awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
Hey guys and gals that already belong to the group lets keep up the hard work and continue to add to are cardio this week.For those of you who don't belong well come on and join already.Welcome ,weigh ins are on Fridays and are challenge each week is to add cardio each week.


    SKINNYPIG Posts: 25
    :smile: Hi! I am at 251 lbs right now, lost some weight (six pounds) but fell off the wagon and went back to drinking Starbucks venti mochas almost daily...the last time I gave them up ended about a month ago and now I am addicted to them again...trying to stay away from them..any tips out there, anyone? finding a sub seems to work well, like making a similar drink at home which is about half the calories.

    Can someone give me any tips? I am getting discouraged...
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    Hi, I'm new to MFP, and I figure the more places I post the more accountable I have to be :P

    I currently weigh 218, I have a high weigh of 245 from 5 years ago, and got down to 195 3 1/2 years ago, but put half of it back on within 2 months.

    I do a lot of weight training (ChaLean Extreme) with Cardio a few days a week.

    Skinnypig- do they still have the SF Mochas? I know they don't taste as good, but I try to stick to SF and Skim for my Starbucks addiction.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi skinnypig and cynder welcome to the group. :flowerforyou: You gals will benefit from being in this group. Hope to see you each week.

    In addition to adding minutes to our cardio this week Let's also start posting how we did. We do not have to do it every day, but a few days a week to help us keep motivated. Here are a couple of questions you can answer each day.

    Did I stay within my calories today? Did I drink at least 8) 8 ounces glasses of water? What am I proud of that I did today to help me reach my goals?

    I plan to be able to answer yes to the first 2 questions and give you all an example of something I am proud of today. Stay tuned I will let you know later........:tongue:

    Hey awestfall, so glad things are looking up you already you sound so much better (as if I can hear you but you know what I mean) I am so pleased that your spirits are up and wow canning for winter is sooooooooooo smart. You also are a very special person and I look forward to watching you succeed at this. :heart: Hey next year at this time we will be some hawt mamas:laugh: :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hey ladies, I am trying the couch to 5k program. It will probably take me more than the 9 weeks to complete it, I am just going to do it at my own pace. Did the first day of week 2 yesterday, and felt like I was going to puke after LOL, but I am going to keep trying!

    I also ordered Slim in 6, so I have lots of different exercises so I don't get bored (I workout at home and now have Wii Fit, Wii Active, Golds Gym Cardio boxing, a treadmill, and 3 of the Biggest Loser DVDs)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :smile: Hi! I am at 251 lbs right now, lost some weight (six pounds) but fell off the wagon and went back to drinking Starbucks venti mochas almost daily...the last time I gave them up ended about a month ago and now I am addicted to them again...trying to stay away from them..any tips out there, anyone? finding a sub seems to work well, like making a similar drink at home which is about half the calories.

    Can someone give me any tips? I am getting discouraged...

    I am not a big starbucks person, but there are dry powdered coffe type drinks at the grocerey store that are low fat or sugar free. May not be as good but it will satisfy that taste I would think. Not sure though.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay Girls, I was waiting for someone to post because I was the last one to post about 3 hours ago. But my day is done and I am going to go ahead and post again and answer those questions.

    Did I stay within my calories? YES!!! I had 680 execise Calories and I only used a couple hundred of those and I still have a bit over 400 left YAY for me.:blushing:

    Did I drink all my water? Yes kinda, I am drinking my last glass of water for the day and as soon as I am done I wil have 8) 8 ounce glasses of water under my belt.

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? More than one today, :heart: 1rstI did not feel like exercising yet I did 53 minutes of cardio and 17 minutes of strength training. I did my legs, arms, and tummy. I forced my self to get through it and I felt pretty good. :heart: 2nd I stayed well within my calories and if every day were like today I will be down 15 pounds in 5 weeks. WOW!!! that is 3 pounds a week I would love that. :heart: 3rd I just finished my 8th glass of water while I was typing. I hope tomorrow is this great. I wish you all well. Please do not make me be the only one posting these things. I want to hear what you all are doing too!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I didn't have a great day yesterday ... it was a very busy day and I didn't make time for any exercise - not even a walk. And I went out to dinner (very late so was starving) for my brother's anniversary at a Japanese Hibachi place ... I tried to make good choices but I ended up not happy with what I ordered - so I also ordered dessert, and ate a bowl of cereal at home. :grumble:

    Did I stay within my calories? NO ... need to get back on track today

    Did I drink all my water? Yes - but mostly at night so I was up 4 times during the night to use the bathroom

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? I did really try to make some good choices at the Japanese restaurant, but should have just stopped eating after I was full even though I wasn't happy with what I ordered.

    I weighed this morning and am up 1.5 pounds :brokenheart: ... but I'm not going to record it yet. I'm hoping it is mostly bloating.
  • Jodilean
    Jodilean Posts: 4
    Hello, I'd like to join your group. I've read a good part of this thread, and I enjoyed it. My name is Jody and I'm from the Western US.

    I am new to the site, but made a total and complete decision to lose weight last week--which is HUGE because usually I go on diets to make others stop harassing me about my weight. This site is SO going to help me in my goals to eat less, exercise more, and be healthy. I'm in a position to be able to motivate myself on these boards and by exercising A LOT (starting C25K tomorrow morning) since I work 9-5 (really, exactly from 9 to 5, lol)

    So...here are my stats
    HW (EVER) 295
    CW 242
    1st GW 200
    Final GW 140

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello, I'd like to join your group. I've read a good part of this thread, and I enjoyed it. My name is Jody and I'm from the Western US.

    I am new to the site, but made a total and complete decision to lose weight last week--which is HUGE because usually I go on diets to make others stop harassing me about my weight. This site is SO going to help me in my goals to eat less, exercise more, and be healthy. I'm in a position to be able to motivate myself on these boards and by exercising A LOT (starting C25K tomorrow morning) since I work 9-5 (really, exactly from 9 to 5, lol)

    So...here are my stats
    HW (EVER) 295
    CW 242
    1st GW 200
    Final GW 140

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    :heart: Did I stay within my calories today? Did I drink at least 8) 8 ounces glasses of water? What am I proud of that I did today to help me reach my goals?:heart:

    Hi Jodilean, welcome we are happy to have you. We could all use as many cheerleaders as possible and we will cheer you on as well. Our current challenge is to keep track of your cardio and increase that time each week. We are also trying to keep focused by asking ourselves 3 simple questions.(Look at post above for questions) Answer them each day and post each day or when ever you feel like it. I kind of plan to do it during the week, because weekend is family time and I would rather spend less time on the computer. Hope you find this site helpful..

    I am really proud of you that you made that decision to lose weight without being harassed into it. I think you will be all the more successful that way. :flowerforyou:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I'd like to join, I"m at 264.0
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I didn't have a great day yesterday ... it was a very busy day and I didn't make time for any exercise - not even a walk. And I went out to dinner (very late so was starving) for my brother's anniversary at a Japanese Hibachi place ... I tried to make good choices but I ended up not happy with what I ordered - so I also ordered dessert, and ate a bowl of cereal at home. :grumble:

    Did I stay within my calories? NO ... need to get back on track today

    Did I drink all my water? Yes - but mostly at night so I was up 4 times during the night to use the bathroom

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? I did really try to make some good choices at the Japanese restaurant, but should have just stopped eating after I was full even though I wasn't happy with what I ordered.

    I weighed this morning and am up 1.5 pounds :brokenheart: ... but I'm not going to record it yet. I'm hoping it is mostly bloating.

