Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all, hope it's ok to join in! Low-carb is the only thing that's ever worked for me in the long-term, so I'm back on the bandwaggon :)

    1. 175lb
    2. 3lb loss
    3. 168lb
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi all, hope it's ok to join in! Low-carb is the only thing that's ever worked for me in the long-term, so I'm back on the bandwaggon :)

    1. 175lb
    2. 3lb loss
    3. 168lb

    Welcome to our group!!!

    The more the merrier.

    Happy Monday and Happy Low Carbing.
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    WELL what a weekend!!! Totally blew it but I am NOT quitting back for ROUND 3019... :laugh:
    seem's like it anyway..

    Weigh in today at 204.5... totally sucks after being at 202.5 Saturday. OK OK yesterday is yesterday and today is my starting point... AGAIN:cry:

    Sassy, I am still shooting for atleast 190 by the end of August!!!!! I am tired of me and the yo-yo so going to do my best to toss the yo-yo and get on the slide. I WANT on the slide!!!!! :happy:

    Busy day today..... sooo might not be able to check back in!!!
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    But I will keep it real!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Scale was not my friend this morning..betting it has to do with my sugars/sodium intake over the weekend. Honestly don't think it's fat though, I'm down a size even though it's not showing in the pounds.

    Starting 172
    Last week 165
    Today 168
    Goal 135
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Happy Weigh In Monday!

    Ok, not so happy for me. I made a conscious decision to not pay attention to what I was eating this weekend. I have been very rigid for months, and I just needed a mini-vacation from watching what I eat. No excuses, and I'm not calling it a cheat - because it was a conscious decision.

    And, I must say, it really hit home to me why I need to stay away from carbs. I felt MISERABLE last night. I mean MISERABLE. And my scale was up 5 pounds this morning - probably mostly water, but there you have it. I changed my ticker (HAMBONE I HATE moving my ticker up too!) But if Hambone is honest and moved her ticker up, then I can do no less than that either!

    So here I am back on track and on plan - I"m doing a mini shake challenge for a couple of days to get myself back into ketosis quickly, and here are my goals:

    Weight today: 265.4
    Week's goal: 5 pounds
    August goal: 250 pounds - down 15.4 pounds

    Very aggressive goal - but maybe not if that 5 pounds is truly only water. I've been lucky and lost about 10 pounds a month, and I KNOW I can do this, dammit!

    Now, gotta go home and clean out the fridge tonight and get rid of all the junk that accumulated there over the weekend. STAY STRONG!
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    OK so totally did not meet my goal this week but hey its ok I still lost and downward motion is the most important thing!

    Weighing in at 204 this morning
    I would like to lose 5 lbs for next week and be under 200!
    and for august I am thinking 185

    Good job everyone! And for those of you that had some struggles this week its ok get back up there! I know you can do it!
  • Mary4Jesus
    Mary4Jesus Posts: 219
    :flowerforyou: Good morning everyone from Meridian, Idaho.... I got up this morning had my protein drink, and worked out on my glider, and now I'm so wore out I can harldy stay awake.
    My goal for this week is to get back in the swimming pool to work out, and to beable to get back to actually eating food. It will only be 2 tablespoons, which equals 1 oz., but it's a start for stage 2 for my journey...
    God Bless everyone...

    July 22...302
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Hi everyone
    I just joined this site and found this, it is exactally what I need and know, I just need some serious motivation. I read 10 pages and skipped to the end to see if it is too late to join you all?
    My name is Jennifer, I am 38 and a mother of 2 (15 & 5) so I have my hands full. I started my journey at 280 and in 2 years and a few complications, am down to 202. I recently had a big set back, meds made me gain 20lbs, but it is finally off, but I need to kick this up and hit my goal.

    Today 202
    Ultimate Goal 170 (for now)
    Week goal -3

    I have been very successful on high protein, but have lost track of what I know I need to do. I hope you can kick my butt back into shape!
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Hi everyone! Hope we have a lot of losers today.
    Sassy: 201.8
    I am aiming for -3 this week. How I will love to be under 200 again....
    Happy loosing everyone!
    Ham, That is going to be the last time you have to move it up right???? At Least you didn't have to move it up 60 lbs....I'm just saying......
  • SharonEllis51
    SharonEllis51 Posts: 24 Member
    I eat a lot of chicken, some fish, and egg whites for breakfast. I also drink protein shakes. I also drink lots of water. My biggest problem is I need a little variety. Can you give me some other ideas on what to eat. I have been working out for a couple of months now and I have lost about 6 lbs. It seems to be taking its good old time. I am not discouraged though. I was always around 100 lbs in school and I didn't gain weight until I turned 40! I am now going to be 51 and I weigh in at 134. That may not sound like a lot, but for me 5' 0" and a small frame, it is. I don't feel energetic or healthy. I do circuit training twice a week. My biggest problem is if I go off track once, I feel bloated and disgusted. I think I am feeling sorry for myself today for some reason. I need ideas and encouragement. Thanks.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Wow….and here I thought I’d be the first one here today. NOT! Gotta catch up!

    Cmstief: We’ve all been there….and we’re here to support you. Get yourself feelin’ better. Don’t get down – just jump back on the wagon. Don’t dwell on things…look forward to today and what you can do with it.

