Who all females carry most their weight in their stomach?



  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    OP, All my extra weight is in my middle. If I gain, that is where it goes, legs etc seem to stay in proportion. Have a look at my before pics and you can see its all gut and hips, I didn't include the side profile but my belly protruded a lot. I focused a lot of my workouts on my stomach, you can read about it in my post :)


    To some other posters, don't get jealous - get motivated :flowerforyou:

    Wow, that really motivates me! My love handles are worse, but ur belly stuck like mine too. Gives me hope that I can actually get amazing abs like urs!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    Just because someone is smaller than you, doesn't make them less deserving of support. If you want support...start your own thread.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    To be fair, people only know the pain/aggravation/humiliation they've experienced personally. To someone in the 100s with, say, flabby arms and a gut it's awful because they haven't experienced being 300lbs and having more to work on.

    And this is coming from someone who is 300lbs. It's a useless argument, like when the trend for moms was to say "eat your food there's starving kids in Africa who wish they had that." Those kids never knew what it was like to be in Africa and starving, so what motivation does it give them? None.
  • ericachristie85
    ericachristie85 Posts: 69 Member
    Start lifting weights girl... You'd be surprised at what it can do for your body. :)

    In about a month, when I finish Turbo FIre, I'm goin to do Chalean Extreme. I hope that helps me.

    Chalean Extreme did it for me, and I carry all my weight in my tummy.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member

    I'm short, and short-waisted too. Most of my fat collects in lower belly and upper thighs. I'll echo some of the others that said strength training is key. I can do cardio like no one's business, but I saw the biggest visual change when I incorporated strength.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I feel overly skinny in certain parts of my body... like my chest-bone is visible, and my spine and ribs are visible.. i've been working so friggin hard to get my stomach hard but the area around my belly button is just not leaving. I lose weight and it comes from everywhere but the stomach. seems like someone is out to get me!! :P I am 5'5" 128lbs 28 years old
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I started in the 300 range and am down to the mid 200 range right now. I think that people, regardless of how much they weight, all feel differently about the way they look. Of course at almost 6 feet I don't look nearly as big with my 260 pounds as someone who is 5 feet 5. But, I still have every right to be upset about weighting 250 lbs, just as a person who is 5 foot 2 has the right to be upset if they weight in the 100's. If they don't feel healthy and aren't happy with the way they look then they have a right to state that. I don't belittle anybody who is smaller then me and who wants to lose weight. Everybody has a right to feel the way they do. Don't be jealous or angry with them, instead use them as an inspiration. Like, "Wow I want to weight what you weight some day.." Not like, "It makes me so upset that you complain because you weight 100 pounds less then me." Be supportive of those people as well. We don't know their circumstances any more then they know ours.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    Oh boy....really biting my tongue here! Many people who are in the '100's' may have started out in the 300's. Or even if they didn't start out that large .... It takes a lot of hard work and discipline to make a lifestyle change so regardless of what your shape or size is EVERYONE has a right to their frustrations and triumphs!!

    Plus....way to hijack a thread and make it about you
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    Edit: I wrote something mean and thought better of it. I'm sorry.

    We realise you are more overweight and unhealthy than we are (we being people in their hundreds, as you put it), but that doesn't stop us from being unhappy and insecure with the rest of you. Being skinny doesn't automatically make you happy and self-confident (of course, it helps, but that's not all there is to it).
    Yah but to be honest i wouldn't be insecure about myself being in the 100's because I honestly have no idea when the last time I was in the 100's. I would be very happy about my weight.. I am finally gonna be hitting the 200's soon and I haven't seen that in 4-6 years..

    That doesn't mean that we don't have the right to be unhappy with ourselves tho. I am anything but skinny. u can easily see that in my picture. I realize that they're ppl who are heavier than I am, but that's not my fault. So I think we're allowed to b self conscious too. You don't kno how ur gonna feel when u get in the 100s. I thought when I started I wouldn't feel self conscious where I am now, but I am. U never kno til u get there.

