Where did you meet...?



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm a babyboomer from the 50's. I met my husband on a trampoline. It was during the change over from white sox and pointy black shoes with slicked back hair to to bell bottoms , hair combed down(similar to the Beatles) and God forbid, NO WHITE SOX!! I know this really dates me but it is different than most. No it definitely was not live a first sight.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    We met at work. He was an electrical engineer (who just came off a year of field service work) and I was a technical writer. We were put together to work on a manual for a new machine our company was building.

    Not sure if it was love at first sight but definately lust! :) He says he knew right away we were going to get married, which is why it took us 8 months to start dating after we first met. He wasn't ready to give up his bachelorhood! :)
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    Grocery Store

    It's a really long story and I truly believe that we only met because of GOD, but here is the short version:

    We met, 2 weeks later we started dating, 2 months later he proposed, 1 year later we got married and have been married for 15 years.

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Preschool. He started "courting" me through 10th grade (I was clueless about it...at one point I even thought he was gay) and finally started dating in 11th grade. Been together now for 20 years, married for 13, 4 kids. Love him more everyday.
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    Four years ago at the gym. I was totally not expecting it in a million years. I'm sooooo happy!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    These stories are inspiring. I am honestly kind of nervous about online dating.... but I want to be proactive about it.

    May I ask why your nervous?
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Here, last year. We emailed and IM'd back and forth for over a month. We met in person March 10th, 2011 and have pretty much been together ever since :heart:
  • sailorsiren13
    sailorsiren13 Posts: 460
    We met at the Galley (Chow Hall) eating establishment, but i don't remember that one i remember meeting him at Medical i was a fresh from boot camp Sailor and he had 5 years in. That was Eighteen years ago and we have been together ever since along with the Navy and three kids!
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member
    I met my husband on Second Life. :heart: (online virtual world) He is the most wonderful man ever.
  • skohl83
    skohl83 Posts: 23
    I didn't know it, but this is just what I needed to read today, thanks everyone!
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    We met at the Walmart deli. Yup. I was having a terrible day & all I wanted to do was go get some hard salami & cheese from the deli & smash it, hahahaha. I was waiting in line & noticed someone walk behind me, so I turned to look & noticed he was wearing a sweet North Face jacket. Didn't see his face, so I turned back around. Curiosity got the best of me so I tried sneaking another peek, only to find out he had turned around to check me out too. He went on his way & I proceeded to order my hard salami & cheese. A few minutes later he approached me to tell me he liked my hair. I thought 'oh, lame, another guy telling me he likes my hair' but I turned and finally got a good look at him and, well, I got really flustered!! Dropped my cell phone. We talked for about 20 minutes, he asked for my number & if he could take me out sometime, and we've been together since (with one pretty major bump in the road...lol) My friends always joke that I definitely got my hard salami... :bigsmile: :love:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Met my hubby at Wal-Mart. I was working there 3rd shift stocking shelves, and he came on 3rd for maintenance. Casual little bumping into each other over time, and then one day he was cleaning the break room and there was another guy in there. They were talking about warm weather and the beach. That other guy left and I decided to open my mouth and start talking to him about it. On my way out of the lunch room after my break, he asked about having lunch together some day. I said ok. A few days later on my day off, my best friend (who also worked there 3rd shift) had a chat with him (to make sure his intentions were sincere, she always did look out for me in that way), and she called me all excited after their shift to tell me he was interested in a relationship with me. That was in 2005. This year we will celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary. And we finally made it to the beach together last year. (neither of us had ever been). Found out later in our relationship how connected we really were and never knew it. His dad came into Tractor Supply all the time when I worked there (and he came along), a girl I was friends with in high school knew his family, particularly his aunt (whom I have adopted as my mother-in-law since we kicked the monster-in-law out of our life) and his aunt was really close friends with the lady who I took horse back riding lessons from. We believe we met at some point during my months of lessons as she would come and help her on the farm.

