ignorance about obesity on MFP



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I have never seen a fat bashing thread. If they exist, they are culled quite quickly. Skinny bashing, on the other hand....every where. Including people being accused of have eating disorders or using steroids.
    I talk about obese bashing becasue it was rampid this week and yes it strikes a nerve. I have never bashed skinny people as I used to be extremely skinny and accused of the same thing. I think a general stomp on negativity is the point.

    Skinny bashing is much worse, hell my freaking SUCCESS STORY got hijacked the other day by crazy *kitten* people, calling me rude and terrible things. If anything, there should be an anti skinny bashing thread.

    Exactly, but that anti skinny bashing thread turned into another ED argument.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    OH MY....to all of it..
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Not to burst any bubbles, but most people are fat from being lazy and irresponsible (excluding children). I think the reason people can be mean to overweight people is also out of frustration. Lets be real here, most fat people dont have some kind of disorder or issue making them fat. Its simply bad diet and bad habits. Strangely enough, people have 1000 reasons why they got fat and usually none blaming theirself. Then the same fat people who complain about how hard it is to be fat will bash all the thin people for wanting to lose some vanity pounds. I have yet to see any negative fat comments personally. I see mostly skinny bashing and calling muscular girls men all day.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have never seen a fat bashing thread. If they exist, they are culled quite quickly. Skinny bashing, on the other hand....every where. Including people being accused of have eating disorders or using steroids.
    I talk about obese bashing becasue it was rampid this week and yes it strikes a nerve. I have never bashed skinny people as I used to be extremely skinny and accused of the same thing. I think a general stomp on negativity is the point.

    Skinny bashing is much worse, hell my freaking SUCCESS STORY got hijacked the other day by crazy *kitten* people, calling me rude and terrible things. If anything, there should be an anti skinny bashing thread.

    Exactly, but that anti skinny bashing thread turned into another ED argument.

    Oh right, I forgot that. Y'know because all skinny people have an ED. :P
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I never have seen these types of posts and I'm on here like all day. Not to say you are lying, but I'd say its more the exception than the rule.

    What I do see posted on here all the time is about "Real Women," implying women without curves, or thin women, are not "real women." That offends me. People should just be nice and supportive to ALL.

    I always look at is as severely photoshopped models are not real because well...they aren't. If a photographer takes 2 inches off of a waist with liquify,smooths discolorations and blemishes with healing tool, and slices off thighs inner and outer, then they aren't real. I think that's where the movement came from. Real women aren't airbrushed. That's how I look at it anyway.
  • pghsteph
    pghsteph Posts: 7
    While I agree for the most part we as humans are flawed to the point we will judge a book by its cover. An obese person is judged to be lazy, slovenly, or whatever you want to call it. Because no one really knows the issue until you talk to that person. A skinny person is not stereotyped, because you judge the outside, until you find out that they have an eating disorder then you feel sorry for them. I can understand getting defensive against people voicing their stereotype of obese people, especially those who may have recently been obese themselves, but they are human and are free to think how they want. Just my opinion.

    This is BS. Skinny people get bashed like CRAZY on here.

    This exactly!!!! I need to loose over 100 lbs and I cringe when I hear all of the skinny bashing. Not so much here but I've been seeing a ton of posts on FB saying "This is more beautiful than this" with at picture of someone who is overweight and someone who is skinny, saying that the skinny person is less beautiful. I can't begin to describe how much I hate that. Also, the fact that they will say that someone who is overweight and even obese is average or healthy as a way to justify obesity. I am all for loving ourselves and being confident at our current weight but it is not a social injustice when someone says that we need to lose weight for our own health.

    I absolutely love MFP and I don't see the fat bashing the OP has seen. If it is going on I'm sure it is in the extreme minority.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I have seen way too many negative posts on the boards here. It doesn't make a difference if the posts are putting down people who are overweight or underweight, all of it is so uncalled for and not productive at all. After all. we are all here to get healthy for the most part. So It would be great to just come on to read about the positive things or the challenges people are having. We are supposed to be here to help wherever we can and provide support and encouragement. At least thats what I signed up for! Keep on going everyone and just know that there are alot of us who are just here to do our best and help others do the same. :smile:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Wow! I haven't seen those posts, but I am so sorry that you did. Don't take it personal. People, as a group, are ignorant and stupid. Just treasure the individuals that you meet here with the same goals, motivations, interests, and spirit as you, and you will succeed in spite of the stupidity. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    The world is full of ignorant, sanctimonious, a**holes. Best to just learn to ignore them, they aren't worth your time.
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    There are some pretty arrogant people here who treat people who aren't as fit as them as inferior to them. There are also people who are out of shape who rip on the ones who are in shape. It's a big clusterf*ck of name calling. Welcome to MFP!

    This is so true! Nobody is ever going to please everyone. Just be proud of yourself for taking the right steps. I was told that I was so beautiful when I was skinny but the comments stopped when I started to gain weight. I finally got to a point in my life where I had to tell myself "Screw it! You are who you are!" You can hit one end of the spectrum or the other and people will hate you and be nasty to you for whatever reason. I understand that the nasty comments can get to be too much after a while but these people don't know me outside of some little letters on their computer screen and they obviously don't want to know me either. What do I care? I'll never see them in person. Go ahead and call me disgusting. It's not like I've never heard that one before. I'm here for a reason and I'm not about to let some narrowminded individual take that from me.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Ignorance about obesity?
    Let's have a roll call.
    How many of you "Skinny", "Fit" people on MFP are formerly obese?

    Raises hand... :drinker:
    some people forget where they came from and that doesnt only go to weight loss or gain. Proud and happy for all those that have finished their journey. Doesnt give them the right to bash those that havent.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Not to burst any bubbles, but most people are fat from being lazy and irresponsible (excluding children). I think the reason people can be mean to overweight people is also out of frustration. Lets be real here, most fat people dont have some kind of disorder or issue making them fat. Its simply bad diet and bad habits. Strangely enough, people have 1000 reasons why they got fat and usually none blaming theirself. Then the same fat people who complain about how hard it is to be fat will bash all the thin people for wanting to lose some vanity pounds. I have yet to see any negative fat comments personally. I see mostly skinny bashing and calling muscular girls men all day.

    For your info I gained about 70+ lbs from being hospitalized due to pneumonia and was put on steroids (3 times in one year). This put me to an super obese state. Yeah I was overweight before due to being judged, low self esteem, a marriage where I was abused in every way, and I could go on...and on....and on....but what do you care. And honestly it is people like who upset me the most.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    What this thread is is a great example of confirmation bias. The overweight crowd sees nothing but fat bashing everywhere. The slim crowd sees skinny bashing everywhere.

    Both groups overlook it when it happens to the other. "Big girls" have no problem saying "Real women have curves." Skinny folk feel justified thinking overweight people are lazy and eat too much.

    When both groups learn that it does no good to tear the other down it will stop. But that sure ain't gonna happen! So strap on a helmet and just work on you.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    Threads like this are 50% wild hyperbole, 40% tl;dr and 10% trolling and make me love the internet more and more.
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    PreciousTreasure8117 Posts: 66 Member
    Totally in agreement. How inconsiderate and narrow minded it is to say such comments and don't even know a person's story. This is another problem within societies especially in the U.S. Heavy and negative stereotypes on "obesity" and what people think they "know" about the obese population. Many of those who are striving to become healthier has been influenced by the tremendous amount of availability of fast foods and unhealthy foods and how hard it can be to purchase healthy foods. Those who have these negative stereotypes seriously need to get a life. Thanks for standing up for everyone who is working so hard to become a healthier individual! :drinker:
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    I'm hardly ever on MFP. I sign in once or twice a day to log calories and exercise. I rarely look at threads, respond even more infrequently.

    I have seen fat bashing, skinny bashing, gay bashing, hetero bashing ... all sorts of bashing.

    Point is, why the bashing at all? No matter what the reason for obesity (to use the example here), what business of ours is it how they got there? If they ask for advice and support, either offer it or ignore them. There's no reason for all the negativity on these threads. No reason for the rudeness and ugliness.

    People are who they are. Most won't change, but those that do will do so by personal choice, not because someone said something insulting and ugly to them. And those making the ugly comments sure would not appreciate being judged in turn.

    It costs none of us anything to be civil to one another. You don't even have to be kind, but polite would be good. And if you can't manage that, well, there's nothing wrong with silence.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I'm hardly ever on MFP. I sign in once or twice a day to log calories and exercise. I rarely look at threads, respond even more infrequently.

    I have seen fat bashing, skinny bashing, gay bashing, hetero bashing ... all sorts of bashing.

    Point is, why the bashing at all? No matter what the reason for obesity (to use the example here), what business of ours is it how they got there? If they ask for advice and support, either offer it or ignore them. There's no reason for all the negativity on these threads. No reason for the rudeness and ugliness.

    People are who they are. Most won't change, but those that do will do so by personal choice, not because someone said something insulting and ugly to them. And those making the ugly comments sure would not appreciate being judged in turn.

    It costs none of us anything to be civil to one another. You don't even have to be kind, but polite would be good. And if you can't manage that, well, there's nothing wrong with silence.
    :heart: :drinker:
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Fat Bashing = Bad
    Skinny Bashing = Bad
    Troll/Stupidity Bashing = A hell of a lot of fun!
  • neh310
    neh310 Posts: 99 Member
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all

  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all
    It always amazes me that so many of the people who have no problem calling a fat person lazy, stupid, lacking will power, disgusting, gross, etc are the very same people who are completely offended should someone dare try to explain the difference between "your" and "you're" or "loose" and "lose". They have all sorts of excuses for their ignorance but cut no slack at all for someone else.