

  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    does anyone know if there is a way to have the ticker show up on every post, or do you have to go and copy and paste every time??

    Go to "home" then select "settings" then select change forum signature. copy and paste your ticker in that box.

    Thank You!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: over by 400, but I think 1300 for me is a little low, I am trying to stay around 1500
    Water: I would say I got about 6, 8oz glasses in
    Proud: I lost 2lbs this week and only started on Tuesday!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and thanks for letting me be a part of your group!!!

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I went over my calories yesterday, drank all my water, and I was proud that I went to the movies with my family yesterday, been trying to spend more time with my sisters. I however did not lose anymore weight, but stayed the same...hmmm. This kinda bums me out because I have been within my calories and have been working out on schedule...anyways next week here I come. Do you think my MONTLY thing can have anything to do with this, do you retain water while on your period?

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ♠ready2bff, great job on the weight loss. I think your right about the 1500 cals I would not call that going over.

    ♣Andrea, yes tom can do that. Just keep chugging along weight loss will come around. I have been at a plateau for at least 5 weeks/partially my own fault.

    ♦awestfall, your back on track and I am so proud of you.

    ♫lstpaul, happy them arms are starting to look great. I would like mine to quit waving hello to everyone when I reach for anything:laugh:

    Okay everyone after several weeks of a plateau I have finally broke through and I lost 4lbs. I am so pleased. I have never lost more than 29 pounds so hitting 30 was so important to me and I did even better than that I am at 32 ! Wow I am so excited.

    I am not doing so great today though, I had some chinese food. But we are still kinda on vacation and we have not had any chinese food in months so I figured 1 day will be okay.

    Hope you beautiful ladies have a wonderful day:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Any new challenges for the next week awestfall?
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    That is awesome that you broke your plateau!

    My weigh-in - down 3.7 pounds :)
    last week - 267.6
    this week - 263.9
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    ♠ready2bff, great job on the weight loss. I think your right about the 1500 cals I would not call that going over.

    ♣Andrea, yes tom can do that. Just keep chugging along weight loss will come around. I have been at a plateau for at least 5 weeks/partially my own fault.

    ♦awestfall, your back on track and I am so proud of you.

    ♫lstpaul, happy them arms are starting to look great. I would like mine to quit waving hello to everyone when I reach for anything:laugh:

    Okay everyone after several weeks of a plateau I have finally broke through and I lost 4lbs. I am so pleased. I have never lost more than 29 pounds so hitting 30 was so important to me and I did even better than that I am at 32 ! Wow I am so excited.

    I am not doing so great today though, I had some chinese food. But we are still kinda on vacation and we have not had any chinese food in months so I figured 1 day will be okay.

    Hope you beautiful ladies have a wonderful day:flowerforyou:

    Woohoo!!! that is great 4lbs and 30 lbs is great, congratulations!!!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    That is awesome that you broke your plateau!

    My weigh-in - down 3.7 pounds :)
    last week - 267.6
    this week - 263.9

    Great job, almost 4lbs for you too!!!!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So, I weighed myself today..and the same as last week...no gain but I am a little bummed because I worked out 3 times this week at least burning 350 each time and staying withing my calories...

    Does anybody have any suggestions on what might help me? I am frustrated.

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member

    Okay everyone after several weeks of a plateau I have finally broke through and I lost 4lbs. I am so pleased. I have never lost more than 29 pounds so hitting 30 was so important to me and I did even better than that I am at 32 ! Wow I am so excited.

    Oh my gosh!!! Congrats, great job. What did you do to burn these pounds? This totally motivates me...im trying to reach 20 mark..just 5 lbs
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Okay everyone after several weeks of a plateau I have finally broke through and I lost 4lbs. I am so pleased. I have never lost more than 29 pounds so hitting 30 was so important to me and I did even better than that I am at 32 ! Wow I am so excited.

    Oh my gosh!!! Congrats, great job. What did you do to burn these pounds? This totally motivates me...im trying to reach 20 mark..just 5 lbs

    I just kept staying within my cals and exercising hoping that it would come around. I have a feeling that part of it is the new med I am on. That I was actually loosing weight the last few weeks and I was retaining water. Not sure though. All I know is I kept chugging along even when there was no change. I can't be this fat any more. I am so tired of it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    That is awesome that you broke your plateau!

