

  • KismetHot
    Hey I have been searching around and I would like to join this group. Within just a few months I have seen my weight jump from 192 to 209! :explode: I just need to stay focused! Today I did 55 mins. However my problem is not really working out...its eating! I need this group. Thanks!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Went over my calories by 100, stayed within yesterday. Drank all my water today and yesterday. Haven't made it to the gym at all this week, although I have been walking a little. My goal is to go to the gym tomorrow after work...they scheduled me till 9 the past few weeks which has thrown me off a little, because I get home and get really tired. I am going to try to go in the mornings if this continues to happen.

  • Solko1983
    Solko1983 Posts: 25 Member
    And another pound bites the dust :laugh:

    Calories: within goal
    Water intake: always more than the minimum
    Excercise: 45 minute brisk walk/30 minutes of Pilates

    As far as the challenge... I cannot yet do push ups but I'm doing a bulding excercise where you start in the up position and lower yourself down. Then get back into position and repeat. My trainer told me that was a good way to work the muscles required to do them. So that's all I've got... sorry.

  • Solko1983
    Solko1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Threw in 30minutes of Tae Bo
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Calories: great
    Water intake: didn't do so great on water
    Excercise: 40 minutes mowing the lawn

    will do extra push ups tonight ... another good challenge because it will make me stay longer at my body pump class at the Y instead of skipping out early. :happy:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: good
    Water: good
    Exercise: Did slim in 6 video with son (that was pretty funny, he is 4)
    Proud that I got the exercise in, instead of just not doing because he wasn't in bed, I just included him.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! :happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Girls, happy Tuesday. Wow everyone is so motivated I am proud of you all.

    ♦Welcome KismetHot, we need you too!!! All the motivation a group can get the better we are.

    ♦lstpaul, I am so proud of you for staying within your calories. I knew you could do it.

    ♦ready2bff, great job on the water, oh and my son is 4 also:heart: That is always a good idea to incorporate our children. I believe that they will have fond memories of things like that. Mom and me goofing off and moving to a video. My son does wall push ups with me and makes the same noise as I do. :blushing: I need to be aware of those grunts.

    ♦SarahAnnaBanana, if your body is not able to do a challenge then you listen to it. We are doing these things to motivate and have fun. We do not want anyone doing anything their body is not ready to do.:flowerforyou: Personally, I am not able to do push ups so I do wall pushups. It is a lot easier on the body.

    ♦Andrea, walking is exercise. Working so late will throw someone off. So as long as you are walking do not be too hard on yourself. I have 4 children and I am a sahm so I can't afford a gym membership. Home is my gym. The park is also my gym. So it can be done. Do not be discouraged and keep up the good work.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Thx Momma2four, you always make me feel better!!

    ready2bff that is sooo cool I bet he had a blast!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good evening everyone ...... did great on my calories but i have been since starting this site this past saturday ... water is awesome and i did an hour of cardio and will be doing 20-30 minutes on my total gym
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everyone, I am having trouble today. :grumble: I am so hungry. :grumble: I know I am not but my body keeps telling me I am. I am over on my calories today. I ate all my exercise calories plus 56 additional calories. I know that we are not suppose to eat all our exercise cals. I also had decided that I did not want to go over 1400 cals even when I exercise. I am at 1776. :mad: I had a hard time yesterday too. I am not having any trouble with my water though and I did exercise this morning. Took a long brisk walk. I can Not go back to my old ways. This is too important for my health. My blood pressure is high. I was just put on meds for that 3 weeks ago. Every time I go and get my blood pressure checked it's high.:explode: My older brother who was very thin died at 35 his blood pressure was high and caused him to have a stroke. I am 38, overweight, (that rhymes:laugh: ) and I do not want to have a stroke.:angry: I am so sorry that I am complaining so much, thanks for listening:heart:
  • Solko1983
    Solko1983 Posts: 25 Member
    I keep a grip of cucumbers on hand for snacking. They are low calorie, great for digestion and let me eat when I need to. I can snack on 2-3 cucumbers a day and not go over my 1200 calories. You're not meant to meet an ill fate and you ARE on the path to make sure of that... it's normal to hit some bumps on the road ahead. Don't get down on yourself.
    I am impressed by what a positive influence and motivator you are for a group of complete strangers. You have great character, hang in there!

  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Just wanted to check in.... It's been a rough couple of weeks for me emotionally. Had to deal with a friend trash talking me behind my back :grumble: and a fight with my live in boyfriend. :cry: So... it was tough. But I DIDN'T go for the Chips & Dip or the Ice Cream, that used to be my comfort blanket! :bigsmile: I went for my bike instead. I must have looked like a moron, talking to myself :grumble: and intermittant bouts of crying... but I pedaled and pushed myself for 10 miles. And today... even though it's not my usual weigh in day... I stepped on the scale this morning. I have hit my September goal weight a week early! So... Happy Dance!

    I couldn't have done it without MFP or the buddies I have made here. :blushing: Thank you everyone, for sharing your success stories with me and for being so supportive! I...promised... myself... I... wouldn't.... cry. Lol! Thanks so much, and best of luck to everyone!

  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    Oh yea... Did I stay within my calories? HECK YEA! I was even 50 under and I hadn't even logged my exercise yet!

    Did I drink my water. Yes! I set a new goal. I sent the message below to all my friends to keep me honest!

    So today is going to be a good day! Make yourself a new goal! Mine is drinking a 16oz bottle of water on the way to work and on the way home from work each day. Send me a comment with your goal, and it will give me an idea and I will try to check in with you and see how you are doing! It will also give you accountibility! Send this comment to your friends and get them to work on a new goal too!

