Looking for Feminist Friends



  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm black, and I'm a feminist. Womanism is there, but like you've presented, most of it's founders are just.. really angry. I find it counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the minority rights kitchen(kitchen!?! hah) but our problem is MUCH more internal at this point in the US. Self hate abound, and no one has been actively feeding that fire. WE keep it alive. And so very few of us even care about the issues, so involved with distractions of our own making. Yes, black men have different problems than black women who have different problems than white women.. but I don't find it productive to separate from both groups out of spite, which to me (correct me if I'm wrong) seems the core of womanism.

    I think this is kind of the core of my issue with "feminism" or any other kind of "ism", really. It seeks to separate people into groups and grant them "rights" based on belonging to said group. How about, "everyone is human so let's just treat them all the same"ism?

    This is a movement I can get behind!

    Another convert!! Woohoo!!!

    Another point that was raised is the anger issue. I just...don't have the energy to be that angry all the time :laugh:

    I can be dedicated to a cause without being angry. So my cause is now "everyone is human so let's just treat them right and not spend all day being angry about it"ism!

    Do you think the "anti" people who came to this thread were angry when they either started going off on the posters or if they just simply started making fun of them and telling them that there was no reason for them to feel the way they do? Some people came to this thread to find like minded people where others just came to either be rude or make fun of them.

    To be perfectly honest, no they didn't seem angry at all. It seemed like people having some harmless fun. Iz wut we do here :laugh:

    Those comments were, however, met with a completely disproportionate anger, IMO.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Ok, i'm REALLY going to bed now!!! Don't have too much fun without me y'all! :flowerforyou:
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I love reverse discrimination. It's the reason why I got my teaching assistantship :wink:

    Actually, I don't agree with reverse discrimination at all (or any discrimination for that matter), which is often the outcome of these "movements." Two wrongs don't make a right. LEGIT equality for all plz.

    I felt really crummy when I found out I was hired ONLY because I was a women and not based on my credentials.:mad:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I can't help but feel partially responsible for the derailing of this thread. Sorry OP. This has been a whole lot of fun though!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Ok, i'm REALLY going to bed now!!! Don't have too much fun without me y'all! :flowerforyou:

    sure you are! :yawn:
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I love reverse discrimination. It's the reason why I got my teaching assistantship :wink:

    Actually, I don't agree with reverse discrimination at all (or any discrimination for that matter), which is often the outcome of these "movements." Two wrongs don't make a right. LEGIT equality for all plz.

    I felt really crummy when I found out I was hired ONLY because I was a women and not based on my credentials.:mad:

  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Ok, i'm REALLY going to bed now!!! Don't have too much fun without me y'all! :flowerforyou:

    Me too, for realsies!! I can't keep sleeping until noon :laugh: Night y'all!
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I'm black, and I'm a feminist. Womanism is there, but like you've presented, most of it's founders are just.. really angry. I find it counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the minority rights kitchen(kitchen!?! hah) but our problem is MUCH more internal at this point in the US. Self hate abound, and no one has been actively feeding that fire. WE keep it alive. And so very few of us even care about the issues, so involved with distractions of our own making. Yes, black men have different problems than black women who have different problems than white women.. but I don't find it productive to separate from both groups out of spite, which to me (correct me if I'm wrong) seems the core of womanism.

    I think this is kind of the core of my issue with "feminism" or any other kind of "ism", really. It seeks to separate people into groups and grant them "rights" based on belonging to said group. How about, "everyone is human so let's just treat them all the same"ism?

    This is a movement I can get behind!

    Another convert!! Woohoo!!!

    Another point that was raised is the anger issue. I just...don't have the energy to be that angry all the time :laugh:

    I can be dedicated to a cause without being angry. So my cause is now "everyone is human so let's just treat them right and not spend all day being angry about it"ism!

    Do you think the "anti" people who came to this thread were angry when they either started going off on the posters or if they just simply started making fun of them and telling them that there was no reason for them to feel the way they do? Some people came to this thread to find like minded people where others just came to either be rude or make fun of them.

    To be perfectly honest, no they didn't seem angry at all. It seemed like people having some harmless fun. Iz wut we do here :laugh:

    Those comments were, however, met with a completely disproportionate anger, IMO.

    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I love reverse discrimination. It's the reason why I got my teaching assistantship :wink:

    Actually, I don't agree with reverse discrimination at all (or any discrimination for that matter), which is often the outcome of these "movements." Two wrongs don't make a right. LEGIT equality for all plz.

