ignorance about obesity on MFP

Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all


  • LOLTrish
    LOLTrish Posts: 37
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all

    Very nicely put! I TOTALLY agree with you. Thank you for posting!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    OMG!! I am so in agreement with you on this. The sad thing about people saying stuff about obese people is more than likely they have a relative or know someone close to them who is obese or overweight. Would they say that to their face, probably not. If you don't know their story, then why say anything? It is rude, disrespectful, and just mean.
  • CarriLu123
    CarriLu123 Posts: 82 Member
    Very well put Babygirl. The fact is everyone has their own struggles. Although I will say MFP seems to be equal opportunity when it comes to bashing people. Fat, skinny, muscular it doesn't matter someone will say something negative about each. This should be a place of support not criticism and rudeness.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Thank you guys. There have just been one too many and I felt it was time for a rebuttle lol
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    I actually got told that my 41 pound weight loss wasn't Kosher to post in success because I had been pregnant. ... I gained 67 pounds, and I needed to lose it.. the same way.. I understand that some people are here that have serious issues, health and whathave you but the only thing I saw was discrimination on me from people who said it didn't count.. or that I needed to recalculate how much I really lost ...it pissed me off.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Tell it loud.... Agree. This is such a great resource with so many like minded pople- peole wanting to improve thier lives through eating healthy and excercising. I applaud anyone on here who commits-- be they underweight, the right weight, overwieght ot just want to change thier body composition.
    thank you and thats the point I am trying to make. they say their friends do the same thing and its disgusting....well go tell your friend what you wrote and let me know how that works out for you :smile:
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I actually got told that my 41 pound weight loss wasn't Kosher to post in success because I had been pregnant. ... I gained 67 pounds, and I needed to lose it.. the same way.. I understand that some people are here that have serious issues, health and whathave you but the only thing I saw was discrimination on me from people who said it didn't count.. or that I needed to recalculate how much I really lost ...it pissed me off.
    that is ridiculous. CONGRATUALTIONS!!! 41 pounds is FANTABULOUS!! haters gonna hate...you keep on keepin on girl!
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    thanks :D
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    While I agree for the most part we as humans are flawed to the point we will judge a book by its cover. An obese person is judged to be lazy, slovenly, or whatever you want to call it. Because no one really knows the issue until you talk to that person. A skinny person is not stereotyped, because you judge the outside, until you find out that they have an eating disorder then you feel sorry for them. I can understand getting defensive against people voicing their stereotype of obese people, especially those who may have recently been obese themselves, but they are human and are free to think how they want. Just my opinion.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Me thinks perhaps many on here have low self esteem and that is why they bash others.....for whatever reason presents itself.
    Good post. :flowerforyou:
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    <~~~No Argument here! The majority of us here are here for the help and support. Ignorance is just.... IGNORANT!
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    Some people are just MEAN! Plain and simple. It's a form of bullying. They lack so much self esteem that they strike out and easy victims....they are nothing but "Internet Thugs!"
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I do believe it can become really negative on here. If you would like some support, friend me! I'm in my own fat shoes and understand the struggle. I started this journey with over 100 pounds to lose, down to 70. I've just stalled.

    Thanks for saying something about this issue!
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    There are some pretty arrogant people here who treat people who aren't as fit as them as inferior to them. There are also people who are out of shape who rip on the ones who are in shape. It's a big clusterf*ck of name calling. Welcome to MFP!
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I think a huge reason I got so big is living with my emotionally and sexually abusive mother for 21 years. Now I am happily married, have 2 kids, that ***** is in the dust and I'm taking pride in myself and I'm losing the weight!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Well said!
  • OceanAvenue85
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all

    I've been fortunate enough to not encounter anything negative like this on here but if I did I'd be upset as well and infact it does upset me hearing that this kinda junk is posted on here... I am 89lbs. overweight so we're not that far off from each other. If anyone had the odacity to tell me that I'm lazy or make any comments along those lines I'd be fuming. My weight gain has been due to two fairly severe medical issues I've been dealing with for the past 11 years so not everyone who is obese is lazy by any stretch. Well said.
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    Just remember....There are more of us then them!!! :bigsmile:
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    You are awesome and this was JUST what needed to be said. :flowerforyou: