Women, learn to pull up your pants!



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Yes society is ever changing, its full of ewbs and flows. If you take every injustice against you to heart you are going to have a life full of hate and anger. Some of us choose an more free spirited route. You are way too quick to judge someone. You took what I said, judged it as you saw fit instead of ask more questions. You assumed I wanted to apparently sleep with the lady which was far from the truth. Your whole non-discriminatory view was the most discriminatory of them all. Which the humor in it is that you can't see that.

    Fighting injustice is how things get changed.
    Poor thing. I'm sure you get discriminated against a lot, being a white straight cisgender male.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I get distracted by some VERY attractive guys at the gym, also by some VERY attractive women. I guess I'm easily distracted...

    Side story.. At my gym awhile back. I was working out with my girlfriend. I was wearing workout shorts. After doing a few reps of some leg exercises. My friend kindly tells me you can TOTALLY see up my shorts... Thank God I was wearing a thong and not going commando or the people at the gym would've seen a triple XXX that they weren't expecting. LOL!! :blushing:

    How dare you objectify men at the gym.. I sure hope that the two people in here get onto you about that.. BODY-POLICING!! BODY-POLICING ;-) Distracting means you must want to have sex with them, because apparently society is uncapable of thinking someone is unattractive without wanting to sleep with them now.

    For the record, I never even thought about having "relations" with the woman in the original topic, I did feel bad for looking but I didn't think I should of had to stop what I was doing just because she wanted to dress a certain way. So by her choosing what to wear (even if was a mistake/accident) it has a right to infringe upon my space and what I was doing. I love the rules that people like to play by. As long as it allows me to do what I want its okay if it completely goes against another persons rights.

    How the heck was she "infringing upon your space"? She didn't infringe upon any of your rights by wearing her clothes, even if you could see them. I see plenty of men every day wearing pants low enough that I can see their underwear, but I don't get all upset about it. It doesn't have any bearing on my life, actually. And neither should this woman's underwear.

    The fact that it was an important enough part of your day that you have come into a chat room to criticize someone else's choice in clothing, which had no impact on your personal workout other than YOU made the choice to continue staring at it, is concerning enough. I mean, seriously, why was this woman's clothing so important to you? Why did you feel it was your place to make ANY judgement call on what she was wearing?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I sure hope this is Opposite Day.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    That's nothing.

    I had two teenager girls on a bench. (free weight area) One was trying to back extensions or sit ups. I can't remember. But she couldn't keep stable so the other one straddled her thigh area so she wouldn't lift her legs.

    I swear every dude in the free weight area stopped, jaw to the floor .,dropped whatever weights they happened to be holding and stared for like 10 seconds. It was a surreal reality fantasy come true and we could not believe it was happening right in front of us. The girls had no idea that they were performing every man's gym wet dream come true.

    I just died laughing..lol.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I get distracted by some VERY attractive guys at the gym, also by some VERY attractive women. I guess I'm easily distracted...

    Side story.. At my gym awhile back. I was working out with my girlfriend. I was wearing workout shorts. After doing a few reps of some leg exercises. My friend kindly tells me you can TOTALLY see up my shorts... Thank God I was wearing a thong and not going commando or the people at the gym would've seen a triple XXX that they weren't expecting. LOL!! :blushing:

    How dare you objectify men at the gym.. I sure hope that the two people in here get onto you about that.. BODY-POLICING!! BODY-POLICING ;-) Distracting means you must want to have sex with them, because apparently society is uncapable of thinking someone is unattractive without wanting to sleep with them now.

    For the record, I never even thought about having "relations" with the woman in the original topic, I did feel bad for looking but I didn't think I should of had to stop what I was doing just because she wanted to dress a certain way. So by her choosing what to wear (even if was a mistake/accident) it has a right to infringe upon my space and what I was doing. I love the rules that people like to play by. As long as it allows me to do what I want its okay if it completely goes against another persons rights.

    How the heck was she "infringing upon your space"? She didn't infringe upon any of your rights by wearing her clothes, even if you could see them. I see plenty of men every day wearing pants low enough that I can see their underwear, but I don't get all upset about it. It doesn't have any bearing on my life, actually. And neither should this woman's underwear.

    The fact that it was an important enough part of your day that you have come into a chat room to criticize someone else's choice in clothing, which had no impact on your personal workout other than YOU made the choice to continue staring at it, is concerning enough. I mean, seriously, why was this woman's clothing so important to you? Why did you feel it was your place to make ANY judgement call on what she was wearing?

    A. I was on the mats first, she came and took up right in front of me. There was plenty of space around me. Thus my space was invaded.
    B. Her underwear... UNDER wear was showing. UNDER pertains to the part where its under clothes.
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    "Help, help, I'm being repressed!" said the heterosexual cisgendered white male. "So many butts, so many bodies doing what pleases them, I am offended, I... I'm growing faint... I... can't... I must recharge... bring me... internet..."
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member

    wow are you really trying to say that saying someone needs to pull there pants up is body-policing and the same level of racism, homophobia and discrimination.

    It's a pretty common known fact that underwear should be "under" your clothes, following general society views and practices isn't body-policing. Body policing would be something like saying don't wear those volleyball shorts because I can't stop from wanting to reach out and grab them. Or you can't wear that as it makes me not be able to control myself. Saying to pull up your pants to fit into a standard that society has set is not body policing. If you want to be a rebel or go against societies grain then you as a whole should be ready for a backlash as you are going against the proverbial grain. You seem like you are grasping to understand the body-policing aspect in society so that shouldn't be hard to understand.

    Ex. saying your pants should cover your underwear = general view of society - not going to be body-policing.
    Saying you can't wear something period because it's sexual would be body-policing. I never said she couldn't wear the thong, I was asking for her to follow the general view of society. Do you need a chart drawn up.

    Or here let me put it in laymans terms.

    Society has a set views.. like drugs.. society has a general view that drugs = bad. Someone comes along and decides, no drugs aren't bad I like them. So it's wrong for society to say hey you are a distraction for taking drugs, we don't think you should do that? That is the point.

    Had I had a problem with her Yoga pants, that would of been body-policing.. Having a problem with going against societies grain is far from that.


    Society is wrong and misogynistic, as well as ableist, racist, homophobic, cissexist, etc.
    Society once didn't want women to wear pants, but was it actually WRONG for women to wear pants? No.
    Learn to think for yourself instead of go along with society's general horribleness.

    Yes society is ever changing, its full of ewbs and flows. If you take every injustice against you to heart you are going to have a life full of hate and anger. Some of us choose an more free spirited route. You are way too quick to judge someone. You took what I said, judged it as you saw fit instead of ask more questions. You assumed I wanted to apparently sleep with the lady which was far from the truth. Your whole non-discriminatory view was the most discriminatory of them all. Which the humor in it is that you can't see that.

    Reading back through this entire thread is an onslaught of objectifying, sexist commentary by almost everyone who participated. Comments about "should have taken pictures" and whatnot are not humorous... it's a sign that the people making those "jokes" view that woman's body and wardrobe as an object to enjoy or to gain pleasure from.

    There is no place for humor in a statement that is so dangerously close to the rape-apologetics argument. That argument that states, "She wore clothes that made her irresistible so I couldn't help but rape her" is no different than saying, "She wore a red thong and I couldn't NOT stare at it". You're saying that you are incapable of controlling your own urges and that somehow, this woman is responsible for your self-control. She should know better! How dare she dress all willy-nilly where you might find her body attractive, or be distracted! Why, she should be working out wearing a habit!!

    No. It doesn't work that way. If it's that hard to concentrate... move to a different part of the gym. But don't "demand" that "Women learn to pull up their pants".
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    you gay brah?

  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Am I the only woman who thinks working out in a thong would be torture?? Ugh! I'd much rather go commando :tongue:

    Am I the only woman who finds thongs quite comfortable and rarely wear any other type of underwear? :blushing:

    Nope, that's all I wear, but only my husband sees them. :wink: Btw, nice profile pic.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    Hey man, you got free natty test booster out of that experience...LOL. There was a completely hot woman in my gym the other day wearing yoga pants and got on the butt blaster...Every single guy completely stopped lifting until she was done, it was hilarious. I had the best view of all though, as I was doing hanging leg raises. These women just don't understand how they can completely de-rail our workouts.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I get distracted by some VERY attractive guys at the gym, also by some VERY attractive women. I guess I'm easily distracted...

    Side story.. At my gym awhile back. I was working out with my girlfriend. I was wearing workout shorts. After doing a few reps of some leg exercises. My friend kindly tells me you can TOTALLY see up my shorts... Thank God I was wearing a thong and not going commando or the people at the gym would've seen a triple XXX that they weren't expecting. LOL!! :blushing:

    How dare you objectify men at the gym.. I sure hope that the two people in here get onto you about that.. BODY-POLICING!! BODY-POLICING ;-) Distracting means you must want to have sex with them, because apparently society is uncapable of thinking someone is unattractive without wanting to sleep with them now.

    For the record, I never even thought about having "relations" with the woman in the original topic, I did feel bad for looking but I didn't think I should of had to stop what I was doing just because she wanted to dress a certain way. So by her choosing what to wear (even if was a mistake/accident) it has a right to infringe upon my space and what I was doing. I love the rules that people like to play by. As long as it allows me to do what I want its okay if it completely goes against another persons rights.

    How the heck was she "infringing upon your space"? She didn't infringe upon any of your rights by wearing her clothes, even if you could see them. I see plenty of men every day wearing pants low enough that I can see their underwear, but I don't get all upset about it. It doesn't have any bearing on my life, actually. And neither should this woman's underwear.

