Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    Here's my issue - I'm male, 5'10" 169lbs. I've been eating anywhere between 2000 - 2200 calories a day. I haven't lost anything in over three weeks (no weight, no inches around my gut). I'm really not looking to lose weight per se, but decrease the fat around my belly and inbetween my armpits and pecs. I only do weight training, and it's 3 - 4 days a week. Is the 2000 - 2200 range my maintenance level? Is that why I've basically stalled? I can see some compositional changes in my body, but not much. Should I reduce my calories a bit and see if that helps, and then slowly bring them back up again when I get to the point that I want (so I can put on more muscle)?
  • jendool
    jendool Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome thread! I have been following the last 2 days. here are my stats:
    age: 41
    SW: 214

    I have 3 kids so my stomach is seriously lacking definition:)

    Since i have about 50 still to lose should I concentrate more on my eating habits and less about exercise or do combo of both. I think exercising might get me results quicker but which is more important? My problem is I'm not consistent with exercise. I try to do cardio every other day and strength training 2 times a week.

    I just dont want to be flabby when the weight comes off, but I know I need to lose the weight otherwise I'm building muscle under this fat.

    Thanks again for answering all our questions!
  • justdoit_steph
    Bump - I love this thread!!! Thanks!
  • Igotgoals2019
    Igotgoals2019 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there,thank you so much for time here replying to everyone's posts:)The info given here is just so awesome.My question is,suppose I am walking on the treadmill on various speeds and intensities for an hour or so and final result is that I burnt 1000 calories....I know the gym machines are not that accurate.So according to you how much do you think I burnt out of 1000.The one I hop onto is a "Freemotion" treadmill.And which is the best machine to work onto,a treamill or Elliptical.I have lost 40 pounds since October 2011,starting at 185 and have to loose 30 pounds more.can you please tell me a good exercise regimen,It will be of great help to me.Do you think the "Body Bug" that they sell at the gym is good enough in terms of accuracy??
    Sorry for all the questions:smile:

  • Igotgoals2019
    Igotgoals2019 Posts: 6 Member
    what is this "Bump" thingy???
  • Igotgoals2019
    Igotgoals2019 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry to post my query again few mins ago!!!I just saw that you already replied:))) Thank you so much,great info!!!You are a genius!!!God Bless You always!!!
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    what is this "Bump" thingy???

    It just means you want t make some sort of post (without necessarily having to add to the combo) so the thread will be saved in "my topics"

    Took me a while to figure it out too :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    bump for reading later....great thread!:smile:
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    This is actually 2 different questions...

    I'm 5'9 and weigh 149
    23% bf
    26 yo female

    My trainer said to start hitting the weight heavy and not worry about counting calories in order to lean down to 18%bf. I told her I was afraid I'd gain weight but she just said to be sure and eat clean and eat 150g protein each day.

    Well that was 2 weeks ago and now I've gained 3 lbs :( Should I hit the cardio more to try and lean out?

    Question #2

    How do I decrease cellulite? Is reducing overall body fat the only way to reduce it?

    Thanks so much :)
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
    I am 131.3
    5 1/2 ft tall
    Workout 5x a week sometimes more
    My question is am I eating enough cals at 2200??
    My TDEE is 2247
    My BMR 1449

    Definitely eating enough. But what's the goal though?....
    my GW is 125!! Hope that helps!!
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    bump for later
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Busy day today yeh. Will be here tomorrow morning to catch up with everybody yeh. Had a rockin' day. Woke up late, good coffee. Danced a couple hours with one of my partners, trained a few clients, and ended the day with a semi-brutal leg workout Gotta love hack squat to triple failure. Talk at ya tomorrow yeh. Bona nit
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    True knowledge. Good night!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    how do i stop being fat???

    Get dead-*kitten* serious, get a great support channel, educate yourself, educate yourself some more, never stop learning, track EVERYthing, test your results, exercise, live a balanced life, and reevaluate as necessary. We all got it in just have to want it like your next breath, stay consistent and embrace the hard work and the journey ahead of you.

    haha, i was joking. but good comment.

    I love this. I think this is exactly what I need to do - get dead-*kitten* serious!
  • FoodieFranca
    FoodieFranca Posts: 3 Member
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Awesome Awesome answers, such patience, and not a *kitten*. Definately would hire you if it was feasible. :-) Last question for me, I think. Where are you from? What's with the "yeh" at the end of your sentences. Like it, Just curious, yeh.

    Ya picked up on that yeh. I grew up in a neighborhood with a LOT of immigrants(Brit, Italian, Hispanic, Irish) and we all kinda just picked up each others slang as we grew up.
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    Looking forward to today's thread. Sure going to miss you when you're gone. You've been FANTASTIC yeh.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I use a hrm and am wondering do I want to be in fat burning or fitness zone. I've got 10 lbs to go and I would say I fall in the pretty fit area. Have been working out for several years and do various workouts for all over and change my wo routines, I just seem to be stuck. Thanks :)
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Here's my issue - I'm male, 5'10" 169lbs. I've been eating anywhere between 2000 - 2200 calories a day. I haven't lost anything in over three weeks (no weight, no inches around my gut). I'm really not looking to lose weight per se, but decrease the fat around my belly and inbetween my armpits and pecs. I only do weight training, and it's 3 - 4 days a week. Is the 2000 - 2200 range my maintenance level? Is that why I've basically stalled? I can see some compositional changes in my body, but not much. Should I reduce my calories a bit and see if that helps, and then slowly bring them back up again when I get to the point that I want (so I can put on more muscle)?

    This question gives me a chance to elaborate a little on metabolism and calculators. The calculators are generic. They don't take into consideration things like genetics, body fat percentage, and lean body mass. So if somebody asks me if X is their maintenance level, my next question is is are you losing or gaining, and then are you exercising. I have a different maintenance for different things. If I don't do anything my maintenance is about 2,750 personally. If I add in lifting, it increases to 3,250-3,500....if I add dance in it, god forbid kickboxing and yoga, my numbers start going through the roof for maintenance. But this is just me. If you're not losing, then you're consuming too much for your given activity level. How long have you stalled?....if it's been three weeks and nothing, then yes, I would go to 2,000 flat for the next week and see what happens then. I would also as usual look into how precise you're being with the calorie counting in. Always be looking for hidden calories yeh.