People who are burning 1000+ calories a day



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yea...I think MFP is lying it's a$# off...because I did 40 mins on elliptical this morning ...and the machine said I burned roughly 225 Cals...but I logged it in to MFP...and it said I burend 563 Cals...WTH? so I manually put in 400...I don't really think any of this crap is accurate.

    EDIT i even put my weight into the machine...maybe my age is the reason it spikes so high on MFP...because my age is loaded here but not on the elliptical

    MFP assumes a certain amount of effort on the elliptical and if you're above or below that, the calorie count will be off. Comparing to a heart rate monitor, MFP was usually pretty close on my elliptical burn. But if my effort was less than usual because I was tired or something, the MFP burn was off. My elliptical is always WAY high.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ditto what the previous poster said about it depending on size... takes more energy to move a bigger object. It's dependent on sex as well - men usually burn faster than women, age - younger tend to burn faster than older, and plain old genetics too of course. I'm m, 37, 235lbs and at the moment I can burn 300 cals in 30 mins on the treadmill even just walking at 3.5mph on a 5 degree incline.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I set myself as sedentary in MFP, so I log all my activities as extra calorie burn. This usually ends up being anywhere from 800-1200 extra calories a day. I work a desk job, but I climb 50-75 flights of stairs in the course of my day. I cook. I clean. I walk my dogs. I go for lots of long hikes. I almost always do a 60-90 minute workout each day.

    I also wear a BodyMedia Fit, so I can gauge the accuracy of my calorie burn. My average TDEE according to the Body Media is around 2650 calories. MFP has me set to maintain my weight (145 lbs, 5'9", 40 years old, female) at 1730.

    It's been working really well for me!
  • swelch421
    swelch421 Posts: 5
    I agree! The heart rate monitor is based on my weight, height etc, so I record those numbers instead of MFP's numbers.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    i spend 20 minutes walking to a running place, and then 10 minutes running to a sprinting place. Then when I'm done sprinting I go back in the same manner I came.
  • goodies81
    goodies81 Posts: 16
    My gym routine is pretty simple.....I get on the Elliptical Trainer and burn about 700 calories in 65 mins. Then I walk pretty leisurely at a high incline (11.5) and burn 500 calories in 40 mins.That's 1200+ calories in under 2 hours.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I run cross country and track for my college. Our workouts take 2+ hours of running around doing VERY difficult paces at various intervals. usually ends up being 6-10 miles a day...
    On top of that, we are told to lift outside of practice which usually burns another 300ish or more because you have to warm up and cool down.
    I also live 1.5 miles away from campus, so I walk 3 miles AT LEAST 5 days a week with a 20 pound back pack.

    Also, since I do these things a lot, I get bored, so sometimes I mix it up and often times I do MULTIPLE workouts a day because I'm trying to work on my FiTNESS not weight loss.

    It is very difficult to get a burn over 700, and it is time consuming, but I guess that's just what I like doing
  • Amaywil
    Amaywil Posts: 44
    I do 60 - 90 minutes of the elliptical and 35 - 70 minutes of walking ( 4 miles per hour ) Yesterday I burned over 1300 .
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    wow! I must be totally doing it all wrong!!!!! I'm sooo disappointed that I'm not burning that many calories, especially for a Saturday night that I want to go out and have drinks.

    I'm 32 yrs old, 5 feet tall and weight 121lbs.

    I do P90X and burn about 300 calories, running for 50 mins about 6.5km burn about 500 calories, ice hockey about 450 calories, treadmill 50 mins about 350 calories, Les Mills Combat class at the gym, about 525 calories.

    I have a heart rate monitor that I use every time with a chest strap.

    What do you think I'm doing wrong? Please help?

    You're not doing it wrong. You won't be able to burn 1000 in an hour. At 121 lbs you'd probably have to work out hard for almost 3 hours to burn 1000 calories... like, run a marathon.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    I do a lot of cardio, about a half hour in the morning, half hour at lunch and an hour in the evening. It adds up!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I'm skeptical of any burn that high, especially when you see the diaries of many of these people and they're only eating 1000 cals a day. Biological law says, you can't keep doing that day after day without serious health consequences.

    If I see a diary where someone's burning 1000 cals a day and consuming 2500, I'd be more inclined to believe the burn is truly that high. Haven't seen it yet.

    Wanna take a look at my diary ? Haha wow
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    wow! I must be totally doing it all wrong!!!!! I'm sooo disappointed that I'm not burning that many calories, especially for a Saturday night that I want to go out and have drinks.

    I'm 32 yrs old, 5 feet tall and weight 121lbs.

    I do P90X and burn about 300 calories, running for 50 mins about 6.5km burn about 500 calories, ice hockey about 450 calories, treadmill 50 mins about 350 calories, Les Mills Combat class at the gym, about 525 calories.