    LEO: Is that you? Did you change your name again? You keep me on my toes!! :bigsmile:
    I had an issue with pizza over the weekend too. A bunch of teenagers appeared at my house around midnight, and decided to order Dominos around 1AM (later when it arrived). Never seen so many pizza boxes in my life, and luckily for me, they had some very thin crust. Don’t know what I was thinking (or perhaps at 2 AM I wasn’t thinking), but I had some thin crust. Yes, of course, it has set me back. Why did I do Monday weigh-ins again?? LOL I’m always smallest on Fridays!

    CalieCat and PurpleStar: Welcome! Glad to have you!! :flowerforyou:

    Hambone: Round 3019?? You crack me up! That’s too funny. Maybe I should have counted my rounds too….I’m sure I’m right up there with ya! Let’s get with it girl! June was SO good for me, July not so much, August needs to be HOT! And you moved your ticker up…darn it….so I guess I need to do the same!

    Stormie: I’m hoping my increase on the scale is water retaining too. Bet it is! Do you have a goal for August? What’s your goal for this week?

    RES: I like your attitude….YES you can get off that water weight from the weekend! No worries! How’s the couch to 5k going?

    MARY: Let me know what your goal for this week is. And, also if you have a goal for the month of August, let me know.

    Jennifer: Welcome! Got you on the chart – do you have a goal for the month of August you want listed?

    BamaBaby: Oh boy….you’re on a roll….if I don’t have a good weekend this next weekend you’re gonna catch me!!! I gotta keep my eye on you!

    Ok everybody….I’m working on the chart with all that I have so far, and will be checking back periodically to get more updates! In the meantime, going to move UP my ticker since Res and Hambone are staying to honest...I must do the same! BLAH!

    Please make sure you’ve give me the following:

    Today’s weight
    Goal for this week
    Goal for August

  • SassySouthernGirl
    Sharon: you'll find lots of motivation and encouragement and ideas here. If you'd like to join us please give me the following for our chart (today is weigh-in day).....

    Today's weight
    Goal for the week
    Goal for August
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yep, it is me, Leo...................

    I had to do something with Lioness in it. :laugh: :laugh:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Ok Res and HamBone....I moved UP my ticker! Boy, did that just plain suck! Psychological....NOT doing it again!!! :grumble:
  • mommyof2boys
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All!
    My weigh in today is 209.2
    I know my goal was 2 pounds but I didnt meet it. I also had a slip up. I had McDonalds and then I heard about some videos about their food and decided to watch... I felt soooo gross:sick: .
    My new goal is 2 lbs again.
    cant wait to see the chart.
    Good luck every one <3
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hehe, this week didn't look so great for most of us! I'm so glad I'm not alone! :laugh:

    TW: 211.6
    Goal for the week: 210 (-1.6)
    Goal for August: 205

    I ended up gaining .4lbs, BUT I had my Terrible Tuesday & since my mom was here I don't feel like I was as strict as I could have been. Hubby brought home ice cream last night and I overindulged. AND to top it all off, TOM started this morning. :ohwell: :laugh: There was no hope for me on the scale this week, but never fear, I will triumph!!

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't in ketosis this week because of the aforementioned naughtiness, so its back on the wagon this week, annoyed that I have to go through all that nausea again though. :angry:

    Congratulations to everyone who lost - you're doing exactly what you're supposed to!! :drinker:
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Sassy -
    Thank you!

    My goal for August...hmmmmmmm, lets see... 32lbs. LOL

    Realistically I would love to be at 190 by the end of August which is -12

    Do you post the chart from time to time or is is in a general location?

    Thanks again, looking forward to being with all of you!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey folksies!!

    i'm back!!!:happy: feels like forever!!!!!!!

    so sorry i didnt get a chance to say goodbye before my weekend trip to visit the bf.... which went great except for my eating was good until saturday afternoon.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :sad: and it was TOM so i'm terrified to get on the scale until that's over too.... by then im sure my poor eating will show up tho lol..did i mention chocolate was involved??..:grumble: sigh* only bright side was i fit into my goal dress for his bday party & he thought i looked hawt :blushing: :drinker:

    back on the wagon!
    my boot camp class is off for a week this week so will try to make up using some cardio and maybe sum billy blanks dvd's i have collecting dust... not sure about working out 2nite = stomach is upset after all the crap i fed it...not feeling too well:cry: ....not to mention a bit under the weather in the emotional department (plus hormonal from TOM im sure) .....missing the bf :brokenheart: so bad food is still looking like a friend but im fighting thru - thanks guys :flowerforyou:

    so.... Sassy, my goal for this week will probably be the stinkin 2lbs i was supposed to lose last week AGAIN:sad: ......... sigh*...... o boy......

    congrats to the losers & non gainers!!! to everyone else - we can still do this!!:flowerforyou:

    let's cheer up and step up!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    JENNIFER: I post the chart on Monday's once everyone has weighed in. Sometimes it doesn't happen until Tues morning because people don't weigh in on schedule. So I post the week's result chart, and then I post another chart with the new week's data in it, which is the one you will see your info on this week.

    Ok LISTEN UP......here's what I need to finish the chart:

    Beachcomer: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal

    ClassicC: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal, August goal

    Cmstief: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal, August goal

    Carrie: Are you still with us???

    Firedragon: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal

    JKLM: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal, August goal

    MagnificentMama: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal, August goal

    MARY4Jesus: This week's goal, August goal

    MEL: August Goal

    SCRUNCH: Come on GIRL!!!! :bigsmile:

    ShagyBear: Today's weigh-in, This week's goal,

    Slimisgd: August goal

    Stormieweather: August goal

    I'll be lookin' for ya'll when I get back from the store....come on come on...post post post!! :bigsmile: