what are your crazy little quirks



  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Oh yeah... I do most of the cooking in my house but, I CANNOT cook if there are dirty dishes in the sink.
  • tigjer
    tigjer Posts: 46 Member
    I cant cook or go to sleep if there are dirty dishes in my sink!
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    - If someone sneezes I say BLESS YOU then clap twice to "chase away the evil spirits."
    - I have to switch off all plug sockets that are empty, if it's in a shop I will ask a member of staff if I can't reach it.
    - I count the lines of each letter in a registration plate (for example W is 4) If the number of the full plate doesn't finish on my little finger (for a 5 or a 0) then I have to do it however many times more until it does... I now count syllables on my fingers while reading/watching films
    - If I eat something crumbly, eg a sandwich, then I sit and shake it over my plate between mouthfuls to get rid of most of the crumbs and then I can't have the last bite until I've used said food to mop up all the crumbs....

    I have far too much time on my hands and I do the counting thing in my sleep apparently which makes it a habit as opposed to an OCD according to the GP? I guess I'm just a bit batty!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    1. I won't start cooking any meal or go to bed if there are dishes in the sink.
    2. I cannot sleep with any body part hanging of the side of the bed and vulnerable to monster attacks.
    3. If I have 100 pages or less left in a book, I don't do anything else until I've finished it.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    If my nail polish starts to chip I have to pick/peel ALL of it off and re-do it that day. Not wait to use nail polish remover, I HAVE to pick /peel it off.

    I also have to eat my food evenly. Let's say I have some chicken, some broccoli, and some rice on my plate. I have to eat each thing in an order so the same amount of each thing is left at a time. I also prefer my food not to touch.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Oh, I thought of another one! I am so paranoid about my alarm not going off or being set for the wrong time.

    My alarm clock has a light and I literally turn it on and off at least 5 times to make sure it's set properly and I didn't accidentally turn it off.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    When I sit down at a restaurant, I never put my back to the door.


    Same here, if I can ever avoid it. I also much prefer booths, then table by the wall. I avoid the ones in the middle.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have always smelled my cups before using them. If it smells like it's been in the cabinet for awhile I wash it out before using it. I guess when I take a drink I inhale at the same time so I can't stand if the glass has an odor to it. :)

    I do this too!!
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    Hmm.. I absolutely loathe the flashing cursor thing which highlights where you are in a Microsoft Word document; or this little box! I have to type really fast to outrun it... or move it way down the screen if I'm reading something back.

    It's taunting me now.

    Pretty sure you can turn that off lol
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    If I have to touch cardboard, I have to either have gloves on or be able to put the cardboard down and wash my hands every 5 minutes because I can't stand the feel of it.

    There must be an equal number of ice cubes in my glass, and at restaurants I will ask for the ice on the side and add it myself to my drink to make sure its an even number.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I have a lot, actually LOL.
    1 - I have to check all the windows and the door locks before I go to bed.
    2 - I cannot sleep without blankets, it scares me LOL. Or I can't have any body part hanging off.
    3 - I have OCD, so basically I cannot eat if there are dirty dishes, or cooking. And if the kitchen is messy, I won't eat/cook until it's spotless.
    4 - To be able to go to sleep, I have to listen to music.
    5 - I have to have my back against a wall or a seat against a wall.
    6 - I hate being in the front of a line and the back. I like to be in the middle ( works for haunted houses )
    7 - I paint my nails, but chip it off immediately after it dries. I hate the feeling of nail polish but like pretty nails D:
    8 - Feet scare me. I will never touch feet.
    9 - The shower drain scares me. I never touch it, and I rarely look at it.
    10 - The shower curtain always has to be open if no one is using the shower, I always think someone is hiding in there.
    11 - I've organized all my perfumes by brand and in alphabetical order.
    12 - I organize my clothes by color.
    13 - If I see the number 13, I have to hold my breath for 7 seconds ( weird habit since I was...7 )
    14 - All my electronics must be charging, I never have them off the charger if they're not being used.
    15 - My books are organized by series or author.
    16 - This is more of a weird thing developed by ex-boyfriends. I do not like it when someone puts their hand on my knee-leg. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
    17 - I cannot stand people touching my face or poking me.
    18 - I wear the same two rings I've worn since 13. I feel as if I'll get bad luck if I take them off. I flip out on people who try to take off my rings to put it on their finger to try it out. It really ticks me off.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    With some words, I like to say them backwards, to see what they sound like.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I am a lint picker. I cannot see lint on someone or myself without having to pick it off. I've tried researching ways of how to pull off lint picking without coming across as creepy, there isn't any.

