Black Team Week 11



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Lynnie- they would have to push me out of the plane and I would probably have a heart attack. How do you go from zip line to sky dive? Isn't there something in between sweetie?

    My positive for the day- I've been Ebaying crap all week. My goal was to pay for our house and tickets for Disney in September. I almost hit my goal. I was like $80 off, so I'm not complaining too much. I boxed up 34 boxes of stuff, 17 left to go out when I get payment. It's so much work, but worth it in the long run. I made $1800 this week!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Lynnie- they would have to push me out of the plane and I would probably have a heart attack. How do you go from zip line to sky dive? Isn't there something in between sweetie?

    My positive for the day- I've been Ebaying crap all week. My goal was to pay for our house and tickets for Disney in September. I almost hit my goal. I was like $80 off, so I'm not complaining too much. I boxed up 34 boxes of stuff, 17 left to go out when I get payment. It's so much work, but worth it in the long run. I made $1800 this week!

    You only live once Lori and I want to do it all. :laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello everyone! My positive for the day is my family and our friend's family went out to the lake and had a long wonderful swim and it was very pretty out today! So we got sun, fun and exercise too!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Another positive- I've been saying I need to get hubs on track with eating. When I took him to the doctor on Friday for his back I found out his cholesterol levels were crap. His bad cholesterol was 179 and it's supposed to be under 100. I also found out it's been that for a whole year! :noway:

    It's late and I'm tired, but I just packed his lunch (which included cleaning and cutting up carrots, celery, cucumber and watermelon), logged his foods on here and I'm taking over! It will be good for not only him but to get me back on track too!

    We're going at it together from here on out!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    well, fudgesicles--

    Waited all evening for the rain to subside so I could run-- then I laid down to put Caleb to bed and fell asleep. Awoke at 11pm to find that the work that I'd requested HAD come in, due at 10am, so had to head to work--

    BUT, I am going right now, yes at 1:37 am to do turbo jam-- it's a wee bit late to drag poor ol' Bandit out for a run--

    And I MUST exercise today-- well, yesterday-- arrgghh-- you know what I mean!

    Probably only the 20 minute one-- but we'll see--

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- it's official--

    I did the 20 minute turbo jam-- at 2:00 this morning--

    woulda been a wee bit sooner if I coulda found the #$@! remote control for the living room DVD-- grrrr. Rotten kids. :grumble:

    Had to do it in my bedroom--

    Onto pushups/crunches/stretching my poor ailing hip/shower and beddybye--

    Later, my good team!!:yawn:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla, you make me sleepy just reading bout your life.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning black team!

    Had a great weekend. Went running with my 9 yr old niece and tried to show her the ropes of running. I'm way better than I thought I was so I'm pretty proud of myself.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Okay-- it's official--

    I did the 20 minute turbo jam-- at 2:00 this morning--

    woulda been a wee bit sooner if I coulda found the #$@! remote control for the living room DVD-- grrrr. Rotten kids. :grumble:

    Had to do it in my bedroom--

    Onto pushups/crunches/stretching my poor ailing hip/shower and beddybye--

    Later, my good team!!:yawn:
    Marla you are a maniac! I don't know how you make it through the day without any sleep. Do you drink coffee all day long? I would be exhausted. Great job on the turbo jam though.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Positive: I am positive I do not want to go back to work.

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    my positive for the day is that i've hit my goal of losing 10 lbs for the pound for pound challenge! :drinker:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I'm positive that this would all be much easier if I was one of those people who lose weight when they are stressed...

    My true positive for today is that I have raised a child who is confident enough in herself to be able to attend a week long overnight camp where she does not know anyone, and actually look forward to it.. We dropped her off this morning - I know she will do great.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    My positive for today was I had a good run. I do not share the love and the go, go, keeping going forever love of running that some of you have. I do it. It's good for me. I burn a lot. I complain the entire time to myself and think of reasons to stop. :laugh: I truly have to push myself to get in 2 miles, not so much because physically I can't do it, I totally can, it's a mental thing for me.

    Anyway. Today I started out at 5 MPH and every tenth of a mile I upped the speed by 1/10 of a MPH more. So at .5 miles, I was going 5.5 MPH, by 1 mile- 6 MPH. I made it to 1.8 miles and 6.8 MPH before I thought I might keel and had to put the speed back to hit my 2 miles. Looking back I wish I would have pushed it, I should have pushed it- for what, less than 2 minutes more? I was really hot, the fans weren't working in the gym and my HR was already pushing 180 and I talked myself into backing off. I guess I didn't want to pass out from lack of oxygen or heat stroke! (So I told me anyway.)

    The best part was instead of watching the tenths of a mile go by S-L-O-W like I usually do, every tenth I was bumping my speed and doing something. It was the fastest 20 minutes ever! Usually running 20 minutes for me feels like forever, today it zoomed by.

    I think I'll try it again, I might not bump every tenth of a mile on mile 2, then I won't be going quite so fast and will be able to keep going to the end. I never run 7 MPH unless I'm running sprints for 60 seconds at a time. I need to work my way to that.

    I logged all my DH's food for the day last night (excpet for dinner) and packed it all up. I gave him his printout of what to eat when. He called at lunch and already asked what was for dinner because he had 500 calories left! :laugh: This could be a challenge. I already confiscated an extra Fiber One bar he tried to take with him.

