Anyone else suffer from anxiety disorders/depression?



  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    oh no... definitely not trying to self diagnose myself... im trying to get a better understanding if this is what i have... im not sure what i have and why i feel this way...

    again... the weirdest part about this was when i got sick 1 month ago... it was bad but i didnt think this would be the outcome of it.. it was like a flu..
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Both. I have Bipolar I (and a host of other, connected maladies), and it can get very challenging to eat properly and exercise on a regular basis. To be honest, I just take my time with it. If I can do just a little bit of SOMETHING, that's an accomplishment. I tend to undereat when I'm depressed, so I have to be careful with that. I try to stay out of stress as much as possible, and that helps curb negative moods/feelings.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I was diagnosed about 10ish years ago with depression. The anxiety aspect has just been over the past few years. Right now Im not doing anything to treat or help with it. Although, I do feel I am getting to the point with anxiety that it is going to start hampering my daily activities. I might have to talk to someone about it then.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Yes, I have in the past, mostly. For now I have a lot of extra stress and it makes my blood pressure go up. I'm on bp meds and I have xanax to take if things get too crazy and it helps a lot. Luckily, I rarely have to take it.

    Another thing, if I get super stressed I totally lose my appetite and want to exercise more because the endorphins help me de-stress. I am a recovered anorexic so I have to be careful with that, especially when I reach goal. Right now I'm making sure I eat right and have healthy food to nourish my body. It seems to help,.
  • jcw4
    jcw4 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I struggle with depression. The one thing that is helpful although I can't do it every day, is going to bed at 8:30 so I can wake up at 4:30 so I can get a work out and my quiet time before work. The challenge is getting to bed by 8:30 and falling asleep. Last week I was able to do twice, this week so far, twice. I've been off my anti-depressant for 1 1/2 years and that has been the most helpful thing I've found. Are you on medication?
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You're far from alone. I don't think the site is working all that well right now. I can tell you that I've had it since I was a child and it's gotten worse. I get so fatigued that I don't want to exercise, don't have the motivation or energy. (Part of that is medication.) However, I've found that a short session of exercise -- mostly resistance exercise -- helps to allow the depression to lift. I also find that I can't successfully count calories for a long time. Just a couple weeks is about all I can take. I eat low glycemic and that keeps my calories down without counting because I'm not as hungry and I'm better fed.

    At any rate, lots of people suffer from both anxiety, panic and depression. Some to a larger degree than others. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I thought it was out of the blue until my dad recently dropped the bomb that he's had panic attacks for years - so yes, there is a genetic aspect of it. Mine however was triggered by my ex husband's douchebaggery - I had two "episodes" of panic that subsided after several days. However, it became full time when he left in 2009 - and right after that my gallbladder went bad. My doctors could not figure out that was the cause because I didn't present with gb disease like most people. The gallbladder issue is resolved, but the panic remains because I developed health anxiety on top of that. Now I deal with constant muscle pain from the anxiety, but I do not have panic attacks anymore. Once you stop fearing them, they really do stop happening.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    And does it effect your diet/work out routine?

    If so, how do you push past it.

    Depression here. Does it affect diet? You bet. I'm a chocoholic and could down a bag of Oreos in an attempt to feel better. Part of me envies the people that don't eat when they're down, since I'm the opposite (I tend to want to eat when down) and basically physically can't not eat (headaches, mental capacity starts going downhill fast, etc).

    Work out routine? Not so much, but I think part of that is because I found a routine that truly kicks the depression to the curb. When I just did the gym thing, though, I'd have those "I don't want to deal with people" days, then easily fall off the wagon. Doing a workout that I enjoy and don't see as "working out" (I practice martial arts) really helps on that front and has provided me with motivation to hit the gym, too (powerlifting, to increase strength so I can stand up to the guys). I've found that to be the key to maintaining the routine and going even if I don't entirely feel like going. It's a lot easier to talk yourself into doing something good for you when you get immediate results from doing it (and by immediate, I mean "feeling significantly better by the time your session is done," not "immediate" as in "do it three days a week and start slowly feeling better at the end of the first week").
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I have both. Usually my workout is my escape from all the bad thoughts in my head, but once in a while I'll get an irrational panicky feeling while exercising that makes me feel like if I push myself too hard, I could have a heart attack, or an aneurysm, or a stroke. AND I'M NOT EVEN 20 YET. My dearest wish is for my anxiety to just disappear. It makes me scared to do a lot of things. I'm on medication for it, which has helped a little. But once in a while, my fears will come creeping up on me. It sucks.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    is one of the problems having trouble breathing?
  • GellisIndigo
    GellisIndigo Posts: 55 Member
    is one of the problems having trouble breathing?

