

  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I did ok this weekend. Horrible on my water tho. :ohwell:

    I am getting back on the wagon and going to the gym today.
    I am getting back on the wagon and going to the gym today.
    I am getting back on the wagon and going to the gym today.
    I am getting back on the wagon and going to the gym today.
    I am getting back on the wagon and going to the gym today.

    That is my mantra for the week. :happy:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Had a great weekend with calories water and exercise - but still no budge on the scale - I know when it changes it will be great - but come on already!!!

    Tons of exercise this weekend....Did a great walk/jog Saturday after cleaning the house then walked 8 miles yesterday after walking all thru the mall....still nothing.....I am not giving up - but I am wondering what else I can do....I am going to add the second strength class this week and see if that will help - I keep missing the second class and only going once a week - so we'll see if the second will help. I see everything toning up
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i think i did good for part of the weekend. saturday went over, sunday i exercised a lot to make up for it. today is a new day, and it is a new week.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    this weekend i wouldnt consider horrible...but i wouldnt consider it the best lol i ate a lot of empty calories but i'm back on track and im not going to be too hard on myself like i normally am :bigsmile: so what is mondays mini challenge?
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Ok checking in from my weekend.

    I normally don't count calories on the weekend (fri and sat) because I give myself those as calorie cycle days. I went over by a bit I think, but I danced like a mad woman both nights :wink:

    Yesterday I think I made up for it cause I didn't eat much of anything....not the best plan for the weekend but after my friday and saturday I wasn't all that hungry.

    Back on track today!

    And I did great with my water all weekend, so that's good, when I go out I make myself drink tons of water before I order an adult beverage, it's like rewarding myself :bigsmile:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    if we have daily challenges, can we list them for the whole week. i've been checking in like every ten minutes hoping todays is posted, i may have already broken the challenge!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    if we have daily challenges, can we list them for the whole week. i've been checking in like every ten minutes hoping todays is posted, i may have already broken the challenge!!

    So true - I am almost ready for lunch.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    if we have daily challenges, can we list them for the whole week. i've been checking in like every ten minutes hoping todays is posted, i may have already broken the challenge!!

    So true - I am almost ready for lunch.

    i second that! (or third that....hmmmm) I am eating lunch right now. (shrimp, brown rice and veggies. yummy:happy: )
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Ya'll must be on the east coast. It's barely 9a here. I'm contemplating my morning snack. :tongue:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Ya'll must be on the east coast. It's barely 9a here. I'm contemplating my morning snack. :tongue:

    :laugh: Yep, it's noon, sunny, clear and a breezy 80 degrees here in Ohio and I get off early today so I get to leave in 1.5 hours. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Ya'll must be on the east coast. It's barely 9a here. I'm contemplating my morning snack. :tongue:

    :laugh: Yep, it's noon, sunny, clear and a breezy 80 degrees here in Ohio and I get off early today so I get to leave in 1.5 hours. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am going to cry. We work from 7a-430p so I still have 7hours left. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!!

    Yep I didn't do so hot on the weekend's challenge either. Oh well. Try again today!!!!

    Jbuerer...I keep forgetting you're in my area! I'm glad I'm not the only one several hours behind everyone else lol!! :wink: I just now am finishing up my morning coffee.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Ya'll must be on the east coast. It's barely 9a here. I'm contemplating my morning snack. :tongue:

    :laugh: Yep, it's noon, sunny, clear and a breezy 80 degrees here in Ohio and I get off early today so I get to leave in 1.5 hours. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am going to cry. We work from 7a-430p so I still have 7hours left. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :laugh: My normal hours are 7:30 to 4:30 so it's good to get out early :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Good morning, or afternoon depending on where you are :happy:

    I was suprised to see that we were still working off of week one thread but then realised it is still week one for the challenge as it starts on Thursdays. Just coz it's Monday doesn't mean it's week 2I was confused. Silly Nikky, LOL, doesn't take much apparantly.

    Do we know what today's challenge is?

    I've had a Source yogourt, 2 coffees and a All-Bran granola bar at 263cals. My lunch consists of left over garden salad with approximately a 1/4 cup of left over chicken served with balsamic vinaigrette, a babybel cheese and WATER. 210 cals. :tongue: I also have a Granny Smith apple for afternoon break.

    I should tell you, I step on the scale every morning and discovered that I am down 1 more today but I won't record until Thursday in case I'm down more. Yay me! (I sure cheer myself on a lot on this board - LOL- That's not to say you gals aren't, Just that I'm feeling a bit self-centered I guess). I guess that's how I've been feeling lately, self-centered. Everything seems to revolve around my diet, my exercise, me, me, me it seems. It affects everything because there aren't enough hours in a day. So I am sacrifising a lot of things that require my attention to focuse on getting healthy. I love to sew and have very little time to do so because my exercising gets in the way. Then housework and laundry come next which again affects everything else. I know that once I reach my goal weight I will taper off of 7 days a week regimented workouts and prob will go down to 3-5 depending on the circumstances or at least cut down to a half hour as opposed to an hour but right now I feel it's important to establish a routine that focuses on weight loss. Anybody else feel that way?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    lol *is lost on what the daily challenge is*
  • sarahkatie28
    I did awful this weekend! I am so mad at myself!

    Today is a new day, but I don't feel so hot!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I don't think there is a challenge today. Jess hasn't checked in yet. Let's make up our own.. maybe burn an extra 50 cals during cardio? suggestions?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    BuffJess said she would start a new thread today titled "RED HIGH HEELS GROUP WEEK 1/2" but I haven't seen it yet...I suppose we could pick the challenge today, maybe she's busy or her computer is down-that always happens to me when I need the computer most! :laugh: How about we all add 5-10 minutes to our normal workout today? And if BuffJess tells us a different challenge, we could do that one too-or one or the other :smile:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I did awful this weekend! I am so mad at myself!

    Today is a new day, but I don't feel so hot!

    Oh come on! You're hot, look at those shoes! :wink: Feel better.
  • Changeisgonnacome
    BuffJess said she would start a new thread today titled "RED HIGH HEELS GROUP WEEK 1/2" but I haven't seen it yet...I suppose we could pick the challenge today, maybe she's busy or her computer is down-that always happens to me when I need the computer most! :laugh: How about we all add 5-10 minutes to our normal workout today? And if BuffJess tells us a different challenge, we could do that one too-or one or the other :smile:

    Good point about being busy or the comp being down. Not all of us sit at a comp ALL day!

    I think at least 10 mins more. 5 doesn't seem like enough of a change. What do you all think?