Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    RES --- Congrats on your 2nd day of the Couch to 5k. I just don't think it's for me....I was so sad I only burned 93 calories!!! not worth it...LOL! And, I know my Polar F6 HRM is accurate for counting calories burned. I can do things I like better and burn more calories. And, NOT look like a cartoon character in slo-mo at the park! LOL GOOD FOR YOU!! You go girl!

    Hey, Sassy - Don't sweat it - It is a lot harder than I thought, and I"m not really actually doing it - I'm doing a walk/powerwalk combo - and I'm sure I'll be at that level for another 50 pounds or so - you do what you LIKE to do or you'll end up blowing it off, right?
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Res ---- :bigsmile: I did the one day of powerwalk/jog....well it was actually more of a powerwalk/hop! :noway: Too funny! And, no as hyped up as I was and as excited as I was...I didn't enjoy it in the least.....:laugh: Back to my regular stuff -- but no worries -- I won't stop -- I will be movin! :wink:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    It really breaks my heart to see a lot of what I am seeing on this board. Not in our forum, but in the general and other forums.

    I saw in the introduction area where a guy had a heart attack at 39 years old and has a blockage. He is going on a low fat (which also means low calorie) and low cholesterol diet...........he will end up on all types of medications and things will get worse, because he will be eating the low fat carbage.

    People don't understand that fat is not the enemy. Yucky, processed and low fat carbs are the enemy.

    I can't post very much because I don't want people to start recognizing me under a different name. And the way I come across, people will know it is me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I hope people wake up and realize the research from the past is wrong, wrong, wrong!!!! And do it soon. Or we will be a nation of about 90% obesity because of the brainwashing of the low fat era. It amazes me how much people put full stock in the mainstream medical community and the media. They say the word is bond and they just role with it. :explode: :explode:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    :tongue: OMG thank you it works That was just my tester I cant believe all the disney things I made dont work because they wernt deleted!!:huh:
    I am so happy though thank you guys soooo much!!!!:happy:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Mommyof2boys....YEA you got it to work!!! Finally!!! Now you know something new and can play! :bigsmile: You wanna do our chart??? :wink: Just joking...

    Leo --- I'm getting into this Primal Blueprint book and other information, including the Marksdailyapple website --- very good information and makes total sense to me. It's pretty easy to remember what you can eat too because you just think about rather or not a caveman could have caught it, picked it, ate it or whatever ---- and guess what --- all those processed foods/fat are what's bad for us and what's causing the obesity epedimic, HECK.....I KNOW the way I ate....I KNOW what made me gain SO much weight...and it was greasy, carb/fatty foods and junk .... PROCESSED junk! I'm following what I'm learning .... and I plan to keep reading up on it a little everyday. Very interesting stuff!

    OK just ate my tuna (lean protein) and avocado (healthy fat)....both of which a caveman could have eaten....:laugh: :laugh: Gotta go log it in! Back later....
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Mommyof2boys....YEA you got it to work!!! Finally!!! Now you know something new and can play! :bigsmile: You wanna do our chart??? :wink: Just joking...

    Leo --- I'm getting into this Primal Blueprint book and other information, including the Marksdailyapple website --- very good information and makes total sense to me. It's pretty easy to remember what you can eat too because you just think about rather or not a caveman could have caught it, picked it, ate it or whatever ---- and guess what --- all those processed foods/fat are what's bad for us and what's causing the obesity epedimic, HECK.....I KNOW the way I ate....I KNOW what made me gain SO much weight...and it was greasy, carb/fatty foods and junk .... PROCESSED junk! I'm following what I'm learning .... and I plan to keep reading up on it a little everyday. Very interesting stuff!

    OK just ate my tuna (lean protein) and avocado (healthy fat)....both of which a caveman could have eaten....:laugh: :laugh: Gotta go log it in! Back later....

    I have already been into Primal blueprint and Marks Daily Apple and such. That has been my way of thinking for a while. Out side of our group, I only see one other person that lives the life of a paleo.

    I can eat fast food hamburgers with cheese and mustard, lettuce, tomato with NO bun and lose weight GREAT. I have been put down on this site about how I am clogging my arteries. It is not the saturated fat that clogs the arteries...........people on this site just don't want to hear it.

