Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • TheOfficialEpic
    how do i stop being fat???

    Get dead-*kitten* serious, get a great support channel, educate yourself, educate yourself some more, never stop learning, track EVERYthing, test your results, exercise, live a balanced life, and reevaluate as necessary. We all got it in just have to want it like your next breath, stay consistent and embrace the hard work and the journey ahead of you.
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Hi - thanks for all of your help! Our hero!!!
    Stats: 5,1", weight at about 165 (down from 200 lbs), I walk about 2 hours a day to/from work up mountains.

    I have TERRIBLE knees. I wear orthotics, I'm always in sneakers and I get knee/leg pains a lot. The pains have subsided with gradual weight loss but it is still hard sometimes. I had to have rehab for it a couple years ago (before the weight loss).

    1. What exercises would you suggest to get a better burn / lose weight / NOT hurt my knees? Aerobics killed them.

    2. Any sneaker / shoe recommendations? I literally moved to a mountain and that is one reason I've lost weight. I need GOOD SUPPORT for heavy walking.

    3. Any tips for strength training when I can't afford a gym? My leg muscles are popping (for the first time in my life!!!) and I love the feeling. I want better workouts that deliberately up my thigh, arm, stomach and butt muscles.

    Thanks again!!!
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Great thread -- really appreciate all your responses to everyone's questions!

    I'm a 5'8" guy, 49 years old. Last June, I was 197 lb, 27% body fat & had a very sedentary lifestyle and lots of health problems (mostly sick a lot) and decided I needed a change. I started tracking all my food, reducing my calories and started walking and doing the elliptical every day for 30-60 min. After consistently losing 2 lbs a week, I got to my current 155 lb. & 17% body fat, and I've successfully stayed there for the last 6 months. And I'm much healthier now rarely every getting sick anymore! I don't do any real weight lifting to speak of (the occasional weight machines) but I do crunches & pushups every other day.

    I'd like to hold to my current weight in the mid-150's, start building more muscle, and maybe lose a little more body fat (pretty skinny but still a little fat hanging on for dear life). I understand that to build muscle I'm going to need to start lifting. But I'm nervous about increasing my calories to build muscle and then putting on fat. Is it even possible to do all 3 things at once (lose fat, gain muscle, keep weight roughly consistent?) How should I start?!?

    Thanks a ton!

    For you, yes. If you've never lifted before, you CAN gain a lil' muscle and lose a little fat at the same time. This will plateau very fast though at which point you'll have to decide: Bulk, cut, or maintain. I cycle all three year round personally. When I cut, I expect to lose a little bit of muscle. It's gonna happen. When I bulk, I expect to gain a little fat. That's gonna happen too. You can minimize the fat gain by doing a clean bulk instead of a dirty one. With a clean bulk, you just slowly increase your calories on a weekly basis until you start gaining size at the desire rate. Once you get to where you want, you can either maintain or go back to cutting. If you do it this way, you'll still stay lean, just not as lean as you were. When I bulk, I still stay in the single digits with my bodyfat percentage. I'll sometimes bulk all the way up to 10%. I can still see abs and cuts everywhere at 10% though! I'm still lean, just not AS lean of course. I'll tell you like I tell my male clients: Don't be afraid to put on a little fat! If you're in control of your eating habits, you can go back to maintenance or cutting at any time yeh. You're not going to go to sleep one night and then wake up 10 pounds heavier. Hope this helps. Keep it safe, keep it slow, keep it steady.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    I wanted to ask your opinion on this muscle building programme that I have as a new thread:

    Muscle Building Program:

    Cutting program:

    Would you start with the muscle building program or the cutting program if you had a lot of fat to lose? For instance, 40 pounds to lose? The answer I got was muscle building program first. But I imagine you would also have to be losing fat at the same time. When I do a lot of leg exercises they tend to really bulk from past experience but it probably means that I wasn't losing the fat while building muscle. The above program lists 1300 calories, Felicia is 112 pounds and 5ft 3". I am 5ft 2".

    Do you personally know of a good strength training program for women to do, i.e. have a link?

    Me personally, at 40 to lose, I would say cutting no doubt. This is completely YOUR decision though. Most usually want to be lean first. If you have 40 pounds to lose and went on a bulk, that would take you up at least 10 more pounds. I would even tell a chappie to cut first. My mantra is usually this: If you're skinny as hell, dirty bulk. If you're skinny fat, clean bulk a lil' over maintenance. If you're fat, then definitely cut. I advise this on not just looks, but also health. Your waist size is your lifeline basically. Obesity is the number one and two cause of death in the states. Hope this helps

    Re the above calories of 1300 that is listed above - do you think someone at 5ft 3" can bulk on that amount?
    Not that I will be bulking as I clearly need to cut first.

    1,300 is way too low. No way you could do an efficient bulk on that amount.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Please help me. I'm a early 40s female weighing in right now at 235. I started this journey at 265 and started with low carb/high protein. For the past 8-10 weeks, I've been at the same weight even adding activity, including cardio and lots of walking. I have plenty left to lose and some days get quite frustrated. Why would someone who has so much left to lose hit a plateau and how do I get this body going again?

    THANK YOU so much for your thoughts.

    Start counting EVERYthing.....and take a surgeon's precision to it. Many people hit plateaus early because they are trying to do too much too soon. Example: Person has a maintenance of 3,000 calories, so to diet, they cut their calories to 1,000. They just cut their body's nutrition by 2/3s!! Their system is now freaked the hell out completely and everything starts going haywire. 1-2 weeks of it and the body has already done what's necessary to protect itself. E.g. readjusting to make sure it can survive. I've said in this thread before, you gotta give the body what it needs. You can't freak it out or it's going to do what it's primary goal is which is to keep you alive.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    What is your opinion on low carb diets or keto diets?

    I've done them, and they can work, but I hate the lowered energy levels from them. You CAN adapt and get use to training hard and intensely on them, but I say why when it's not necessary. My carb intake is usually regulated around what I'm doing for the day. On days that it's just yoga or dance, then my carbs are pretty moderate. On days that I'm lifting or kickboxing, I keep'em high. Which from a nutritional standpoint is optimal. For the most part dancing and yoga are aerobic activities and their primary energy source is fat. Lifting and kickboxing are anaerobic, and anaerobic activities are primarily fueled by stored carbohydrate.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    When will you be moving to Philadelphia ;-)? I would love to train with you! :-)

    Lol. I wouldn't survive in Philly! Too cold for me, and those cheese steaks would be my undoing! ;)
  • TheOfficialEpic
    What is your opinion on low carb diets or keto diets?

    OP will probably comment on your question but this is a general comment that he made:
    "On a side note: I just want to say to everyone, it ALL works if you're consistent. Atkins, Zone, Southbeath, 5-3-1, P90X, Insanity, Starting Strength, 5X5, Powerbodybuilding, The Classic Method, H.I.T. Just get something track what you're trying to get to on the regular, and reevaluate when necessary. 95% of it is just being consistent, and showing up. Supplements, nutrient timing, eating breakfast, low-carbs, they all help....but they are only 5% of the big picture. People had great bodies in the 80s. Be smart, embrace the path ahead, embrace the hard work, enjoy the journey, track & reevalute, stay safe above all, and enjoy your life."

    Reminds me of when people ask me "Does the bowflex work?" or "Does P90x work?" My reply is always, "if you use it."

    Lol. This is SO true, bro. People are so quick to jump from program to program to this product to that product because of a lack of true commitment and work ethic. Great point yeh. Cheers
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi :smile: Please help!!! Im 5"7 and currently 143lb after dropping from 172 in January and my weight loss has now began to stall. Its possible that im not eating enough? When i started in January i ate 1200cals and NEVER ate my exercise cals back and lost around 2lbs per week right up until a few weeks ago. I know its not what everyone suggests but it worked so i stuck with it. Now im smaller its stopped working. A few weeks ago i began eating back some of my exercise cals (i work out about 5days a week, zumba, running, boxercise) and since starting this i have been going up a 1lb/back down a 1lb. Getting annoyed i decided to go back to my 1200cals and the past 2weeks have saw me gain 2lb!! Getting frustrated as i am eating well and working out alllllll the time and its beginning to feel like its all for nothing now as my body is happy where it is! My goal is to reach 133 but at the moment it feels like ill never get there :sad:

