

  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Hey everyone, and welcome to the new faces. Glad to see everyone is trying to drink their water today.

    C'mon ladies lets think of a new challenge for this week. Of course we need to keep drinking our water, and of course stay within our calories and add minutes to our cardio but let us try something new. any suggestions???????????????????????????????/// I have to take one of my little ones to the dentist so I will check back later and see if anyone has any ideas

    How about we all try and do like 25-50 crunches and push-ups each day with our cardio???
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Yesterday was a good day, I was about 150 or so under my calories for the day, and didn't really work out, but I helped clean a bunch at my family's house so I did get some exercise there LOL

    I started counting calories on August 1st and so far I have already lost 5lbs :smile: YAY. I always lose weight really quickly in the beginning though. So it won't last forever :wink: Soon I'll be back to losing 1 or 2 pounds a week.

    Well I hope everyone's day is going well.

    Thats awesome, keep up the great work!!! And think of it this way, if you lose 2 pounds a week for a year you will have lost 104 lbs!!!!
  • traleen
    traleen Posts: 58 Member
    i dont see how to make a ticker for exercise ? Ill commit to 150 min a week cardio.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories - Went over like 800, not good at all, but did get my exercise in
    Water - got it all in!!
    Proud - Got my exercise in

    Welcome to all the newbies and good luck!!!!

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I stayed barely withing my cals, drank all my water, and proud that I worked out again 3rd day consistently.

    Challenge Ideas...hmm....

    I saw an eating clean challenge

    We can add 30 more minutes to our workout week

    Personal challenges..we can set a date and how much we want to lose

    exercise challenge...like squats, lunges, push ups , wall sits, or walking (measured however)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :flowerforyou: challenge ideas:

    - I know my biggest problem lately has been staying under my calories. Maybe we could add a chain to our post when we answer our questions to indicate how many days we've been able to chain together that we were stayed under our calories? something like <><><> would be 6 days? and if you make a whole week you get a * or something so ***<><> would be 3 weeks 4 days (I'm stealing this idea from another message board that I chat on ... but I don't think I've made it past <><>).

    - or another problem I am having is eating my veggies & fruits - so that could be an additional challenge

    I don't know ... coming up with challenges is challenging :wink: ...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    i dont see how to make a ticker for exercise ? Ill commit to 150 min a week cardio.

    You can do an exercise ticker on tickerfactory.com and then cut and paste it into your signature here. This 'adding cardio every week' challenge has been great for me ... I started at 120 minutes a week and now I'm up to 360 ... but I've been stuck there for a few weeks, probably need to add at least 5 minutes this week.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay you all have some wonderful ideas let's take some votes and see what we want to do. Here were the ideas majority wins for the week. Some of these ideas were easy enough to do more than 1 a week let's make some votes and decide.

    ♦crunches 25-50 a day

    ♦set a date for a certain amount of weight you would like to lose (example 10 pounds by Sept. 6)

    ♦add lunges, leglift, pushups, squats ect.....

    ♦making a chain on your post representing the amount of days you stay under calories
    example: <><><>< =7days which will get you a * . Each one of these <represents a day

    ♦making sure we eat our veggies and fruits that we are supposed to eat each day.

    ♦Figure out our weight loss percentage each week and see who "wins" by losing the largest percentage for that week and they get to pick the challenge for the next week and be queen for the week.

    We could actually use more that one of these but I would love to see some input and let us figure this out as a team................:flowerforyou:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Okay you all have some wonderful ideas let's take some votes and see what we want to do. Here were the ideas majority wins for the week. Some of these ideas were easy enough to do more than 1 a week let's make some votes and decide.

    ♦crunches 25-50 a day

    ♦set a date for a certain amount of weight you would like to lose (example 10 pounds by Sept. 6)

    ♦add lunges, leglift, pushups, squats ect.....

    ♦making a chain on your post representing the amound of days you stay under calories
    example: <><><>< 7days which will get you a * . Each one of these represents a day<

    ♦making sure we eat our veggies and fruits that we are supposed to eat each day.

    ♦Figure out our weight loss percentage each week and see who "wins" by losing the largest percentage for that week and they get to pick the challenge for the next week and be queen for the week.

    We could actually use more that one of these but I would love to see some input and let us figure this out as a team................:flowerforyou:

    I like the idea of lunges/pushups/squats, and also the one with the highest percentage of weightloss being the one to pick the challenges.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Okay you all have some wonderful ideas let's take some votes and see what we want to do. Here were the ideas majority wins for the week. Some of these ideas were easy enough to do more than 1 a week let's make some votes and decide.

    ♦crunches 25-50 a day

    ♦set a date for a certain amount of weight you would like to lose (example 10 pounds by Sept. 6)

    ♦add lunges, leglift, pushups, squats ect.....

    ♦making a chain on your post representing the amound of days you stay under calories
    example: <><><>< 7days which will get you a * . Each one of these represents a day<

    ♦making sure we eat our veggies and fruits that we are supposed to eat each day.

    ♦Figure out our weight loss percentage each week and see who "wins" by losing the largest percentage for that week and they get to pick the challenge for the next week and be queen for the week.

    We could actually use more that one of these but I would love to see some input and let us figure this out as a team................:flowerforyou:

    I like the idea of lunges/pushups/squats, and also the one with the highest percentage of weightloss being the one to pick the challenges.

    I like laurajoyw's idea some physical activity and the highest % of weight loss picks challenges for next week.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Just waiting for some of the other girls to say what they like, but I agree with you both, if others agree that is what we will do.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    sounds like a great idea :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    sounds good, so here it goes lets add one of the 4 exercises to our week. I would think 3-4 of the days . Each person choose their own. Lunges, squats, crunches, or pushups. Your choice all of them or one just add to your routine. Also who ever has the highest percentage of weight loss chooses next weeks challenge. Good luck girls.:flowerforyou:

    I plan to start tomorrow I am going to do 3 sets of 8 lunges,squats,crunches, and wallpushups.:huh: At least I think I am. Okay, I will.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    sounds good, so here it goes lets add one of the 4 exercises to our week. I would think 3-4 of the days . Each person choose their own. Lunges, squats, crunches, or pushups. Your choice all of them or one just add to your routine. Also who ever has the highest percentage of weight loss chooses next weeks challenge. Good luck girls.:flowerforyou:

    I plan to start tomorrow I am going to do 3 sets of 8 lunges,squats,crunches, and wallpushups.:huh: At least I think I am. Okay, I will.

    Sounds good...I am going to do 3 sets of 8 squat and sumo squat and at least 50 crunches starting tomorrow (lunges hurt my knees).

    Question: When does this challenge end, are we all starting tomorrow. Also, how do you calculate your weight loss percentage, THIS IS EXCITING I love challenges.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm going to do 3 sets of 8 lunges,squats, pushups and 100 crunches tonight.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Yesterday's questions:

    Calories: good, because of 90 minutes exercise at the Y

    Water: did great, drank 24 oz. of water while I drank 24 oz of pop in the morning ... then had at least 100 oz. more throughout the day and night... but I was in the bathroom a lot yesterday and last night :ohwell:

    Proud of: getting back on track! I still could have eaten healthier, but doing much better than the previous few days
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Just waiting for some of the other girls to say what they like, but I agree with you both, if others agree that is what we will do.
    I agree with those ideas too :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    okay girls, here it is a percentage of weight loss calculator


    We start today, even though it is late in the week. We will continue to weigh in on Fridays, and report our percentage then. Is this agreeable to everyone? Is this okay with you awestfall?

    We will keep doing the percentage of weight loss, adding cardio minutes every week. But the other challenge will change every friday (this weeks lunges,squats,pushups, crunches) and the person who has the highest percentage of weight loss chooses the next physical challenge.

    Everybody participating in this activity it is assumed that you all have been in contact with a doctor and that you are physically able to participate in these challenges. We do not want anyone doing physical challenges that they are not able to do. Let's have some fun and say bye bye to some fat.

    Now remember we are a team, This is not absolute, this is only if we all agree to this? What do ya think?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Here is one that does NOT round off the numbers. The other one I posted, if you lose let's say 1.45% it will just say 1% the one below actually says 1.34% (example) and doesn't round off. I think this will be a better calculator because a lot of us will be losing the same percentage this way we have a way of determining who actually lost more.

  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    My calories were perfect.
    My water was still under at 6.5 cups. Better than the day before, but still not where I want to be.
    I failed at my cardio, because I let the stress get to me and I just went to bed instead of working out.

    I will do better today.

    Does this mean when we report for weigh in, we need to include the percentage as well as the lbs?