    I have a hard time saying to each his own, especially when I feel I could help others out if they would just open their mind to it.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    LEO.....just stick to what's working for you and try not to worry about others. Hard to do, I know, but sometimes people just have to be 'ready' to listen, to learn, to experiment, to put forth the effort. Took me quite awhile to get to that point, and I'm happy I have arrived! :bigsmile: I'm still playing around and tweaking my GOALS tab in an effort to get my percentages of fat/carbs/protein right for myself. Just read that the Primal blueprint dude says about 60% Fat...so going back to tweak it again....once I get it right, it will be easier to track myself each day. I DO use the food tracking daily, but have yet to get it tweaked exactly right as far as the percentages...LOL! Working on it....and will succeed!

    I just wanna say......I LOVE this thread and the group we have going! Very positive...very motivational and inspiring with some fun thrown in!! Thanks to you all!! Hoping you all hang in here with me/us and let's help each other meet our goals! :bigsmile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    LEO.....just stick to what's working for you and try not to worry about others. Hard to do, I know, but sometimes people just have to be 'ready' to listen, to learn, to experiment, to put forth the effort. Took me quite awhile to get to that point, and I'm happy I have arrived! :bigsmile: I'm still playing around and tweaking my GOALS tab in an effort to get my percentages of fat/carbs/protein right for myself. Just read that the Primal blueprint dude says about 60% Fat...so going back to tweak it again....once I get it right, it will be easier to track myself each day. I DO use the food tracking daily, but have yet to get it tweaked exactly right as far as the percentages...LOL! Working on it....and will succeed!

    I just wanna say......I LOVE this thread and the group we have going! Very positive...very motivational and inspiring with some fun thrown in!! Thanks to you all!! Hoping you all hang in here with me/us and let's help each other meet our goals! :bigsmile:

    Yes, that is where my macros are at:

    Fat 60%
    Protein 30%
    Carbs 10%

    It is hard to eat that much fat in a days time though.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    LEO --- GREAT! Thanks! That's exactly what I came up with today as my PLANNED goals 60-30-10....but I didn't get meet it all the way and I am stuffed! Ate on plan though, so I should be just fine.

    RE: the book/website that Hannah told us about last week....Marksdailyapple.com and the book, "Primal Blueprint". I have my nose in this book now and it's very interesting. I'm taking notes, and paying close attention....will be following this until I get to goal. Makes SO much good sense!!! Thanks, HANNAH, for steering me towards this site and book. And, Thanks, LEO, for helping me learn to follow it! :flowerforyou:

    Just ate shrimp and veggies, watching hubby eat huge plate of lasagna and garlic bread....boy am on a mission and determined or what??? :glasses: Ok back to my book....and I'll be back later to check on you all! Have a great night.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    HEY! Where is everybody tonight! I'm up waiting on kids to come home...as usual around this time of night (11pm)...guess I'll go read my Primal Blueprint some more and take notes. Talk to ya'll tomorrow!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Good Night Every one <3
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Hi everyone!

    Congrats MagnificientMama!! That's an awesome achievement!!

    I am back from my short out of town trip. I did pretty darn good. I didn't eat any french fries, or junk. Yippeee!! But..............I'm having a couple of drinks tonite because we have a friend up from out of town. I mixed the vodka with diet soda, so hopefully I won't sabatoge myself too much!!

    Back on track tomorrow. I'm all stocked up on veggies etc. now.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. I wont' be on til later tomorrow nite!!

    Take care!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I am up (it is 4:30 central time) and just ate breakfast. I had a sausage patty, 1 egg and 1 slice of cheese. Drinking my coffee now with coconut oil in it. I have gotten to where I can't drink my coffee without the coconut oil in it.

    Debating on exercising this morning. I woke up this morning with a slight headache and sore throat.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Happy Thursday! My crazy scale that's been going down 3, up 2 and all over the place for a few days has gone down 1.4 today so I'm feelin' better about that. Maybe it's headed back down again. I need a big WHOOSH is what I need! :bigsmile:

    Having my coffee now, and I actually remembered to add a tad of coconut oil. Pretty darn good -- thanks LEO. And, I know it's healthy. :wink:

    Stayed up late last night reading the Primal Blueprint. I absolutely LOVED Chapter TWO! VERY eye-opening!! Everybody should read that to get an idea of what we're doing to ourselves to make ourselves so unhealthy. Just now getting in the actual food plan part of the book. And it recommends certain types of exercise, so I need to get into that. I want to put this thing into action for my HEALTH as soon as possible! :bigsmile:

    Shagybear --- good job staying on track while on vacation.

    Mommyof2boys --- I see you have photobucket figured out and havin' some fun with it! :wink:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    G'mornin, everyone!

    I'm on track and on plan today. My scale was up a pound today, but I'm sure that's water, I drank a truckload of soda yesterday - and the sodium is catching up to me. So no more soda - it's addictive, gotta get away from it! Water water water is my mantra today!

    So, what's everyone's plan for the weekend, and how are you going to stay on track? My biggest openings for going off plan always happen on weekends - and I've learned to be prepared. Here's how I do it - but would appreciate anyone else's methods too - gotta have multiple tools in the toolbox!

    I make sure I have plenty of portioned on-plan snacks handy. I bought a box of those "snack size" ziplocs. Here is what I have on hand at any given time:

    Green olives
    Turkey Pepperoni
    Sweet pepper strips
    Cocoa-roast almonds

    I always have about 5 baggies of each of those on hand for those moments when I need something to get me through a craving.

    I'm going to the drivein Friday night again, so I'll have all of the above in my cooler, my own Diet Rite soda, and my Atkins Advantage shakes - all so I can avoid the popcorn and candy. Should save money too, right?

    Then Saturday night we're having friends over for a cookout, so I"ll make sure to have a veggie tray ready and all acceptable meats to cook out. Sunday I'd like to go hiking - it's supposed to be a beautiful day that day - have to see what hubby's plans are..... I'd like to do hiking and a picnic....
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Shaggy - Great job sticking to your guns on your vacation. Its so tough when you're out of your normal routine and far from your fridge stacked with healthy snacks!

    Leo - Now I'm hungry and I normally have breakfast a couple hours from now. :angry: (I'm up about 2 hours early)

    Sassy - Heres to getting your big WOOSH :drinker: :wink: And I'm so glad you're enjoying the book! I might tighten my belt and actually think about getting it then! :love:

    Res - You're weekend sounds like it will be a blast! For me, I just try to occupy myself with something other than eating. I'm on the computer a lot for work, school (and a little play :embarassed: ) and I HATE eating at my computer because I feel it interferes with my typing. :bigsmile: When I sit down with DH to watch a TV show I normally have something to keep my hands busy, like last night it was filing bills, the previous night it was sewing up big holes in the family's socks/pants/undies.

    My mom is in town all week and I'm so happy (and busy). She's my best friend - I just wish she lived on the WEST COAST and not all the way in Virginia. :sad: I've convinced her to try low carb with me - she has a REALLY bad knee, and since its impossible for her to just 'stay off it' until it gets better, she's decided the only route is losing some weight. I'm so excited for both of us to be successful.

    Going out to breakfast with her this morning to my favorite, all time, in the world waffle place - where I will NOT be ordering my customary whole wheat bacon & cheese waffle. :brokenheart: :sad: I will skip the waffle and just go with eggs & sausage.... *sigh* Its okay though - its the company that matters, not the food!! :drinker:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Quick question ladies! Okay, so milk is my absolute favorite beverage of all time. Its better than soda, coffee, tea, Crystal Lite, ANYTHING. And I haven't had any since starting my low carb plan because of the high carb content (relatively). Do you think it would be okay to have a teeeeeeeeeny glass? I'm just craving it like a crack addict. :devil: Please keep in mind I haven't been exactly perfect this week (see previous Tuesday's post) :laugh:

    If I had it, it would put me about 4 carbs over for the day (total of 24 carbs). Am I obsessing over nothing? :huh:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    Allen Idont think its that bigf a deal to drink the milk...I thought the Atkins was 20-30 carbs....