Does eating more to weight less work for everyone?



  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    1,300 calories is not laughable to these people, in this peer reviewed journal article. Quote: Successful maintainers of weight loss reported continued consumption of a low-energy and low-fat diet. Women in the registry reported eating an average of 1,306 kcal/day

    These women have kept their weight off for 5 or more years. As 1,300 is average, obviously some ate higher and some ate lower.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1,300 calories is not laughable to these people, in this peer reviewed journal article. Quote: Successful maintainers of weight loss reported continued consumption of a low-energy and low-fat diet. Women in the registry reported eating an average of 1,306 kcal/day

    These women have kept their weight off for 5 or more years. As 1,300 is average, obviously some ate higher and some ate lower.
    Basically, they never stopped eating at an abnormally low level.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Did not work for me. I have a 1760 TDEE so there is no eating more for me. I'm good at 1300-1500 per day.
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    1,300 calories is not laughable to these people, in this peer reviewed journal article. Quote: Successful maintainers of weight loss reported continued consumption of a low-energy and low-fat diet. Women in the registry reported eating an average of 1,306 kcal/day

    These women have kept their weight off for 5 or more years. As 1,300 is average, obviously some ate higher and some ate lower.
    Basically, they never stopped eating at an abnormally low level.

    That does not make it laughable, nor unsustainable if they have been doing so for over 5 years. Abnormally low according to whom?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    1,300 calories is not laughable to these people, in this peer reviewed journal article. Quote: Successful maintainers of weight loss reported continued consumption of a low-energy and low-fat diet. Women in the registry reported eating an average of 1,306 kcal/day

    These women have kept their weight off for 5 or more years. As 1,300 is average, obviously some ate higher and some ate lower.
    Basically, they never stopped eating at an abnormally low level.

    That does not make it laughable, nor unsustainable if they have been doing so for over 5 years. Abnormally low according to whom?

    Yes, not everyone is created equal. Some people actually I was thinking of most of us might be able to do just 1300 throughout the rest of the life. The thing is we don't want to. Part of the good thing about being live is to enjoy and indulge...Of course it all comes with cost.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Did not work for me. I have a 1760 TDEE so there is no eating more for me. I'm good at 1300-1500 per day.

    If you are eating at 1500 a day, then you are doing eactly what the EM"WL group are advocating - taking a 15% deficit from TDEE.

    It's just about eating at a moderate defict, not one that's too aggressive.

    This is a good article on deficits
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    My problems with the Road Map post are these:

    1- There is no reason a person trying to lose weight has to eat above their BMR. Seriously, research it, ask any doctor, think about it. Here's one trainer's explanation in the link below. I've talked about this ad nauseum so I'll stop trying to explain it myself. People act like I'm saying the earth is flat.

    To a point this is correct. But the 40-50% drop in leptin alone will result in fat loss slowing.

    2- The body doesn't flip a switch at some calorie level and start catabolizing muscle and changing hormonal responses. It's all on a scale. The reason you see 1200 and '2 lbs/week loss goal' so much is because those are believed to be levels that are aggressive enough to produce results while minimizing negative externalities like metabolism slowing and excesive LBM loss.

    This is info spouted by the same BS people who say eating 6 meals a day will help me lose fat.
    The fact is when dieting and working out too much you have increased cortisol above and beyond the normal limits of what the body produces naturally.
    This will burn LBM.
    It's what it does under stress!
    3- People not losing at 1200 usually haven't given it enough time. They're working out too hard, they're impatient, they want scale results, but water effects are hiding fat loss.

    When metabolic rate slows so does fat loss. Why do you think the national average dietary intake on food labels is 2000-2500.
    1200 cals is what I eat for breakfast!!!!!
    Thats like saying "My car isnt running well so i'll cut down on the oil and only keep the tank 1/4 full!"
    I laugh at this. The people who have jumped on board with the Road Map have lost fat.
    I did your math. For me, it recommends about 1580/day, which is a great plan. I choose to go a bit lower, around 1350 (which is below my BMR, by the way). I am not damaging myself, lacking energy, losing hair, lethargic, etc., etc.

    I challenge you to eat 1800 daily.
    Measure your results weekly.

    There is no reason unless you are Obese II or higher to eat below BMR.
    There is no reason to eat less if you can eat more and lose weight.

    Why dont you try this for 1 month and see?
    Unless you have some medical reason not to eat properly then I dont see what the fuss is.

    And I can find several studies showing that in the long run, a moderate deficit creates longer weight loss.
    Why cut so low if you dont have to.
    Thats all.

    So...when will you try it?