    Either something is being calculated wrong or your system needs a reset. Also keep in my that their are other extraneous factors that can cause weight gain, but NOT fat gain. Water retention, "that time of the month", time of day, stress levels, etc. I think you may have freaked a little too early. Don't eat back TOO many calories now, but I do think you should just relax and give yourself a little more time.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    When cutting, is it best to do cardio, weights or both?

    Depends on how you work. I usually don't use cardio to cut until the very end of a cutting cycle. When I start a cut, my calories are usually pretty high, but as I approach the end, they are low and I use cardio to tap into a deeper deficit. Having said that though, usually a combination of the two IS best not only for cutting, but DEFINITELY for health reasons. Get your nutrition air tight, your cardio on track, lift your weights, and make sure you're getting your rest and recovery, and you're definitely gonna see awesome results in time.

    Can you go into detail what you do for a cutting cycle and a bulking cycle? What kind of sets, how you do your splits, how you gradually decrease the calories on a cut, etc?

    I could, but it wouldn't matter. It's what works for ME. You're unique. You need what works for you.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi - thanks for all of your help! Our hero!!!
    Stats: 5,1", weight at about 165 (down from 200 lbs), I walk about 2 hours a day to/from work up mountains.

    I have TERRIBLE knees. I wear orthotics, I'm always in sneakers and I get knee/leg pains a lot. The pains have subsided with gradual weight loss but it is still hard sometimes. I had to have rehab for it a couple years ago (before the weight loss).

    1. What exercises would you suggest to get a better burn / lose weight / NOT hurt my knees? Aerobics killed them.

    2. Any sneaker / shoe recommendations? I literally moved to a mountain and that is one reason I've lost weight. I need GOOD SUPPORT for heavy walking.

    3. Any tips for strength training when I can't afford a gym? My leg muscles are popping (for the first time in my life!!!) and I love the feeling. I want better workouts that deliberately up my thigh, arm, stomach and butt muscles.

    Thanks again!!!

    Can't answer this in good conscience without knowing a LOT more about the history of injury with your knee. If you're working out though and they are acting up regularly, I personally would tell you to take a step back and come back in slower. It sucks, but you only have the one body. Cherish it. As my yoga guru always says to me: "Take care of your body, it has already done so much for you."
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    When cutting, is it best to do cardio, weights or both?

    Depends on how you work. I usually don't use cardio to cut until the very end of a cutting cycle. When I start a cut, my calories are usually pretty high, but as I approach the end, they are low and I use cardio to tap into a deeper deficit. Having said that though, usually a combination of the two IS best not only for cutting, but DEFINITELY for health reasons. Get your nutrition air tight, your cardio on track, lift your weights, and make sure you're getting your rest and recovery, and you're definitely gonna see awesome results in time.

    Can you go into detail what you do for a cutting cycle and a bulking cycle? What kind of sets, how you do your splits, how you gradually decrease the calories on a cut, etc?

    I could, but it wouldn't matter. It's what works for ME. You're unique. You need what works for you.

    I just want to say this is KEY. It all depends on YOU.

    For example - I eat very few carbs. Most of my carbs come from veggies, fruits, and oatmeal. I don't eat bread, rice, pasta, or much dessert.

    I don't eat red meat or pork.

    I never eat anything fried.

    I LOVE my diet. I enjoy my food, and it gives me the nutrition and energy I need for my day. But it certainly wouldn't work for everyone.
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Nice quote :smile: - your guru is a smart one!

    It isn't so much an injury as bad genetics. They are weak and have become weaker due to flat-feet issues. The pain has definitely lessened due to losing weight! Just feeling how much bigger my leg muscles have become is motivation to keep working it out.

    What would you suggest for "taking it slower"?
    Thanks again!!!
  • ehoganallison
    ehoganallison Posts: 13 Member
    Here are my stats: Female, 31, 5'6". Current weight 149.

    Over the course of the last 3 years I have lost 90 pounds. I came into this world overweight, and 31 was the first birthday I've had at a healthy weight (per BMI). I have become a clean healthy eater, and gotten control of the emotional eating part of it with few exceptions. yeah me!

    When I started on my journey to become healthier, I asked two different doctors what I should shoot for as far as goal weight. They both said 155, because I am "big boned.". Well, as I lost weight, I have come to realize I am really more medium framed.

    My questions: where do I go from here? How do I find my "happy weight"? I like what I see. There is obviously room for improvement, so should I justnstay on the losing course and see where my body winds up? And what do you do once you stall out? Words of wisdom, please. :)
  • fishergreen
    fishergreen Posts: 109 Member
    Great advice in this thread and such common sense. I nominate you to have your own tv show. I'd watch!
  • maxxi
    maxxi Posts: 30 Member

    Great info - thanks for the time and energy you put into this!
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Nice quote :smile: - your guru is a smart one!

    It isn't so much an injury as bad genetics. They are weak and have become weaker due to flat-feet issues. The pain has definitely lessened due to losing weight! Just feeling how much bigger my leg muscles have become is motivation to keep working it out.

    What would you suggest for "taking it slower"?
    Thanks again!!!

    Think of your body like you would a rubber band. You tear a rubber band apart and put it back together with crazy glue. Well yeh it's fixed, but there's a good chance now that it's just gonna happen again, ESPECIALLY if you try to force it back into what you were doing that initially hurt it. I've had my share of injuries in the past, and I've learned a few things yeh. Now if I get injured, I cease with the activity that injured it and any activity similar to that immediately. I baby that injury like my life depended on it. Even when it feels healed, and the pain has subsided, I still tread lightly back into activity. I'm not in a race. In this game it's about longevity. I don't care how late I am showing up for the war so long as I'm there at the end.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Here are my stats: Female, 31, 5'6". Current weight 149.

    Over the course of the last 3 years I have lost 90 pounds. I came into this world overweight, and 31 was the first birthday I've had at a healthy weight (per BMI). I have become a clean healthy eater, and gotten control of the emotional eating part of it with few exceptions. yeah me!

    When I started on my journey to become healthier, I asked two different doctors what I should shoot for as far as goal weight. They both said 155, because I am "big boned.". Well, as I lost weight, I have come to realize I am really more medium framed.

    My questions: where do I go from here? How do I find my "happy weight"? I like what I see. There is obviously room for improvement, so should I justnstay on the losing course and see where my body winds up? And what do you do once you stall out? Words of wisdom, please. :)

    Only you can answer that one yeh. 155 would be easy for you to beat and still be SUPERhealthy though. I had a female client who at 5'10 came to me at 238 pounds. She set her goal originally at 180. She got there and wanted more. She set the next one at 160, and then 140. She is now 134, still happy and healthy, and has a new goal of 125!

    Don't compare yourself to anybody. If you want to go lower, then go lower! People ask me questions about what's a healthy weight, but to me that's a subjective question. You can walk around feeling like garbage at ANY weight! You'll know when you've gone too low. Case in point: I'm comfortable holding 6% body fat, as I dip lower I start to feel more and more off. My joints start to feel cold, my workouts go to ****e, I'm lethargic, etc. I rarely go to 4% anymore because of that. I find it's too much for my body. At 6% though, I look good and feel good. Hope this answers your question.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    how do i stop being fat???

    Get dead-*kitten* serious, get a great support channel, educate yourself, educate yourself some more, never stop learning, track EVERYthing, test your results, exercise, live a balanced life, and reevaluate as necessary. We all got it in just have to want it like your next breath, stay consistent and embrace the hard work and the journey ahead of you.

    haha, i was joking. but good comment.

    Jokey jokemaker. I like it! ;D
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Awesome Awesome answers, such patience, and not a *kitten*. Definately would hire you if it was feasible. :-) Last question for me, I think. Where are you from? What's with the "yeh" at the end of your sentences. Like it, Just curious, yeh.