    What is really funny, is when I was little, the movie practical magic came out, and the part where Sandra Bullock's younger self was going around collecting flower petals to cast her "perfect man" spell inspired me, and I made my own wish, describing what I wanted in a guy when I grew up. My husband fits it to a T! I said I wanted a guy with dark hair, no chest hair (or back hair for that matter), loves cats as much as I do, loves me like crazy, has a great sense of humor, etc. don't remember it all. He literally is right from my innocent little wish years ago. It's funny and amazing. Sometimes I wish I had specified "taller than me" though. LOL! But it's fine. He even knew of my favorite band, and liked them a lot too, and not many people have heard of them. We were meant to be. :heart:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Met my hubby 1986 at DeVry University in Chicago. He was a faculty assistant writing something on the chalk board and I was new student going through orientation. I saw him from the back and thought "Hmm he has a nice frame." then he turned around and I saw a face full a freckles and I jumped!!!! I never saw that many freckles on a Black man before. From then on I was smitten. :heart: :heart:
  • lillawyernica
    I have been with my husband nearly 10 years (dating for 5, married for 5). Ours is kind of like one of those When Harry Met Sally Situations:

    1. We didn't realize it until years later, but we first met in a Political Science class in undergrad. We spent the entire semester debating each other. One night we were talking about our classes and he would talk about this girl that always had to prove she was right and I would talk about the guy who wouldn't realize I was right and shut up.

    2. My graduation night, some of my friends were having a party. He was in town visiting, or staying a while. We ending up talking and kissing, to the disdain of the girl that thought they were dating.

    3. My Christmas break during law school: I was bored and wanted to go to a comedy show with his massage therapist, personal trainer roommate (need I say more?). Unfortunately/Fortunately, the roommate wasn't home and he answered the phone. Since I was bored, I said "Well, I guess you can come instead". We went to the show together and spent the whole night talking. He asked me out and we have been together ever since (I immediately dumped the other 2 guys I was dating...I was in law school, not a convent)
  • Meggie1045
    Meggie1045 Posts: 20
    When I was in 6th grade a friend of mine had a crush on a boy that went to a different elementry school in the same town. One day we walked up to the baseball fields to watch him play baseball (he was cute). The next year we went to the same middle school and later High school we never dated but hung out at the same parties and stuff. After we graduated from High school he was home from college one weekend when a group of us went to a Phillies game. He and I sat next to eachother the whole time and talked and laughed. 7 years later we're still happily together and just had our first baby last year!
  • Meggie1045
    Meggie1045 Posts: 20
    scw110489 Haha that's awesome!!
  • Watchmeshrink21
    Watchmeshrink21 Posts: 69 Member
    train station ! hahaha 4years and still going !
  • svazquez820
    svazquez820 Posts: 91 Member
    JcPenney and we will be going on 7 years this August :)
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    We met at church. It was quite the whirlwind romance. We had both been previously married. We're now 8 years on with a total of 5 kids and couldn't be happier.
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    In Greek class, first day of university classes. I was barely on time for class and there was only a few spots left. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight but something about him drew me to the spot next to him. I sat down, we were awkward, attempted to make conversation (my greatest line being "do you have the textbook yet?") and day after day we started sitting together, becoming friends.

    We were friends first before anything else and other than being awkward, we shared a lot of nerdy interests. When I discovered he had a girlfriend I was a disappointed but decided I would finally get myself a guy best friend lol. A few months passed, he and his girlfriend broke up at some point, over Christmas holidays we didn't talk at all, and then when we got back to school we finally got together... Slowly XD I had a few drinks before I started texting him that night - barely buzzed - and we were talking about the Beeb's Sherlock. We started quoting it, I misquoted Molly when she asked Sherlock if he wanted to go for coffee and his reply, he took it as me asking him to coffee and we ended up doing that the next night. We were awkward at first. But now, he's the person I'm most comfortable with and there is no awkwardness at all. I really do love him.