Where did you meet...?



  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Online dating site (www.okcupid.com). We emailed for a couple weeks before he asked me out on a date. We moved in together 6 months later, and were married last year.
  • acksaysbillthecat
    I met my hubby in grad school. I knew we'd get married after the first night we went out, and we were engaged two months after our first date! Happily married 11 years.

    My parents was love at first sight for dad, who knew he'd marry my mom (although he was in process of divorcing first wife). They've been married about 40 years. My dad says he has never taken off his ring (and now it's stuck).

    Also my boyfriend in college it was love at first sight for his dad and mom.

    I think that applies more to men, and women have to be woo'd. :)
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    My husband and I went to high school together. He said he saw me every day, but I never noticed him. We "officially" met at age 20 when I was working at a local bar/pool hall in November 2005. He started working there as well, and I took extreme notice to him. He didn't know that my little brother and sister worked there as well as hostesses/food runners and was asking them all about me!

    We started talking that night and on the phone and instantly became inseparable. We had pretty much become official from the day we met. Fast forward three months later and he left for the Navy. Being 20, I had this mindset of "I'm still young, if it works, awesome! If not, whatever!" LOL. We wrote each other every single day while he was gone in boot came and I went with his family to IL for his graduation in March 2006. We kept in touch the next two months of his training, and in May 2006 he came home on leave and proposed!

    We both got scared of what we were getting into. His parents raised him Christian and advised him not to marry me (Jewish) while my parents told me we were too young and not to marry him because they wanted me to marry a nice Jewish boy and keep the faith going. We ended up breaking up. He was stationed in GA and not even a week after we broke up, we started talking again all day, every day. Every chance we could. Absence made the heart grow fonder. We would visit each other once a month, and than got married almost a year to the date we met in November 2006.

    It wasn't love at first sight. It was lust at first sight. We had an extremely rocky relationship including the death of one of my best friends, an accidental suicide of a mutual friend, my mother having a hip replacement and undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Our apartment was flooded and broken into, his dad passed away. We left our house and eventually filed bankruptcy. We both had anger issues that lead to marital disputes, and occasionally the county police!

    All of this happened before the age of 24 and it was a lot to deal with being so young. After he was out of the military, we split up. He moved in with his mom and I moved in with my parents.

    His father always told us to find a church and plant our buts there. After splitting, I listened. I began going to church with his mom and sister. I was there every Wednesday, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, absorbing every word I could. Within three months, God reunited our family. We put our past in the past and build our "new" relationship with Jesus in the center of it, and all the glory goes to Him! It's been two years since getting back together, and almost seven years together, but I don't think we would be where we were if we didn't take the focus off ourselves and each other and put it on THE ONE who created us.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Meet my husband on line in a local chat room.... and I knew by the end of our first date he was a very special guy! :heart:
  • lovenhppnss
    lovenhppnss Posts: 17 Member
    My partner and I were penpals, having met through a Prince fan magazine. Crazy huh? Been together pretty much ever since...and we are talking nearly 20 years.

  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    A mutual friend introduced us to each other and it clicked rightaway :love: Next Monday will be our 10th wedding anniversary :drinker:
  • aspenwind
    aspenwind Posts: 26 Member
    I met my wife while she was dating my best friend. Later on he was the best man at our wedding.
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    Online dating website. Happily married for 6-1/2 years now.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    My husband and I went to high school together. He said he saw me every day, but I never noticed him. We "officially" met at age 20 when I was working at a local bar/pool hall in November 2005. He started working there as well, and I took extreme notice to him. He didn't know that my little brother and sister worked there as well as hostesses/food runners and was asking them all about me!

    We started talking that night and on the phone and instantly became inseparable. We had pretty much become official from the day we met. Fast forward three months later and he left for the Navy. Being 20, I had this mindset of "I'm still young, if it works, awesome! If not, whatever!" LOL. We wrote each other every single day while he was gone in boot came and I went with his family to IL for his graduation in March 2006. We kept in touch the next two months of his training, and in May 2006 he came home on leave and proposed!

    We both got scared of what we were getting into. His parents raised him Christian and advised him not to marry me (Jewish) while my parents told me we were too young and not to marry him because they wanted me to marry a nice Jewish boy and keep the faith going. We ended up breaking up. He was stationed in GA and not even a week after we broke up, we started talking again all day, every day. Every chance we could. Absence made the heart grow fonder. We would visit each other once a month, and than got married almost a year to the date we met in November 2006.

    It wasn't love at first sight. It was lust at first sight. We had an extremely rocky relationship including the death of one of my best friends, an accidental suicide of a mutual friend, my mother having a hip replacement and undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Our apartment was flooded and broken into, his dad passed away. We left our house and eventually filed bankruptcy. We both had anger issues that lead to marital disputes, and occasionally the county police!

    All of this happened before the age of 24 and it was a lot to deal with being so young. After he was out of the military, we split up. He moved in with his mom and I moved in with my parents.

    His father always told us to find a church and plant our buts there. After splitting, I listened. I began going to church with his mom and sister. I was there every Wednesday, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, absorbing every word I could. Within three months, God reunited our family. We put our past in the past and build our "new" relationship with Jesus in the center of it, and all the glory goes to Him! It's been two years since getting back together, and almost seven years together, but I don't think we would be where we were if we didn't take the focus off ourselves and each other and put it on THE ONE who created us.

    I love your story. I love, even more, that you give the glory to God and put Him at the center of your relationship. May God continue to bless your marriage! :)
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    It wasn't love at first sight. It was lust at first sight. We had an extremely rocky relationship including the death of one of my best friends, an accidental suicide of a mutual friend, my mother having a hip replacement and undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Our apartment was flooded and broken into, his dad passed away. We left our house and eventually filed bankruptcy. We both had anger issues that lead to marital disputes, and occasionally the county police!

    My husband and I also had a lot to deal with in our relationship. My mom was diagnosed with leukemia; hubby totaled my car; my parents almost ran themselves into bankruptcy trying to keep my dad's truck up and running (he was an owner/operator truck driver), while trying to figure out how to pay for her medication ($3,000/month for the leukemia medication alone) ; I was on suicide watch with my mom, having to count her pills every night after she fell asleep to make sure she didn't overdose like she told her psychiatrist she wanted to; I started college in the middle of all this and was terrified as it was something so new (I hated school with a passion and swore I wouldn't ever go back); we were fighting horribly with his mom & brother (sometimes even getting physically violent with us); Our basement flooded badly due to one of the hurricanes (our bedroom was in the basement); With so much going on in such a short period of time, I hadn't had the chance to break down about my mom's cancer diagnosis, and finally it all hit me one day when she wasn't home from the store when I thought she should've been. I was hyperventilating, sobbing so hard, my stomach hurt so bad, but no tears ever came out. It was the strangest thing. I couldn't control one second of any of it. Hubby and I made it through all of that somehow.
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 168 Member
    Wonderful stories!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Although we didn't start dating until many years later, this is how I met my boyfriend (who I've been with for 3 1/2 years, very happily):

    When I was 14 I had this best friend who was kind of a bad influence. Her mom worked nights and her dad lived in a nursing home (he'd had a severe stroke) so it was mostly her alone all the time. Anyway, we would always invite boys over and get someone to buy us wine coolers and stupid stuff like that. So one night, she says "Hey, let's go to this guy's house, he lives across the main street, we can just walk there." So I say ok.

    We leave her house at like midnight, and run across the main street and into the next neighborhood. We enter some random backyard gate, and she taps on a window. This SUPER cute boy, who I recognized from school (he was very popular and on the baseball team) opens the window and lets us climb in. Then my friend, and another boy (friend of the cute boy) go off into another room as she says "We just have to go talk in this other room." My idiot naive self actually thought they were talking.

    So here I am, sitting in this cute, popular boy's bedroom, SO awkward, I'd never even had a boyfriend before, I didn't even know how to act. It was the longest time of my life waiting for my friend to come back, making awkward small talk with Mr. Popular. Finally she comes back, we go to sneak back out the window, SET OFF THE HOUSE ALARM, and take off running like the wind down the street.

    After that, Mr. Popular always said hi to me at school with a really uncomfortable grin on his face because it was JUST SO AWKWARD. FYI--I was NOT Ms. Popular. I was vice president of the show choir. I mean, come on.

