSY, chiro or spa EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 29=39 28=32 27=28

    steps: 29=6186:embarassed: 28=2978:explode: 27=4088 26=5411 25=10053 24=4351:angry: 23=12155 22=8299:ohwell: 21=10834 20=1837:sad: 19=10440 18=4583:grumble: 17=11646 16=18349 15=17066 14=10677 13=2316:noway: 12=11167 11=8173:indifferent: 10=7642:embarassed: 09=11971 08= 07= 06= 05= 04= 03= 02=9169 01=8364:tongue:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had an awesome weekend with my DH waiting on me hand and foot. Now getting back into the swing of things is a bit of a challenge.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Hump Day!

    So I made notes after reading all the weekend check-ins and realized that my post would probably take up waaayyy too much space:ohwell: so Know that I'm thinking of all of you and your interesting things happening.

    To all that lost Congrats:flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies and Welcome Back to those that have returned

    Robin HAPPY Belated Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Amanda - I'm sure that I knew it at some time how much you had lost but re-reading that number causes one to want to reach out and give you {{hugs}} of congratulations...YOU ARE AMAZING:drinker:

    Jen- what a good attitude, Yes it has taken many of of more than 50 years to get where we are and you are right unfortunately it won't come off quickly...but then again if it comes off too fast our skin won't have the time it needs to return to where it should never have stretched in the first place:noway:

    Jane- slow and steady on that PT recovery, I know it's not what you were hoping the Dr would say but doing it right will make it all that much better in the end:drinker: hang in there.

    Renny- I so understand where you are coming from, some days I feel like I can conquer this weight and other times I think why bother...and that is when I head to my closet and start looking at the clothes I was wearing the end of 2010 and early 2011 and I know I just HAVE to stick with this...because I really can't afford to go out and buy new clothes:wink:

    Michele-I am always experimenting with receipes. I made this potatoe salad on Monday and hubby took one bite and said it wasn't something he could eat...I loved it but because it's so much work to make I probably won't make it again unless I can figure out a way to subsitute the wine vinegar:huh: HIIT on the elliptical:noway: if I were ever able to do more than a 5 min HIIT on it I would be amazed...I am barely able to do a simple 15 min on it:grumble:

    Barbie- 3 sets of manly push ups:noway: You are a trailblazer for the rest of us to look up to. Did you happen to see the segment on NBC Nighly news last night about women's health. They were saying exercise, lifting weights and of course eating right is what we need to be doing to keep from shrinking in height, it made me feel good about what we are doing here at MFP.:smile:

    Kathy(plantlady) of course you can do it, great going of printing out your meals for the day to stick with the plan:flowerforyou: It really helps when you can see what foods you want/get to eat for the day...keeping that goal right in front of you.

    jb- it sounds like you're doing a great job with the girly push ups. I'm sure with your determination manly push ups are in your future:drinker: keeping your hubby in my thoughts & prayers as he hunts for a job...my hubby still hasn't heard back yes no..so we continue to wait:ohwell:

    Barbara- WTG on getting started on your June goals, I'm hoping that when I look back at May (I've been logging a spreadsheet with my May exercise) I will see a positive improvment over the first 4 months of the year:ohwell: seeing your log of steps taken is amazing:drinker:

    Cath- I truly understand your dentist fear:sad: If there was a way to ignore the teeth I would.:wink:


    Over the past 10 days or so I have been teasing a loss of about 1.4lb and today I'm claiming the loss and going to move onward and downward:happy: I think that hubby is just resigned that the way I'm eating and cooking is not going to change, I just wish I could get him to take more care of what and how much he's eating. He is exercising but with the amount of food being consumed it doesn't make a lot of difference:grumble:

    Barbie & jb- you both inspired me to get started on push ups...but I'm taking the wall route first. I am doing my push ups against the wall for now, I'm up to 100 per day (started with 10) and thinking I may add girlie floor ones next month. I continue to ride the bike when I get home from work and yes we do have a TV in there with our exercise equipment. I usually try to watch the news when I'm working out down there and when I'm done head upstairs to prepare our dinner.

    Must get busy. As usual the paper faries failed to show up to work last night so I must get to what is need to be completed.

    Everyone have a good day, keep logging, drinking and moving:drinker: It's what will get us to our goals to better health.:love:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hi all :happy:

    Happy Birthday to all of the May BDs , and sorry if it is late , hope you all have or had a good one!

    Jellyfishen : you should follow your own heart. I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for my mom and dad. You should get the good Daughter and good Mother awards.

    Hi Birde, congats on the black dress , you look great! 6 sisters! wow, I have 6 brothers and only one sister. I can't imagine what it would be like to have 6 sisters.

    Rebepenny : hang in there It will pass.

    Barbie cat : you and Fiz and Jb make me want to do push ups and so this morning I tried to do a plank, on my elbows and toes . LOL :laugh: I only lasted a few secons , I can do push up off the wall or useing a desk, but not on the floor. I need to build up my arms and upper body strength:blushing:

    Kathy (plantlady) You are on the right track and we are here for you.:flowerforyou:

    Barbara : I love the quote "dance more and bark less" LOL that is what I needed to hear.:happy:

    well I got a good walk in before work and I plan to go on another one when I get a break.

    check back later you all have a great day!:bigsmile: .
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Can’t have you thinking I dropped off the edge of Cyber Space. :laugh: No, not at all. I’m at my parent’s home in the big city. Today I have my six week check up on the foot, and expect the surgeon will tell me that I can begin putting some weight on it. Oh yeah! My left ankle, after six weeks in a brace, is noticeably smaller than the right one. :noway: Time for some strength building!

    I passed time over the last few days reading the Hunger Games trilogy (have to keep up with my students!). I do not usually enjoy science fiction, especially dystopic futuristic themes, but I did like this one. Can’t wait to catch up with the rest of the world and see the movie!

    If you remember my stories from the last visit, you’ll know my mother is a retired dietician, and an MFP member. So meals are nutritious, delicious, and portion control is exact. Trouble is, she’s also a really, really good cook. Yesterday I had one extra baking powder biscuit. One extra :grumble: and I was over my calorie limit. That’s the kind of thing I did all the time in my past life. One extra, two extra, another one before bed. Keeping track of what I eat makes all the difference for me, and I think I’m going to have to do it for the rest of my life. For sure.

    Barbie, JB and the rest: Manly push-ups. :explode: Yes. My goal, when I can get back to them, is three sets of 12. My DH can’t figure this out because they’re easy for him. Well, he’s a man, duh. The trainer at the gym said that women don’t have the same kind of upper body strength. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

    So, dearies, if I respond to all the posts I'll be taking up way more space than you want to read.

    Watch this space for news on the foot fusion. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:

    Hasta pronto,

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Popping in to log my food and check in with you all.

    I just came in from picking up leafy twigs and branches that are strewn all over our yard.... 3 acres of it.

    I think DH is having second thoughts about how much woods we groomed and turned into yard when we moved here and built our house. I tried to tell him we would get older and that was a lot of yard but it fell on deaf ears. At least he didn't turn the whole 10 acres into yard! :noway: The tree tops down over the paths in the woods will have to wait until it dries out some. I can only imagine the mosquitoes we will have shortly...:grumble:

    rpphillip &Michelle – We live in the far NE corner of Florida – that little bump that looks like it should be in Georgia and probably would be if not for the St Mary's river state boundary. We pretty much got bore sighted by Beryl, but at least we don't live right on the coast.

    Kathy (plantlady) – I hear you on being stuck weight wise. I am too. However, I have lost some weight, I am much healthier than I was before I started and my bp has gone from "you better watch out here” to 115/70. I'm sure you can make a similar list of good things that have happened to you through this process. We just have to keep slogging along. The alternative is just not acceptable! :wink:

    Laura – Good news on the 1.4 pounds! If you clam it, it has to stay gone. :drinker:

    Cath – I must have missed your post on dental woes. I have some long standing fears as well. I actually had a dentist do a root canal with NO pain killer back in the stone ages – 1966 I think it was. He was right, it didn't hurt, until he got to the last bit and then I about came out of the chair. It was over very quickly but I lost all trust in dentists and didn't go back to one 10 years.

    Friday I have an appointment to get another root canal done. It's not much fun having weak teeth.

    All this talk about boy pushups has me wondering what I can do. I do a lot of arm work at the gym but I'm not doing those. Back when I hurt my foot I had to stop doing anything that put a lot of pressure on my left foot and pushup's sure would do that, but I am back as close to normal now as I am going to get and I think I'll give it a go. Thanks for the inspiration! I'll report back as to my success, or lack of it. :laugh:

    Well, I have cooled off and sat here long enough. It's time to either do some more yard work or hit the gym.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Just had to pop back in b/4 work. Thanks for all the support. This is the best site EVER!!!! Doing good today and sticking to it. I will try to get back on when I get back home. That way I will keep on track.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • mom2boys75
    mom2boys75 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to this site -- I've tried tracking "calories in and calories out" for a long time. But the older I get (I turned 55 in March) the harder it seems to be to lose weight. I just saw some photos that were taken of me over the weekend and I never want to leave the house again (although I work full-time so that won't happen -- LOL!).

    I exercise every day -- I have several DVD's I like -- Slim in 6 Series, P90X, Chalean Extreme, and a Pilates DVD -- so I feel like I work out hard. My downfall is sticking with a healthy eating plan, but I am going to do my best to commit to sticking to that 1200 calories a day. I just feel so discouraged right now because even though I haven't done the best in my diet, I've never felt like I was being really bad. But when I saw the photos of myself I absolutely hated what I saw.

    I'm looking to all of you to be my motivation -- I was so glad to see a board for all of us over 50.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Can't believe it's WEDNESDAY! I caught up with everyone's posts finally and glad to hear how everyone is doing.
    Our House is empty now and I think I slept 9 hours last night...I was exhausted. It was fun to have such a houseful, but it is so wonderful to enjoy the peace and quiet now!

    Faye: I thought of you with the storm coming mostly through your area. We did not get as much rain as they had predicted, but we did get a bit to help our drought too. How much did you end up with? I had heard 11 inches predicted for the Jacksonville area...that's a LOT! And glad you got your power back!

    Manly Push-ups! WTG, Barbie and you other strong women. I am working on them but I canNOT get my nose on the ground without the rest of me coming down too! I'll keep at it though! I have been doing plank holds for as long as I can...several times a day when I am not in a push-up frame of mind. Hopefully, I will get my nose to the floor one day!

    Rebel: Come on Girl...you CAN do it! Don't fret about the past...just deal with right now!!!

    mom2boys: Welcome and glad to have you here. (I am a Mom to boys too...but now have 2 granddaughters, so all of a sudden I have gone from being the only "girl in the house" to one of many! Come back often and let us know more about you! I can relate to your complaint...I have always exercised a lot and I have always eaten pretty healthily...but at a certain point I realized I had to really monitor more closely the "extras". I recommend a book many on this thread have read..."Younger Next Year for Women". It got me to take a closer look at my lifestyle and also got me to exercising a bit differently than I had in the past. Anyway, you might find it motivating...it was for me!

    Birdie: You look FANTASTIC! And how fun to have so many sisters!

    Jane: good luck with your knee healing...you've come a long way!

    rrphillip: WTG for getting walking in around your work schedule!