    I felt really crummy when I found out I was hired ONLY because I was a women and not based on my credentials.:mad:

    At least it went to someone who seems to deserve and appreciate it...and I'm being 100% sincere. The fact that you're aware of, and unhappy with...the reasons you were hired, speaks volumes.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    [... can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    Yes, in my view it would be ok. We have at no time (that I have seen) ridiculed people for their beliefs. There has been discussion as to the merit of feminism as a movement and its current role in society, but at no point has anyone said women do not deserve equal rights or have attacked them personally. That would be inappropriate.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm black, and I'm a feminist. Womanism is there, but like you've presented, most of it's founders are just.. really angry. I find it counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the minority rights kitchen(kitchen!?! hah) but our problem is MUCH more internal at this point in the US. Self hate abound, and no one has been actively feeding that fire. WE keep it alive. And so very few of us even care about the issues, so involved with distractions of our own making. Yes, black men have different problems than black women who have different problems than white women.. but I don't find it productive to separate from both groups out of spite, which to me (correct me if I'm wrong) seems the core of womanism.

    I think this is kind of the core of my issue with "feminism" or any other kind of "ism", really. It seeks to separate people into groups and grant them "rights" based on belonging to said group. How about, "everyone is human so let's just treat them all the same"ism?

    This is a movement I can get behind!

    Another convert!! Woohoo!!!

    Another point that was raised is the anger issue. I just...don't have the energy to be that angry all the time :laugh:

    I can be dedicated to a cause without being angry. So my cause is now "everyone is human so let's just treat them right and not spend all day being angry about it"ism!

    Do you think the "anti" people who came to this thread were angry when they either started going off on the posters or if they just simply started making fun of them and telling them that there was no reason for them to feel the way they do? Some people came to this thread to find like minded people where others just came to either be rude or make fun of them.

    To be perfectly honest, no they didn't seem angry at all. It seemed like people having some harmless fun. Iz wut we do here :laugh:

    Those comments were, however, met with a completely disproportionate anger, IMO.

    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    I think Chris is fighting fire with fire.

    If the jokes were as innocuous as Ray's comment about washing dishes...I, as a Christian, wouldn't see a problem with it <shrug>
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I love reverse discrimination. It's the reason why I got my teaching assistantship :wink:

    Actually, I don't agree with reverse discrimination at all (or any discrimination for that matter), which is often the outcome of these "movements." Two wrongs don't make a right. LEGIT equality for all plz.

    I felt really crummy when I found out I was hired ONLY because I was a women and not based on my credentials.:mad:

    Why would you take a job that you were not qualified for? I personally don't hate anyone, including men.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    I was at first...but then it started getting deep, and I dislike having feces thrown in my face.

    Also, you're right, it 100% wasn't ok when the young lady who posted the 'anti feminist opinions' thread got facerolled by the train of feminist linebackers who entered her thread uninvited, and proceeded to belittle her, insult her feminity, tell her she should have been born a man, and overall attack and abuse her...then got the thread shut down on top of it.

    Yeah, you've got room to speak.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    One last comment before I dive out of this thread.

    I think it was you, Cris, but in the last thread on feminism I think you mentioned your baby-mama-drama (sorry, I can't help it, I love that phrase) and I immediately did some research on paternal rights and was pretty horrified. I did however find that there's very little I can do aside from write my representatives and be a little more attentive in local politics. I'm sorry that you feel that feminism has brought that misfortune upon you, but I personally believe it's the same gender role politics in play. 100 years ago, the father took the children, but only because he could immediately provide an adequate female surrogate. Anyways. What I'm saying is that it's the same issue, and that if my children are ever judges in cases like yours, they wont be so prejudiced against fathers.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    I was at first...but then it started getting deep, and I dislike having feces thrown in my face.

    Also, you're right, it 100% wasn't ok when the young lady who posted the 'anti feminist opinions' thread got facerolled by the train of feminist linebackers who entered her thread uninvited, and proceeded to belittle her, insult her feminity, tell her she should have been born a man, and overall attack and abuse her...then got the thread shut down on top of it.

    Yeah, you've got room to speak.
    I have room to speak? WTH are you talking about? I had no part in that thread nor do I have any knowledge of that thread. And my guess is the "anti" theme thread got shut down because it broke the guidelines of MFP guidelines. I would say its time to move on...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    One last comment before I dive out of this thread.

