do you log your cheat days/meals?



  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I don't cheat...I eat...whatever I want to. And I log absolutely everything, because doing otherwise would be cheating myself. I just don't get the whole idea of not logging something - the calories are still there whether you log them or not!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I know what I ate, I log it. I don't always log if I went out to a restaurant that doesn't have online nutritional information or to a friend's house for dinner.

    Basically, if I think I can get a pretty close guess at calories I log it, otherwise it seems pointless. I don't always log weekends, whether I cheat or not.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I log everything, even if I know it will make me go over... I figure there's no point if I don't. As long as my average is still under for the week I don't worry about it. It also helps me with controlling portions of the higher calorie foods (and drinks) when I log it as I'm eating it. Even on my "whatever" days (aka cheat days) I try to stay within my goals through working out.

    It's not that I dislike eating healthy food (I used to for sure!) but I try not to think of cheat/whatever days as a reward for being "good".
  • chroniclesofadime
    So for you 'non cheaters', would that mean you'd log/not cheat on a cruise or vacation? Thanksgiving?

    I agree with the fact that I'm not "cheating"; I'm living my life, and yes, I log everything I eat regardless of the occasion (vacations, holidays, etc).

    As others have said it helps to see what you're eating in black and white and gives motivation to work off the extra cals consumed.
  • vanderandkarl
    i log it all regardless beacause i want to change and want to lose weight

    also u are only cheating yourself if u dont x
  • chevvy53
    chevvy53 Posts: 44
    I dont consider it cheating either, I do log good and bad as best I can and lets face it we are on own when we logging etc so anyone of us could be cheating at any given time?? but that would be only cheating ourselves !!
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Yes, I log everything. I've thought about 'cheating' and pretending I didn't eat something bad but I'd rather have those calories staring me in the face so I know what I need to do to work off the extras or how much better I need to be the next day. It helps me not cheat much.
  • goodies81
    goodies81 Posts: 16
    If it's a kit kat or a piece of fried chicken.....yeah.
    But if it was fried chicken baked mac n cheese sweet tea chocolate cake then NOPE!!! lol....
    That's not even a cheat meal or day....that's straight failure for the day.
  • meddowes
    meddowes Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely!!! If I don't log them in, I am only lying to myself about "falling off the wagon." Accountability to myself is key for my own personal success. I know what I did, no sense in hiding from it! :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I log everything.
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    I don't "cheat" - I just live my life.

    And I log it.

  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I log everything as well. Like someone else said, I don't consider it "cheating" when I eat things that make me go over, or things that I know I probably shouldn't eat. I will never tell myself that I can't have certain things. I'm human... I eat what I feel like eating- I just watch my portion sizes better now.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I tend to log everything for weeks on end then I will miss a day or to just not going online. I do log when I cheat however.
  • jatiger83
    jatiger83 Posts: 67 Member
    I don't "cheat" - I just live my life.

    And I log it.

    That's exactly how I feel!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Nope....that's my point of a cheat meal/day, to get away from the daily grind of logging food and having so much of my thoughts consumed by food/how much to eat/how to log etc. I don't always eat bad stuff on a cheat day, I just want a break from thinking about my meals so much.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    yes i log my cheat day. every thing. although i think after this week i'm going to try to maintain the same calorie intake daily and see if it boost my losing because i am losing very slowly.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I log everything...even the bug I accidently swallowed on my way to work. 1/2 g of protein, 2g of fat, 23 calories.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't log on weekends and haven't for almost a year. Or holidays, or vacation. And sometimes I take a week or month off logging altogether.

    The point of a 'cheat' day for me isn't so much indulging in food, it's giving myself a mental break from fussing over calories, macros, etc. I probably don't even eat all that much more than I do on a day I do log. Sometimes probably less. But it's a way to ease myself back into eating "normally," because normal for me isn't - for instance - counting out an exact number of pretzels or potato chips if I want a snack at a party. I don't want to spend the rest of my life asking, "Was that two chocolate chip cookies, or three. Ask yourself... do you feel lucky, punk?"
  • maclelland4
    maclelland4 Posts: 11 Member
    i do put it all in so the next day i can it all and see wheare i went wrong
  • rocketqueen81
    I log everything, every day, even on weekends. I like the idea that I can have a little fun, break some rules, and still lose the weight. Logging on the weekends helps remind me of that. I do find it hard to log my drinks/cocktails/etc, those are always estimated on the weekends.

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