

  • cfwright6
    cfwright6 Posts: 14
    Thank you! Yah working full time, and taking care of 2 1/2 year old and then the boyfriend and the household chores and dinner... it gets hard to find time for working out! :happy: But i can do it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    okay here it goes.

    Did I drink my water?Yes
    My Calories?Yes, with some to spare

    What I am proud of?

    Yesterday, when I clicked "if everyday were like today" It said I would be down 15 pounds in 5 weeks which would be August 24th, so today I thought I want my button to say that again and I made sure I exercised with the kids until it said that. So we will see if I am down 15 by then if I keep this up everyday.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Sorry haven't been around much. Things have been kind of crazy since I came back from my vacation.

    Current weight is 287.2
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sorry haven't been around much. Things have been kind of crazy since I came back from my vacation.

    Current weight is 287.2

    Glad to see you again. :flowerforyou:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Sorry haven't been around much. Things have been kind of crazy since I came back from my vacation.

    Current weight is 287.2

    Glad to see you again. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Momma

    I came home to a flea invasion so I've been kind off stressed out.

    I finally got the orange stray into the vet to get his shots done. And turns out he has an owner. I tried to contact the person but so far I've been running into brick walls. Some have suggested just to let the sleeping dog lie.

    We'll see what happens.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sorry haven't been around much. Things have been kind of crazy since I came back from my vacation.

    Current weight is 287.2

    Glad to see you again. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Momma

    I came home to a flea invasion so I've been kind off stressed out.

    I finally got the orange stray into the vet to get his shots done. And turns out he has an owner. I tried to contact the person but so far I've been running into brick walls. Some have suggested just to let the sleeping dog lie.

    We'll see what happens.

    Those things are hard to get out aren't they? Our little cocker got infested about a year ago and it was a pain to get rid of them. so I feel your pain on that one.
  • urbanychic
    urbanychic Posts: 6 Member
    hey guys :)

    I'm new to mfp as well as this board. I'm 26 and I weight 210 and I'm Vanessa. I finally GOT the determination to lose 50Ibs and hopefully more. I was looking for a group I can be apart of that will help motivate me and help give me tips/points along the way. Unfort, I don't have a scale of my own (yet) and I'm not entirely comfortable weighing myself at the gym,but I'll try to partake in the weigh ins. As for the questions, here are mine!

    Did I drink my water? Oh yes! I :heart: water! I have this 32oz bottle and I literally fill it up six or seven times a day. I can never get enough, which is a huge change for me because I use to be addicted to diet cokes! Talk about a change.

    Stay within my calories? Yes. I don't know how accurate this site is with entering your food (I find difficulties in that) and the calories I'm losing at the gym, but overall I stay way in my caloric intake. It actually increases because of my exercising

    What I am proud of? Today, I went into the weight room without a trainer and used weights. It was a struggle because not only am I uneasy around all the machines, but I have some anxiety about lifting weights around people. But, I did it! For about fifteen minutes too!

    Well..I hope to get to know everyone here! Thanks for all your support here. :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    hey guys :)

    I'm new to mfp as well as this board. I'm 26 and I weight 210 and I'm Vanessa. I finally GOT the determination to lose 50Ibs and hopefully more. I was looking for a group I can be apart of that will help motivate me and help give me tips/points along the way. Unfort, I don't have a scale of my own (yet) and I'm not entirely comfortable weighing myself at the gym,but I'll try to partake in the weigh ins. As for the questions, here are mine!

    Did I drink my water? Oh yes! I :heart: water! I have this 32oz bottle and I literally fill it up six or seven times a day. I can never get enough, which is a huge change for me because I use to be addicted to diet cokes! Talk about a change.

    Stay within my calories? Yes. I don't know how accurate this site is with entering your food (I find difficulties in that) and the calories I'm losing at the gym, but overall I stay way in my caloric intake. It actually increases because of my exercising

    What I am proud of? Today, I went into the weight room without a trainer and used weights. It was a struggle because not only am I uneasy around all the machines, but I have some anxiety about lifting weights around people. But, I did it! For about fifteen minutes too!