    My weigh-in - down 3.7 pounds :)
    last week - 267.6
    this week - 263.9

    Wow Jenn you do great every week. Tell us your secret:wink:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Drank all my water, stayed within my cals and I am proud that me and my bf challenged each other to burn at least 500 calories today at the gym and I burned 540!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Wow ... you guys that had such good weight losses this past week motivate me! :drinker:
    I didn't do so well ... I'm up 1.6 - but I'm hopeful that some of it is water retention and will come off this week.
    I had a couple of really high calorie days this past week - so I need to work on that this week - too much fried food for sure! :explode: and I don't feel very well today, and I'm guessing eating poorly last night has a lot to do with that.
    ... but I also worked really, really hard last week on getting a lot of exercise in even though my schedule was goofy all week :happy: - so I'm proud of that.
    Water is still a challenge for me. I need to start drinking water earlier in the day instead of my usual diet pepsi. It's very hard to break that habit though.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ♦lstpaul, you know you can do this too. You have the tools. Let yesterday go, it is today. Let us move forward. I must confess I did terrible this weekend. Today I am back on track. Let's do it together. By the way I am proud of you for making time for exercise. Bob Greene always promotes exercise first.. Because the exercise leads you to wanting to eat better

    ♦Andrea, great job, keep it up and you will have great success.

    Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Monday:flowerforyou:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    ♦lstpaul, you know you can do this too. You have the tools. Let yesterday go, it is today. Let us move forward. I must confess I did terrible this weekend. Today I am back on track. Let's do it together. By the way I am proud of you for making time for exercise. Bob Greene always promotes exercise first.. Because the exercise leads you to wanting to eat better

    ♦Andrea, great job, keep it up and you will have great success.

    Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Monday:flowerforyou:

    Happy Monday to you too hun!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    ♦lstpaul, you know you can do this too. You have the tools. Let yesterday go, it is today. Let us move forward. I must confess I did terrible this weekend. Today I am back on track. Let's do it together. By the way I am proud of you for making time for exercise. Bob Greene always promotes exercise first.. Because the exercise leads you to wanting to eat better

    ♦Andrea, great job, keep it up and you will have great success.

    Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Monday:flowerforyou:

    Thanks :happy: It's hard sometimes to keep that 'I can do it' attitude ... because to be honest I've never been able to do it in the past! But I'm having more success this time than ever before ... I just have to keep it going! Thanks for the positive support ... I know WE CAN DO THIS!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    LOL, no secret here. I mix up my exercises (don't do the same stuff every week, I do walking/running, exercise videos, Wii Active, Wii Fit), I use a heartrate monitor so I am confident I am not over-eating my exercise cals, drink my water everyday, I am still tackling the eating right part. I stay within my calories, but I don't always eat the best foods, but I am trying.

    I have been over-weight my whole life, and I am tired of it. I have 2 little girls that are my motivation. I don't want them to grow up thinking that being unhealthy is ok. If I lose the weight in the next few years, they wont even remember me this way. I want them to be healthy, and I have to set the example for them.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    LOL, no secret here. I mix up my exercises (don't do the same stuff every week, I do walking/running, exercise videos, Wii Active, Wii Fit), I use a heartrate monitor so I am confident I am not over-eating my exercise cals, drink my water everyday, I am still tackling the eating right part. I stay within my calories, but I don't always eat the best foods, but I am trying.

    I have been over-weight my whole life, and I am tired of it. I have 2 little girls that are my motivation. I don't want them to grow up thinking that being unhealthy is ok. If I lose the weight in the next few years, they wont even remember me this way. I want them to be healthy, and I have to set the example for them.

    I am right there with you, I have got to do this for me but also for my kids. I want to be able to run around and play or go on roller coasters with out having to wonder if I will fit or not.

    **That is a really great idea to mix up the exercise, probably helps to not get bored too.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry wasn't on all weekend, our computer at home is acting up and doesn't work really well, got to get it fixed. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

    Calories: Went a little over but not bad
    Water: Probably only got 3/4
    Proud: Went to dinner with friends, only ate small portions of everything and stopped when I was full.

    Calories: Just can't seem to keep it at 1500, I am usually getting like 1800, better during the week at work though.
    Water: Not good at all, I really need to work on this on the weekends too.
    Proud: Instead of sitting around I got my butt up and did a bunch of stuff around the house and cleaned the car really good!!

    Calories: Again hitting about 1800, a little over
    Water: Did pretty good Sunday but still not the full amount
    Proud: Went out to eat and made a good food choice

    My goal this week is to get my exercise started!!!!