    The fact that it was an important enough part of your day that you have come into a chat room to criticize someone else's choice in clothing, which had no impact on your personal workout other than YOU made the choice to continue staring at it, is concerning enough. I mean, seriously, why was this woman's clothing so important to you? Why did you feel it was your place to make ANY judgement call on what she was wearing?

    A. I was on the mats first, she came and took up right in front of me. There was plenty of space around me. Thus my space was invaded.
    B. Her underwear... UNDER wear was showing. UNDER pertains to the part where its under clothes.

    So, somehow you laid claim to the entire surrounding bubble of space near your mat and she dared walk into your corner of the world!? For shame!
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    Well I find many things distracting at the gym - mainly hot arms on cute guys. But I wouldn't dream of objectifying their bodies by telling them to cover up!! ;) boys please feel free to work out topless at my gym if the urge ever arises!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    "Help, help, I'm being repressed!" said the heterosexual cisgendered white male. "So many butts, so many bodies doing what pleases them, I am offended, I... I'm growing faint... I... can't... I must recharge... bring me... internet..."

    :laugh: :heart: Legit laughed out loud.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Hey man, you got free natty test booster out of that experience...LOL. There was a completely hot woman in my gym the other day wearing yoga pants and got on the butt blaster...Every single guy completely stopped lifting until she was done, it was hilarious. I had the best view of all though, as I was doing hanging leg raises. These women just don't understand how they can completely de-rail our workouts.

    This right here is everything wrong about this entire discussion.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I sure hope this is Opposite Day.

    Nope just a couple people wanting to play "their cards".

    I get so sick of that as well. I was all cool til the last one discriminated against me by thinking I must never have been discriminated against because I'm a white straight male. That alone told me all I needed to read. Some people just want to see the world burn.

    Funny part is they want you turn your cheek and saw no reason to mention it on the message board as it's someones right to wear that, but it's not someones right to criticize that. They don't see the hypocrisy, those types never do. They can criticize your view points, but you have no right to yours.

    Well guys, sorry the humor was yet again sucked out by a couple people!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member

    People are getting WAY too serious...

    He was being sarcastic...

    I look at people EVERY day and make judgments...

    Just today I saw a girl wearing a sports bra and short tight shorts. I was like WOW.. I would like to be able to look like that. Were guys looking at her? HELL YES!! And I was too!! She was HOT!! Did I want to sleep with her NO... I'm straight.. and happily married..

    When I look that good, I hope I distract you all from your workouts.. LOL!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Nope just a couple people wanting to play "their cards".

    I get so sick of that as well. I was all cool til the last one discriminated against me by thinking I must never have been discriminated against because I'm a white straight male. That alone told me all I needed to read. Some people just want to see the world burn.

    Funny part is they want you turn your cheek and saw no reason to mention it on the message board as it's someones right to wear that, but it's not someones right to criticize that. They don't see the hypocrisy, those types never do. They can criticize your view points, but you have no right to yours.

    Well guys, sorry the humor was yet again sucked out by a couple people!

    You forgot cisgender.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    Hey man, you got free natty test booster out of that experience...LOL. There was a completely hot woman in my gym the other day wearing yoga pants and got on the butt blaster...Every single guy completely stopped lifting until she was done, it was hilarious. I had the best view of all though, as I was doing hanging leg raises. These women just don't understand how they can completely de-rail our workouts.

    This right here is everything wrong about this entire discussion.

    Thank you. My job here is done. I thoroughly hope you got all the disdain you were searching for and can now leave the internet and live a life outside of critiquing everyone's comments.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    People are getting WAY too serious...

    He was being sarcastic...

    I look at people EVERY day and make judgments...

    Just today I saw a girl wearing a sports bra and short tight shorts. I was like WOW.. I would like to be able to look like that. Were guys looking at her? HELL YES!! And I was too!! She was HOT!! Did I want to sleep with her NO... I'm straight.. and happily married..

    When I look that good, I hope I distract you all from your workouts.. LOL!!

    I actually felt bad then just realize they are those people that like to play the 'card' game. They are quick to judge but never ones to listen. They are the first to shout their opinions and views onto you, but not ones to even open the ears to hear. Also they lack any ability of humor. I fully expect them to do this in all the chit-chat threads OR they will have discriminated against me. ;-)
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Hey man, you got free natty test booster out of that experience...LOL. There was a completely hot woman in my gym the other day wearing yoga pants and got on the butt blaster...Every single guy completely stopped lifting until she was done, it was hilarious. I had the best view of all though, as I was doing hanging leg raises. These women just don't understand how they can completely de-rail our workouts.

    This right here is everything wrong about this entire discussion.

    Thank you. My job here is done. I thoroughly hope you got all the disdain you were searching for and can now leave the internet and live a life outside of critiquing everyone's comments.

    Dude your arms are sick, they make me jealous.. cover them up. I must oppress you as well. I'd give you a virtual butt slap (like a football player) but I can only imagine the can of worms that'd open up.