    I have a heart rate monitor that I use every time with a chest strap.

    What do you think I'm doing wrong? Please help?

    Nothing at all. Sorry. It sounds like you are doing it about right.

    I'm 6' 3" and weigh 218. The extra hundred pounds I have means I burn more calories moving it around, and I've got a larger muscle base to burn those calories, given that I weigh almost twice what you do.

    If you've got your chest strap calibrated properly for your height and weight, then it's probably giving you decent numbers.

    Maybe do a planned calorie spike for the weekend? Save 100 calories or so a day during the week, and you'll have 500 calories to "spend" on the weekends?
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I see :smile: So the answer is lots and lots and lots of cardio dependent on weight. I was wondering if it was specific activities or something? For what it's worth, I only exercise 30-60 minutes a day and only log intentional exercise, and I'm 5'4 and 162. Perhaps one day I'll be getting these burns!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Keep in mind the size of the person who is logging those calories. The bigger you are the bigger the calorie burn is. I burn calories at almost twice the rate of my wife, which by the way does not make me very popular at dinner time when I am dumb enough to point out all of those calories that I have left for the day.

    ^^^^^ Tell me about it! LOL.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yea...I think MFP is lying it's a$# off...because I did 40 mins on elliptical this morning ...and the machine said I burned roughly 225 Cals...but I logged it in to MFP...and it said I burend 563 Cals...WTH? so I manually put in 400...I don't really think any of this crap is accurate.

    EDIT i even put my weight into the machine...maybe my age is the reason it spikes so high on MFP...because my age is loaded here but not on the elliptical

    No, I think MFP is just flat wrong. I use 2 other sites to come up with an average - and MFP is always much higher.

    This is also the main reason I never ever eat back 100% of my exercise calories.

    FINALLY! someone with some sense...I too agree never eat my calories back..because I don't believe the bs that they said I burned...I am with you girl!

  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    Bikram (yoga in a 105 degree room) can burn a ton of calories in a 90 min sesh. I weigh 118 lbs and burn aprox. 950 cals per sesh. If you weigh more you burn more. Be warned this is not deep breathing yoga, this is cardio and strength yoga.

    Did you use a HRM to figure that out? Bikram yoga's tough, don't get me wrong, but I find it hard to believe it could possibly burn that much. I log it as 500 calories per session but I think I'm still overestimating.

    I used a HRM last time I did hot yoga (60 minutes) and only burned about 350 calories. My average heart rate was less than 120, which I was shocked by since I felt like I was working ALOT harder than that! :smile:
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    a 3 mile walk going about 3.5 mph gets me about 400+ and a 60 min zumba class adds up to around 500+ toss in 15 mins on the eliptical and you are well over 1000 :) I rarely get to burn it all at once. I walk on my lunch hour when it's not raining and then go to the gym or home videos (Jillian Michaels - usually gets at 300/30 mins / Wii Zumba, Just Dance etc at night)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Caloric burn is estimated using algorithms derived from statistical averages. There are multiple algorithms and different population samples and they can vary by a large degree.

    It's in the interest of the exercise machine manufacturers, HRM manufacturer, fitness website etc etc to select the most favourable algorithm so that we consumers like the reported caloric burn and recommend their product on.

    I use a HRM but I take the caloric burn with a pinch of salt and usually eat back only half of it.

    I have no doubt that some people are exercising 1000Cals a day but they are few and far between. The previous poster doing 8.5mph runs for 90 mins is probably achieving it or getting close, but of course he would have burnt 200 cals sitting on his bum on the couch so now we're at a net 800.

    I am highly skeptical that many other people are achieving that level.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    Hour long gym class, like bodypump, or weights and an hour of cardio, like the elliptical or treadmill.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    wow! I must be totally doing it all wrong!!!!! I'm sooo disappointed that I'm not burning that many calories, especially for a Saturday night that I want to go out and have drinks.

    I'm 32 yrs old, 5 feet tall and weight 121lbs.

    I do P90X and burn about 300 calories, running for 50 mins about 6.5km burn about 500 calories, ice hockey about 450 calories, treadmill 50 mins about 350 calories, Les Mills Combat class at the gym, about 525 calories.

    I have a heart rate monitor that I use every time with a chest strap.

    What do you think I'm doing wrong? Please help?

    You're not doing it wrong. You won't be able to burn 1000 in an hour. At 121 lbs you'd probably have to work out hard for almost 3 hours to burn 1000 calories... like, run a marathon.

    Run a marathon? Do you even know how far that is? She would burn 2600+ from running a marathon. She would only have to run 10 miles to burn around 1000 calories which is something people do more often than you think.