

  • Changeisgonnacome
    Good morning Shoe Divas,

    Last night after checking in, I did a few hours of sewing, followed by picking my husband up from a friend's. The guys got together to watch the WFC and ordered Domino's pizza. So seeing as I had over 300 cals leftover I had a slice. :tongue: I was 7 cals under when done. :laugh: Just made it under 1200.
    Today, I am on my way to do make up for a wedding and so will be having my usual coffee, yogourt and high fibre granola bar for breakie and am not sure for the rest of the day yet. Will keep you posted. It's another glorious day in the Okanagan. I hope it is for all of you as well.

    Nope, just checked ... not having the usual. No yogourt in the house. :ohwell:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Good morning Shoe Divas,

    Last night after checking in, I did a few hours of sewing, followed by picking my husband up from a friend's. The guys got together to watch the WFC and ordered Domino's pizza. So seeing as I had over 300 cals leftover I had a slice. :tongue: I was 7 cals under when done. :laugh: Just made it under 1200.
    Today, I am on my way to do make up for a wedding and so will be having my usual coffee, yogourt and high fibre granola bar for breakie and am not sure for the rest of the day yet. Will keep you posted. It's another glorious day in the Okanagan. I hope it is for all of you as well.

    it is beautiful, i was hoping to go for a hike or something but can't get a hold of any of my friends. so i am just gonna try this taebo video ive had for a while. it was so hard the first time that i said 'screw this' after a couple minutes of not being able to keep up! so i will try to do at LEAST 20 minutes of that.

    i have a list of healthy things to order when you go out for pizza, i will make a post of posting them later. i got them out of fitness magazine. the only ones i can remember right now are dominos pizza thin crust veggie, and little caesers cheese. ill post it later with the cal counts!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    good morning everyone :)...ahhh i am off to a bad start this morning ...450cals in breakfast alone :ohwell: lol oh well ill just make sure the rest of the day ends up good :bigsmile:

    ill take your 450 and raise you 600! my boyfriend had to drive his parents to the airport at like 5am, and on his way back he bought me mcdonalds hotcakes, my most favorite indulgence ever. i almost never eat them but they are such a good childhood memory. so we sat there eating mcdonalds in his bed at like 6 am. didn't realize how many calories there were!!! boo! but it was worth it lol
    those little hotcakes have that many cals?!?! :noway: sheesh i can make them homemade with half the cals....and yea my fav food for breakfast from there is a bacon egg and cheese biscuit sandwich and about 10hashbrowns...i guess im not allowed at mcdonalds lol i'd hate to see how many cals that is
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ok i checked...2000calories and thats not even including my medium soda that i always get :laugh: :laugh: i guess i will not be eating breakfast from there LOL
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Morning ladies!!

    Well yesterday I did AWESOME....right up until the fights. :blushing: We went to a friends house and I chose to save myself lots of calories and the pain of staying overnight at someone's house by not drinking. (GO ME!!!) I bought a low carb Monster and a bottle of water which got me though the night. Although I did take one shot with the guys...a jagerbomb of mostly jager...BLECH!! Since jagerbombs aren't in the database and I don't know how to find them, I'm not going to worry about adding it...I'll just bust out an extra 200 cals working out today. :bigsmile: I had 2 plates of chips and homemade layered dip, but I tried to keep the portions smaller than usual and I think I did ok!! I know I still went over my calories, but at least I did better than usual!! Even when my English Hunka-Burnin'-Love Bisbing got knocked out, I didn't console myself with food :laugh:

    Today will be a better day!! I'll be pretty busy between Wal Mart returns and picking up my wedding ring..THAT I HAD TO GET RE-SIZED TO A MUCH SMALLER SIZE SINCE I'VE LOST WEIGHT!!! :drinker: :drinker: ...gotta get my eyebrows waxed and possibly go to that should keep me from boredom snacking!!! :happy:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    ok i checked...2000calories and thats not even including my medium soda that i always get :laugh: :laugh: i guess i will not be eating breakfast from there LOL

    Isn't it depressing?! :grumble: :laugh: I like the mcgriddles and egg mcmuffins yummy!!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I was able to stay under my calroies but my food choices were horrid! Cookie dough, greek food, more cookie dough, crystal light, I did manage a salad and two peices of fruit...:laugh:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Morning ladies!!