    BTW my way isnt my way.
    I learned this from pros in the field.
    People who charge $300 an hour for their input on health, weight loss and muscle gains.
    They arent doctors or RNs.
    They are nutritionists who didnt take 120 question quiz to get a state certification.
    This info works.
    And untill you try it I feel your points are moot.
    I feel that no matter what school you went to and what degrees ore certifications you have, untill you admit that this works I wont stop.
    I challenge you Mcarter99, just like I challenged Watboy (who by the way is losing fat and gaining lean mass) to try my methods.
    If it doesnt work I will back down.
    Unless you have some type of medical issue preventing you from losing weight,my methods work.
    Youll eat better.
    You wont feel hungry.
    Youll maintain LBM better than these low cal deals.
    1300 cals is laughable.
    I have women at 5' tall eating 1800 and losing fat working out a hand full of times a week.

    So when will you try it?

    I tried it in Jan-Feb of 2011. I did WW new plan while tracking calories as well. It was 1800ish calories a day. I lost 2 lbs. in 8 weeks. Now I lose three times that rate.

    My Fitbit says my total burn yesterday was 1550 calories. How could I possibly lose weight on 1800? Before saying my leptin ate my ghrelin and my metabolism is now screwed, bear in mind that 1550 is an estimate based on my BMR and my activity for yesterday.

    Why would a human body burn off the muscle it needs to hunt and outrun predators when it has tens of thousands of calories of the perfect fuel, the fuel it stored for just this rainy day- easily accessed fat sitting in fat cells?

    Why do you suggest I eat 1800 when your Road Map instructions said 1550?
  • kay48040
    kay48040 Posts: 21
    It did not work for me.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Did not work for me. I have a 1760 TDEE so there is no eating more for me. I'm good at 1300-1500 per day.

    If you are eating at 1500 a day, then you are doing eactly what the EM"WL group are advocating - taking a 15% deficit from TDEE.

    It's just about eating at a moderate defict, not one that's too aggressive.

    This is a good article on deficits

    Yup as soon as I typed that out I thought to myself...wait...then I did the math and was like...oh. When I did EMTWL I was at 1800-1900 and gained, and that's part of how I figured out I had such a low TDEE. So it was useful to me in a way.
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Did not work for me. I have a 1760 TDEE so there is no eating more for me. I'm good at 1300-1500 per day.

    If you are eating at 1500 a day, then you are doing eactly what the EM"WL group are advocating - taking a 15% deficit from TDEE.

    It's just about eating at a moderate defict, not one that's too aggressive.

    This is a good article on deficits

    Yup as soon as I typed that out I thought to myself...wait...then I did the math and was like...oh. When I did EMTWL I was at 1800-1900 and gained, and that's part of how I figured out I had such a low TDEE. So it was useful to me in a way.

    That is great!

    Getting your true TDEE by trial and error and then taking your defict from there, rather than just jump in with a "one size fits all" 1200 is a great way of doing it.
  • TonyaBtrfly
    TonyaBtrfly Posts: 118 Member
    Ignorance is bliss!

    Why in the world would I only eat 1200 calories if I can achieve the exact same amount of weight loss eating 1800? Whatever floats your boat!

  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    Ignorance is bliss!

    Why in the world would you eat 1200 calories if you could achieve the exact same amount of weight loss eating 1800? Whatever floats your boat!


    As a previous poster stated, she gained at 1,800 and her TDEE is 1,760!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    It works for me. Why would you limit yourself to 1200 when you can eat much more and still lose weight? 1200 is not sustainable in the long run.
  • healthylife1010
    it works. Eating more but not more then I need though lol. I try to eat around BMR levels + any exercise calories I get. Slow and steady!!! :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Ignorance is bliss!

    Why in the world would you eat 1200 calories if you could achieve the exact same amount of weight loss eating 1800? Whatever floats your boat!


    As a previous poster stated, she gained at 1,800 and her TDEE is 1,760!
    As a million people have said a million more times, your numbers are individual and need to be worked out.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    it's working for me, I stalled at 130 for the longest time after 6 months of it working. I just kept fluctuating between 130-128 for like 3 months and bumped it from 1200ish to 1500ish and in the past month I've gone down another 4.5 lbs. You just have to make sure the extra calories you're getting isn't junk. Which is what I struggled with. I never felt hungry on 1200 so adding calories to it was odd lol.
  • TonyaBtrfly
    TonyaBtrfly Posts: 118 Member
    As a previous poster stated, she gained at 1,800 and her TDEE is 1,760!

    well duh! I should have said I not you. Grammer police???? where are you???
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I am trying this out too doing it by healthier eating as I need to improve eat more fruits and vegetables
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    Ignorance is bliss!

    Why in the world would you eat 1200 calories if you could achieve the exact same amount of weight loss eating 1800? Whatever floats your boat!


    As a previous poster stated, she gained at 1,800 and her TDEE is 1,760!
    As a million people have said a million more times, your numbers are individual and need to be worked out.

    Those same people will state that no one is unique, no one is a snowflake and the same method will work for everyone. My comment was directed to the person who stated that they lose the same on 1,800 as they do on 1,200. That is not the case for the previous poster I mentioned.

    Nothing to do with grammar police. This post is asking whether or not it works for everyone. Clearly it does not. When someone says it does not, they are called laughable. 1,800 is not laughable to you, 1,300 is not laughable to me.