    I would wait to post my weight too. It is not the right day anyway. That is always my theory. I would like to say I am proud of you for making good choices at the resturaunt. Good job on drinking your water and try to drink it all before dinner so you are not up all night? Thanks for sharing:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I'd like to join, I"m at 264.0

    Welcome Sarabear, that is so cute that is what I call my youngest girl(she has no h either):flowerforyou:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    lol got it from my older bro about 25 years ago :laugh: Does everyone put an h on hers? I'm always having to correct it
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    She is only 7 but yes we make sure they correct it. We always tell her to tell them her name is not Sarahhhhhhhhhhh it's just Sara. When she was a baby we found a teddy bear and it said some boys name I can't remember the name then the line below said He was Sarabears little brother, so we started calling her that. ( I was pregnant at the time with her little brother so we thought it was sooo cute and got her the bear.) :laugh:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    She is only 7 but yes we make sure they correct it. We always tell her to tell them her name is not Sarahhhhhhhhhhh it's just Sara. When she was a baby we found a teddy bear and it said some boys name I can't remember the name then the line below said He was Sarabears little brother, so we started calling her that. ( I was pregnant at the time with her little brother so we thought it was sooo cute and got her the bear.) :laugh:

    That is cute :wink:

    I stayed within my calories last night, and didn't eat my exercise points (oops, but thats what I get for not being able to work out until 8:30) And I had more than enough water yesterday.

    I am within my water goals for today, but I think I'm going to be over on calories if I don't get my workout in this evening (which I'm planning on!) and earn some workout calories.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome ladies!

    I having a tough day. I started the couch to 5k program over again today, and it was just so hard. I don't know if it is just too early for me to take on running or if it was just a bad day. I want to push myself, and I love the goal of being a runner someday, but man is it ever hard right now. It is just 60 seconds of running, 120 walk repeated for about 30 hr (with warm-up and cool down) but sometimes I really have to mentally talk myself though it. I was close to tears at one point.
  • cfwright6
    cfwright6 Posts: 14
    I just started yesterday on this website.. however been trying to loose weight for a month now. However here is my stats for yesterday.

    Did I stay within my calories? Yes and was even under by 100. :) However did not excercise at all, too busy with my little one. (I know excuses!!)

    Did I drink all my water? Yes, I have my QT cup at my desk and keep refilling with ice and water. How many cups are in 32oz? :)

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? I started this website and getting myself motivated. And am sitting on it all day at work (work in a call center) so that motivates me even more not to snack here and there. :)

    Take care!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I just started yesterday on this website.. however been trying to loose weight for a month now. However here is my stats for yesterday.

    Did I stay within my calories? Yes and was even under by 100. :) However did not excercise at all, too busy with my little one. (I know excuses!!)

    Did I drink all my water? Yes, I have my QT cup at my desk and keep refilling with ice and water. How many cups are in 32oz? :)

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? I started this website and getting myself motivated. And am sitting on it all day at work (work in a call center) so that motivates me even more not to snack here and there. :)

    Take care!

    Good for you!! I have a little one too!! I do not work though I stay at home with my kids so I know it is a lot easier to get in the work out. Yesterday I did a "formal workout" so today I decided to splash around with my kids and hey I burned a ton of calories.

    By the way 32 oz is = to 4 cups. Great Job !!:glasses: I am also proud of you for starting this site.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome ladies!

    I having a tough day. I started the couch to 5k program over again today, and it was just so hard. I don't know if it is just too early for me to take on running or if it was just a bad day. I want to push myself, and I love the goal of being a runner someday, but man is it ever hard right now. It is just 60 seconds of running, 120 walk repeated for about 30 hr (with warm-up and cool down) but sometimes I really have to mentally talk myself though it. I was close to tears at one point.

    It is great to push yourself, but you also have to have enough strength to not push too hard. Are you taking any days off to rest your body? Also listen to your body, I know biggest loser they are pushing those people to breaking point, but let's face it that is all they have to do. Those of us living in the real world have things to do and need enough energy to do them. I am not trying to tell you not to push I am just saying not too hard.:flowerforyou: