When guys yell out the car and honk the horn at you..



  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    It makes me roll my eyes.
    ^^^This but I used to think it was hysterical too. It hasn't happened to me since I moved out of the City tho.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I wave back and shout 'ORITE SEXY!' :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member


    this morning I had 7 different men compliment me between 55th street and 60th Street. Most of it was - damn you a beautiful white lady - several good morning pretty's - and one god bless your fine *kitten*. And one was my guy who surprised me by pulling up along side me and stopping in traffic to pull me through the window of his car for 60 seconds of kisses.

    Im having a good hair day and its all white and not brassy and its super shiny, Im also having a good titty day, (adjusts) Im wearing bright bahama blue and my smile is ear to ear. Those sweet little interactions with the guys on my sidewalk commute helped me have that little smile. It was nice to be complimented. Really nice.
  • kristalfrissy
    kristalfrissy Posts: 158 Member
    Part of me is flattered and part of me is wondering if they are making fun of me. My husband is the type to drive by unattractive people or a large bootie bending over in a garden and honk. He doesn't yell anything just honks and thinks he is hilarious. Of course he is also the same guy making a fart noise as he walks behind you when you are bending over in the grocery store! lol And no...I don't really think it is funny but embarrassing but I'll admit I have giggled a few times.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If any MFP guys live near north London, would you mind driving round on Saturday morning and honking me please? My self-esteem needs a boost!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i dont care...
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    You know, now that I think about it, I had a guy speak to me on Saturday night at the gas station. He said, "Yow! where's the party at?" I smiled and laughed, but I really had to restrain myself from pulling an Anchor Man quote out and replying "In my pants." lol Figured I didn't THAT kind of attention..and, of course, I wasn't wearing pants. ,)
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    Now? I'd think they're honking at someone else and would completely ignore them.
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    I think it can be very disrespecful. But every girl, at least the truly honest ones, somewhat like the attention. I'm not going to get all giddy and feel like the hottest thing to walk the earth, but I'm not going to get pissy over it either. 50/50.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    Part of me is flattered and part of me is wondering if they are making fun of me. My husband is the type to drive by unattractive people or a large bootie bending over in a garden and honk. He doesn't yell anything just honks and thinks he is hilarious. Of course he is also the same guy making a fart noise as he walks behind you when you are bending over in the grocery store! lol And no...I don't really think it is funny but embarrassing but I'll admit I have giggled a few times.

    ^^This. I'm so self conscious that I'm never sure if someone is flirting with me/complimenting me as a joke.
  • amchavarria
    amchavarria Posts: 12
    I actually liked it. I have stopped traffic once. Guys were saying how pretty i am and where i was going. I gotta admit it is very flattering! Also, it was when I was much much bigger. LOL!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I had a creepy guy whistle the other day as I was walking. Mind you, I was pushing my son in his stroller and my daughter was riding her bike with us. That ***t is the most ridiculous esp when you have your kids with you

    I had a big dude walk past me and do the glance over with a "how YOU doin'?" when I was 8 months pregnant with my fourth. I ignored him but thought to myself, "Really? REALLY?" Unless it's my husband, I think it's super weird for a man to find me attractive when I'm pregnant.

    I got flirted with by some random when I was super pregnant too! I thought it was reaaaaallllllyyyy weird, he said "you're beautiful" and winked at me...I politely said "thank you" and keeeeeept walkin. Apparently some dudes are into that...alllll kinds of people in this world lol
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    It always makes me smile and giggle a bit, but I usually ignore it.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member

    It's an attack on your worth as a human being, and if they yell out of the car at you, all you are is a piece of meat that they feel they can judge.

    It's degrading, deplorable, and honestly, whenever I get cat-called at, I flip them the bird. They quickly change their tune to "YOU B*TCH/S*UT/W*ORE!" or whatever their feeble little minds can come up with.

    It's also called "rape culture." But if I start in on this, I'll be here for hours.

    I'm guessing it's more about you flipping them the bird that gets you called those names and less about them feeling the need to overpower you by raping you. If you don't like it, ignore it. But, doing something insulting is going to always bring you MORE negative attention. That's not rape culture, that's just reality.

    no, it IS rape culture.

    it's the belief that yelling objectifying things at a strange woman is acceptable. it's a power play. and it IS degrading.

    lucky i'm fugly, because i'd be terrified if someone yelled at me when i'm walking.

    Oh get over yourself. When I was young, we used to go out walking hoping it would happen. It was fun. It's still fun. And who has the power? The guy begging to be noticed or the woman who can choose to ignore him?

    it's strange to me women who enjoy that objectification. what goes through their heads?

    "i really really hope someone screams things at my body. that would flatter me lots"

    "maybe if i wear something slutty enough no one will expect me to have a personality"

    "my fitness routine would sure be made better if some strangers yelled things at me"


    Oh come on.... I hardly think those things run through anyone's mind...

    If someone honked and hollered I would find it flattering, unless they hollered something disgusting or degrading.
    It would not make me think my 'fitness routine would be mad better', but it would make me feel that all my hard work was paying off.
    So do you think the same thing if you are out somewhere and a guy comes up to you and gives you a compliment? To me it is almost the same thing... they are just in a car and passing by.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think it can be very disrespecful. But every girl, at least the truly honest ones, somewhat like the attention. I'm not going to get all giddy and feel like the hottest thing to walk the earth, but I'm not going to get pissy over it either. 50/50.