    That can certainly be a symptom of a panic or anxiety attack.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    I have never been diagnosed with anxiety or depression but I get it a lot and I stress about anything and everything even if there is nothing to stress about and I think its one reason why I struggle to lose weight!! its been worse lately because I have moved to a new area and I havent got a job yet and dont know many people here. I pretty much live at the gym to take my mind off everything but im starting to get obsessed with losing weight and counting calories
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    I've been having trouble breathing the last couple of weeks. I can't get a deep enough breath (unless I yawn) and it's driving me mental. I've also been feeling really down lately, in the last 18 months I've lost my dad, gran and grandad plus watched my mother go through cancer and I've pushed my boyfriend away so much that now he's broken up with me. I wouldn't be surprised if I was depressed so I have a doctors appointment monday where hopefully I can get some councelling and move on rather than spend my days alone crying at how much it all sucks!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the responses.

    My main issue is my "down" time comes out of nowhere and stops me in my tracks. Sometimes i find myself not eating more than a cereal bar or something for days, don't sleep and I'll work out constantly until this passes.

    I'm not on medication. A friend of mine was put on meds and he was a zombie. I am a mother to a 2 yr old and I don't want to be a zombie, and since I'm her main caregiver (I stay home with her all day while my husband works) I don't want it to effect how I am with her. I hate being alone, but I can't stand to go out in public anywhere. Somedays its worse than others.

    Meds affect people differently, and different meds work for different people. If he was a zombie, it likely wasn't the right med for him.

    I was diagnosed when my daughter was 4. I went through several medication combinations before hitting the right one. But I felt I had to do it to be functional for my daughter. Without meds, I simply was not functional enough to take care of her well.
  • smileyface_2510
    In this world You are def. not alone..Alot of us have anxiety and depression..some worse,some better than others..Some even have them and have no idea....Exercise def helps get thru the day..So does praying and inspirational quotes from the Bible. Realizing that We are just human and this happens to alot of us and not just " ME ". I know when I got down to 135 I felt better..mentally and physically. MY hypoglycemia was gone!! Battling everyday against things is what EVERYONE of us do...:smile: Everyone keep up the good work!!
  • underdogsmom
    I suffer from the extreme end of depression/anxiety....I bipolar disorder, a lot of anxiety and panic attacks/meltdowns at times....and I have Asperger's Syndrome (mild autism). How does it effect my diet/exercise??? Well more like it effects my self-esteem which them effects my ability to take care of myself. Sometimes I'm very motivated, other times it's like whatever....But I think it's difficult for many without disorders to do this, and even more difficult for us at times. I'm disabled so I dont have a job to distract me from the fridge all the time...very difficult.
  • lradatz
    lradatz Posts: 61 Member
    I have anxiety attacks! And I also get depressed at times, but it really doesn't affect my workouts. To be honest, if I feel down, working out makes me feel better, sometimes I can push way too hard, and over do it. There are days when I could care less if I work out or not, and this month has been on again off again, but since it's getting nice out, I have been trying to take the kids outside and find things to do... Go for a walk, take the dog for a walk, take the kids to the park and run around w them, etc. Hope you find what works for you and enjoy the nicer weather!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I do and working out really helps with my anxiety that I have for a few hours after the workout even :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I didn't suffere from depression until I started this weight loss thing. Now I am really depressed. Working hard and watching food but resulted in "weight gain". How sad.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I do and working out really helps with my anxiety that I have for a few hours after the workout even :)

    Oh my goodness. I simply want to pay my compliment to your success. Look at that ticker...:love: