When guys yell out the car and honk the horn at you..



  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    flattered...but im weird.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hmm... this has been happening much more often since I started running outside. I find it flattering when it's a simple honk or something... but when the yelling starts is when I start getting a little embarrassed. For example, I was running with the boyfriend the other day, and I got some catcalls... and I was SUPER uncomfortable.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Used to happen to me all the time in Chicago during the summer. Personally, I just find it kind of scary.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    I have had some interesting things said most of them make me blush while others make me want to gouge their eyes out.

    one time in particular I was jogging and some landscaper was in the tree with his shirt off and jeans and was trimming a branch was ogling me started straddling the tree and making lude gestures with his tongue hands and what have you .. I chucked a rock at his F#*ken head who taught him that's how to behave only God knows.. dumb prick.

    another time some dude made a comment to his friend at the top of the stairs about my "tig o bitties" .. * I was alone at the bottom of the stairs and seriously felt threatened having to walk past him and his buddy.. I buried my lunch box ( used to carry the metal ones as purses ) in his sack as hard as I could on the way up.. and my husband ended up catching wind of what happened and had a very stern talk to the guy and made him come out to the car and apologize,.. ;):D

    I LOVE this.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm flattered.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    Sadly some people are flattered by this. I really don't get it
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member

    Sadly some people are flattered by this. I really don't get it

    Neither do I.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Sadly some people are flattered by this. I really don't get it

    Neither do I.
    Because this is exactly how it happens every time.

  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    Because this is exactly how it happens every time.


    Not every single time but it happens often enough to be a problem
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    I was thinking about this on my way home today...what is it that they think is going to come of it? I always feel a mixture of flattered and uncomfortable. I usually try not to look at them.
  • CharleneExtreme
    I have had some interesting things said most of them make me blush while others make me want to gouge their eyes out.

    one time in particular I was jogging and some landscaper was in the tree with his shirt off and jeans and was trimming a branch was ogling me started straddling the tree and making lude gestures with his tongue hands and what have you .. I chucked a rock at his F#*ken head who taught him that's how to behave only God knows.. dumb prick.

    another time some dude made a comment to his friend at the top of the stairs about my "tig o bitties" .. * I was alone at the bottom of the stairs and seriously felt threatened having to walk past him and his buddy.. I buried my lunch box ( used to carry the metal ones as purses ) in his sack as hard as I could on the way up.. and my husband ended up catching wind of what happened and had a very stern talk to the guy and made him come out to the car and apologize,.. ;):D

    If i pay transport and living costs will you come to ireland and be my bodyguard?! :P :)
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Wait...seriously? You get all that from a stupid cat call? Unsafe? Because you got honked at or whatever?

    Sure, it's dumb, I've gotten a "Say girl lemme holla at you" from a car window before, ignored it, that was that. When I was younger and single, if my girlfriends and I saw a shirtless guy running on the side of the road we'd honk at him and yell "hey baby!!" just to be silly. Not really that big of a deal...the things people choose to get all upset over...goodness gracious...

    Yes, I get really really upset and worried. Because they bloody follow me! In a car they drive slowly and try to talk to me, in the street they will follow me. I am not the most beautiful human being that ever existed, nor do I dress in an eyecatching manner (specifically because of this), I just seem to get attention from the most awful of people. If someone told me I looked nice that would be fine, but yelling at me in public so everyone looks and then calling me a ***** or a slut at an equally high volume when I either don't respond, I nod or say no thank you is humiliating and awful.

    I'm sure if I never got followed or had my arm grabbed by an angry person then I wouldn't be afraid, but I am.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Because this is exactly how it happens every time.


    Not every single time but it happens often enough to be a problem

    99.9% of the time when I leave my house on foot, I get some kind of attention from at least one passing car. I can't recall, in all my 35 years of life, having that happen to me. I get a whistle, a honk, sometimes something yelled out the window. But I've never been called a name or felt unsafe in any way.

