Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "Wouldn't it be easier just to have liposuction?"

    No really, someone said this to me...

    it would be "easier" but cost a zillon dollars more.. and doesnt teach you to do it right, you regain and have to do it again.. I think i may have slapped them

    Believe me, you're doing it the right way. My mom got lipo, but now she's struggling to keep the body she got from it. It goes a little like this: "Oh I'll just have half a side salad for dinner. That way I can have some dessert!" or "I ate too much today, I'm not eating dinner tonight."
    And then she sees me calorie counting and working out and tells me that's no way to live... Makes me want to punch a freaking wall :explode:

    My MIL got a gastric bypass and then went on WW like 10 years ago... so now she thinks she's an expert but her hoarded stash of Hersheys and 250 pounds says otherwise

    My most recent exstepmother got gastric bypass. However, I don't think they took any from her head as her head now looks too big for her body, like a bobblehead. Doing it naturally is the way to go, even if it takes longer. :P
  • osusars
    osusars Posts: 21
    "Oh, I want to lose weight too" (friend that weighs 125 lbs)
    "I like curvy girls and you're really curvy" ... that's not a compliment.
    "You can't eat that" I can in moderation Jacka**
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    I get stuff like, why do you need to lose weight, your not that big, you look fine to me. (bearing in mind I am a size 18/20). You dont need to lose weight, your personality will change. :bigsmile:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Everyone is a nutritionist, dietition, bariatric MD and a physical trainer once they find out you're dieting. But the advice is usually to tell you that what you are doing is wrong. :huh:


    *falls off chair laughing* Seriously! Everyone must have gotten their PH.D in physical fitness while I was away at college and didn't tell me. :P
  • Momma1213
    Momma1213 Posts: 56
    I'm 5'1", 38, 131 pounds, one kid. I hear:

    "YOU are on a diet?" Insert: "Why, Oh crap then I'm in trouble, you're already thin, but you are so small you don't need to diet."
    Ok folks here's the dealio. I can't fit into about 3/4's of my clothes and they just sit in my closet. I get I will never weigh 98 pounds again and that's not my goal. My goal is to not have to buy an entire new wardrobe that will need to be replaced again in a handful of years because my *kitten* got larger again! Oh, and to avoid getting the Diabetes Type II that seems to run in my family due to not taking care of ourselves. That's why!
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262

    My most recent exstepmother got gastric bypass. However, I don't think they took any from her head as her head now looks too big for her body, like a bobblehead. Doing it naturally is the way to go, even if it takes longer. :P

    You know whats funny is, she asked me what my diet was and I said, "Well, I see on TV that GB patients can only have 1 serving size, many times a day, with protein added to everything so I asked myself, why can't you just do that anyway?"

    "Because I have no self control!"

    Ok... but doesn't it take 15 minutes for your brain to decide your stomach is full? I bet you could pack that lil gut pouch pretty tight in 15 minutes
  • kooldill
    kooldill Posts: 21 Member
    your not fat your husky I am not a dog
  • TheMrsFitnessGeek
    TheMrsFitnessGeek Posts: 89 Member
    " STOP losing weight. You are going to disappear." - This was at 170lbs and I am 140-136lbs now...Can you still see me?
    " You only lift weights?! You are going to look like a man." - Oh really?! and how do you know? From experience? I have been lifting for over a year.
    " All you drink is water?! You are going to drown" or "Isn't that boring?" - Actually, I LOVE IT! How is your sugary beverage working out for you?
    " You have to live once in a while."- Yes, and I do. Every f'in day to the fullest. I am happy with myself and I will say when I should indulge in a SPECIAL meal.

    236lbs to 140-136lbs
    I always have a smart remark for all the people who are miserable and want some company. I am not going back there! ;)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    A conversation I had a while back comes to mind:

    Co-worker: Wow, exactly how much have you lost? You look soooo skinny!
    Me: Well, about 20 lb, but it's been a pretty steady loss over the last 2 months.
    Co-worker: Oh, well, it's just I noticed you look so skinny today. How much more do you want to lose?
    Me: I would be happy if another 10 lb came off (SW: 165, CW:145, GW: 135, which is middle of the road for my height)
    Co-worker: WHAT! That is crazy. You are already so skinny! You would practically disappear!

