How great is your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend?



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My wife is being VERY supportive. For my food logging she will retain packaging until I've scanned bar codes, sometimes actually weigh my food on the kitchen scale so I don't have to.

    She is very encouraging about my progress and is willing to take that extra hour alone with our 9 month old daughter so I can go to the gym.

    In non fitness matters.. She used to be MY WORLD but depending on the time of day and my mood, my daughter probably ranks above her.
  • euniceling76
    Any negativity I say of my wife is of saying negatively of myself. We are one. I have a wife who understands my deepest darkest perversions, and has seen me on my lows and on my highs, we've gone through amazing things together. We've been together 8 years, married 6, have had 3 kids, started college and ended college together, even took the same degree path and took every single class together. She's great.

    As a musician in an actively gigging band, she has always supported my art. Get this, she feels me not playing bass is robbing the world of something amazing. I've been in many bands, seen many wives and girlfriends who say "I'm completely supportive of my husband/boyfriend" but then ***** and moan and nag at the guy for going to practices and gigs. I have 0 worries of this. (I am also understanding of the wives and girlfriends, most of the time the guy wasn't a quality guy and didn't pull his weight in the relationship, just expecting everything to be done for them).

    Communication. This is why my wife is GREAT. We talk about everything. From the most light hearted to the most intense, we talk. We talk all the time. I love that I have someone to confide in.

    Its crazy, when you have a spouse that actually makes life easier, and not by doing everything for you(Shes my wife. Not my slave), its amazing what you can accomplish. I see a lot of my single friends (and no this isn't a knock on the singles, we love yall too!) and they worry about finding someone or never finding someone or are looking for someone or even not single but new in a relationship and investing into the beginning stages of a relationship, I am reminded as to how fortunate I am. I feel I don't have to worry about that stuff. I have more time to think about inventions, or my arts and crafts, or even deep thinking, and intellectual stuff, I just feel... Like I have turned that chapter, and its nice Really really really really nice.

    So after 8 years, and all the chaos, and drama out of our control (family, gotta love'em), through 2 pregnancies, through other health issues, 2 long periods of unemployment (the joy of working oil and gas), through near death experiences with one of our children, through money issues, and all that could cause problems, we have never fought (Not that its not OK to fight, we do believe every relationship, to each their own). She is logical. I am logical. We are similar. In fact, when going through the marriage process, our pastor wanted us to do a personality test. Took the test separately. We scored identical.

    This.. ALL THIS is why my wife is great. (This works for us.)

    Me & hubby took the personality test too by our church before we got married. And we were almost identical too! haha... many would say it is good to marry someone of your opposite to complement one another. but I think able to think alike is pretty good too.

    My hubby is not perfect, many times as mischievous as a kid. He would tease me and my size sometimes just to see my irritated response and giggle. But lots of time he will look deeply into my eyes with a big smile... enjoying the moment & the sight of me. He shares my household chores, and cares also about my family and friends. Like to entice me into eating supper with him, but gets really anxious if I want to start my eating rampage. Worries about me getting too heavy and affect my health if I get pregnant that's why he hopes that I lose some weight.
  • ms_leanne
    My Fiance is fantastic. He loved me exactly how I was and could see I was happy. He has supported me throughout my journey and always tells me how proud he is of me (none of my previous fellas have ever said anything like that). He has always eaten the same food that I prepare for myself (even his son eats it too).

    Bless him, he put on a bit of weight as I was losing it (too much beer I think and some bad choices of takeaway). Anyway he's now on the 5:2 diet and now it is my turn to say how proud I am of him. xx
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    I love my boyfriend, he has been nothing but supportive and amazing to me.

    He's always liked the way I look and calls me beautiful nearly every day, and when I started getting back into working out and eating better, he has been SO supportive. It's so great having somebody to talk to about food and fitness without feeling like I'm being annoying. He's promised me if I start to slip or lose motivation, he'll pick me back up and motivate me to keep going. He said when I reach my goal weight he'll buy me new lingerie ;)

    I think I'm slowly becoming a positive influence on him too, he's now cut out all sugary drinks and only drinks water, eats far less junk now, and is always understanding when I want to go out and eat healthy. :)

    Hopefully when he gets less busy with work, he'll be joining me at the gym and when the weather warms up we'll start going out for walks together or even go to the pool.

    I think that was another factor as to why I slipped a few years ago when I was with my ex. He kind of just gave me a pat on the back but was never all that helpful. Having somebody close to you always supporting your every step is just so wonderful.