    I think it was you, Cris, but in the last thread on feminism I think you mentioned your baby-mama-drama (sorry, I can't help it, I love that phrase) and I immediately did some research on paternal rights and was pretty horrified. I did however find that there's very little I can do aside from write my representatives and be a little more attentive in local politics. I'm sorry that you feel that feminism has brought that misfortune upon you, but I personally believe it's the same gender role politics in play. 100 years ago, the father took the children, but only because he could immediately provide an adequate female surrogate. Anyways. What I'm saying is that it's the same issue, and that if my children are ever judges in cases like yours, they wont be so prejudiced against fathers.


    I want you to understand...you and those like you...who are level headed, and look at both sides of an issue (nataliaho...thank you very much)...are what I believe feminism should be.

    How much of that have you seen here tonight? You're in the minority hun...and that is why feminism in general sparks this kind of response. That's been my point many, many times in threads like these. It's not the basis of the movement, it's the militant, activist, 'I will see no side but my own' attitude that makes people respond with anger.

    Also I want to clarify, I don't necessarily blame feminism specifically, but it was difficult to add in to my point clearly. It simply makes me very angry, to see people crying about women's rights...gay rights, black rights, illegal rights...whatever minority you choose, when there are just as many issues infringing on the rights of that poor straight, white, legal citizen, middle class male (this doesn't mean I'm NOT sympathetic to minority rights...I am!). Did you know, when I wanted to go back to school years ago...I tried to get a single parents grant and was denied? Do you know why? There isn't one. It's a single mother's grant. Yes, because I'm not a woman, I didn't qualify.

    Do you wonder what would happen if I started a college fund for single white heterosexual male fathers with an income of under $50,000 a year?

    Sorry, you're black, you don't qualify.
    Sorry, you're a woman, you don't qualify.
    Sorry, you have no qualifying child...move along.

    I'd be found hung from the tree in my front yard in a week. Every news group on the planet would be pounding on my door, and I'd be being called a whole slew of names by 90% of the country.

    I have room to speak? WTH are you talking about? I had no part in that thread nor do I have any knowledge of that thread. And my guess is the "anti" theme thread got shut down because it broke the guidelines of MFP guidelines. I would say its time to move on...

    I meant 'you' as in the group you are supporting, not you specifically...sorry for the confusion.

    And if it broke the guidelines, so does this.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm black, and I'm a feminist. Womanism is there, but like you've presented, most of it's founders are just.. really angry. I find it counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the minority rights kitchen(kitchen!?! hah) but our problem is MUCH more internal at this point in the US. Self hate abound, and no one has been actively feeding that fire. WE keep it alive. And so very few of us even care about the issues, so involved with distractions of our own making. Yes, black men have different problems than black women who have different problems than white women.. but I don't find it productive to separate from both groups out of spite, which to me (correct me if I'm wrong) seems the core of womanism.

    I think this is kind of the core of my issue with "feminism" or any other kind of "ism", really. It seeks to separate people into groups and grant them "rights" based on belonging to said group. How about, "everyone is human so let's just treat them all the same"ism?

    This is a movement I can get behind!

    Another convert!! Woohoo!!!

    Another point that was raised is the anger issue. I just...don't have the energy to be that angry all the time :laugh:

    I can be dedicated to a cause without being angry. So my cause is now "everyone is human so let's just treat them right and not spend all day being angry about it"ism!

    Do you think the "anti" people who came to this thread were angry when they either started going off on the posters or if they just simply started making fun of them and telling them that there was no reason for them to feel the way they do? Some people came to this thread to find like minded people where others just came to either be rude or make fun of them.

    To be perfectly honest, no they didn't seem angry at all. It seemed like people having some harmless fun. Iz wut we do here :laugh:

    Those comments were, however, met with a completely disproportionate anger, IMO.

    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    I think Chris is fighting fire with fire.

    If the jokes were as innocuous as Ray's comment about washing dishes...I, as a Christian, wouldn't see a problem with it <shrug>
  • Ryathur
    Ryathur Posts: 16
    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    I've seen it happen to Christians. I remember a Christian posting a story about Einstein (which ended up not being true), and everyone jumped in to make anti-Christian comments.

    Truthfully, I can see both sides of this issue, but the OP was just asking for friends. I feel sorry her thread ended up being a hotbed for debate.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    mmmmm im going to dance to queen , under pressure. Kathy dances off doing Freddie mercury impression.
This discussion has been closed.