What is your pet peeve.........................?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    people who say they are here changing their life but they are just here posting on forums instead of actually working toward anything. ever.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Women with 5 kids, 5 different baby daddies bragging about how much foodstamps they get.

    bragging about how many food stamps they get while on their iPhone4. Am I right?
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    People who text or talk on the phone while driving. I miss the days when all we had were land lines.

    When my husband shaves his head, cleans the hair off with the bathroom towel and then leaves it there for me to use when
    I get out of the shower only to be covered in tiny itchy hairs and have to get back into the shower.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    People who obnoxiously talk too loud when on their cellphone and feel no need to keep discretion of the details of their life.

    You're crazy Khinna. I love that stuff. Free entertainment! ;) Last night in the sauna I got the full details on a woman's love life, financial woes, including her house being confiscated by the bank, etc. as well as two girls, obviously middle school age, talking about how they have so kindly decided to forgive another girl for liking one of their girlfriend's boyfriend. Like,OMG.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Check out my poem...."51 Things That Piss Me Off (in no particular order)"

  • mariamarchita
    mariamarchita Posts: 131
    Here's one of mine: when my kids leave dishes in the sink that are *blatantly* un-rinsed, I'm talking still covered with food. ACK!
  • mariamarchita
    mariamarchita Posts: 131
    I also hate it when people write "loose" when they mean to say "lose" - i.e., "I really need to LOOSE weight"

    and it irks me when people misuse the word "literally". It's like, really? That movie was so funny you LITERALLY died laughing??? WOW.

    Hehe, I might be a bit of a spelling/grammar Nazi :devil:
  • _cauburn
    _cauburn Posts: 60
    People not being able to merge into traffic. The merge lane is meant for you to merge, not wait for the last possible second to cut someone off. Annoys me to no end.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Mine is when i go to do dishes and the cap on the liquid soap is pushed in. I hate when my husband does that...UGHHHHHHH! What is the point of pushing it in, I just don't get it!!!!

    hahaha same here!!!!!, he says its cause when the dog comes inside the house it could be dangerous for him .. WTH!!!, the dog CANT open a cabinet!! , annoying, I always leave it up!

    Also when im drying myself after taking a shower and I feel a hair stick to my skin.. GRRRRRRRR

    -when people say ´ohhh what a beautiful sunny and warm day!!!!!!!!!´ .. <mumbling> stfu!
    -people that dont use signals when driving, and all of a sudden they wanna merge in front of me.
  • relocatedcowboy
    Pete that are regulars to MFP and don't fill out their profile. at least take a pic of a door or a flower or something found online. i hate The little blue no pic icon. it screams lazy to me and just lurks me.
  • talilakay2
    talilakay2 Posts: 34 Member
    accidentally splashing my feet with water when washing up..!
    people who chew really loudly..!
    people that moan and whine all the time, about EVERYTHING! cheer up, don't bring me down!
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    People harping on about starvation mode.
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    When people can't put the roll of toilet paper on the roller right......it should come over the top towards you, not underneath.
    100% this!!!!! :laugh:
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    When people say they're addicted to something like peanut butter when they're no actually addicted to peanut butter, in fact they just like peanut butter.
    Also when people belittle mental illness
    Cleans hands before eating---- "I'm a little bit OCD"
    Has a mood swing
    "I'm a little bi polar"
    Skips breakfast
    "I'm like anorexic"
  • longhaul64
    longhaul64 Posts: 124
    People smoking in their car when they have small children in there with them. :(
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    when people say ' your just big boned' - F@*k OFF' cause the people who say it are always fat
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I hate it when you read a thread then go to comment and realise that twenty million other people have commented and your comment will be right at the end and probably not be read.
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    That this place does not have notifications!! So you can't tell when somebody comments on what you have said :grumble:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I have a list:

    1. Self appointed health gurus that lecture about the "right" foods to eat to lose weight.
    2. Sucking teeth
    3. Grinding teeth
    4. People that think gay marriage is a topic that needs to be voted on. C'mon, don't we have other more pressing matters to attend to like global warming or child hunger? Who gives a damn if a couple that wants to get married is the same sex.
    5. Gays and lesbians being prevented from adopting children. Oh please, get a life. It's more important that a child have a loving and nurturing home with two parents that love them unconditionally. I'd rather have two dads or two moms that love me vs a mother and father that could care less about me hypothetically speaking.
    6. The phrase " I don't want to complain, but........" << shiver>>
    7. Nails on a calk board
    8. Whining of any kind
    9. Touchy-feely people that don't take a hint when I inch away
    10. Men that beat on women
    11. Women that can birth babies but dont take care of them when there are childless couples that would love the heck out of em.
    12. Women that beat on men
    13. "you're a nurse" .... Insert gory detail about bodily functions
    14. Drunks
    15. Aggressive drunks

    I know it's long, but I promise I'm a patient person!
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    Here's one of mine: when my kids leave dishes in the sink that are *blatantly* un-rinsed, I'm talking still covered with food. ACK!

    This^ add insult to injury when they do rinse, but dump their gross leftovers all over that pan I was soaking! I make them come back and reach into the goop to retrieve their utensils - you'd think that would teach them, but nooooooo.....