

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    hey, hey team black--

    Crazy week-- just popping in for a quick hey.

    Sarah's playing this week at the U.S. Girls, and Faith and Aaron, 15 and 14, are both caddying at the tournament (the U.S. Boys is being held at the same place). They're making some big bucks caddying.

    11 year old Rebekah is caddying for Sarah--

    So I'm working with a skeleton crew and presently no java--

    Heading to make coffee--

    Tough getting the exercise in this week. Not possible to run for 40 minutes and leave 9 year old Hope in charge of Josh and Caleb, and then when everyone gets home in the evening, chaos reigns surprise--

    Hopefully tonight-- if not, maybe tomorrow-- if not tomorrow-- you're seeing this pattern right. After the tournament, normal chaos will resume--

    Have a good one, my team!

    I loved the video of Sarah. she is an amazing girl and DH sounded wonderful!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Why oh why did I step on the scale this morning? Jeannie - Do you think your friend would mind driving up here to take mine hostage? I will weigh in tomorrow, report my weight regardless of the number (sure to be up again) and then not step on it again until next Wednesday.

    Dear Digital Scale,

    Up yours!

    Grr :grumble:

    Lets meet at the ocean and dump the *&&^%$$( in!!!!!!!!! I hate mine too!:angry:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    So wonderful...I'm so proud of Sarah. She really seems like an amazing young lady. No surprise there, trees make apples, my friend. Kudos to you and your hubs!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member

    Marla, what an honor to know you. Seriously, what a great young girl. I already know you are proud, I would be busting!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team,

    Date night last night was wonderful. We had a grand time and the sitter survived the boys.

    Tamara-Happy 30th! You are an inspiration and we are so glad your on the team!

    Shuntae-7 miles...You are the endurance queen. That's amazing stuff young lady!

    Jeannie- oh heck...I dunno, I just love ya to bits!

    Marla-It was really neat to see some of your kin in a live action format. I'm sure your so proud of your girl and tell General Patton we said hello =)

    Anyhoo. the boys are being NUTS so I am gonna to rope em in and get a work out in,.

    Have a good evening all!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Beach. Good day. Would have liked to get more workout time in, but hey, relaxing on the beach trumped it. Not really looking forward to facing the scale tomorrow, but hey, my oh well attitude during vacation serves me right for whatever it says.

    Have a good night team!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, everyone--

    Andrew and Beth-- great picture-- glad you enjoyed your date!

    Good day-- Sarah shot the low round of the day, finished tied for 2nd. The medalist was her friend Amy Anderson of North Dakota-- they were just here for dinner on Sunday-- 'member the barbeque I mentioned we were hosting. That was her family.

    So, good golf day all around--

    Tomorrow is Rebekah's 12th birthday-- so I don't think running is in the cards for me tonight, either-- just got home from a party at the golf course for the U.S. Girls-- chaos reigning supreme. Hubs is shopping for her now on the way home, and I need to get tomorrow's work done so I can hope to take in some golf-- Sarah moves on to match play tomorrow--

    Need to split-- later, my friends.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Marla-Hope you get some golf in today! Enjoy it!
    Leckel-Just bravely step apon the scale and move on. You've done some amazing work lady. Setbacks will happen. I came in just under a gain for the week myself.

    So if you folks will direct your attention to the bottom of my signature you will see that I have lost my friggin mind. I have 6 weeks to train. Whatever doesnt kill you can only make you stronger..... right.....oh boy.

    :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Andrew, good luck on the Tri! Wow! You are too much. Who cares if you lost your mind, it's cool that you are going for it. Nobody can say you aren't determined, that's for sure.

    Marla, enjoy your golf today.

    Best wishes on the scale to all..... I'm procrastinating. lol
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew, you are THE man-- way to challenge yourself.

    Turns out I won't take in golf, but that's really okay-- the stress of it kills me. Actually, the stress of having hubs out there phoning in the ups and downs kills me. I've asked him for years to leave Mama Ostrich's head in the sand over here, and tell me the results when all is said and done-- and still, tournament after tournament, hole after hole, the phone rings-- :noway: whaddyagonnado?

    On to work, and shopping and birthday cake baking.

    Just avoided a diabetes health scare with Rebekah-- her sugar is a bit out of control from yesterday's caddying that she did. When she gets a bunch of exercise her sugar naturally goes low, so hubs didn't have her insulin pump on, but also gave her gatorade-- she got off the course and her sugar was high, so then we set out to bring her down, and she got too low-- this morning she's too high again and began to feel the beginnings of ketoacidosis which put her in the hospital last February--

    I think we got it in time, she said she feels better--

    Never a dull moment in the Brown Compound--

    Have a good day my friends--
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good morning Team! Hope you are all doing good. Things here are not too bad. I did have to get a new computer yesterday. Mine crashed!!!! Big time!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning Black Team!

    Marla-I sure hope Rebekah is better today, and has a lovely, happy birthday!!:happy:

    Andrew-What can I are the man! I am sooo proud of you and your determination is an inspiration to me every single day! In fact, if not for us being on the Black Team together, I think it would seriously concern me how often a married man enters my mind!:laugh: But really, (Not to worry Beth:wink: ) I think of you daily as an inspiration:flowerforyou: Oh! And I think the same thoughts about Shuntae, so see it really is ok:happy:

    Lori-I was procrastinating all morning too:laugh: I got up at 6am and just got on the scale about 20 mins ago. Funny how Wednesdays have started to cause panic attacks for me!:laugh: :laugh:

    Sam-Hope things are well for you:flowerforyou: Familys can be such a pain lol.

    Everyone else-Have a great day and good luck with the weigh ins:drinker:

    P.S. Thank you all for the nice comments on my new AV:blushing:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :laugh: Roni--

    Seriously-- it's funny how often I think of him while I'm running-- :laugh:

    Need to split--

    Typing done-- crazy day--

    Love to all-- :heart:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning Black Team!

    I could not weigh myself this morning. My nieces came over yesterday and played with our WII (which is what I use to weigh myself) and have lost all the remotes. I did not have time this morning to search the whole house over so I guess I can't weigh myself until I find it.

    Marla, I ran fartleks last night during my normal run and I must say I'm addicted! I managed to shave 5 minutes off my 5k time!!! Whoo hooo!!!! Enjoy your golf day!

    Take care team!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I faced IT. Didn't like what IT said, but I expected so much. One step forward, two back, two forward, one back... it's the game I've been playing for months. Guess as long as I've held fairly strong and not had any major gains all is well. Just frustrating.

    I don't wait well and waiting to hear the fate of my future (job, no job) is killing me. I've already mentally prepared myself for 'worst case scenario'- getting it. LOL

    Gotta PM Sam my weight, first I procrastinated getting on the scale, now I've held off typing it and sending it off. Makes it more official or something.

    Best wishes for a great day Black Team.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, bad news/good news, I guess--

    Sarah got knocked out already of the U.S. Junior Girls-- the girl can't seem to get the "get the putt to the hole" mantra taught her by General Patton for the past 12 years. Unreal.

    Good news, I'll have my teens back from tonight on, so I can resume my normal chaos. This week has really been something else--

    Later, my friends--
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Marla - Sorry to hear Sarah was knocked out. Hugs.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi team -

    Marla - sorry Sarah didn't make it!! Yay for caos though :drinker:

    Got up late this a.m. and since we were doing inventory I ran out the door rather quickly - didn't weigh in. Will have to tomorrow and give the bad news! I don't think the 7 lbs of water weight I picked up Fri - Sun. will all be gone (lost 2.5 of it at Tuesday check - maybe most of it will be gone tomorrow. Please, please, please. Pass the asparagus!!)

    Still have lots of work to catch up on after doing inventory all morning and safety meeting. Boo hiss.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Marla- sorry golf didn't go so well. Next time.

    I just spent 4 hours cleaning my kitchen. I swear I clean all the time, so it baffles me how it can be a total nasty pigsty. I guess it's just the funk that you don't clean on an every day basis. I'm pooped! That took a lot out of me. I don't want to cook dinner and mess it up now.:wink:

    I still have stuff to do but I sat down and don't wanna get back up! Alrighty, here I go.......
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    OK black team

    Dad is down from Ga today tomorrow and friday !!!That means bad news, he likes to eat

    which means today we went to cici's pizza ( a pizza buffet with dessert)

    I guess the good news is I hit goal weight this morning 150 pounds

    I will have to work this week to get my cici's off but you know what I only see my dad like once a year.

    Hope everyone has a great week