

  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Yesterday -
    Water: low, real low. I have to stop this. :(
    Calories: great, in spite of them bringing mexican into the office. :P
    Exercise: more fail

    Weigh in -
    Last Week: 220
    This Week: 217.6
    So, 2.4 lost this week for a 1.09% loss? I think. I hate math. lol

    Great Job Trikstar!!!!!:wink: and just think of how much you would lose if you put a little exercise in with that. Congrats!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    water: pretty good
    calories: good
    proud: stayed after my morning step class to get my lunges in

    weekly weigh in ... not so hot - I'm up 1.2 pounds :explode: and I thought I had a pretty good week... I know where I didn't do well (potato chips & margarita), I think I may have to not eat as many of my exercise calories as I have been. I really need to add fruits and veggies to my diet more too, and have less of the high fat foods - I always seem to be over on fat and under on protein.
    It's disheartening ... I've been losing and gaining this same 1.5 pounds for the last month. I need to really push to get past it. I'm not going to officially record my weight until tomorrow :ohwell: - I have hope that maybe some of this week's weight gain is water retention because I had a lot of salt yesterday. I'll weigh again in the morning at the Y and hope the scale is nicer to me tomorrow!

    cjordan1072: welcome! Try not to let the scale discourage you (although I had to give myself the same pep talk this morning!) You should take your measurements because I would bet you are tightening everything up and losing inches - even if the scale isn't showing you a loss yet ... and you will see the scale numbers go down eventually if you keep up with working out at the Y and start tracking your food here! Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    lstpaul - I am right there with you, up a pound :angry: , with me it was the calories didn't do very well, but am really going to try and eat a lot better this next week. I think my biggest issue is I do bad and fall off the wagon, I need to tell myself if I do bad I just need to turn it around again. I heard someone say once "comfortable is not comfortable any more" this is soooo true for me.

    Hope you have a great weekend!!! :smile:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So I have been out since last weigh in..went camping, got this cold... and unfortunately I GAINED 4 POUNDS!!!!

    Weigh in-

    starting weight 253
    last week 236
    this week 240
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Great Job Trikstar!!!!!:wink: and just think of how much you would lose if you put a little exercise in with that. Congrats!!

    Yeah. I know. *facepalm* I need to get a schedule together that I can work with and not wear myself down on. Thanks for the friending! :D
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi All,
    I am back, I lost .6 pound this week. I am so confused because wed I was down 2 pounds then on friday I am at .6 pound just above 1/2 a pound and I know that I did not eat enough to gain weight I am only eating 1400 calories a day and I am exercising so I believe that it is water weight and since wed was not weigh in day I am going to count friday's weight. So my percentage is .22%:grumble: :mad:

    ►trikstar, congrats girl you are our biggest loser this week. Pick us a challenge

    ♦lstpaul, I was going through the same thing you are eating my exercise cals. I have stopped. I am now setting a goal of 1400 and like I said I believe I am retaining water today(because I feel like I am) but wed I was actually down 2 pounds. I will be trying that for couple weeks and see what happens. I am also going to take a good look at my sodium intake
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    One more thing, let us not forget to put our percentage of weight loss. Here is the link again


    Have a wonderful happy day and DRINK your water today. Yes I did yell that at you all:laugh:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ok, so I took a sneak peek...and weighed myself today..it says that I am 235...when on Friday it said I was 240..wow..
  • Solko1983
    Solko1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Is there a way to properly join this group or do I just jump right in?
    My name is Sarah and live in San Diego (the land of Barbie :laugh: )
    My Stats: 26, 5'7"

    Start Weight( 8/7): 231.5
    Current Weight: 228
    Initial Goal Weight(Jan09): 195


  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Well I worked really hard on Friday to stay within my calories and again yesterday (although I did eat some of my exercise calories because yesterday was a big exercise day - 105 minutes). And I'm happy to say that the scale now says that I gained .2 pounds instead of 1.5 pounds... so I'm happy with that. Hopefully this week I can make some progress in the downward direction. I'm going to try to not eat my exercise calories and see what happens, I am also going to cut down on butter and cheese. Have a good day all! :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ♦SarahAnnaBanana, Jump right in. Welcome to our group:flowerforyou: We weigh in on fridays, we set a cardio goal and then we add minutes to that goal each week. Whoever gets the biggest percentage of weight loss on fridays picks our physical challenge for the week

    ♫lsptpaul, good job on those exercise minutes, that is going to be the key to success.

    ♦Andrea, congrats,

    ♦Hey, to all the girls happy sunday
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Everyone ...... I am new to this site but have lost 6 pounds ..... Wish I had known about this site before .... I feel great and not a failure like I have in the past
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    welcome megan38 you will love this site
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I've been frustrated with my lack of progress this past month, and I just re-calculated my calorie goals ... and no wonder I haven't seen any weight loss - I was basically eating the amount of calories to maintain. I re-adjusted and now my daily calorie goal has gone down (which will be harder:grumble: ) ... but hopefully now I will see some weight loss again.
    Just a reminder to re-check those numbers as you lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • Solko1983
    Solko1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Another sweaty day lol.
    8/16(AM)- 60min Hike
    8/16(PM)-25min Walk/10min Jogging and 30min Total Gym (I love love love this!)
    8/17(AM)-30min Walk/10min Jogging
    Lots of water and already 4.5lbs (2.6%) lost since Friday!

    Best of luck to all....Be strong and make yourself get out there, the results are worth it and the loss is the motivation :happy:

    P.S. I work nights so you'll notice my PM posts on the following day
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: Good
    Water: not good at all, maybe half of what I should
    Exercise: not much for today

    SarahAnnaBanana and Megan38 WELCOME!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Another sweaty day lol.
    8/16(AM)- 60min Hike
    8/16(PM)-25min Walk/10min Jogging and 30min Total Gym (I love love love this!)
    8/17(AM)-30min Walk/10min Jogging
    Lots of water and already 4.5lbs (2.6%) lost since Friday!

    Best of luck to all....Be strong and make yourself get out there, the results are worth it and the loss is the motivation :happy:

    P.S. I work nights so you'll notice my PM posts on the following day

    Wow, great workouts!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, thanks for that info. That is something we should be thinking about as we are losing weight to update our goals and make sure that they are for our current weight. I hope you see a big change on friday.

    Glad to see everyone is doing so well. Great job on the exercise

    ready2bff drink your water.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    lstpaul, thanks for that info. That is something we should be thinking about as we are losing weight to update our goals and make sure that they are for our current weight. I hope you see a big change on friday.

    Glad to see everyone is doing so well. Great job on the exercise

    ready2bff drink your water.

    I know, I really need to work on making sure I drink all of my water on the weekends, it is so hard for me, because I am always on the go all weekend. I will really try and work on it this weekend, we are going to the lake for a long weekend so it will really put me to the test.
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Sorry... there was drama drama drama in my neck of the woods. I'm still doing good on my diet, okay on my water, and I even got some exercise in finally!

    Challenge... I'm not good at this sort of thing, but how about 20-40 pushups? (I have to do mine on the knees, so that's totally acceptable) That work?

    Thanks Momma for the reminder. :D Sorry I wasn't very quick to get to it. :/
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    That sounds like a great challenge. Thanks for coming up with 20-40 pushups a day.