    Ed zachery.

    But what do we know? We're sick in the head and hate ourselves.
  • Yunnieh
    Yunnieh Posts: 89 Member
    When guys yell out the car and honk the horn at you..
    i feel embarassed and i'd like to hit them in the face.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I had a creepy guy whistle the other day as I was walking. Mind you, I was pushing my son in his stroller and my daughter was riding her bike with us. That ***t is the most ridiculous esp when you have your kids with you

    I had a big dude walk past me and do the glance over with a "how YOU doin'?" when I was 8 months pregnant with my fourth. I ignored him but thought to myself, "Really? REALLY?" Unless it's my husband, I think it's super weird for a man to find me attractive when I'm pregnant.

    I got flirted with by some random when I was super pregnant too! I thought it was reaaaaallllllyyyy weird, he said "you're beautiful" and winked at me...I politely said "thank you" and keeeeeept walkin. Apparently some dudes are into that...alllll kinds of people in this world lol

    Yeah. There was one other guy - who I actually know really well - who made a couple of different comments to me during my last pregnancy about "appreciating my profile view" or something like that. I was like oooookkaaaayyy.. lol To each their own, I guess.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Its not so much where I live since bad things can happen anywhere. Usually the guys who do it are delivery guys for the stores and restaurants nearby so they're not actually even from here for the most part.

    Just because something hasn't happened to you yet still doesn't make it okay to be so excited over an environment that fosters that type of behavior. Most cases it usually is just a look or compliment. I get compliments from random guys daily too but maybe only twice has someone actually said something mean to me for ignoring them. It's just not okay for a man to harass you simply because you're a women walking down the street. If its a friend or neighbor giving a compliment its one thing but some random creep objectifying you is a whole other story.

    The fact that some women look forward to that maybe they didn't get enough positive male attention growing up so the negative stuff doesn't bother them. A lot of the common responses were women saying they wish it would happen to them or someone recently lost weight now it happens more often. I grew up with a lot of respect from all the men in my life so when I come across some creep I'm not going "Oh yay he thinks I'm pretty! :bigsmile: " I get enough of that from people who actually care about me and are sincere.

    Oh, good freaking grief. I disagree with you. I have had a different experience from yours. IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME AND I'M ALLOWED TO NOT BE BOTHERED BY IT. That doesn't mean I have low self-esteem or that I lacked male attention or anything like that. I have my personality and you have yours.

    I took feminist theory in college. This crap is directly out of that text book. I rolled my eyes at it then and I roll my eyes at it now. You don't like it, it's your right. But it's my right not to be bothered by it, so quit telling me what I "should" do or think or feel. It's none of your business.

    Bottom line, dear, is that human beings at our core are mammals with animal instincts that we control. But certain things, especially when it comes to "mating" come out sometimes. Those guys are the crudest form of it, but it's all about shaking one's tail feathers and trying to attract someone to make a baby. It doesn't mean any of them are going to attack anyone.

    Like I said earlier, I have come thisclose to being raped. It was not a random man on the street yelling stuff at me. It was someone I knew, had been on a few dates with -- met him at a church function, for heaven's sake.

    I think I love you.

    This. This wins the day.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Its not so much where I live since bad things can happen anywhere. Usually the guys who do it are delivery guys for the stores and restaurants nearby so they're not actually even from here for the most part.

    Just because something hasn't happened to you yet still doesn't make it okay to be so excited over an environment that fosters that type of behavior. Most cases it usually is just a look or compliment. I get compliments from random guys daily too but maybe only twice has someone actually said something mean to me for ignoring them. It's just not okay for a man to harass you simply because you're a women walking down the street. If its a friend or neighbor giving a compliment its one thing but some random creep objectifying you is a whole other story.

    The fact that some women look forward to that maybe they didn't get enough positive male attention growing up so the negative stuff doesn't bother them. A lot of the common responses were women saying they wish it would happen to them or someone recently lost weight now it happens more often. I grew up with a lot of respect from all the men in my life so when I come across some creep I'm not going "Oh yay he thinks I'm pretty! :bigsmile: " I get enough of that from people who actually care about me and are sincere.

    Oh, good freaking grief. I disagree with you. I have had a different experience from yours. IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME AND I'M ALLOWED TO NOT BE BOTHERED BY IT. That doesn't mean I have low self-esteem or that I lacked male attention or anything like that. I have my personality and you have yours.

    I took feminist theory in college. This crap is directly out of that text book. I rolled my eyes at it then and I roll my eyes at it now. You don't like it, it's your right. But it's my right not to be bothered by it, so quit telling me what I "should" do or think or feel. It's none of your business.

    Bottom line, dear, is that human beings at our core are mammals with animal instincts that we control. But certain things, especially when it comes to "mating" come out sometimes. Those guys are the crudest form of it, but it's all about shaking one's tail feathers and trying to attract someone to make a baby. It doesn't mean any of them are going to attack anyone.

    Like I said earlier, I have come thisclose to being raped. It was not a random man on the street yelling stuff at me. It was someone I knew, had been on a few dates with -- met him at a church function, for heaven's sake.

    I think I love you.

    This. This wins the day.

    Pretty much.
  • AmadaLynn
    AmadaLynn Posts: 116
    I think it is trashy and not a way to actually get anyone, to me at least.

    But with that, I am flattered!

    And think to myself, “I’ve still got it!”