The "Dieting" dilema; bad food, worse ideas.

SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
This will be...ahh... a tad long, so, sorry for that at the outset.

I've been an MFP member for coming up on 2 years now (on September 10th), and in that time I've become privy to some interesting and sometimes disturbing facts about the normal, average, person who is looking to lose weight. I'd like to share my thoughts on some of this and maybe wake some people up to the realities of the human body, diet, and exercise. Feel free to comment and even criticize this if you feel you need to, I'm a big boy, I can take it, but beware, if I think you're wrong, I'll say it, never in a mean fashion, but non-the-less, I will retort on things I disagree with.

I'll start by saying this:
People eat TERRIBLY! Even the majority of the people on this site don't eat all that healthy most of the time. When people think of "bad" food, they think, fried chicken, french fries, and twinkies (or some such foods). Well, I'm hear to tell you that the obvious choices aren't the ONLY bad foods out there. I'm not going to list off all the bad and good foods out there, IT'S YOUR JOB TO FIND THE FOOD THAT WORKS FOR YOUR BODY! You may not know you're eating badly, you may even think you're eating right, well maybe you are, and maybe you aren't, I submit that if you haven't looked into what you are eating with a fined tooth comb, then you may be surprised. Foods like Healthy Choice and Weight Watchers meals aren't all that healthy believe it or not, many up the chemicals to reduce the calories, most put some kind of processed starch or white flour product in it to up the glycemic index and make you feel full longer, this does not help your metabolism. Be wary of "diet" meals, they're usually ok in a pinch as a replacement, but shouldn't be your staple meal.

The next thing I'd like to mention is the actual needs of your body, and what foods do what for them. People tend to forget that a variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains offer up much more than the big 3 as far as nutrients (Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein). Many put micro nutrients in your body that are needed for proper bone, organ, muscle, and nervous system development. Things such as Beta-carotene, Calcium, Potassium, Folic Acid, antioxidants, Iron, magnesium, and sodium along with a host of other nutrients are needed, these are all things that are generally stripped out of food when it is processed, and then put back in after the fact in the "enriching" process. This is no good, artificially implanted nutrients generally have a far lower absorption rate than when they are naturally used. And, no, vitamin supplements don't cut it (for a variety of reasons).

Another topic I'd like to talk about is the "low calorie" idea. Look, we don't need reduced calorie this, and fat free that, we need to understand what a serving is, and stick to it! WE EAT TOO MUCH! You do it, I did it, the restaurant industry promotes it, even pre-packaged foods promote it. Why? Many reasons, restaurants recognize that satiation (the full feeling) usually sparks that feeling of "home" and safety, and security, which translates into positive mental outlook on the establishment, it's a nice sentiment, but it's a trick, serving you extra doesn't do you any favors, our brains are wired on the pre-historic, instinctual level to eat all we possibly can, because in those days we didn't know when our next meal will come! Fine and dandy if you live in the great rift valley in Africa at about 100,000 BC, but for the here and now, we don't need all that extra, and it's being stored as body fat.
That all said, reduced calorie meals are not what our body is looking for, do some research, it doesn't take much, and find out what a serving is of a particular food, when in doubt, use your fist, if a carbohydrate portion is more than your fist, it's probably more than a serving for you! Eating those low calorie foods, or low fat foods, or diet meals does nothing good for you, cook something, throw a bunch of veggies, some chicken and a cut up sweet potato in a stir fry pan with some extra virgin olive oil, some spices, a nice helping of garlic, and a 1/2 cup of water and cook it! It's really not that hard, and it gives you just about everything you need for ALL your nutrients!

Lastly I'd like to talk about the idea of exercise and what roll it plays with losing weight. Lets stop for a second and ask ourselves a question: Do I want to lose weight, or do I want to lose excess fat? It sounds elementary, but it's an important question to ask! And it's central to why we are here. You can lose all the weight you want, but if you do it by gimmicks, pills, and/or starving yourself, you're not losing fat (or not nearly as much as you think). Exercise goes right along with this, see, the body considers exercise stress, it considers it a BAD thing.
You may ask "WHAT???!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, MY BODY LOVES EXERCISE!" No, it doesn't, your body likes the status quo, exercise forces your body to build muscle, which it doesn't like to normally do, your body builds the ABSOLUTE minimum amount of muscle it needs to perform a task. Which is why if you exercise a certain way for a while, then up your exercise in either time or exertion level you become tired faster. Exercise cause stress, the same stress that worrying about your bills does, this releases hormones, because the body can't differentiate between stress types, and it thinks you are running from a big scary carnivore, so it releases these hormones that trigger energy release, which when you are exercising is fine, but when you aren't that energy has to go somewhere, so it is turned to fat. Sorry, but it's true. Light exercise doesn't help much either (be wary, light exercise is subjective, light for you may be high intensity for someone else).
So all that said, exercise is a good way to increase muscle mass, oxygen intake and efficiency, and endurance levels, but it won't negate bad eating habits.