    And what did I do that I am proud of? I didn't dive into the bag of ruffles my BF left on the coffee table when I was depressed and crying. I did something POSITIVE!

    So Yay!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma2four: I'm sorry you had such a bad day yesterday with eating ... I think we have all been there from time to time. Today is a new day and you just need to move on, we can't be perfect every day or we would go insane! Have a great day today, you can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Shuutnstar: Congrats on reaching your goal! I bet that feels good! And that is HUGE that you were able to avoid emotional eating and went exercising instead! Good job! :drinker:

    I had a great day yesterday with exercise ... stayed for 2 full hours at the Y and worked my butt off (hopefully literally! :laugh: ). I stayed under my calorie limit, but I ate some of my exercise calories and could have made a few better food choices - but overall I did well and didn't eat as many of my exercise calories as I used to. I did good with my water - although too much at night again so I was up half the night with trips to the bathroom.:grumble:
    I did 40 pushups for our challenge ... that is what motivated me to stay for the full 2 hours of classes at the Y because we do pushups at the end of that 2nd class! Yeah! :smile:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Hi everyone, I am having trouble today. :grumble: I am so hungry. :grumble: I know I am not but my body keeps telling me I am. I am over on my calories today. I ate all my exercise calories plus 56 additional calories. I know that we are not suppose to eat all our exercise cals. I also had decided that I did not want to go over 1400 cals even when I exercise. I am at 1776. :mad: I had a hard time yesterday too. I am not having any trouble with my water though and I did exercise this morning. Took a long brisk walk. I can Not go back to my old ways. This is too important for my health. My blood pressure is high. I was just put on meds for that 3 weeks ago. Every time I go and get my blood pressure checked it's high.:explode: My older brother who was very thin died at 35 his blood pressure was high and caused him to have a stroke. I am 38, overweight, (that rhymes:laugh: ) and I do not want to have a stroke.:angry: I am so sorry that I am complaining so much, thanks for listening:heart:

    Hang in there, I think there are days were your are just hungrier than normal, get through these days and just stay on track. You can do it!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awww thanx you guys are so sweet. :flowerforyou: I do feel better today. I know it is a new day. You guys are great. We can all do this together, we are a team. I met a lady at my daughters bus stop, her children are at the same stop. She just asked to walk with me today and I said sure. So that was nice to have some company. It made the walk go quicker. She wants to walk with me again tomorrow.

    ♦Shuutnstar, glad you are back. Congrats on doing the right thing and on meeting your goal for September early. I am so proud of you.

    ♦lstpaul, great job on the exercise, 2 hours you are awesome. Thanx again for the encouragement

    ♦SarahAnnaBanana, cucumbers is a great idea for snacking. I love a little bit of redwine vinegar on them. Thanx again for the really nice comments. I do feel better today.

    ♦Ready2bff, thanx again for the encouragement, I appreciate all the support.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Just wanted to check in.... It's been a rough couple of weeks for me emotionally. Had to deal with a friend trash talking me behind my back :grumble: and a fight with my live in boyfriend. :cry: So... it was tough. But I DIDN'T go for the Chips & Dip or the Ice Cream, that used to be my comfort blanket! :bigsmile: I went for my bike instead. I must have looked like a moron, talking to myself :grumble: and intermittant bouts of crying... but I pedaled and pushed myself for 10 miles. And today... even though it's not my usual weigh in day... I stepped on the scale this morning. I have hit my September goal weight a week early! So... Happy Dance!

    I couldn't have done it without MFP or the buddies I have made here. :blushing: Thank you everyone, for sharing your success stories with me and for being so supportive! I...promised... myself... I... wouldn't.... cry. Lol! Thanks so much, and best of luck to everyone!


    Thats awesome, keep with the good work!!!!

    lstpaul - 2 hours at the Y, you must have burned a ton of calories, great job, I bet you feel great today!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awww thanx you guys are so sweet. :flowerforyou: I do feel better today. I know it is a new day. You guys are great. We can all do this together, we are a team. I met a lady at my daughters bus stop, her children are at the same stop. She just asked to walk with me today and I said sure. So that was nice to have some company. It made the walk go quicker. She wants to walk with me again tomorrow.

    The other nice thing about walking with a friend is that you burn more calories from talking while walking! I can't believe how much higher my heart rate stays on my HRM when I'm walking and talking with a friend ... I guess I'll have to try talking to myself while I walk if I'm alone - although I might look pretty crazy!:laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awww thanx you guys are so sweet. :flowerforyou: I do feel better today. I know it is a new day. You guys are great. We can all do this together, we are a team. I met a lady at my daughters bus stop, her children are at the same stop. She just asked to walk with me today and I said sure. So that was nice to have some company. It made the walk go quicker. She wants to walk with me again tomorrow.

    The other nice thing about walking with a friend is that you burn more calories from talking while walking! I can't believe how much higher my heart rate stays on my HRM when I'm walking and talking with a friend ... I guess I'll have to try talking to myself while I walk if I'm alone - although I might look pretty crazy!:laugh:

    I saw an informercial for a new exercise plan where you sing while you exercise and you burn more calories, plus you breath properly and get more oxygen. Let' s all go out and sing while we walk??:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If we start next week we can see if we all lose more weight:laugh: :laugh: They may have me arrested for my singing though:laugh:
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    They would arrest me for noise pollution if I sang while I walked. :P

    Water - still low. I don't have any excuses
    Calories - good
    Exercise was okay. I got a walk in, and got my push ups done.