ignorance about obesity on MFP



  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    I used to be one of them haters until I became obese myself. aint karma a B.... :wink: and i wasn't posting it on here
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Obesity today is the equivalent of leprosy in the middle ages. It is a huge social stigma.

    The difference being that most people can change being obese. In the middle ages, they couldn't choose being a non-leper if they had it.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    It's a social microcosm. As lame as it may be.

    I agree, though....just because people ARE shallow, doesn't mean they should project it on a site like this. They can be as shallow and catty as they'd like in their own heads, but I don't think anyone really wants to hear the ugliness they're spewing. Unless someone is here for drama....in which case I'm sure they love it.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I am morbidly obese. I have yet to see any threads attacking me because of this. I'm not sure where this thread is coming from really.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all


    People get obese bc of themselves, that's all. Anything is fixable. Including being overweight.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Over the last week there have been several posts about how disgusting, lazy, undetermined, undedicated and basically good for nothing obese people are. First let me say that not all of us have gotten this way due to eating unhealthy. Second of all you are posting on MFP and all of us reading your posts about how horrible we are, are on MFP because we have decided to make a difference in our health and weight. So I ask you, if you are so upset and disgusted by obese people not taking care of themselves, why don’t you post it on your facebook where your friends can see how worried you are about their obesity. MFP is a place of encouragement and support, whether its toning and maintain, losing 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Don’t you think self esteem issues had a lot to do with some of us getting this unhealthy? I am 108 pounds overweight and have been on track since the middle of January, down 16 pounds and over 5 inches and get enough dirty looks and am hard enough on myself without coming into the forums reading how YOU feel about ME or any other people struggling with weight when you havent walked a DAY in MY FAT SHOES!!!

    Go by the old saying…if you have nothing nice to say….don’t say anything at all


    People get obese bc of themselves, that's all. Anything is fixable. Including being overweight.

    That's the point. People are here to fix it. We don't need to be s*it on while we do it.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Honestly, this made me laugh. I have yet to see ANY posts bashing any fat people, and I'm on here at least 8 hours a day.
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Aw, it makes me sad when people act rude like that. I've seen some posts where people make fun of others for asking questions about eating back your calories, eating every couple of hours... etc.. there's so many different opinions and I feel bad for these people who get flack for asking something. And people picking on others for spelling mistakes and saying that they're not allowed to post this here... etc... comeon! We all have to start somewhere, right? Everyone's a newbie once!! People come here for support and I completely agree with you that if someone can't find something nice to say, just keep your opinion to yourself. I'm sorry for those of you that have experienced the negativity.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    Well said! My self esteem is low enough, and I don't need someone saying negative things on a place that is supposed to be supportive of getting and staying healthy. Haters SUCK!!!!

    Friend me!! I'm looking for positive support from friends. : )
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    Just remember....There are more of us then them!!! :bigsmile:

    And we have the weight advantage! :laugh:
  • rachelsewardxo
    AMEN !! I just commented on a post like that. Some people are so insensitive
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    While I agree for the most part we as humans are flawed to the point we will judge a book by its cover. An obese person is judged to be lazy, slovenly, or whatever you want to call it. Because no one really knows the issue until you talk to that person. A skinny person is not stereotyped, because you judge the outside, until you find out that they have an eating disorder then you feel sorry for them. I can understand getting defensive against people voicing their stereotype of obese people, especially those who may have recently been obese themselves, but they are human and are free to think how they want. Just my opinion.

    This is BS. Skinny people get bashed like CRAZY on here.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Honestly, this made me laugh. I have yet to see ANY posts bashing any fat people, and I'm on here at least 8 hours a day.
    there was a few and the one yesterday was actually deleted because it got so hairy
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Just remember....There are more of us then them!!! :bigsmile:

    And we have the weight advantage! :laugh:
    LMAO :laugh:
  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou Posts: 101 Member
    It did used to be really nice, but as it has got bigger and more popular its become full of trolls and miserys. Good for you! let's keep it friendly people. Some people have hijacked the fact we do this thing via a forum to have an excuse to people bash under the guise that forums are "Public forum's" there are loads of forums on the internet you can be an A-Hole on, why pick here?!
  • ladypembroke
    I believe in Healthy At Every Size. Your weight is just one measurement of your health, and its not necessarily an accurate one or even the most important one. It's all about muscle tone, activity level, strength, flexibility, and all the internals like cholesterol and glucose. These are all measurements that cannot be judged by one single number. I could go on for days and link to tons of inspirational blogs about the subject because it's dear to my heart (for obvious reasons), but I think we're all in agreement on this thread anyway. So I'm just preaching to the choir. ;-)
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    While I agree for the most part we as humans are flawed to the point we will judge a book by its cover. An obese person is judged to be lazy, slovenly, or whatever you want to call it. Because no one really knows the issue until you talk to that person. A skinny person is not stereotyped, because you judge the outside, until you find out that they have an eating disorder then you feel sorry for them. I can understand getting defensive against people voicing their stereotype of obese people, especially those who may have recently been obese themselves, but they are human and are free to think how they want. Just my opinion.

    This is BS. Skinny people get bashed like CRAZY on here.

    I agree. I see this more than the obesity-bashing.

    People just need to learn what to ignore.
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    I love all of this positivism! Well done to each of you getting on here to make good changes in your lives. You are going the mile and succeeding at it. Let the negative naysayers slide off your shoulders and keep focussed on you!
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    Agreed! I'm obese and can run a 9 minute mile. I'm actually pretty active. I go to the gym 5 times a week, 3 sessions with a PT and a spin class on top of that. Please explain how that is lazy?