Ladies: Guys shorter then you?!



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    hold on to a good man!! tha is all i can say about that :) best wishes!!


    Easier for that guy to wear boots than to find true love
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Also, can't stand women who beat up on men who say they like skinny women, but then turn around themselves and snark on mens' heights, say they only date men over 6 ft, etc. Totally hypocritical.

    I agree with that.
    I dont judge other people and thier preferences tho.
    Everybody has thier own opinion and height is the only real issue with me.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Eee No!

    Just me but I like a thick thigh and they tend to hold up a tall frame!
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    So ive met this guy who is totally cute.

    Hes really sweet.

    Hes in the Airforce (So he has a career).

    He makes me laugh.

    Ect ect...


    I am only 5'3" so I already consider myself to be short AND he is only 5'2"... I know that its not much but its really kinda pushing it for me...

    What about you ladies?!
    Short guys?!

    If my guy wasn't 5'3 I would think you were talking about him lol
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    SOME short guys have a major complex about being smaller stature, which is a deal breaker for me. I've had shorter boyfriends that were wonderful and their height didn't make a difference to me at all.

    I've also had relationships with shorter guys that didn't get very far because their obvious Napoleon complex showed itself. No-thank-you to that nonsense.

    There was a 2007 study that found Napoleon complex is very likely a myth for most short guys. But regardless of that study I know from experience that it definitely applies to SOME shorter guys. And when it does, it's pathetic.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    So ive met this guy who is totally cute.

    Hes really sweet.

    Hes in the Airforce (So he has a career).

    He makes me laugh.

    Ect ect...


    I am only 5'3" so I already consider myself to be short AND he is only 5'2"... I know that its not much but its really kinda pushing it for me...

    What about you ladies?!
    Short guys?!

    Yeah, you'd totally want to get rid of a cute, sweet, funny guy for something he can't help. Do you also feel that way about someone with a handicap? A guy who's losing his hair young? Has the wrong color eyes? Has an outie instead of an innie?

    I'm 5'5", my husband is maybe 5'7". He's nine years older than me, and was going bald before he even graduated high school. He's a wonderful husband and father. We'll have been married 20 years this fall. Should I have blown him off, just because we're the same height if I wear shoes with a 2" heel, or because I can't run my fingers through his hair?

    Our son is growth-hormone deficient, and if we weren't treating him for it, he would have ended up around 5'2" or 5'3". With treatment, he'll still only be 5'8" or 5'9". Heaven spare him from girls like you, when he gets old enough to be interested in girls.

    If you don't like the guy for who he is, including his height, do HIM a favor and break it off now.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I am only 5ft 3in and I use to date guys that were only a bit taller then me and was ok with it but as soon as I dated my finacee now who is 6ft 5in and 313 lbs of muscle I cant go back.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    Being five foot, I'm not so likely to ever have to deal with this, but I don't see where one inch is an issue. He doesn't need to be physically tall for you to look up to him if he's a wonderful individual. I think it's kind of nice to be about the same height and who cares which of you has the extra inch? If he's well adjusted and has no personal issues about his height, then you may find him to be a very interesting man to get to know and you'll always be able to see eye to eye.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    My best friend from high school (still friends 41 years later!) is 6 foot and she used to tell people that she's 5 foot 12. She's gorgeous and could have any man (my opinion), but she had no hangups about short men. Her late SO was not just shorter than her, he was short - something like 5'6". I think you really open up your options if you don't judge someone based on their height - how do you know that the love of your life wasn't one of those short guys you dissed and never got to know?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My sister briefly dated a guy in the Navy who was a couple of inches shorter than her (she is 5'5). When she was out with him some guys shouted form their car: "De plane! De plane!" She said she felt bad for him but it turned her off.
    I am only 5'2 and have mostly dated much taller guys. I could be attracted to a short guy too I think - depending on the person.
    "It is better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall."

    Odd, no one shouts insults about my height to me...and I'm only 5'7", on a good day lol.
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.

    I've been waiting for this one to pop up. No one is allowed to compare men and women in any way, shape, or form anymore, without it being sexist and in some way an indicator of some conspiracy in which men hold women down for their own benifit.

    Unless of course you're comparing women in a way where they are superior...that would be encouraged.

    Also, can't stand women who beat up on men who say they like skinny women, but then turn around themselves and snark on mens' heights, say they only date men over 6 ft, etc. Totally hypocritical.

    You really ARE an incredible person aren't you??? a short guy (like I mentioned above), I've found it kind of difficult to date taller women. I was definitely raised to protect (NOTE!! I didn't effing say DOMINATE!!) and shelter the women in my life. And it's not that I can't do that regardless of my just feels odd to have your girlfriend towering 5" over you in heels lol. My ex of seven years was 5'5"...and she did things of her own volition to make it so that that minimal height difference was maximized (she wore cute flat sandals It wasn't necessary, but it was noted and appreciated.

    I guess the point is that I can see the feeling being mutual, and certainly don't hold it against a girl who doesn't want to date someone shorter than they are. MOST women like the feeling of being protected and sheltered that a taller boyfriend gives (don't worry, the fact that you're setting women's rights back 50yrs is ok with us men). MOST men like the feeling of protecting and sheltering they get when their girlfriend is shorter (I guess this makes us sexist pigs...sadly).

    I will say though, if a girl was close to my height (+/-)...and she was freaking incredible...I wouldn't pass her up.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    So ive met this guy who is totally cute.

    Hes really sweet.

    Hes in the Airforce (So he has a career).

    He makes me laugh.

    Ect ect...


    I am only 5'3" so I already consider myself to be short AND he is only 5'2"... I know that its not much but its really kinda pushing it for me...

    What about you ladies?!
    Short guys?!

    Yeah, you'd totally want to get rid of a cute, sweet, funny guy for something he can't help. Do you also feel that way about someone with a handicap? A guy who's losing his hair young? Has the wrong color eyes? Has an outie instead of an innie?

    I'm 5'5", my husband is maybe 5'7". He's nine years older than me, and was going bald before he even graduated high school. He's a wonderful husband and father. We'll have been married 20 years this fall. Should I have blown him off, just because we're the same height if I wear shoes with a 2" heel, or because I can't run my fingers through his hair?

    Our son is growth-hormone deficient, and if we weren't treating him for it, he would have ended up around 5'2" or 5'3". With treatment, he'll still only be 5'8" or 5'9". Heaven spare him from girls like you, when he gets old enough to be interested in girls.

    If you don't like the guy for who he is, including his height, do HIM a favor and break it off now.

    You have seriously put too much thought into this

    BUT to answer your questions.

    I dont like short guys.
    I dont like bald guys.
    Eye color dont matter to me.
    Height isnt a handicap.
    My son has an outie. Lol.

    Physical attraction is just that, Physical attraction.
    A guy can be the most amazing guy in the world but if a girl isnt attracted to him then its most likely destined for failure.

    Damn I just answerd my own question. Hahahaha.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I am only 5'6" and I was in a relationship for just under 4 years with someone 5'9.5", my prom date was 5'8".

    Any height difference gets cut in half when you are lying down.

    HAHA! YES!!! My husband was 5'5", I'm 5'8". Yeah, kissing while standing up was a little awkward at first, but I got over it. My piano teacher is a head taller than her husband, but I don't even notice it. They still look great together. :heart:
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    My sister briefly dated a guy in the Navy who was a couple of inches shorter than her (she is 5'5). When she was out with him some guys shouted form their car: "De plane! De plane!" She said she felt bad for him but it turned her off.
    I am only 5'2 and have mostly dated much taller guys. I could be attracted to a short guy too I think - depending on the person.
    "It is better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall."

    Odd, no one shouts insults about my height to me...and I'm only 5'7", on a good day lol.
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.

    I've been waiting for this one to pop up. No one is allowed to compare men and women in any way, shape, or form anymore, without it being sexist and in some way an indicator of some conspiracy in which men hold women down for their own benifit.

    Unless of course you're comparing women in a way where they are superior...that would be encouraged.

    Also, can't stand women who beat up on men who say they like skinny women, but then turn around themselves and snark on mens' heights, say they only date men over 6 ft, etc. Totally hypocritical.

    You really ARE an incredible person aren't you??? a short guy (like I mentioned above), I've found it kind of difficult to date taller women. I was definitely raised to protect (NOTE!! I didn't effing say DOMINATE!!) and shelter the women in my life. And it's not that I can't do that regardless of my just feels odd to have your girlfriend towering 5" over you in heels lol. My ex of seven years was 5'5"...and she did things of her own volition to make it so that that minimal height difference was maximized (she wore cute flat sandals It wasn't necessary, but it was noted and appreciated.

    I guess the point is that I can see the feeling being mutual, and certainly don't hold it against a girl who doesn't want to date someone shorter than they are. MOST women like the feeling of being protected and sheltered that a taller boyfriend gives (don't worry, the fact that you're setting women's rights back 50yrs is ok with us men). MOST men like the feeling of protecting and sheltering they get when their girlfriend is shorter (I guess this makes us sexist pigs...sadly).

    I will say though, if a girl was close to my height (+/-)...and she was freaking incredible...I wouldn't pass her up.

    Thank you for your post. :flowerforyou:
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    So ive met this guy who is totally cute.

    Hes really sweet.

    Hes in the Airforce (So he has a career).

    He makes me laugh.

    Ect ect...


    I am only 5'3" so I already consider myself to be short AND he is only 5'2"... I know that its not much but its really kinda pushing it for me...

    What about you ladies?!
    Short guys?!

    Yeah, you'd totally want to get rid of a cute, sweet, funny guy for something he can't help. Do you also feel that way about someone with a handicap? A guy who's losing his hair young? Has the wrong color eyes? Has an outie instead of an innie?

    I'm 5'5", my husband is maybe 5'7". He's nine years older than me, and was going bald before he even graduated high school. He's a wonderful husband and father. We'll have been married 20 years this fall. Should I have blown him off, just because we're the same height if I wear shoes with a 2" heel, or because I can't run my fingers through his hair?

    Our son is growth-hormone deficient, and if we weren't treating him for it, he would have ended up around 5'2" or 5'3". With treatment, he'll still only be 5'8" or 5'9". Heaven spare him from girls like you, when he gets old enough to be interested in girls.

    If you don't like the guy for who he is, including his height, do HIM a favor and break it off now.

    You have seriously put too much thought into this

    BUT to answer your questions.

    I dont like short guys.
    I dont like bald guys.
    Eye color dont matter to me.
    Height isnt a handicap.
    My son has an outie. Lol.

    Physical attraction is just that, Physical attraction.
    A guy can be the most amazing guy in the world but if a girl isnt attracted to him then its most likely destined for failure.

    Damn I just answerd my own question. Hahahaha.

    Proud of you, stick to your guns and get what you want.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I can't picture myself with a shorter or smaller guy, however, if he was kind hearted, funny and had other attributes that I was attracted to then I would give it a shot.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    If he's in the airforce, I bet he's got the toned body to make up for the height!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My sister briefly dated a guy in the Navy who was a couple of inches shorter than her (she is 5'5). When she was out with him some guys shouted form their car: "De plane! De plane!" She said she felt bad for him but it turned her off.
    I am only 5'2 and have mostly dated much taller guys. I could be attracted to a short guy too I think - depending on the person.
    "It is better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall."

    Odd, no one shouts insults about my height to me...and I'm only 5'7", on a good day lol.
    I really don't understand this concept. Why can't a woman be taller than her date? Is this some kind of sexist thing?

    How did you get sexist from preference?!
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.

    I've been waiting for this one to pop up. No one is allowed to compare men and women in any way, shape, or form anymore, without it being sexist and in some way an indicator of some conspiracy in which men hold women down for their own benifit.

    Unless of course you're comparing women in a way where they are superior...that would be encouraged.

    Also, can't stand women who beat up on men who say they like skinny women, but then turn around themselves and snark on mens' heights, say they only date men over 6 ft, etc. Totally hypocritical.

    You really ARE an incredible person aren't you??? a short guy (like I mentioned above), I've found it kind of difficult to date taller women. I was definitely raised to protect (NOTE!! I didn't effing say DOMINATE!!) and shelter the women in my life. And it's not that I can't do that regardless of my just feels odd to have your girlfriend towering 5" over you in heels lol. My ex of seven years was 5'5"...and she did things of her own volition to make it so that that minimal height difference was maximized (she wore cute flat sandals It wasn't necessary, but it was noted and appreciated.

    I guess the point is that I can see the feeling being mutual, and certainly don't hold it against a girl who doesn't want to date someone shorter than they are. MOST women like the feeling of being protected and sheltered that a taller boyfriend gives (don't worry, the fact that you're setting women's rights back 50yrs is ok with us men). MOST men like the feeling of protecting and sheltering they get when their girlfriend is shorter (I guess this makes us sexist pigs...sadly).

    I will say though, if a girl was close to my height (+/-)...and she was freaking incredible...I wouldn't pass her up.

    Thank you for your post. :flowerforyou:

  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    If he's in the airforce, I bet he's got the toned body to make up for the height!

    Ehhh.... Lol.
  • MUzicpro
    MUzicpro Posts: 1
    My first instinct is to say that I probably wouldn't because the height would always be in the back of my mind. But then I remembered when I was younger, I was friends with this guy who was 5'7 but he was so nice and smart and funny, and we got along SO well and hebended up asking me out and the height difference was NEVER and issue, I never even noticed he was shorter than me. So I guess its not my "ideal", but if the guy is great and has everything I would want in a man then I wouldn't let that 1 little inch stand in the way. But I will say I can't do more than 1 inch haha. Some girls can but it's just not my thing:) Two of my really tall friends r married to guys 8 to 10 inches shorter and none of us even "notice". They're happy together and we're happy for them.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    No deal. I'm 5'9 and I STILL don't date guys shorter than me

    AmberJslimsAW I dont date girls that are shallow like you!!!!!!!!!