    Gotta go! Take care, Dear Ladies:heart: Kackie
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Hard to believe 1 more day and June is here. Push ups so hard for me. But I guess if i 'd work on it 3 or 4 times a week it would get easier.
    Planetary stick with it. It will get easier. We all have bad days. It's how we do after we screw up. Just jump right back on.
    Strength training is going better after a month.
    Michelle,JB and Barbie you so inspire me.
    Nancy soon you will be running circle around all of us.
    Laura thanks so much for the encouragement.
    And to everyone who been on this roller coaster ride with me.
    Looking forward to June and what it will bring.
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    The last few days have been very busy so I haven't had time to post. Monday was my birthday. 53 Years Young...yeah whatever. My closest work friend told me I had to clear my calendar in the afternoon so I did. Her another friend from work took me to a beautiful restaurant called Earl and Angelo's for lupper. I had a salad and two glasses of pinot grigio. Yummy. Then we wandered around some of the boutiques downtown. No one bought anything but it was fun. Most of them were far too high end for this gal. I don't generally spend $245 on a little cardigan. But they were beautiful things. Then at 4 I left and headed to hot yoga. It was a great class that worked all the kinks out. It was 40 C in that room so when I left 30 c outside didn't feel so bad. Went home and had a nice quiet evening with DH. Both kids called and chatted.

    Tuesday got to work and found a box of Belgian Truffles on my desk. One of our construction techs just got back from Belgium so darn him for leaving me the chocolates. Luckily I had boot camp that night. It was hard again but not as bad as last week. The trainer paired me up with a girl and paired DH up with her husband. He said I don't want to be with Jeff. Haha. Tomorrow we go through the fitness testing. She says the biggest improvement will be in this 4 weeks rather than the last 4 weeks. I see big improvement in others but not sure how much I will gain as I've been doing a lot of things for a while.

    Tonight I'll be doing a little more planting and maybe a run if I can fit it in before the hockey game starts.

    Amanda, Wow your weight loss really impresses me. That is awesome and you should be very proud. I don't know that many people who have been able to accomplish what you have.

    Jellyfish jen, My daughter is 26 and I still help her. Of course now she requires a lot less but when she first graduated school 5 years ago she was living in Toronto on low wages. i still bought all her clothes but now if I see something special for her I'll get it. I work for a big corporation and work has product sales where I get cheap prices on detergent, soap, paper products, razors. I still stock both kids up on supplies and almost everyone I know at work does the same for their families. So dont' sweat it. She sounds like an awesome girl with and awesome mom.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have had a busy day, as I picked up two loan closing jobs, but it has been fun. Right now I am watching 3 grandsons, and listening to rain, a rare treat around here. The four year old is starting to try to help me type, so I'd better go. Good night! Mary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Another busy day---dog walking, line dancing, walking with a friend, and entertaining a friend for dinner (grilled beef hot dogs wrapped in tortillas, vegetarian baked beans, cole slaw, and watermelon. We rarely have company for meals but hubby had this great dinner idea and invited my friend who’s waiting for escrow to close on the house she’s buying.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (Plantlady), as you know from all your time on this thread, this is the best place to share your thoughts and frustrations. We understand better than anyone.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, before I tried the “manly” pushups I was doing them with my hands on the seat of a sturdy chair so my body was extended and I had practice staying flat……it wasn’t until I could do four sets of 10 on the chair that I tried to pushups on the mat….congrats on your running and on your lost pound.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, have you tried walking at home to get more steps? or even dancing at home by yourself?

    :flowerforyou: Laura, if you can do 100 wall pushups it’s time to graduate to something more challenging….I’m glad you have a TV in your exercise room, it makes the time go so much faster and accomplishes two things at once.

    :flowerforyou: Rpphillip, slow and steady wins the race, we all started with a few wall pushups and few seconds doing the plank…..never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I’m thinking positive thoughts about your foot and your return to the land of the bipeds.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, when we moved last August it was because my hubby had decided that he wanted less yard work and we’re thrilled with our new place.

    :flowerforyou: Mom2boys, welcome, this is a great thread for support and encouragement…I hope I’ll see you here every day.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you look fantastic….I’m glad to see you again.

    :flowerforyou: AlwaysNancy, I’ve heard good things about hot yoga.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Happy Birthday, Mary

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Happy Birthday, AlwaysNancy