    It is all about comfort. Someone who is used to being around 120--will feel uncomfortable and insecure should they inch up towards 150 or 160. We all have different goals and different comfort zones, no one should be made to feel badly because they feel uncomfortable and insecure---no matter what their weight!
  • underdogsmom
    My biggest area is my breasts....not really lucky....I have to wear huge tops for my frame...I do have issues with my stomach....butt and thigh, as well as upper arms. My waist is small for a bigger girl, but I'm very hour-glass
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I carry most all my weight in my stomach!! I have a little bit of flab on my arms but I have mostly slender legs, narrow shoulders, narrow hips, tiny mom butt and then nice big ole flabs on my belly. I feel like I'm eternally pregnant lol
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    YUPPPP! I hear you! 5foot 1 and absolutely HATE my stomach...I haven't had kids but look like I have! it really gets me down....I've been on this journey for 18months, I exercise like crazy (all combinations) and eat clean most of the time, I don't eat junk or processed foods if so very rarely, and I have been on a 6 month plateau.....its really disheartening...so know you are NOT alone!

    You're not alone either! I am very similar. I'm 5'2" and HATE my stomach. It's the only part of me I am super UN-happy with and the biggest reason I keep pushing on. ONE DAY I keep telling myself, all this work HAS to pay off. I hope...
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    Start lifting weights girl... You'd be surprised at what it can do for your body. :)

    Weights for excess tummy, do tell?
  • EAH123
    EAH123 Posts: 40
    You are SO NOT ALONE! I started lifting weights regularly in December and haven't looked back. I can feel muscle in more and more places but can't wait for some of the belly fat to go away.
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 141.8lbs and still have a 38 inch waist. it's freaking ridiculous. Granted, I have had a baby, but I was 150 BEFORE I got pregnant; when i started MFP in March 2012, I was 151 and still looked 6mos preggers. Now, 10 lbs later, I still look 4 months pregnant...before/after shots make it look like I've lost most of the weight from my back (definitely less back fat) and I know I've lost 3" from under my boobs...but I've only lost ONE inch off of my tummy. Lots of ppl at my height/weight have way flatter bellies than me!! Sigh. It just means we have to work that much harder. I run, do vinyasa yoga and do JM 30DS...in a few weeks I may start P90x/Insanity (after 30DS is over). I think the important thing to focus on (since it's a longer road to the ideal body shape) is how you FEEL on your health journey. I feel enormously better since losing 10lbs/changing my lifestyle...way more energy, happier, just all around healthier. I still have 20lbs to go to my goal weight, and 6 more inches off my waist to me ideal size (half my inches in height, 32"). So I'll continue the journey-- as that's what being healthy is, a JOURNEY, not a destination.

    Best of luck and feel free to add me if you want :-)
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Im the same as you almost!! I dont often find people with a similar shape to me at all
    If I lost on my belly- id be happy! but its coming off everywhere else!

    you can see in these pics: my back has smoothed, my bums lifted, my belly has flattened a little but from the front, there is no difference!


    That tattoo is gorgeous! And you're totally changing your body composition. The belly will come off eventually.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    because if we dont take action while we are still in the 100's we will be in the 200's and 300's. its called catching a problem before it becomes a disaster.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    oh me! this is sooo me!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    my belly is the only part of my body i really can't stand. there are a lot of reasons why it could be in the belly:

    (1) too many carbs
    (2) stress (some hormones make you hold it on your belly)
    (3) too much estrogen (i've heard this but i don't know if i believe it)
    (4) genetice
    (5) i've heard some folks say if you have had a baby then your belly can hold more weight.

    whatever. Abs are made in the kitchen. The closest I have gotten to a flat stomache was when I did a candida diet not all that long ago. It was brutal!
  • katesnewbody
    katesnewbody Posts: 62 Member
    No one should have to feel "thankful" that they never LET themselves get to such an unhealthy weight. Luck has absolutely nothing to do with weight, especially when we're talking morbid obesity.
    Just saying. You are your choices, and your weight is your fault unless you are the 0.98% of the population who has a rare glandular disease that causes weight gain regardless of food intake.