what are your crazy little quirks



  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    If I have a sunburn that is peeling, I have to peel it! Even if it is on my husband, or my mom, or my cousin (more like a sister). My mom and my cousin and I used to peel each other's sunburned skin when we were little.

    If I feel any flaky dry skin, I have to pick it. If I refrain, I continue to run my fingers over it for the rest of the day. But I do not pick scabs.

    I organize for fun. I will organize my cds by artist, and then if I'm feeling bored, I'll reorganize them by album name. Then when bored again, I'll reorganize them again.

    All my books, vhs tapes, dvds, and video games are alphabetized, but not mixed together. So therefore I have a shelf for the video games, Nintendo wii first (we play it the most) then game cube, then PS2. Next shelf starts the dvd collections for various tv shows, then single dvds, then VHS tapes last. Books are organized by whether they are novels or cookbooks or cooking magazines. And then organized by brand (Taste of Home, Betty Crocker, etc.) and then month of publication.

    My clothes in my closet are organized by sleeve length and/or article of clothing. My tank tops are in the front of my closet, followed by short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves, and finally my cardigans/light jackets I wear over the tank tops.

    I know I have plenty more, my husband often tells me I'm nuts. Can't think of them right now.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    This topic is fascinating. I'm trying to think of some of mine, but they have become so automatic its hard to recall them.

    I'm very much the opposite on so many of these, I don't care how the toothpaste is, my books and spices and groceries are every which way, I worry very little about germs, put the tp on any which way, etc. I'd probably drive a lot of people crazy with the chaos.

    I can think of a few things though. Some quirks, some I'm not so sure.

    --I love mechanical pencils, specifically .7 and .9 leads, I'd rather write with them than anything else, and I've even specifically sought out other lead hardnesses (they come in 2b and 4b) for drawing etc. I've bought all different brands and styles to see which is best.

    --I can't stand rough paper. I'll use it if I have to, but its irritating. If I need a spiral notepad or journal I will feel them all up first and buy the one with the smoothest paper. I will go out of my way to buy the brands I know have smooth paper. I do a bit of drawing and painting and for some kinds, rough paper is better, but it still makes me a bit twitchy if its rough on rough like charcoal. I've tried pastels, and really want to get some velour paper, because the scratchy noise bugs me.

    --As i said in another post I like to have my back to the door.

    --I like to have a glass of water by the bed, even though I rarely actually drink it. If I'm settled in bed and it's not there, I feel twitchy till I go get one.

    --If I go anywhere on a trip, it feels just *wrong* not to have a book or 3 with me, even if I know I won't get time to read. It's like..my security book. Having kindle on my phone has helped that.

    --oh, foam..I hate drinking out of foam glasses some restaurants have. I'll do it, but I will usually buy a bottle of something or just not get a drink if the only cups are foam. Pop tastes funny.
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Would not call it little, but I can not stay in a lecture hall fore more than 20-25 minutes without getting a hell of a panic attack
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I always walk round a ladder
  • fitnhealthykaren
    My house can me messy, dishes to do, etc., but if things are out of alignment I must fix it.
    ie: the kitchen table must line up with the tiles, the couch must be perfectly even with the wall, the area rug must be perfectly centered. LOL
  • mandyfawn1
    When I sit down at a restaurant, I never put my back to the door.


    My honey is the same way. He spent too much time looking over his shoulder for mistakes in his past, and how it's a habit he can't seem to break. He always sits facing the door, and he always wants a booth.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I guess you could say I am a bit neurotic.
    -I won’t walk on handicapped parking spaces
    -I avoid cracks in the sidewalk
    -I can’t walk in a straight line
    -If someone does something embarrassing, even on TV, I have to look away
    -I cry when I’m mad
    -I have to make sure all the appliances are off before I leave the house
    -even if I just locked the door, I have to pull on it and make sure it is shut before I can leave
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    - Whenever I go into the bathroom, I sometimes check behind the shower curtain for axe murderers.

    - Whenever I go to my car at night, I always check underneath it and the backseat for axe murderers.

    - If I'm brushing my teeth or washing my face at the sink, I sometimes expect to look up and find an axe murderer behind me.

    - Whenever my husband goes out to the field and I go walking outside, I leave a post-it note on the fridge of when, where, and how long I expect to be out; you know, just in case I get picked up by an axe murderer.

