Ladies: Guys shorter then you?!



  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    If I stand taller than someone when I'm in heels 5'8"ish, it kills it (the attraction) for me at eye level is fine.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Everyone is the same size in bed :bigsmile:

    NOT true.

    Hahahahahahh def NOT true!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I'm 5'6" and have only dated one guy that was the same height as me - but I did make a sport of only dating guys shorter than 5'9".

    So many girls are hung up on "a guy needs to be 6' +" that there are a LOT of amazing men out there feeling left out. Find one - I find they try harder. :wink: Men who are a similar height also make certain "logistics" possible that just can't be done with a height difference.

    Who GAF about heels and being taller? If I'm rocking 4" heels I feel badass enough to more than compensate.
  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    I dated a guy who was the same height as me and I just did not feel sexy when I was with him. I felt like an Amazon Giantess and it was a turn off. Not his fault, but doesn't work for me.

    God I know this feeling!!
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 5'10 and dated a guy 5'8 and it was okay, I just had to wear flats when around him; I didn't like that much. My preference is that he'd be taller than me; but do what feels right for you.

    My husband LOVES when I wear heels, the higher the better. He enjoys being eye-level with the boobs. Thankfully, he doesn't have any issues/insecurities with his height. He says "i'm not short, I'm fun-sized".
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    An inch is not that big of a deal unless you love to live in heels and he has issue with you being taller. I have dated guys shorter than me and taller than me. The last guy I dated was only 2 inches taller than me so when I wore certain heels I was taller and he thought it was sexy.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    He must be taller than me in my highest heels.

    Height would be a huge dealbreaker for me, but if it doesn't bother you, then go for it. It shouldn't matter what other people think about it.

    I've dated two guys that were my height, 5'6ish and they both were shorter than me if I wore anything but flip flops. It was something I could never get used to as I couldn't control the fact that my attraction goes down if a guy is my height or shorter. I still gave the relationships a try because I didn't want to be "shallow" but the height difference was something I couldn't get used to and despite them being great guys, the physical attraction was lacking.

    Physical attraction MATTERS. People are kidding themselves if they think they only care about the inside. Both are important. It's not a matter of shallowness. Some people prefer skinny men, some like them tatted up, some like them with a huge fro. Not liking those things doesn't make you shallow. Not dating short men because you don't find them attractive is not a character flaw.

    If you like the guy, and he happens to be short, and it doesn't bother you, then great!

    My boyfriend is 6'1 and I love that I can go out with him in my stilettos and not be looming over him. It doesn't hurt that he's amazing in every other way as well. =]
  • MarynEve
    MarynEve Posts: 46 Member
    Me= almost 5'5"
    Boyfriend= 5'3"-ish

    He's absolutely wonderful. Height means nothing :smile:
    Give the guy a chance, and if you're still not feeling it, it's probably something other than a height issue.
  • big_drake
    big_drake Posts: 78
    I can kind of see where you're coming from. I'm 5'-9" and I don't usually date women taller than me.

    1. Tall chicks usually don't like short dudes.

    2. My insecureity would get the best of me at times. I have been accused of having short man's syndrome before.

    The fact that you are asking and even considering it makes me think you should at least give it a shot. An honest shot. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. He sounds like a solid guy, I'm sure he'll be fine.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    no way...unless Im rocking some SERIOUS stilettos...and he would still have to be somewhat my same height...6 feet and above!

    All my heels are serious stilettos.


    mine too!!

    not trying to sound mean...and im sure he's great but 5'2" is verrrrry short. but to each their own...if you connect you connect.

    But to sounds like you have reservations already and are try to convince yourself you are OK with the height difference.

    Attraction is fundamental....and necessary.
    I'd say if you're attracted, don't write him off. Don't write him off just from insecurity (not saying you feel that way, but if you do). I'm 5'7" and I've dated probably 3-4 guys shorter/same height as me. I prefer taller guys but if I'm attracted it doesn't really matter to me.

    and to the Amazonian comment...I think looking hot and tall next to a guy is awesome ;-)

    Def not insecure, I love my height...
    I just dont find it attractive.

    Thats my deal breaker... Mentally hes amazing... physically im finding it hard to deal with.

    Ya..move're done...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.

    I will be perfectly honest with you. I think I would find it difficult to date a woman who was taller than I am (6 feet without added man inches!) for that very reason. It just doesn't work for me.

    I know it's not rational but preference or attraction rarely tends to be that way.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Don't punish the guy for something he can't control...

    punishing him would be starting a relationship she isnt comfortable in ...ultimately breaking his heart....deciding not to date him earlier than later would be the right thing to do....If in fact height is a deal breaker...
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    He must be taller than me in my highest heels.

    Height would be a huge dealbreaker for me, but if it doesn't bother you, then go for it. It shouldn't matter what other people think about it.

    I've dated two guys that were my height, 5'6ish and they both were shorter than me if I wore anything but flip flops. It was something I could never get used to as I couldn't control the fact that my attraction goes down if a guy is my height or shorter. I still gave the relationships a try because I didn't want to be "shallow" but the height difference was something I couldn't get used to and despite them being great guys, the physical attraction was lacking.

    Physical attraction MATTERS. People are kidding themselves if they think they only care about the inside. Both are important. It's not a matter of shallowness. Some people prefer skinny men, some like them tatted up, some like them with a huge fro. Not liking those things doesn't make you shallow. Not dating short men because you don't find them attractive is not a character flaw.

    If you like the guy, and he happens to be short, and it doesn't bother you, then great!

    My boyfriend is 6'1 and I love that I can go out with him in my stilettos and not be looming over him. It doesn't hurt that he's amazing in every other way as well. =]

    ^^^ All of this
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    Everyone is the same size in bed :bigsmile:

    NOT true.

    S'Plain 96?

    because its not just the size of the boat ~ its the motion of the ocean sweets. and height at that point doesn't have anything to do with it ... but not are all the same "size"...
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    Nope! sorry - i love my heels and i find a tall man soo sexy so no thank you!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Don't punish the guy for something he can't control...

    punishing him would be starting a relationship she isnt comfortable in ...ultimately breaking his heart....deciding not to date him earlier than later would be the right thing to do....If in fact height is a deal breaker...

    Eh, it's not like they have to get married. She can get to know him. If it's really "there" the height won't matter anymore.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Nope. I love wearing heels and feel so conspicious doing so with a shorter than me guy.