How did you meet your significant other?



  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I was in a friends car and as we passed another car on the highway I noticed it was full of girls. I told my friend to slow down and roll down the window to talk to them. We followed them to a restaraunt called Jim's and had a midnight snack with them. I got a phone number from one of them (my wife's) but never called it thinking it was a fake number.

    A couple of weeks later my friends and I were throwing a party and thought, "what the heck, let's see if the number we got is real". I called it and discovered it was real and invited her and her friends to the party. She and her friends showed up and we hit it off from there. The funny thing is she had never given out her real phone number before, I was the first one to get her real number.

    We have now been married for 18yrs. and my best friend ended up marrying her best friend. All because I noticed a car full of girls one night as my friends and I were on our way back from the clubs.
  • trailsinlife
    trailsinlife Posts: 37 Member
    My sister invited me to go with her to a birthday party. Met my future hubby there and he proposed 2 weeks later and then we married 3 months after that once he graduated basic training (Army). We have now been married 11 years.
  • Tamaralea88
    Tamaralea88 Posts: 97 Member
    I was 16 and his cousin was my best friend, he was living over there and we were both just getting over really bad relationships. Well I had told my mom that I was staying the night with my friend, and she told her mom we were staying the night with our OTHER friend, and we ended up roaming around town all night lol, we came across his cousin (my friend) at a corner store near his home and he asked if we wanted to come over and watch movies. Me being the "rebellious" teenager was all for it so we went over. We were hanging out in his basement watching scary movies and I got too hot and started to feel REALLY sick, he told me I should go upstairs where it is cooler. So I went and hung out in a room upstair and it turned out to he HIS room, he took care of me and we talked all night and I noticed he was a really cool guy! Well the next day we exchanged numbers and said we should hang out sometime, that is when my friend came and told me our moms caught up with our devious plan and we were in huge trouble. He walked me home and kissed me on the cheek, called me the next day, and we have been happily together ever since!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    One of my friends was dating his best friend... I wanted NOTHING to do with him.. maybe except just to do him ( I was coming out of a 5 year relationship) .. I finally gave up.. Every other weekend turned into every weekend every weekend turned into everyday.. Even though were not legally married.. We have been together for the last 11 years.
  • tawny2727
    tawny2727 Posts: 35 Member
    I met my husband at an all ages dance club when I was 13 and he was 15. We were "new wave" and I fell in love with him the moment I saw his big blue eyes, funny hair and long black trench coat (lol). We dated on and off through jr. high & high school then we lost contact.

    About 6 years later I was getting baseball tickets from a friend and I looked in the yard next door and there he was watering his lawn. He had moved during college and moved back and he was living with a girl. That day we saw each other at the baseball game (sat a few rows apart)....... A year later my friend moved behind him and said he and his girlfriend had broken up a year ago, so long story short (too late) He picked me up in his VW Bus and we have been together ever since. 13 years!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I met my fiance at our workplace. Waited for him 2 years before he was available. Now we've been together 3 years this october and have a 14 months old boy
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    My hubby and I met during an Americorp Volunteer Project. Our teams were painting a mural. My hubby sketched the mural, but knew nothing about painting. I helped him mix paint colors, and the rest is history. #love
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    Chatting on talk city!1999
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I met David in Tae Kwon Do class. He stood right in front of me in the lineup. I never knew he was watching ME in the mirrors. Then while doing pushups I noticed he always turned around face to face with me. Years later he admitted he was looking at my cleavage while doing pushups. Lol ! He went on to become an instructor and then we opened up a couple martial arts schools. He was the man of my dreams ! David passed away September 24th 2008.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Well here goes the dork factor........

    I met my hubby 21 yrs ago when I worked @ an ice cream shop called <wait for it> Vanilla Ice!

    We've been married 20 years so I guess even though it's cheesy it worked in our favor :)

    Congrats to the OP on your impending marriage. I wish you the best of happiness and longevity.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    At a highschool party during Spring Break!:laugh: That was in 1988. Been married for 22 years.

    Woohoo on the 22 years!! 20 years here! :)
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I met my husband at church and I swear I heard God telling me that this was the man I was going to marry. We got engaged 3 months later and married 3 months after that. It was rocky, especially since he has 3 boys, and while I regret it was so quick and I was so young (I was 26 and he was 31) I wouldn't change a thing. We are looking forward to our "couple" time when the boys leave in a few years - they will all be in HS officially next year (Senior, Junior, and Freshman). I can't wait to see them start their new lives, but I would kick their *kitten* if they did what my husband and I did.

    :) I definately love your story! And I believe that the Lord definately can tell you if someone is your mate! Congrats on your marriage and kids.

    My youngest son is graduating this month and he will be going to UNT in August. My oldest graduated last year, joined Air Force and is getting married in July!

    After Aug. it will just be me and my hubby for the first time in 20 years. Well us and our furr babies :) I'm excited but really nervous at the same time.
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    Even though Branden and I graduated together from a fairly small school- graduating class of 94- that is not where I met him. In fact I had moved to that school half-way through my junior year and never even met/talked to him by the time we graduated. Different circles i guess :)

    We met the August after gradutation... and it was pretty interesting. Branden has a fairly nice camaro, and I happen to love older cars... even though it is only a 3rd gen and a '91 it doesnt have that super smoth sleek look of now doays camaros, and I loved it.

    Well we were hanging out in a parking lot, a bunch of friends and myself, and had had a feel shots so we felt pretty loose. He pulled up in his car, he knew one of my friends, and I walked up to talk to his buddy who was in the passenger seat. I knew his buddy. Anyways Jeff, his buddy, had just gotten his nipples pierced and had to show me. Well being me, drunk, and extremely in love with my chest... I of course said that mine were not pierced and asked if they want to see. Branden piped up with a quick yes, and we havent really been apart since. 5 years, two kids, and lots of later we are getting married in October!
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    I met my wife @ work! 7 Years ago! and I still love her so much
  • superstankazz
    superstankazz Posts: 193
    :heart: :heart: I was set up with my husband on a blind date when I was in 11th grade! 16 years later we're still together, getting ready for our 13 wedding anniversary.:heart::heart:
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    At a greyhound bus station in Arizona, I asked for his number like a total creeper haha! That was two years ago last March, never been happier :love:
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Awww I've read every single one of these and all these stories are SO CUTE.

    I met my significant other in Vegas of all places! haha I went on a Vegas trip with some girlfriends and my boyfriend at the time was super possessive and kept calling me and saying I was a horrible girlfriend for going to vegas so I drunkenly told him to piss off, we're done. My friends were hanging out at a bar talking to some Australian guys but I was sitting a few feet away, on the brink of tears because of my boyfriend's stupid drama. One of the Australian guys approached me and asked me what was wrong and I completely poured out my soul to this stranger. We ended up kissing later that night and when I went on another trip to Vegas that next month he was still there and we hung out the majority of the time. We ended up keeping in touch even after he went back to Australia and we would always confide in each other about our horrible relationships and bad dates. One day he got into a pretty bad car accident and when he woke up in the hospital he said he realized that life is too short not to take chances and going for the things he wanted. Apparently he wanted me because shortly after that he told me he was in love with me and we would find a way to make it work. We've been together a year and a half and even though we go months without seeing each other I wouldn't dare be with anyone else because he and I are perfect for each other and I've never been happier with anyone else. Let's hope for a ring soon so we can actually be in the same country for longer than 3 months lol.

    Added a pic just cuz he's cute haha

  • 152dbs
    152dbs Posts: 116 Member
    well...she was my exes best friend. on my weekends off i would get to go out w/ 3 pretty girls. they had a 3rd friend that would tag along as well. i called them my angels and they called me Bosley. i would take care of them so nothing got out of hand. my wifes bf at the time didnt know how to handle his liqour so he'd get hammered and a few times i would make multiple trips to my truck to get each of the girls out and carry them upstairs. my ex started seeing her ex when i was at wife and the 3rd told me b/c they liked me more than her. my ex and i had a huge disasterous break up...the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train.

    i was single wife asked if i wanted a place to lay my head. she knew i had an apt....but staying with her was an opportunity i couldnt pass. my ex became crazy and would drive by my wifes apt.

    we've had our rough spots. but we had our honeymoon in the Medit Sea (12 day cruise) never looked back and now have a 14mo son.

    she is my best friend and we can carry a convo with very little words b/c we share "same braincell technology". rough hiding secrets since we can read each other.