What are the common mistakes made on veg/ vegan diet?



  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Why in the hell do people cut meat out of their diets only to eat food that is so processed and flavored to look, feel and taste like meat? I just don't get it, and I never will. There is a reason your body says "I want meat".

    <--- Omnivore who eats tempeh and tofurky because it tastes *kitten* good and because I have an open mind about trying new food.

    To the OP - I tried going vegan for about a week (before I was tracking calories) and I found myself very sluggish and fatigued. I attribute it to likely a decrease in calorie intake (and at the time it was over the summer and I was much more active), and likely also a little less protein. So as long as you are tracking your calories and macros, focusing on protein and whole foods, you should get the nutrients and calories you need.

    Iron isn't really a problem for me, even on days I don't eat meat. Leafy greens, fruits, and beans will help here. Also, veggie sushi and roasted seaweed. Nom!

    Many non-dairy milks are now fortified with B12. Both my almond milk (Silk) and my coconut milk (So Delicious) are fortified with it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Bump! Thanks for asking this, OP!
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    Why in the hell do people cut meat out of their diets only to eat food that is so processed and flavored to look, feel and taste like meat? I just don't get it, and I never will. There is a reason your body says "I want meat".

    It basically comes down to their personal ethics being stronger than their cravings for meat. Some people still do like meat but refuse to throw down their own personal ethics because of the treatment of the animals just for a piece of food. and I can respect that

    this :) and because it's healthier.

    Let thy food be thy medicine!

    ^This. And I can't even tell you the last time my body said "I want meat". If it ever did. Don't like it, don't want it, don't miss it. I eat vegetables. Lots of them. In lots of different ways. Processed soy options aren't the ONLY options out there.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member

    That is all.
  • BohemianPrep
    BohemianPrep Posts: 15 Member
    Former vegetarian here. The biggest mistake you can make is to rely too heavily on carbs and cheese. Make sure you get plenty of protein!

    yeah, i used to eat cheese and pasta ALL THE TIME. i switched this up and made sure that I ate plenty of beans and threw in tofu every once in awhile.

    Since going veggie 3 years ago, I have included eggs in my diet and I find that there's great protein in that.
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
  • misspersimmon
    I have been a vegetarian for many years. For the first few I ate a lot more simple foods, like pasta and carbs and such. I didn't really know what it felt like to feel good or great as a vegetarian until I started cutting those things out more and mostly eating a serving or two of whole grains a day, like oats or brown rice or quinoa (which has lots of protein, by the way).

    However, my biggest advice would be to eat LOTS OF VEGETABLES, especially dark green vegetables. Kale, broccoli, spinach, avocado, peas, asparagus... all miracle workers. They made me have more energy, they make me feel more balanced, they make my skin look better. I am not always perfect about this, as none of us can be 100% of the time, but I do know that when those things are a significant part of my diet I feel the very best.
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    By the way, my brother is a former vegan. He went vegan when he was about 23 for religious reasons, and stayed that way until he was diagnosed with Celiac's around 5 years ago, at 40. He found his diet too restrictive at that point, so he added back in dairy and eggs. He overloaded on cheese. He has been in the army or reserves since he was 18, and always been EXTREMELY fit. I've always enjoyed showing off pictures of him, because frankly, my brother is a fine specimen of a human being. He met his girlfriend at the gym, and they love working out together. At one of his regular checkups, his doctor noticed his cholesterol was high, and wanted him to follow up on it. He didn't. So, April 2nd 2011 he was running during PT. As the other members of his unit tell it, he had lapped all of them, and he collapsed. They at first thought it was a joke, but thank the gods he is in an intelligence unit, and one of the other men running with him was a pulmonary specialist. He began chest compressions and rescue breathing, which isn't mandated but he recognized it was necessary. My brother was moved to the base hospital and then flown to (the now closed) Walter Reed hospital.

    Worst April Fool's joke ever - a phone call from my sister telling me my healthy as a horse appearing 45 year old brother had just had a heart attack. Well, the family descended on the hospital. The kind of heart attack he had is nicknamed a widow maker. Rather than having arteries restricted over time, a small clump of cholesterol had broken loose, and blood cells began to build up behind it, much like a stick blocking a stream with leaves. Most people do not survive these heart attacks. He only did because of his physical fitness and the rescue breathing and medical attention he received so quickly. He was unconscious for about a week, and within that time cardiology had already cleared him as being fine. His brain has been the problem since then. Physically he has made a full recovery, but the decrease in blood flow to his brain has effected him. We may see improvements for another two years, but he is able to live on his own, cook for himself, drive, and function as a normal person. He has not yet been able to return to his job, but is about to start trying to for a few hours a week.

    While at Walter Reed for a few weeks, one of my sisters and I ran into the head of cardiology. After talking about my brother, I asked what we could do to help him and ourselves when it came to diet and health. He said eating a diet low in cholesterol, preferably vegan, exercising, especially walking, and regular doctor's visits were absolutely key. Personally I follow his advice. My brother had the healthy arteries he did because of following that advice for most of his life, the large amounts of cheese he was eating were his downfall. Sorry for the long story, just trying to give a few more cents about why I eat the way I do.
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    I've been vegan for 14 years and vegetarian for 4 before that. B12 is definitely the most challenging piece of the nutrition puzzle for me-- so I just take a supplement. There are so many protein sources out there, that these days, it's a non-issue. Be sure to vary your diet and still have balanced meals. Veganessentials.com is my favorite website for fun foods and vitamins. They even have chocolates for Valentine's Day and foods for holidays like Thanksgiving.