    Well yesterday I did AWESOME....right up until the fights. :blushing: We went to a friends house and I chose to save myself lots of calories and the pain of staying overnight at someone's house by not drinking. (GO ME!!!) I bought a low carb Monster and a bottle of water which got me though the night. Although I did take one shot with the guys...a jagerbomb of mostly jager...BLECH!! Since jagerbombs aren't in the database and I don't know how to find them, I'm not going to worry about adding it...I'll just bust out an extra 200 cals working out today. :bigsmile: I had 2 plates of chips and homemade layered dip, but I tried to keep the portions smaller than usual and I think I did ok!! I know I still went over my calories, but at least I did better than usual!! Even when my English Hunka-Burnin'-Love Bisbing got knocked out, I didn't console myself with food :laugh:

    Today will be a better day!! I'll be pretty busy between Wal Mart returns and picking up my wedding ring..THAT I HAD TO GET RE-SIZED TO A MUCH SMALLER SIZE SINCE I'VE LOST WEIGHT!!! :drinker: :drinker: ...gotta get my eyebrows waxed and possibly go to that should keep me from boredom snacking!!! :happy:
    Lol dont tell me who wins!! i passed out before the end of the fights...oi vey me passing out before 11:30??!?! what is wrong with me lol....but anyway nothing wrong with cutting some slack every once in a while :)...and i did the low carb monster with vodka and was shocked to find out i drank a full course meal.....580cals :laugh: :laugh: good thing i skipped dinner that night to drink lol....and i saw the bisping sorry i couldnt stop laughing...he deserved it the way he was talkin on the ultimate fighter show lol....
    and congrats on having to get the WR resized !! (smaller that is) :bigsmile:
    but anyway i quoted this for a reason and the reason was i was going to suggest sunflower seeds (shelled) i munched on those for 2 hours before i reached a serving lol
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Morning ladies!!

    Well yesterday I did AWESOME....right up until the fights. :blushing: We went to a friends house and I chose to save myself lots of calories and the pain of staying overnight at someone's house by not drinking. (GO ME!!!) I bought a low carb Monster and a bottle of water which got me though the night. Although I did take one shot with the guys...a jagerbomb of mostly jager...BLECH!! Since jagerbombs aren't in the database and I don't know how to find them, I'm not going to worry about adding it...I'll just bust out an extra 200 cals working out today. :bigsmile: I had 2 plates of chips and homemade layered dip, but I tried to keep the portions smaller than usual and I think I did ok!! I know I still went over my calories, but at least I did better than usual!! Even when my English Hunka-Burnin'-Love Bisbing got knocked out, I didn't console myself with food :laugh:

    Today will be a better day!! I'll be pretty busy between Wal Mart returns and picking up my wedding ring..THAT I HAD TO GET RE-SIZED TO A MUCH SMALLER SIZE SINCE I'VE LOST WEIGHT!!! :drinker: :drinker: ...gotta get my eyebrows waxed and possibly go to that should keep me from boredom snacking!!! :happy:

    jaegerbombs aren't but jaegermeister is along with their counterpart the energy drink :tongue: , bu ttoday is a new day, i wouldn't worry about it!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Ok quick question...why is it right before that TOM i always want to eat more?? it seems like i constantly want something to munch ive made it fruit munching day...along with white meat turkey only... i guess if i knew i was going to be like this today i wouldve just ate the turkey without the teaspoon of mayo and bread *sighs*
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Haha...hasian girl...yeah I don't pay much attention to UFC so I don't know who was talking trash lol...they all sound stupid to me but that's why I can enjoy being superficial with UFC...I can cheer on the hotties and not give a crap lol!! All I know is GSP has a cute little patootie and Bisbing...hmm, yes I enjoy looking at him very much. :laugh: But if Henderson deserved to win then good for him!! There was some GOOD fights last night, I very much enjoyed it!!

    Sunflower seeds...good problem is I eat the whole bag!!!!

    Loathesome...why didn't I think of that?! ::DUH!!:: :happy: Ah biggie....I haven't had a drink at a party we've gone to in a long time so it was a nice change...shame I chose a jaegerbomb instead of malibu but, then I would've had a hard time stopping :laugh:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Haha...hasian girl...yeah I don't pay much attention to UFC so I don't know who was talking trash lol...they all sound stupid to me but that's why I can enjoy being superficial with UFC...I can cheer on the hotties and not give a crap lol!! All I know is GSP has a cute little patootie and Bisbing...hmm, yes I enjoy looking at him very much. :laugh: But if Henderson deserved to win then good for him!! There was some GOOD fights last night, I very much enjoyed it!!

    Sunflower seeds...good problem is I eat the whole bag!!!!

    Loathesome...why didn't I think of that?! ::DUH!!:: :happy: Ah biggie....I haven't had a drink at a party we've gone to in a long time so it was a nice change...shame I chose a jaegerbomb instead of malibu but, then I would've had a hard time stopping :laugh:

    yeah, jaegerbombs are a quick in and out type of relationship, where malibu is more of a commitment, good call!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    Today will be a better day!! I'll be pretty busy between Wal Mart returns and picking up my wedding ring..THAT I HAD TO GET RE-SIZED TO A MUCH SMALLER SIZE SINCE I'VE LOST WEIGHT!!! :drinker: :drinker: ...gotta get my eyebrows waxed and possibly go to that should keep me from boredom snacking!!! :happy:

    I am waiting for my wedding ring to fit again. When he gave me my engagement ring, it was a 7 1/2. My wedding ring was a 6 1/2, and we sized the engagement ring down. It's been over a year since I've worn my ring, because with my weight gain (up 50 lbs) it was too tight. I did manage to fit it on for DH's grandmother's funeral a couple of weeks ago, but was very very happy to wrench it off when it was over. I think another 10 or 15 pounds and it'll be better. I'm hoping anyways! We have a cruise to go on at the end of August, and I'm hoping to be able to wear my ring!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ok not as bad as i thought i only ate about 1700 cals today....YAY!! i thought it was going to total out to over 2500 with the amount i kept eating lol...i guess tonight imma get a good work out in...and dare i say it but i hope i get a good poodle in too :embarassed:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    LOL hasiangirl!!!!! Hope you do too!! :laugh:

    Hmmph. My ring wasn't in yet. Have to wait until we go grocery shopping this week to check again. :grumble:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Hiya chicas,

    I am back from doing hair and make up for a wedding and have consumed 3 coffees :tongue: and a muffin so far (I know bad but I didn't have time - one bride, 3 bridesmaids, mother of the bride and e friends). So.... it leaves me mega cals to ingest at dinner. I'm having skinless boneless chicken breast, garden salad with Balsamic vinaigrette and feta cheese and shrimp for appetizer. I have 60 cals left over without working out so I might indulge in a glass of Pinot Griggio which will put me over by about 100 cals. I'm planning on walking at least 5.3kms tonight so that will cover the few cals I go over NO problem, in fact I'll have to snack to maintain a net 1200 cals. :happy:

    Hope you are all doing well...
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    So far so good on this end! Still have a couple hundred calories to go, and the puppy still needs her evening walk so there's another hundred calories burned!!

    Today is Day 3 for me of the 14 Days to a Firmer Butt workout! WOW WHAT A BUTT KICKER TODAY!! 30 minute circuit course that I was able to do right here in my living room with absolutely nothing!! And I burned 325 calories doing it, yaaay!!

    Dinner was Turkey Bruschetta-about 206 calories roughly, and sooo yummy! I got the recipe off the package of the Foster Farms turkey breast cutlets. Very tasty, added a salad with red wine vinegarette for a side and we had quite the easy, fast tasty dinner! I believe I also hear the calling of a glass of my favorite white wine to go with my favorite book later :wink:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I've managed to stay under my calories today. I have 160 left but I don't really plan on eating anything else so, hopefully, I'm in the clear!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I did really well today too...have 305 calories left, but they are exercise calories so that's okay. I ate half of them back. I also found a spinach pasta recipe on here and it was deeeelicious!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I did horrible this weekend....saturday I went to a motorcycle rally and had like 8 beers...ahhhh, but I did not eat bad, I ate before I went to avoid that....but now my stomach still feels bloated from the beer..why did I do that? Oh well here's to a having a good week, off to a good start with a 290 cal breakfast and am determined to be good all week, even this weekend! :smile: Happy Monday!