    - When I used to order pizza for myself when the husband was out in the field, I'd leave a post-it note of when and where I ordered the pizza in case the delivery guy turns out to be an axe murderer.

    Yes, these are all true. NO I'm not paranoid. I swear! :blushing:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I'm claustrophobic too. Which always made hide & seek rather difficult. I would always try hiding in the closet, but would start to hyperventilate thinking I would run out of air. I didn't understand it and would always keep going back to the closet. When I got older I finally learned about claustrophobia and realized what the problem was. I don't like tunnel slides, I don't like tunnels at all because of this.

    I'm terrified to swim in any water that has fish in it. Regardless of whether they are simply goldfish or predatory fish. But yet am FASCINATED by the show River Monsters and other tv shows that have fish and underwater life on them.

    I can't stand having anything under my fingernails. Whether it be dirt (grew up on a farm, got dirty quite a bit) or peeling skin, or if a piece of hair got caught under my nail. I literally can't concentrate on anything else until it is gone.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    When i wake up in the morning I touch the wall above my headboard before I get up. Long story.
  • Salamanda425
    Salamanda425 Posts: 358
    I have always smelled my cups before using them. If it smells like it's been in the cabinet for awhile I wash it out before using it. I guess when I take a drink I inhale at the same time so I can't stand if the glass has an odor to it. :)

    I do this exact same thing!
  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member

    --I don't like to be touched on the throat and I don't like neck lines that are snug around my throat. I think I was hung or executed at the guillotine in a previous life. haha... (and if that thought doesn't scare you too much, you can friend request me).

    This! I hate for things to touch my neck!
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    OK i'll bite:

    1) All bills in my wallet from front to back are in lowest to largest order and all have to all face the same way and the same direction.

    2) I talk with my hands. Hold them down or sit on them and i can't talk. I physically have problems forming sentences.

    3) If i'm playing cards (IE Rummy) when someone lays down a run the lowest card should always be played on the bottom and left. IE 3,4,5 left to right with the 5 covering part of the 4 covering part of the 3. I have been know to re-arange the table just to fix it.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    1. I can't let things 'hang' off the edge...if there was a pencil hanging off the side of my desk for example, I would just HAVE to move it so none of it was hanging off the edge
    2. I can't be around people when they eat cereal...it's the line of milk between the lips...makes me feel ill.
    3. I can't have anything touching the front of my neck, not even a scarf. Makes me gag

    I'm sure there are more coming....
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Hate when anyone invades my personal space! No setting on a sofa for me, too many chances someone would sit next to me. Will only tolerate having the grandkids and babies in MY space, once they get older that changes. Husband is a different story, he can get close anytime he wants:embarassed:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I guess you could say I am a bit neurotic.
    -I won’t walk on handicapped parking spaces
    -I avoid cracks in the sidewalk
    -I can’t walk in a straight line
    -If someone does something embarrassing, even on TV, I have to look away
    -I cry when I’m mad
    -I have to make sure all the appliances are off before I leave the house
    -even if I just locked the door, I have to pull on it and make sure it is shut before I can leave

    Yep, I blush for somebody else if they do something embarrassing. I cry when I'm frustrated. And my husband drives me insane with how he has to triple check all the doors. Not just to make sure the front door is locked (which is fine), but when he slams the car door, he pushes on it to make sure it closed. he will stop and push on it again. Drives me up the flipping wall. If you slammed the door, what are the chances it didn't close all the way?? This isn't his way of making sure the door is locked. He just has to make sure the door closed all the way.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I eat around the edges of a burger and then the middle last.

    I drink with two straws instead of one...

    I ALWAYS sleep with my feet outside of the covers.
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    I can only eat one thing on my plate at a time..... veggies 1st, then meats...
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    The rows of gum in the pack have to be equal at all times, and I will rearrange them frequently to make sure.

    The volume on the TV or radio has to be at an even number or a multiple of 5.

    The driver and passenger side front windows in my car have to be down at equal lengths, and I don't let people who ride in the back let down their windows at all, lol

    I can't wear socks around my house, nor can I sleep with my bedroom door open during the day or night.

    Oh, and I forgot to add that I wiggle the house door handle to make sure it's locked atleast 3-4 times before I feel comfortable leaving.
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    Hmmm, I'm sort of OCD about leaving my place to go to work. I double-check everything and make extra sure my door is locked as I leave and that I'm not missing anything.

    Don't think I have any other odd quirks.