    When I became vegan, it was a whole other world. Now, it's so much easier to educate yourself and eat well. I spent the first years reading every ingredient label I could find.

    As others have pointed out, lots of junk food is still vegan (PETA's accidentally vegan list comes to mind), so you have to remember that vegan does not automatically imply healthy.

    I'm happy to answer any specific questions :)
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Voting for liberals
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Ahhhh, so much beautiful beautiful information. Thank you guys so much..
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Why in the hell do people cut meat out of their diets only to eat food that is so processed and flavored to look, feel and taste like meat? I just don't get it, and I never will. There is a reason your body says "I want meat".

    I personally like the taste of meat but not enough to kill an animal, I like animals and don't think it's necessary to eat them to survive. Vegetarian versions are usually less fat and calories than the meat counterpart. I also find it creepy to think of eating something that is capable of giving birth, loving their babies and raising them.
  • V3ggieL0vinGinger
    Make sure that you don't eat an excess of soy products. Over time, the soy can have an accumulative effect on estrogen. I only eat products like tofu and soy milk once a week or so. I get a lot of my protein from seitan (the best meat substitute ever). It's made from vital wheat gluten and it has a texture just like meat and it's full of protein. Instead of having a meat substitute thing every day, try getting a large portion of your protein from nuts and legumes :) And definitely most vegans don't get enough B12. Try adding nutritional yeast to your food. You can use it to make a "cheese" sauce...so yummy!
  • ambeer2
    ambeer2 Posts: 66 Member
    I went pescatarian (vegetarian, but I eat fish on occasion) in December and haven't looked back. I did not carefully plan this out, I just decided, "hey, I'm going to go semi-veg, and stick with it." It's been pretty easy, honestly. My biggest things I try to incorporate into my diet are more protein, and cleaner eating with plenty of fruits and veggies. I rarely eat meat substitutes.

    I think it's funny how some people who clearly are disgusted by the idea of being a vegetarian or vegan come onto this forum post just to rag on it. Really? Who cares. People will eat how they want to. Yes, the ideas of nutrients are important, but they are important in any diet, and by diet, I mean how you eat your food every day. Most of us didn't get here on MFP by eating proper nutrients, mind you — a good portion of us were pigging out on junk food and processed TV dinners. So get off your high horse and let people live their lives how they want to.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    protein lack is a common thing, but its never been a problem for me. i have sometimes over the amount. if you eat one tofurky bratwurst, it has 23 grams of protein. you can get it anywhere. dont eat a lot of junk food. its easier than people think. personally easier going from vegetarian to vegan was easier from going from eating animals to vegetarian. also, theres more protein in more natural and organic products. also pay attention to labels. once in awhile, i will find a product thats being vegan and later they put an ingredient in there thats vegetarian. great luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    I understand your concerns, it's very easy to be an unhealthy veggie or vegan. (Much of this is probably already repeated, apologies. :))

    - relying heavily on unrefined/processed carbs
    + try sticking to unrefined whole grains, ancient grains (quinoa, farro, amaranth, etc) are full of fiber and very filling
    - relying heavily on full-fat or high fat dairy
    + try to keep it low-fat
    - too much fake meat and soy products
    + soy in reasonable amounts is good for you, but can really mess with your estrogen levels if overdone and a lot of fake meat products are way high in sodium (only a concern if you're sodium sensitive or hypertensive)

    The problem with keeping an eye on the above is that you end up not getting enough protein. But if you stick to healthy portions of beans, nuts, seeds and low-fat or fat-free greek yogurt, and eggs - you shouldn't have a problem. (Unless you're a dude trying to bulk up? Questioning in general here, not addressing the OP.)

    In addition to the above note on protien, generally, if you get lots of fresh fruits and veggies, watch how processed the packaged foods you do get are, eat "clean" (soon to be the new kitten killing word) - you should be good. Which I guess is a rule of thumb for a lot of people on veggie, flexi, omni - whatever your choice is - diets. ^_^
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Former vegetarian here. The biggest mistake you can make is to rely too heavily on carbs and cheese. Make sure you get plenty of protein!

    This - am also just using the processsed meat substitues to eat your same favorite dishes. They are high in sodium and perservities.

    Eat as close to nature as possible. I like to snack on Edename at work low calories and high protien.
  • micklespiffy
    Compassion over Killing has a nice starter pamphlet.

    Don't worry too much about protein. Most Americans get way too much. Just don't eat fruits and veg exclusively. Add occasional nuts and beans, etc. It isn't that hard. Just eat a balance. Not too much of any one thing, like any sensible diet.
    Full disclosure: Vegan for going on 12 years and a black belt.

    Add me if you want support.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I think it's funny how some people who clearly are disgusted by the idea of being a vegetarian or vegan come onto this forum post just to rag on it.

    Probably the same people who whine about "preachy" veg*ns. :laugh:
  • ambeer2
    ambeer2 Posts: 66 Member
    I think it's funny how some people who clearly are disgusted by the idea of being a vegetarian or vegan come onto this forum post just to rag on it.

    Probably the same people who whine about "preachy" veg*ns. :laugh:

    I don't preach to anyone. I just yell.