

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone been gone for awhile..since last weigh in, went camping. Haven't even been keeping track of what I am eating!! Anyways, we did a lot of exercise, hiking, swimming and what not. Gonna get back on track tomorrow with my calories.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    water: good
    proud: worked out for 105 minutes at the Y ... stayed 15 minutes longer than I usually do to do the lunges because of our challenge! :drinker: so got in about 50 extra lunges and 30 extra squats
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Calories: good
    Water: close, but not quite. :/
    Exercise. Fail still.
    Proud: I'm still going. Even though I want to just sit down and cry.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: good
    Water: close, but not quite. :/
    Exercise. Fail still.
    Proud: I'm still going. Even though I want to just sit down and cry.

    Thats right, just keep going!!!! You will get through this!!:flowerforyou:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: over by about 150
    water: good
    Exercise: 22 minute walk at work, 25 on elliptical, 50 crunches, 20 pushups and 20 lunges, a little sore today, at least i know it is working. :smile:

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey everyone, you all are doing so good. Everyone is so motivated!!!! Good job!! Let's see some big numbers on Friday. I am still doing my lunges everyday and I see you all are too.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Still here but I am leaving for one week on Friday and I will be back Sat August 22nd so I won't be posting.I haven't really been keeping track of what I am eating because I am not eating that much because I have been canning my food from my garden and haven't really been hungry.I am still drinking tons of water and exercising when I can but I am going to kick it up a notch with the exercise so I can make this fat disappear for good.:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Still here but I am leaving for one week on Friday and I will be back Sat August 22nd so I won't be posting.I haven't really been keeping track of what I am eating because I am not eating that much because I have been canning my food from my garden and haven't really been hungry.I am still drinking tons of water and exercising when I can but I am going to kick it up a notch with the exercise so I can make this fat disappear for good.:flowerforyou:

    Hey awestfall, we are going to miss you.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Stayed within my cals, drank all my water proud that I stuck this cold out and went to work cuz I need the money. Off for the next two days, gonna take it easy and rest up not going to do strenuous exercise but will do some arm work and crunches and will watch my cals.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: not good:mad:
    water: good
    Pround: didn't do good on food, but tried to keep my butt moving.
    Exercise: didn't get much in today, was shopping for a bday present for little boy next door and was out most of the night, so walked a lot and in and out of the car. no lunges today, but will try to get a bunch in today.

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Yesterday :
    Calories: good until margarita for dinner :mad:
    Water: good
    Proud: made good choices at Bubba Gumps for dinner - ate only 1/2 my meal
    didn't do lunges yesterday, but did them this morning and will do them again tonight
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Water, good
    calories, great
    proud, that I have done so good this week With my calories, water, and exercise.(although I had taco bell for lunch :embarassed: I know, I know, but I am making up for it at dinner and I will still be within my calories)

    Can't wait to see who loses the largest percentage of weight loss tomorrow:heart:
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Water: low
    Calories: good
    Exercise: fail
    Proud: I'm going through a high stress situation atm, but I'm not stress-eating like I normally would. (The ex now has his MOTHER starting drama about me. :( Will the immaturity never end? I just wanted to move on. "I hate you. You hate me. We're over it", ya know?)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ►trikstar, it sounds like it was probably a good thing that you let him go. Imagine that could have been your mother in law. Be glad, smile, and ignore all the babies.

    ►lstpaul, I am so proud of you. Only 1/2 your dinner. I do not know that I could have the strength:noway:

    ►ready2bff, remember that walking around and shopping is moving not sitting so you did keep that butt moving.:tongue::laugh: Good Job.

    ►andreasoulcastle, you get better girl!!!:flowerforyou:

    ►Jenn, good job on the cardio. 1.5hr. That is great. You are really burning those cals this week.:glasses:

    ►awestfall, we are going to miss you, come back with a great weight loss. See ya in a week(hopefully, sooner):flowerforyou:

    ►Hey Girls, just wanted to let you know that I will not be on the computer at all tomorrow. :cry: I will post my weight loss on Sat. :heart: Good Luck to everyone. Be planning what you want for a physical challenge next week. (you know just in case your the biggest loser this week:wink: )
  • cjordan1072
    Hi, I'm new to this. :flowerforyou: I am a 36 year old female and I weight 240. I started exercising at the local YMCA about two weeks ago. I weighed 232 then. :mad: I don't know why I have gained 8 lbs. I just started the food journal so I am hoping that will help. It's great though because a good friend of mine is my exercise buddy and even if one of us can't go we encourage the other go. It's just aggravating though because my husband has been working out the same amount of time as me and he has lost 10 lbs and I have gained 8. :explode:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi, I'm new to this. :flowerforyou: I am a 36 year old female and I weight 240. I started exercising at the local YMCA about two weeks ago. I weighed 232 then. :mad: I don't know why I have gained 8 lbs. I just started the food journal so I am hoping that will help. It's great though because a good friend of mine is my exercise buddy and even if one of us can't go we encourage the other go. It's just aggravating though because my husband has been working out the same amount of time as me and he has lost 10 lbs and I have gained 8. :explode:

    Welcome:flowerforyou: I really think the food journal will help a great deal
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    here are my results this week

    last week 261.5
    this week 261 :grumble:

    Oh well, its that TOM...
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: not good :cry:
    Water: Good
    Exercise: Really good, making up for all the extra calories I ate. 30 minutes on elliptical, 40 pushups 100 crunches 25 squats and 40 lunges. Also road bikes with son for 15 minutes
    Proud: that I kicked my butt working out.

    Weigh in
    Last week: 245
    This week: 246 :noway: , but to be expected with how I ate

    'Cjordan1072, Welcome and hope you like our group, I am really enjoying it and it does help to have a food journal. Even though sometimes I am not very good, when I enter all the food in my journal it helps me to see how bad it really is.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Yesterday -
    Water: low, real low. I have to stop this. :(
    Calories: great, in spite of them bringing mexican into the office. :P
    Exercise: more fail

    Weigh in -
    Last Week: 220
    This Week: 217.6
    So, 2.4 lost this week for a 1.09% loss? I think. I hate math. lol
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    water: pretty good
    calories: good
    proud: stayed after my morning step class to get my lunges in

    weekly weigh in ... not so hot - I'm up 1.2 pounds :explode: and I thought I had a pretty good week... I know where I didn't do well (potato chips & margarita), I think I may have to not eat as many of my exercise calories as I have been. I really need to add fruits and veggies to my diet more too, and have less of the high fat foods - I always seem to be over on fat and under on protein.
    It's disheartening ... I've been losing and gaining this same 1.5 pounds for the last month. I need to really push to get past it. I'm not going to officially record my weight until tomorrow :ohwell: - I have hope that maybe some of this week's weight gain is water retention because I had a lot of salt yesterday. I'll weigh again in the morning at the Y and hope the scale is nicer to me tomorrow!

    cjordan1072: welcome! Try not to let the scale discourage you (although I had to give myself the same pep talk this morning!) You should take your measurements because I would bet you are tightening everything up and losing inches - even if the scale isn't showing you a loss yet ... and you will see the scale numbers go down eventually if you keep up with working out at the Y and start tracking your food here! Good for you! :flowerforyou: