What is your pet peeve.........................?



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    People who are too lazy to empty the trash, so they just keep compacting it way beyond what is possible.

    Half the people in my family are too friggin lazy to open the lid to the trash can. They just throw their trash on top of the lid. Drives. me. freakin. INSANE.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I yelled at some bee-otch saturday afternoon at The Avengers matinee.." Quit texting during the movie, you stupid ****!" Yeah, there were kids present.....

    I love you. :laugh:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    When my husband goes out of a room and leaves the lights on.
  • verapamil
    verapamil Posts: 94
    People who don't know how traffic circles work! ARGH!!! We have two traffic circles, one east of us and one west of us, and I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten stuck behind:

    > A driver who stops at the entrance to the traffic circle as if it is a four-way stop.
    > A driver who stops at the entrance to the traffic circle as if it is a four-way stop, <i>and waits until someone comes from another direction and enters the traffic circle.</i> Usually that driver brings a whole line of cars behind and there I am, stuck, because Idjit in front of me stopped when there was NOBODY IN OR APPROACHING the traffic circle and just WAITED until somebody came along!
    > A driver who enters the traffic circle, and then stops at the next intersection and waits for the person outside the traffic circle to go ahead. Which, of course, they don't, because that's not how traffic circles work. So, there we sit in the circle.
    > A driver who stops at the entrance to the traffic circle, <i>puts on his/her left turn signal</i> begins to turn the wrong way into the traffic circle, hesitates, realizes something is not right, looks around in confusion, backs up, turns in the correct direction, looks around again as if they can't make sense of things, finally very slowly enters the traffic circle in the correct direction... and then usually, stops at the next intersection to let another driver in... and there we sit...

    Then there are the times I have had to slam on my brakes because another breed of idjit entirely came blasting into the traffic circle without even looking. Hello? Yield to the right of way much?

    Here's an overly optimistic tutorial: http://youtu.be/1DJDjaa25Co

    This!!! I never get road rage except when I get to a traffic circle and the person in front of me just stops and waits for nothing. I can't help yelling and cursing then.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    slow drivers.. especially in the left lane... (slow hybrids/electrics go hand and hand with this)
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    i did that during "the women in black".. two older teens were talking to each other and laughing and using their phones in front of me.. VERY LOUDLY.. i gave them 20 minutes till I laid down the law
    I yelled at some bee-otch saturday afternoon at The Avengers matinee.." Quit texting during the movie, you stupid ****!" Yeah, there were kids present.....

    I love you. :laugh:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    i did that during "the women in black".. two older teens were talking to each other and laughing and using their phones in front of me.. VERY LOUDLY.. i gave them 20 minutes till I laid down the law
    I yelled at some bee-otch saturday afternoon at The Avengers matinee.." Quit texting during the movie, you stupid ****!" Yeah, there were kids present.....

    I love you. :laugh:

    I love you too then! :happy:
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    I hate 'ya'll' It's not a word. It doesn't make sense. Stop it.

    Sorry, in Texas it IS a word. :)
    Most definitely a word in NC. It means you all.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    whoop whooop :glasses:
    i did that during "the women in black".. two older teens were talking to each other and laughing and using their phones in front of me.. VERY LOUDLY.. i gave them 20 minutes till I laid down the law
    I yelled at some bee-otch saturday afternoon at The Avengers matinee.." Quit texting during the movie, you stupid ****!" Yeah, there were kids present.....

    I love you. :laugh:

    I love you too then! :happy:
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    whoop whooop :glasses:
    i did that during "the women in black".. two older teens were talking to each other and laughing and using their phones in front of me.. VERY LOUDLY.. i gave them 20 minutes till I laid down the law
    I yelled at some bee-otch saturday afternoon at The Avengers matinee.." Quit texting during the movie, you stupid ****!" Yeah, there were kids present.....

    I love you. :laugh:

    I love you too then! :happy:
    Hate texters and chatters in a movie, they should Red Box it if they can't be out in public :explode:
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    they should be beaten with sticks or clubs
    Hate texters and chatters in a movie, they should Red Box it if they can't be out in public :explode:
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    holy *kitten*... how'd i forget...

    I HATE when someone spells "definitely" wrong.

    if comes from the word "defined" which means it has a purpose or meaning.... it's not defiantly.. definately.. or anything else.. get it right or don't use the damn word!
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Vandals who have no art or writing skills whatsoever <
    :explode: :grumble: :explode: :grumble: :mad:

    NOTICE: Vandalism is for artists and poets....if you can't draw or spell, don't f*cking do it!!!!!!!!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I hate 'ya'll' It's not a word. It doesn't make sense. Stop it.

    Sorry, in Texas it IS a word. :)
    Most definitely a word in NC. It means you all.

    Y'all are absolutely correct. It is also a word in Alabama and South Carolina. "All y'all" is also correct usage.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    holy *kitten*... how'd i forget...

    I HATE when someone spells "definitely" wrong.

    if comes from the word "defined" which means it has a purpose or meaning.... it's not defiantly.. definately.. or anything else.. get it right or don't use the damn word!

    I havent conquered spelling it correctly yet. :( generally I will google it or opt for a different word.
    Sad but true
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    The grammar police. Some of them are just plain rude when correcting people. Who wants to be corrected? Ugh!

    When the dishwasher is empty but NO ONE will put their dishes in it. They leave them for me.

    FYI . . . the toilet paper needs to go underneath with kids and cats because the entire roll ends up unravelled on the floor.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Okay, peep, some cars come with running daytime light that you cannot turn off. I own such a car, and I'm way too cheap to buy a new one.

    The toilet paper thing...only in a first world country would the under/over toilet paper ever be considered an issue.

    Now that's I've gotten all high-browed here, it's time to disclose my absurd pet peeves:

    People who stomp everywhere. Seriously, learn how to WALK, not throw your legs against the ground as if the ground is pissing you off.

    People who needlessly slam doors.

    When both sinks are full of dishes.

    People who are too lazy to empty the trash, so they just keep compacting it way beyond what is possible.

    People who NEVER change the toilet paper, but they leave half a sheet for you, because--you know--they didn't use all of it.

    The one teaspoon of yogurt left in the tub, because of an irrational fear of being the last person to finish the yogurt, ice cream, peanut butter, whatever.

    People who never read responses to forum topics. They just skip to the end and add their post.:glasses:

    They can be removed on all cars....even the ones that the dealers say they can't be. When I was growing up shining your brights in someones face was "road rage" and now days it's "cool". Just shows you how the times are changing and how little people actually care for anyone but themselves.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Whenever I see the word Broscience

    Loud eaters

  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    people who quote the bible like it's the answer to all the worlds questions
    people who talk on their cell phones while driving (almost got ran over last night on my bike thanks to one)
    parents who let their kids do whatever they want
    people who can't pick up after themselves aka people who litter
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Chewing with your mouth open.