    Perhaps it's a matter of where you live. And perhaps that is the disparity between those of us who are not bothered and those who are. But I don't appreciate assaults on my character for simply not being bothered by something just because others are.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Its not so much where I live since bad things can happen anywhere. Usually the guys who do it are delivery guys for the stores and restaurants nearby so they're not actually even from here for the most part.

    Just because something hasn't happened to you yet still doesn't make it okay to be so excited over an environment that fosters that type of behavior. Most cases it usually is just a look or compliment. I get compliments from random guys daily too but maybe only twice has someone actually said something mean to me for ignoring them. It's just not okay for a man to harass you simply because you're a women walking down the street. If its a friend or neighbor giving a compliment its one thing but some random creep objectifying you is a whole other story.

    The fact that some women look forward to that maybe they didn't get enough positive male attention growing up so the negative stuff doesn't bother them. A lot of the common responses were women saying they wish it would happen to them or someone recently lost weight now it happens more often. I grew up with a lot of respect from all the men in my life so when I come across some creep I'm not going "Oh yay he thinks I'm pretty! :bigsmile: " I get enough of that from people who actually care about me and are sincere.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Its not so much where I live since bad things can happen anywhere. Usually the guys who do it are delivery guys for the stores and restaurants nearby so they're not actually even from here for the most part.

    Just because something hasn't happened to you yet still doesn't make it okay to be so excited over an environment that fosters that type of behavior. Most cases it usually is just a look or compliment. I get compliments from random guys daily too but maybe only twice has someone actually said something mean to me for ignoring them. It's just not okay for a man to harass you simply because you're a women walking down the street. If its a friend or neighbor giving a compliment its one thing but some random creep objectifying you is a whole other story.

    The fact that some women look forward to that maybe they didn't get enough positive male attention growing up so the negative stuff doesn't bother them. A lot of the common responses were women saying they wish it would happen to them or someone recently lost weight now it happens more often. I grew up with a lot of respect from all the men in my life so when I come across some creep I'm not going "Oh yay he thinks I'm pretty! :bigsmile: " I get enough of that from people who actually care about me and are sincere.

    Oh, good freaking grief. I disagree with you. I have had a different experience from yours. IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME AND I'M ALLOWED TO NOT BE BOTHERED BY IT. That doesn't mean I have low self-esteem or that I lacked male attention or anything like that. I have my personality and you have yours.

    I took feminist theory in college. This crap is directly out of that text book. I rolled my eyes at it then and I roll my eyes at it now. You don't like it, it's your right. But it's my right not to be bothered by it, so quit telling me what I "should" do or think or feel. It's none of your business.

    Bottom line, dear, is that human beings at our core are mammals with animal instincts that we control. But certain things, especially when it comes to "mating" come out sometimes. Those guys are the crudest form of it, but it's all about shaking one's tail feathers and trying to attract someone to make a baby. It doesn't mean any of them are going to attack anyone.

    Like I said earlier, I have come thisclose to being raped. It was not a random man on the street yelling stuff at me. It was someone I knew, had been on a few dates with -- met him at a church function, for heaven's sake.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I guess if thats the attention you need in your life, enjoy it. Just for the record I didnt read the same textbook as you and i'm not even some ultra femenist quoting random theories. I just know and learned better about how men should treat me from other men in my life. If some guys ever tried that in from of my dad or one of my brothers they would get a reallly strong talking. Even other guys know it isnt okay when they're with you otherwise they'd be giving you a high five or something. Its just sad that some women dont know any better on their own.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I guess if thats the attention you need in your life, enjoy it. Just for the record I didnt read the same textbook as you and i'm not even some ultra femenist quoting random theories. I just know and learned better about how men should treat me from other men in my life. If some guys ever tried that in from of my dad or one of my brothers they would get a reallly strong talking. Even other guys know it isnt okay when they're with you otherwise they'd be giving you a high five or something. Its just sad that some women dont know any better on their own.

    Well, you can just feel good about being superior and we'll leave it at that.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I ignore them with all the disdain the feline in me can muster.