    We ran into each other in college, he wound up playing baseball for the school I went to. Then we kept randomly running into each other places about twice a year, a bar, the mall...it was fate, I guess, because a month after I got out of an abusive relationship with my son's father, I ran into him again (at a bar, it just happened to be his birthday too), one of my girlfriends told me to give him my #, so I did, he called me the next day and asked me out to dinner....the rest is history :)
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Although we didn't start dating until many years later, this is how I met my boyfriend (who I've been with for 3 1/2 years, very happily):

    When I was 14 I had this best friend who was kind of a bad influence. Her mom worked nights and her dad lived in a nursing home (he'd had a severe stroke) so it was mostly her alone all the time. Anyway, we would always invite boys over and get someone to buy us wine coolers and stupid stuff like that. So one night, she says "Hey, let's go to this guy's house, he lives across the main street, we can just walk there." So I say ok.

    We leave her house at like midnight, and run across the main street and into the next neighborhood. We enter some random backyard gate, and she taps on a window. This SUPER cute boy, who I recognized from school (he was very popular and on the baseball team) opens the window and lets us climb in. Then my friend, and another boy (friend of the cute boy) go off into another room as she says "We just have to go talk in this other room." My idiot naive self actually thought they were talking.

    So here I am, sitting in this cute, popular boy's bedroom, SO awkward, I'd never even had a boyfriend before, I didn't even know how to act. It was the longest time of my life waiting for my friend to come back, making awkward small talk with Mr. Popular. Finally she comes back, we go to sneak back out the window, SET OFF THE HOUSE ALARM, and take off running like the wind down the street.

    After that, Mr. Popular always said hi to me at school with a really uncomfortable grin on his face because it was JUST SO AWKWARD. FYI--I was NOT Ms. Popular. I was vice president of the show choir. I mean, come on.

    We ran into each other in college, he wound up playing baseball for the school I went to. Then we kept randomly running into each other places about twice a year, a bar, the mall...it was fate, I guess, because a month after I got out of an abusive relationship with my son's father, I ran into him again (at a bar, it just happened to be his birthday too), one of my girlfriends told me to give him my #, so I did, he called me the next day and asked me out to dinner....the rest is history :)

    Isn't it funny how life works? That "bad influence" led you to your future.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I met my wife thru a friend who was dating her sister. Nope not love at first sight we kinda ran into each other here and there called and chatted everynow and then more of a friend than a love interest. After about 6 months things became more involved. That was about 16 years ago.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Here's a LONG Story Short

    Ex Husband left me and our two kids.. (ages 8 and 6 weeks) was crushed :sad:
    4 months later
    Tried Zoosk and hated it...
    Tried POF (plenty of fish)
    Meet fiance 2 days after signing up :blushing:
    Talked every day
    Meet the day before Christmas Eve :smile:
    Feel head over heels... :flowerforyou:
    Moved in 3 months later
    He asked me to marry him last August :love:
    And we are getting married in 5 days in Las Vegas.. :love:
    And he has 4 wonderful Children.. Together we have 6 children :tongue:
    it all equals one big happy family!!!!
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Work. Wife and I were both in the Air Force (she has since retired). She drove the refuelling truck and I was the aircraft maintenance technician and as the the fuel was going in there was flirting going on. It then ended with a casual "see you at the club" where there was drinking, dancing general good times going on and one night led to another and another and eventually a wedding!
  • JessicaV623
    JessicaV623 Posts: 31 Member
    We knew each other in high school but reconected on Pleanty of fish. I refused to date him and would constantly make plans and then cancel but we always talked over BBM. I told him I loved him before we had even gone out! One Friday, I had the flu and was so sick and he insisted on coming over and watching movies and we've been together since. Hes my little donkey :)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    :blushing: <<<

    I met him on POF. I was being a man eater and enjoying it. A guy hadn't came along that was worth it (although I was crushing on a friend of mine for a couple of months). He's awesome and I'm just mush over him. It's UNLIKE me.

    I don't believe in love at first sight but we had chemistry online, then over text then on the phone... and then we met in person and we couldn't stop giggling the whole time. It was unreal!!!

    I don't kiss on 1st date usually but did with him. He asked me out the next night and have been together ever since. We've been official for 3 weeks now. :bigsmile:
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I was a designated driver for a friend for a 4th of July party. He was the guitar player at the party. It all started over crawfish. 3 months later we were married. 13 years it'll be in December.

    Just to add, I was 18, he was 22. I was supposed to be the DD for my friend the night before but stood him up so me and a g/f could go to the beach. If I wouldn't have stood him up the night before then chances are I would've never went to the party and met my hubby. Everything fell into place. It's amazing how it can all work out. <3
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    I wouldn't say it was "Love at first sight" since we insulted and hated each other when we first met.