    I'm not sure if that is supposed to be flattery, but it doesn't flatter. Getting healthy =/= Crazy!
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    It's the unspoken lack of support from my husband that's killing me. I keep asking him not to stock our freezer with ice cream, and somehow it shows up there anyway. He even asked me to get him chocolate at the store the last time I went! I didn't get it for him :grumble:
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    "Oh, I want to lose weight too" (friend that weighs 125 lbs)
    "I like curvy girls and you're really curvy" ... that's not a compliment.
    "You can't eat that" I can in moderation Jacka**

    I weight 125 lbs and that is overweight for me, so that first statement really doesn't mean much to me unless you include that friend's height...........
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    "Oh my God, Chicken again. Just because you are on a diet (no, it's a lifestyle) doesn't mean we are. Are you trying to kill us?"

    No, I'm trying to keep you from dying of a heart attack or clogged arteries.
  • osusars
    osusars Posts: 21
    As I'm eating [insert delicious, "normal" food here}... "Doesn't that break your diet?"
    No, I'm not on a diet. I'm living a healthier lifestyle, which leaves plenty of room for eating whatever I want. Just less frequently, in smaller portions, etc.

    ^^ exactly!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580

    My most recent exstepmother got gastric bypass. However, I don't think they took any from her head as her head now looks too big for her body, like a bobblehead. Doing it naturally is the way to go, even if it takes longer. :P

    You know whats funny is, she asked me what my diet was and I said, "Well, I see on TV that GB patients can only have 1 serving size, many times a day, with protein added to everything so I asked myself, why can't you just do that anyway?"

    "Because I have no self control!"

    Ok... but doesn't it take 15 minutes for your brain to decide your stomach is full? I bet you could pack that lil gut pouch pretty tight in 15 minutes

    Eating slower does wonders. One, you savor the flavor more and two you're less likely to overeat as your brain is able to tell you when you're full well before you go for a second plateful. That's how it is in my experience anyway. :)
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    Now, don't be upset when you put a bit of that weight back on, or when you don't fit into those new pants next week. -_-
  • osusars
    osusars Posts: 21
    "Oh, I want to lose weight too" (friend that weighs 125 lbs)
    "I like curvy girls and you're really curvy" ... that's not a compliment.
    "You can't eat that" I can in moderation Jacka**

    I weight 125 lbs and that is overweight for me, so that first statement really doesn't mean much to me unless you include that friend's height...........

    She is in good, healthy condition. To be 125 and be overweight, your fat mass would have to be very high compared to your muscle mass. BMI is not a good measure of one's obesity/how overweight they are so height doesn't really play into it. At 125 she has no reason to be losing weight. As was implied in the original comment.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Spawn---Mom there is nothing to eat
    Mom---you said you wanted to be healthier...
    Spawn---yeah, but not today

    Coworker---Oh one day won't hurt...(everyday)

    Friend---but our outlet is food? Why are YOU doing this to me?

    and it goes on and on and on.......
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "Oh my God, Chicken again. Just because you are on a diet (no, it's a lifestyle) doesn't mean we are. Are you trying to kill us?"

    No, I'm trying to keep you from dying of a heart attack or clogged arteries.

    My brother says stuff like that sometimes. I tell him that if he doesn't like what we're eating, he can cook something himself. That usually works. :P
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    My favorite is when they know you're trying to eat healthy and they bring home french fries and make lasagna and apple pie for dinner. Then they get mad at you when you make your own meal even though you told them you're cutting back on that crap. :/
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    "Oh you can have chocolate, you're skinny now!"

    NO NO NO NO NO! I'm slim BECAUSE I don't eat much chocolate!