    I've tried everything, the easiest way is to just get in after it and whatever happens happens.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I sniff everything.

    I mean everything...clothing, dishes, things I buy, plants, foods, my pets... ...the most recent thing I sniffed was my car's steering wheel this morning...my fiance thinks I'm nuts.

    I eat strangely.

    Sandwiches go crust first, pizza too, ice cream bars- I eat all the chocolate off of the outside, then eat the ice cream. It drives me nuts if someone takes a bite out of a chocolate bar that is clearly meant to be broken into pieces .

    If you don't think I'm a weirdo, feel free to add me :)
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I am a lint picker. I cannot see lint on someone or myself without having to pick it off. I've tried researching ways of how to pull off lint picking without coming across as creepy, there isn't any.

    I've tried everything, the easiest way is to just get in after it and whatever happens happens.

    I also do this ^^
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    1 - I know where EVERYTHING in the house is at every minuet, unless the hubby touches something - which he always leaves out & i put the &(%#$% away. To say I'm a neat freak is an understatement - I have to have things clean, organized, labeled and put in their place ALL THE TIME.
    2 - I have to wash all the soap from my hands, which I didn't know I freaked about until I watched others NOT doing it & drying their hands w/ soap still on them.
    3 - I can not leave closet doors open or mirrors uncovered if I'm in the same room or will pass by them in the dark. Even in the bathroom, I look at the floor until I turn on the light - there is only 2 mirrors in the whole house because of this.
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I favor my right side so ...
    - whenever I eat I make sure the last bite is on the right side so it can enjoy the last of my food
    -shave my right leg first
    -twist the right side of my hair first so it looks the curliest

    Very odd but that's me! LOL
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Quirks... I have a few.
    1: whenever I enter a room, I instantly know where every exit is and I make a plan to get to them if needed.
    2: I am overly organised. At any given moment, I can tell you exactly where everything I own is. Obviously this does not take into account my wifes obsession of rearranging the house every three months.
    3: My same obsession also has me creating spreadsheets and databases to track foor, weight, and menus.
    I cannot wear headphones that covers my right ear. If I have headphones, I put the right earpeice above or behind my ear.
    if I am talking on the phone, it is on my left side.

    Thats all for now.

    I thought I was the only crazy person who created spreadsheets for everything. I organize for fun. I just had a project at work to re-organize an accounts payable report with several thousand accounts. They were already organized alphabetically, but my job was to make it easier to see who owed what at a glance, so I organized the accounts from highest amount to lowest amount owed and then alphabetically. I had so much fun with it.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    When I'm crossing the road and a car is on its way. I start counting as soon as I step out of it's path so that I can see how many seconds away from getting hit I was.

    I like to walk around the living room eating a cheese sandwich with one hand and pretending I'm fighting ninjas with the other.

    For some reason I can't seem to remember to close kitchen cabinets. But then my wife tells me that this is just all guys.

    Ninjas are attracted by cheese I hear... :)
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I sniff everything.

    I mean everything...clothing, dishes, things I buy, plants, foods, my pets... ...the most recent thing I sniffed was my car's steering wheel this morning...my fiance thinks I'm nuts.

    I eat strangely.

    Sandwiches go crust first, pizza too, ice cream bars- I eat all the chocolate off of the outside, then eat the ice cream. It drives me nuts if someone takes a bite out of a chocolate bar that is clearly meant to be broken into pieces .

    If you don't think I'm a weirdo, feel free to add me :)

    I too eat the crust first. My co-workers will sit there and watch me slowly eat around the outside of my sandwich. I eat the pizza crust first unless it is stuffed crust, then I save it for last. It means I had something with more flavor than the crust in my mouth when I'm done.