Dumbest Fight You Ever Had With Significant Other



  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    My husband wanted me to sing because he and his friends were playing Rockband at a party. I was too nervous/sober and said no.

    Long story short, I ended up leaving but couldn't find my way out of the skyscraper-like apartment complex. He found me when he realized I was gone and I cried a lot because I was lost and scared.

    Then I just felt stupid.
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    The very first major fight I had with Mr Cheesefries was over salad dressing. I was moving into a different apartment and realized that he had accumulated 32 bottles of dressing in my old place's fridge. I refused to move all of them, and draaaaaamaaaaa ensued.
    ^ ^^ ^ 32 bottles, Do you have an INDUSTRIAL refrigerator? I mean, DAMN, every time you wanted something, you'd have to move friggin" salad Dressing!!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Never had a fight with my wife, and, after 25 years together, I think we may be past the volatile stage.
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    Love this thread!

    My favourite on-going disagreements are:

    -He says "the other day" no matter how long ago something was.

    -Whether to pronounce mayor as "may-or" or "mare".
  • karaemoore
    karaemoore Posts: 45 Member
    I cannot believe that I have come to the point that we are arguing over rice cakes!! (HE ATE MINE!!!)
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    LOL..about 10 years ago we had an argument on who put the mixer away. He says I put it away, but I wouldnt have wrapped the cord around it like it was. He says he didnt put it away, but he does wrap the cord around it like it was. The dumbest argument EVER!!!
  • cathe18
    cathe18 Posts: 13
    Okay, I'll bite... My EX and I went to a Holloween party. He dressed up as Bret Michaels... and I was, yes, his groupie... Straight hooker get up and all... I had even gone to the mall and bought these rediculous vinyl imitation snake skinned purpley and greenie glittery strappy pumps... (They had take me home to mom written all over them. :huh: )
    So at the party, I'm a good sport. But my feet are KILLING ME.... And I am swearing at myself for not being Tennis Shoe Spice for the night. But there is this one chick there just ooohing and ahhhing over these great shoes of mine.... So I took them off and handed them to her and told her if she made them disappear she could have them.
    So later, Mr. Observant is like.... so where are your shoes? And I told him they had been spared a slow torturous death because I had given them away (I was totally planning on slowly melting them down and making a magnet or something...)
    He got sooooo pissed at me... And you didn't feel you should talk to me about that? I had plans for those shoes.... We fought for days over stupid shoes...

    I wonder now if he had planned on borrowing them.... hmmm......
  • cathe18
    cathe18 Posts: 13
    Never had a fight with my wife, and, after 25 years together, I think we may be past the volatile stage.

    LOL!!!!! Awesome... But don't get to comfy with that logic. She's female.... We die still volatile.... LOL!
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    Most of our fights is over his family and my family...

    **I bug him with things like..

    His brother, when we lived with him, would take my toothpaste to his golf tournament. Or he would leave all his dirty plates and cups in his room for a week (and they were my plates that I brought to the house). Or when he cleaned out his room he'd put everything including the trash into the sink..

    His mother, who mean all well and good, calls 6 to 10 times a day everyday, and if my fiance does not answer her first 2 calls, she'll be calling my phone till I answer.

    His father, who's only reason for living now is to be around for his grandson, always ask for permission before picking up my son, or to play with him.. It's strange that he feels like he has to ask.

    **My fiance bugs me with things like..

    My grandmother, who is our babysitter, seems to rant on and on to us about not having enough money. We pay her for helping us out and watching our son, but my father who lives above her hasn't payed her for rent in who knows how long.

    My father, because he has seemed to care about our son since ever. He doesn't even call. He is at home drinking most of the time but doesn't seem to help my grandmother out with rent, or fixing up her floor like he started. Or going out to help my grandmother change a tire when she popped it. Or not offering any help with our up coming wedding whether it be paying for something, or running around or anything.

    My mother, because she is a workaholic and doesn't get to much time to come see our son (even though she would love to) but she is working three jobs, one of which is just so she can help pay for some of our wedding.

    Yeah.. But the fights are funnier in person...
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

    OMG, I love this~!! lol
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    He threw my shoes at me telling me to get out and instead of hitting me with the shoes he hit the window and it broke... We both stood there stunned and then reluctantly we started cleaning up all the glass....lol


    Not loling

    yep, me too a little too over the top
  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    Our most stupid fight, well actually fights, cos its ongoing...is about the television.
    I really cannot stand the adverts inbetween the programmes so i usually mute the sound until the programme comes back on, its something ive done for many years and now even my grown up daughters do it.
    It was only in recent times my husband decided to tell me he hates the habit of mine !!! He got into a right old bad mood just a few days ago about it and took himself off to bed....i thought it was hilarious and pathetic at the same time :laugh:
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Me and my husband, on the rare times that we argue, usually do it when we're really hungry (LOL). We both get super cranky and irritable so if we decide we need to eat out, we end up yelling at each other like 'I DONT WANT TO GO THERE' or eating in, 'NO I DONT WANT THAT'. It's dumb. So dumb.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    We don't really argue?
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    trying to wake her up no matter how nice I am about it... I always get in trouble. I could go dine at the Y and I'm going to get greeted by a bunch of curse words.
  • bangersnmash90
    We STILL argue about whether it is a bee or a wasp that dies after it stings you. I know full well that it is a bee and so does he but he's so damn stubborn. Google didn't even help because he decided that Google was a liar. Haha!
  • jessicaleighscimeca
    My Husband and I have argued over how to load the dishwasher..

    We will argue, then ignore eachother for half an hour or so... then we laugh:):laugh:
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    we have a re occurring argument ....

    I say 1 slice of bread with a filling folded makes one sandwich and he says 2 slices of bread with a filling cut in half makes 1 sandwich .....................

    stoopid I know :) how the heck can two slices of bread make 1 sandwich :huh:

    another is about jelly ... is it a liquid or a solid ..............

    tbh thats about as serious as our arguments get

    then again we dont really argue, I just inform him why Im right :wink:
  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
    Oh boy where do I begin. We actually had a fight recently over laying the bed. He's military so I guess I don't tuck the corners tight enough for him. If the sheets aren't smooth, crisps, and wrinkle free, welcome to World War III. The crazy thing is this is "my" bed. He has his own bed at "his" place and I don't tell him how to lay his bed..lol.
  • Apa93
    Apa93 Posts: 57 Member
    I don't think we've ever really had a fight. There are times when he is wrong and needs to accept that I am right, but other than that...:P