    Well..I hope to get to know everyone here! Thanks for all your support here. :smile:

    Wow, You sound like you have a great start. I would say you do :heart: water, your drinking pretty near 200 oz a day . I know they say the minimum is 8) 8oz glasses but I read somewhere to add 8oz per 25 pounds you are over weight. Well , I am proud of you for doing weight training on your own, it shows that you are committed to this. I am excited for you because just think if you keep this up you will be out of the 2's and into the 1's in 11 pounds. That is really exciting. Good luck and welcome to our group:flowerforyou:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Just wanted to say......GOOD MORNING ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!........
    Have a great day and keep on keepin on! We all can do it, we have the tools and each other, use them!:heart::smooched: :heart: :love: :wink: :smile: :happy:
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    I drank all my water yesterday, but went way over calories by 400 :grumble: Husband and kids wanted fast food for dinner, and picked me up a burger instead of a salad, and I didn't get any cardio in last night.
    Today is a new day, back on track, logging calories, and trying to cut back to one cup of coffee a day. I am such a coffee addict :drinker:, but I know cutting back on caffeine will help me lose the weight.

    And I giggled since I also keep a huge QT mug at my desk filled with water, and I try to drink at least 3 of them at work, and more at home.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Had a good day yesterday.

    Did I stay within my calories? Yes

    Did I drink all my water? No, I need to work harder on that - still drinking too much water at night and not enough during the day.

    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal?
    did a grueling 90 minute workout last night - the instructor is a fitness freak! Boy am I stiff today & ate lots of fruit
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    What did I do that I am proud of that helped me get closer to my goal? I've started lifting weights. While I know thats a small step right now, I know building muscle will help rev up my metabolism, which will help me burn fat faster :happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cynder, lifting weights is a big deal. You should be proud of yourself.

    Okay here is my questions answered.
    Water? Yes,
    Calories? Yes, and even have some exercise cals left. Ate a lot of them though like more than half of them:embarassed:

    What I am proud of? My motivation: Day 3 of forcing myself to work for that "If everyday were like today" I will be 15 pounds less in 5 weeks. I checked it earlier and it said only 12 pounds so I made sure I added to my cardio until I made it to that point. I am really shooting for that by Aug. 24th.

    My husband is on vacation next week, I am excited we are going to Santa Cruz,CA for the day, then we are going to the sierras to camp. I love that about CA. The only problem is camping means lots of good food and Santa Cruz means lots of good food. Husband says do not worry he will keep me quite active to counter any endulgences. Wish me luck, I really want to try to see if that button is accurate.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I had just a peice of toast for breakfast then I went grocery shopping and my kids were playing way too much at the store. By the time I got home I was frustrated and starving and made some bad choices by eating too much.:grumble: I know I can't use that as an excuse. I really wanted to keep my 15 pounds in 5 weeks going everyday. Oh well, I will stay within my calories to day anyway. I know I can still exercise. I know that it is still quite possible to lose that 15 by Aug. 24th. Oh well I needed to vent a bit. I am going to get down to business and get my work done so that I can get and hour of cardio in today to make up for lunch.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I am getting pretty excited, I can actually see some changes now! First pic is me June 1st, and the second one is a week ago.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am getting pretty excited, I can actually see some changes now! First pic is me June 1st, and the second one is a week ago.


  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I did'nt do so good today

    Here is my questions
    water? Yes

    Calories?No (I did maintenance calories, but I do not want to maintain my weight):cry:

    What I am proud of? I am not going to let this set back de-rail me and in spite of it all I made sure I exercised today. 15 more pounds here I come.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Andrea, new to this group and DEFINITELY OVER 200 and have been for about 3 years now. Been working on loosing weight for about 3 months now, looking forward to participating in this group.

    Starting weight: 253
    Current weight: 241
    1st Goal: 200
    2nd Goal: 180

    my questions:

    Did I drink my water?
    I drank about half of the water, this is going to be the hardest one for me I literally need to force water into my body guys.

    My Calories?
    Yes, just barely thank god because I worked out today.

    What I am proud of?
    I actually woke up this morning motivated to work out, so I just did it. (I have never gone in the morning ever)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Oh, and I am new to the site, where do we get those cool tickers to post?

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Andrea, glad you are here:flowerforyou:

    If you want a weight loss ticker click the tab above that says "tools" then select weight loss tickers and it will guide you through the process. Looking forward to seeing you around.