Finally to all you people starving yourself. I'll be blunt: IT DOESN'T WORK! Will you lose weight? Probably, almost definitely, but you're harming your organs, your reducing your bone mass (helllloooo osteoporosis later in life), and you're reducing muscle mass. For all the reasons above, the body will recognize starvation as a trigger to reduce it's working mass (that means muscle, bone, and organs) and increase fat mass. How do you lose weight and learn to eat healthy? Not by starving, you do it by eating a moderate deficit of healthy food, and a good, solid workout schedule. AND YOU KEEP DOING THIS FOR MONTHS OR YEARS, will people PLEASE stop talking about "I only lost 2 lbs this week!" listen, it doesn't matter, what matters is your body fat, and the only way to reduce body fat is a healthy diet that tells your body, "hey, there's no need to store extra fat." and an exercise program that promotes muscle stimulation and growth, and CONTINUING on this track, short term diets do nothing besides throw your body out of whack and sometimes reduce your fat free mass making you lose weight (the wrong kind of weight in many cases).

To summarize, first you have to learn how to eat correctly for YOU. Kick the carbohydrate habit (that doesn't mean eliminate carbs, it means making GOOD carb choices). AND FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, do your homework! You wouldn't walk into a used car lot and buy the first one you see that you like, the same goes for your body, do your research, find out what's right for you, and damn it, work HARD! Only you know what hard work is, forget the starvation and expecting 3 lbs per week weight loss! Don't be foolish, take a long, hard look at your eating habits, and use your head, think about it. Start simple people, learn about serving sizes, healthy grains, macronutrients, and micronutrients, then go from there.

that's all I have to say.

regards folks.



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Great post Boss....

    Thanks for posting
    Hope all is well on your end :flowerforyou:

  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Thanks for this Boss, well said and a big wake up call for a lot of people
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Very clear and to the point!

    I haven't been here long, but I have enjoyed checking all those other vitamin and mineral reports under nutrition. It helps to point out where my diet is lacking. I don't make all healthy choices yet, but I am making a greater effort to add fresh fruits and more vegetables to my diet.

    I have been r.e.a.l.l.y sedentary over the past six years or so. Your light exercises would probably be way too intense for me! :grumble: I'm just happy to be able to run for 20 minutes without stopping. I couldn't do that in May!

    Thanks for the reminders!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ahh, your welcome folks. I don't post as much as I used to on here. Mostly because for me, there's very few topics that haven't been talked to death :tongue:
    That goes along with the amount of time I've been an MFP member. And it doesn't mean they are unimportant topics, it just means you can only talk about something for so long before it wears on you. But I like to put this kind of information out there every once in a while, for others to benefit (and lets face it, I like to feel a little "wisened" every once in a while:wink: )
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Steve for another thought provoking essay.

    I will start at the bottom and go up. 50% of the people in America walk onto a car lot and pay sticker price. No negotiation whatsoever. IMHO they are stupid, lazy ,or afraid and uneducated. I prefer to think of them as uneducated. Those same ppl are buying the "Lose 10 pounds in 2 days" theory of weight loss.

    I was one of the ppl who thought it was just fine to take a 'supplement' (:laugh: ) eat less than 1000 calories a day, and exercise like a mad woman.............lose 10 pounds...........and go back to the BK Lounge for lunch every day. I am now 48 and see the toll this lifestyle has taken on my metabolism.

    Each time I did this for 2-3 months, my body slowed down just a bit more. Now it has taken me a year to lose 32 pounds.

    I went from a size 16 to a size 8. Why do I mention size, you might ask. Well the size 8 (and squishing into the 6s) is MUCH more important to me than that silly scale number.(thanks to a dear friend who took it hostage!)

    The fact that I no longer take Cholesteral reducing meds is much more important.
    The fact I can RUN...albeit not very far......but I CAN much more important.
    The fact I go up 8 flights of stairs and don't need oxygen is much more important.
    The fact that my check up with the doctor made him look like :noway: is much more important.
    The fact I can get out of bed without making the noises of an 80 yr old is much more important.

    Losing weight the right way has changed my entire life. Now would I like to wake up tomorrow morning and be at my goal weight of 118? Of COURSE! I would be bold face lying if I didnt say that. But it took me 20 years to get to almost 170 pounds...........and 1 year to get down to I am bing patient and biding my time........but one day there WILL be a bikini shot posted on MFP:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks again for your very helpful posts, Steve.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Jeannie, You are truly an inspiration on here to how things should be done. No crap, just hard work and eating properly. No quick fixes, just fix yourself. Thanks for being here!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thanks Steve for another thought provoking essay.

    I will start at the bottom and go up. 50% of the people in America walk onto a car lot and pay sticker price. No negotiation whatsoever. IMHO they are stupid, lazy ,or afraid and uneducated. I prefer to think of them as uneducated. Those same ppl are buying the "Lose 10 pounds in 2 days" theory of weight loss.

    I was one of the ppl who thought it was just fine to take a 'supplement' (:laugh: ) eat less than 1000 calories a day, and exercise like a mad woman.............lose 10 pounds...........and go back to the BK Lounge for lunch every day. I am now 48 and see the toll this lifestyle has taken on my metabolism.

    Each time I did this for 2-3 months, my body slowed down just a bit more. Now it has taken me a year to lose 32 pounds.

    I went from a size 16 to a size 8. Why do I mention size, you might ask. Well the size 8 (and squishing into the 6s) is MUCH more important to me than that silly scale number.(thanks to a dear friend who took it hostage!)

    The fact that I no longer take Cholesteral reducing meds is much more important.
    The fact I can RUN...albeit not very far......but I CAN much more important.
    The fact I go up 8 flights of stairs and don't need oxygen is much more important.
    The fact that my check up with the doctor made him look like :noway: is much more important.
    The fact I can get out of bed without making the noises of an 80 yr old is much more important.

    Losing weight the right way has changed my entire life. Now would I like to wake up tomorrow morning and be at my goal weight of 118? Of COURSE! I would be bold face lying if I didnt say that. But it took me 20 years to get to almost 170 pounds...........and 1 year to get down to I am bing patient and biding my time........but one day there WILL be a bikini shot posted on MFP:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks again for your very helpful posts, Steve.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie

    love it Jeannie! You da MAN (well, WOman that is! :tongue: )!

    anyway, I task you guys, keep this going for a while, don't let it fall out of the list, I think people need to hear it!

    I'm off to buy a new washing machine as ours died this week and gave me a lovely new swimming pool in my basement, YUM mold!

    Remember people, BUMPING is not a crime!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh darling, I will shamelessly bump a good post, mine or yours!!

  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    I've tried to stay out of these boards since I joined this site a few years ago because I get frustrated with some of the misguided info on here. I've been in recovery from Anorexia and Bulimia for almost 9 1/2 years now, so I know first hand how dieting can be so very harmful to this precious temple that live in while I'm on this amazing planet. Its hard to read or hear what people are doing and not try to get them to see how they will hurt themselves. I'm not saying that everyone has a potential for and eating disorder, but Disordered Eating has become a common and supported way of life in our society and it scares the crap out of me. I survived the worst case senario, but alot of people don't....I've seen people DIE to be 10 pounds lighter.

    I really respect all that was said in this post. I hope I can continue to see positive posts like this because I really enjoy the like-minded company on here now-a-days. My journey on here is not about a diet. Since my recovery, I gained ALOT of weight that my body just will not let go of. (a great example of survival mode) Of course 16+ years of a disease has lead to more than just weight issues, so getting normal function of my organs was most important. My body is finally settling into normal functions. I'm thankful for this site because I can get a good look at how things are going keep myself in check. I love to see posts like this because somebody needs to say it, but I get way too emotional on these subjects....and I have good reason to.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    what bump?:glasses:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Thank you for a really good post! There is so much information in there that I think everyone should read it.

    Thanks for taking the time to post it. And I hope you get your basement cleaned up and you enjoy the new washer.
  • margaretthedevil
    Thanks for caring :flowerforyou:
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Can I bump with a thought/observation that ocurred to me last evening that is in a similar vein?

    I have seen arguments to Boss Banks' (and others) posts about needing to eat ENOUGH calories to lose, stating time and time again "But I am losing eating 1,000/1,100/1,200 calories, does this really apply to me??" and my mouth just hangs open, because these people seem to WANT to eat less than is healthy, when they are being SHOWN that eating MORE (healthy food) can not only lead to success, but even GREATER success. I just don't understand! Is it an illness that leads to this thought process, a need to punish oneself in order to meet with success?

    I dunno, I'm just grateful for all that I have learned while on MFP thanks to those who repeatedly hit their head against the wall of humanity in an effort "to show us the way". :laugh: And I'm grateful that I can EAT!!!!!!

    Thanks Boss! :love: And I agree, Jeannie is the (wo)MAN, she is my current role model (hope you don't mind having a bit of a cyber stalker Jeannie!). :blushing: We can all benefit from a healthy dose of positive thinking and realistic approaches!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Exercise goes right along with this, see, the body considers exercise stress, it considers it a BAD thing.
    You may ask "WHAT???!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, MY BODY LOVES EXERCISE!" No, it doesn't, your body likes the status quo, exercise forces your body to build muscle, which it doesn't like to normally do, your body builds the ABSOLUTE minimum amount of muscle it needs to perform a task. Which is why if you exercise a certain way for a while, then up your exercise in either time or exertion level you become tired faster. Exercise cause stress, the same stress that worrying about your bills does, this releases hormones, because the body can't differentiate between stress types, and it thinks you are running from a big scary carnivore, so it releases these hormones that trigger energy release, which when you are exercising is fine, but when you aren't that energy has to go somewhere, so it is turned to fat. Sorry, but it's true. Light exercise doesn't help much either (be wary, light exercise is subjective, light for you may be high intensity for someone else).
    So all that said, exercise is a good way to increase muscle mass, oxygen intake and efficiency, and endurance levels, but it won't negate bad eating habits.

    I don't quite understand this part. Exercise causes you to store fat? The stress from exercise is equal to the stress of worrying about bills? Not to question your facts, but I've never heard anything like that before. If that's true, it seems like exercise is bad for your health, because all I ever hear is that chronic stress is terrible for your health, and actually reduces your lifespan.

    I usually feel good when I exercise, however when I'm stressing over money issues I feel about as bad as I could possibly feel.

    At the end of that paragraph you state that exercise is good for this and that, but overall, if it puts the body in a state equivalent to high stress situations which are bad for you and increases body fat, how could it be a good thing?

    Forgive me for asking, but this is new information for me, so I need clarification. :tongue:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Tagging for later. Thanks in advance, I love directing new people to your topics.

    I try to stay away from those pro-undereaters topics too. I haven't been here nearly as long and it frustrates me to no end! It doesn't impress me when one loses all the weight they want on 1200 gross calories when they're burning 900+ every day and have to keep doing so to keep the weight off. :brokenheart:

    Love ya banks! :heart:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    thanks for the motivational post!! I'd been slacking off the clean eating the last couple of days. :happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I don't quite understand this part. Exercise causes you to store fat? The stress from exercise is equal to the stress of worrying about bills? Not to question your facts, but I've never heard anything like that before. If that's true, it seems like exercise is bad for your health, because all I ever hear is that chronic stress is terrible for your health, and actually reduces your lifespan.

    I usually feel good when I exercise, however when I'm stressing over money issues I feel about as bad as I could possibly feel.

    At the end of that paragraph you state that exercise is good for this and that, but overall, if it puts the body in a state equivalent to high stress situations which are bad for you and increases body fat, how could it be a good thing?

    Forgive me for asking, but this is new information for me, so I need clarification. :tongue:

    I'll explain a little more.

    during stressful times our body releases hormones, lots of hormones, most don't really affect our metabolism but a couple do in very very specific ways. Cortisol is released to block insulin from pulling energy from the blood sugar (insulin and cortisol have a FAR more complicated relationship then this, but for our purposes saying it "blocks" it is good enough), and insulin is what keeps our bloodsugar in check by helping glucose get to our cells.
    Now, when the stress is brought on by exercise, other hormones are released as well, the higher the intensity of activity, the more of these other hormones are produced (specifically Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone). Now, HGH and Testosterone somewhat counteract the effects of cortisol because they trigger muscle growth and muscle stimulation, which requires more blood glucose (sugar) and thus the excess blood sugar that cortisol promotes is used up, but when we stress over things and aren't exercising, there's no counter to the cortisol, thus the extra glucose in our blood is eventually taken and converted to fat for storage by the body. This is a very simplistic description of stress and hormonal effects, but it's good enough for our topic.

    As to how we feel when we work out, yeah, we generally feel good after we work out, but not because our body is happy, it's because our body release other hormones to make us feel good, to counteract all those aches and pains, and fatigue. Why? Because way back when, you didn't want to be running from a Cave bear and suddenly feel fatigued and tired, you wanted a feeling of euphoria for 2 reasons, 1) to be able to run through the pain of any injuries you might have acquired while being chased, and 2) to eliminate the fear response in animals which is to freeze and become indecisive. The main chemicals for this are adrenaline and dopamine. And THAT'S why you feel good after you work out, not because your muscles are pleased with you.

    Exercise doesn't cause you to store fat, rather exercise is more of a contributor to fat burning, my main point of this section was that while exercise is a good booster for the fat metabolism, it's healthy eating that will be the driving force for reducing body fat, not exercise (unless you have the time and energy to work out 3 to 4 hours a day at a high level of effort, and even then, it WILL eventually catch up with you as you age).

    Hope this helps.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't quite understand this part. Exercise causes you to store fat? The stress from exercise is equal to the stress of worrying about bills? Not to question your facts, but I've never heard anything like that before. If that's true, it seems like exercise is bad for your health, because all I ever hear is that chronic stress is terrible for your health, and actually reduces your lifespan.

    I usually feel good when I exercise, however when I'm stressing over money issues I feel about as bad as I could possibly feel.

    At the end of that paragraph you state that exercise is good for this and that, but overall, if it puts the body in a state equivalent to high stress situations which are bad for you and increases body fat, how could it be a good thing?

    Forgive me for asking, but this is new information for me, so I need clarification. :tongue:

    I'll explain a little more.

    during stressful times our body releases hormones, lots of hormones, most don't really affect our metabolism but a couple do in very very specific ways. Cortisol is released to block insulin from pulling energy from the blood sugar (insulin and cortisol have a FAR more complicated relationship then this, but for our purposes saying it "blocks" it is good enough), and insulin is what keeps our bloodsugar in check by helping glucose get to our cells.
    Now, when the stress is brought on by exercise, other hormones are released as well, the higher the intensity of activity, the more of these other hormones are produced (specifically Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone). Now, HGH and Testosterone somewhat counteract the effects of cortisol because they trigger muscle growth and muscle stimulation, which requires more blood glucose (sugar) and thus the excess blood sugar that cortisol promotes is used up, but when we stress over things and aren't exercising, there's no counter to the cortisol, thus the extra glucose in our blood is eventually taken and converted to fat for storage by the body. This is a very simplistic description of stress and hormonal effects, but it's good enough for our topic.

    As to how we feel when we work out, yeah, we generally feel good after we work out, but not because our body is happy, it's because our body release other hormones to make us feel good, to counteract all those aches and pains, and fatigue. Why? Because way back when, you didn't want to be running from a Cave bear and suddenly feel fatigued and tired, you wanted a feeling of euphoria for 2 reasons, 1) to be able to run through the pain of any injuries you might have acquired while being chased, and 2) to eliminate the fear response in animals which is to freeze and become indecisive. The main chemicals for this are adrenaline and dopamine. And THAT'S why you feel good after you work out, not because your muscles are pleased with you.

    Exercise doesn't cause you to store fat, rather exercise is more of a contributor to fat burning, my main point of this section was that while exercise is a good booster for the fat metabolism, it's healthy eating that will be the driving force for reducing body fat, not exercise (unless you have the time and energy to work out 3 to 4 hours a day at a high level of effort, and even then, it WILL eventually catch up with you as you age).

    Hope this helps.

    I have read on many sites, been told by 2 doctors, had a gym trainer (highly educated) all tell me 97% food, 3% exercise! I was astounded! I thought I had to bust my butt 2 hours a day at the gym, when all I really need to LOSE WEIGHT was to eat a better choice of foods.

    Now of course those muscles in my arms, legs, stomach........well everywhere!! they sure do look good to me! Also, the exercise has decreased the cholesterol and it is really important.

    But there are ppl on this very site who have lost 70-80-90 pounds without ever going to the gym or breaking out an exercise DVD.

    I think this was the point of this paragraph.......or that is how I read it.