    If you hear sirens, it's because I'm headed to log my food. Some alarm might go off it's been that long!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Alright, I promised I would do this, so here goes. I'm bloated, retaining water, up several pounds more than I already was thanks to TOM, but I did it anyway.

    My hands. Odd to say, but they always looked chubby before. Sure now I can see veins and they tell my age, but who cares! My rings need resized big time. I had to have a guard put on my diamond or it would fall right off.

    My calves. I have a few stretch marks toward the top that drive me nuts, but otherwise I can deal. I'm starting to see some muscle in them and I'll take it. DH's eyes got big one day when I was on the elliptical and he saw my calf muscles. He had to come touch them. Compliment enough. Then he told me I was starting to get runner legs. I'm surprised I didn't jump him right there! :blushing:

    My collar bones, shoulders and chest (not the bewbs, we all know how I feel bout them!). I love seeing collar bone. I love the muscle definition I see in my shoulders and I love the fact that I can see ribs in my chest when I'm at the gym on the chest press machine. I would live on that thing just so I could look at myself in the mirror if I could! :laugh: It's positioned under the light just right and it highlights all the muscles in your arms and chest.

    My back. It's probably one of my favorite body parts without clothes. I can't say that about many. Putting on clothes just squishes stuff up and makes it look lumpy- I'm referring to the boulder holder and how tight it has to be to do it's work! I still have sports bra indents 3 miles deep in this picture.

    Shuntae- how many tries did it take to get your back pic? I took pics of the wall, ceiling, sink.... it was hard work!

    I'm addicted to muscles, the more I see the more I want. I :heart: muscle definition. I don't think pics do it justice. I decided muscles are camera shy. :tongue:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Boy everyone is being quiet on here today,

    My postivie for the day is I walked my 7.5 miles

    I know its the same thing everyday

    I talked to my son who is in Ga for 2 weeks and sounded like he was having a good time, not crying yet ready to come home.

    Tomorrow we are gonna celebrate so I am turning my weight in tomorrow for wednesday then i wont be turning in a weight next week, I know I am starting the day off with pancakes from IHOP, I AM although gonna walk 5 miles in the morning, will not have enough time to get 7.5 miles in before DH has to go to work since he is the one taking me to breakfast.

    Celebrating my 30th birthday 7/20/2009
    Celebrating 8 years of wonderful marriage 7/28/2009
    Celebrating hitting goal weight 7/22/2009.

    Hope me well everyone I am gonna get a double chocolate chip frappacino in from Starbuck some time tomorrow, just dont know when yet!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Tamara, have fun celebrating. Remember your tummy isn't used to eating like that, be prepared for not feeling so swell!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Shuntae- how many tries did it take to get your back pic? I took pics of the wall, ceiling, sink.... it was hard work!

    Girl, I don't even know how many I took...I got my head, the PJ pants, wall, sink..all kinds of craziness.

    Tamara- You totally got married the day before my 21st birthday! Hope you have a great've got a lot to be happy about! That's just how Thursday is going to be for me...we are having dinner at Cheesecake Factory before going to see the new Harry Potter...and since I'm considering it my birthday dinner, I am having cheesecake! (I think a 6 mile run deserves that.)

    Janie- That's so awesome about your daughter. I hate going to places where I don't know anyone! I usually end up enjoying myself, but I get all kind of nervous beforehand.

    Beth- Congrats on meeting your goal for the Pound for Pound!

    My positive for the day is that I cowgirl'd up and did my run outside even though it was gross. Glad it was only 2 miles cause I don't think I could have done much more out there. Depending on the weather Wednesday and Thursday, that run may have to move to the treadmill. I hate it, but at least I won't give myself an asthma attack.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- Lori, so I don't feel so kooky-- but I can't get a decent picture--

    My favorite body parts right now are my ankles and my hands.

    When I was a teen, always feeling chubby (which in hindsight, I now I wasn't-- I was 15 pounds lighter than now) I always loved my wrists. I'm tall, big bones, big features, big hands, big feet-- but I always had the boniest, scrawniest wrists and ankles.

    At my fattest, my ankles looked like tree trunks, and my wrists like chubby meat hooks-- hated 'em.

    But, they're back--

    And today, they ache like hell-- I do believe my "psoriatic arthritis" is beginning a flare up. My hip's been hurting for days, and the pain is beginning in my shoulders and wrists, too-- at its worst couple years ago, I couldn't get off the floor.

    However, that was before I got myself healthy-- SOOOOOO-- I'm going to keep exercising and hope that maybe it's just stress. Lord knows that's in abundance these days--

    Love to my friends--

    :heart: :heart:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team!

    Looks like everyone has some great positives!

    Marla-You late night turbo jammer you! Talk about dedication. Totally awesome woman.

    Lynnie-Sky dive sounds awesome. Go for it!

    Renae-You always sound like you have such a great time at the lake. Good for you my dear!

    Jeannie-I am also positive that I don't want to go back to work. lol

    Lori-(Leckel)- Nice back! lol Your ripped woman!

    Shuntae-Way to go on the run! Anyone willing to run in the heat is a winner in my book.

    Annaliza-Way to go on your run! your stronger than you thought!

    Tamara-That is alot to celebrate. Such huge congrats on reaching your goal, Your success is like ripples in a pond. The effect of your success inspires those around you in waves and the extent to which you have inspired us is immense and beyond measure.

    My positive for the day is that me eating is spot on. I am not headed to the gym tonight because I am travelling this week and after tonight wont see the DW until friday night so I am getting in my quality time. But the good news is I will be in a hotel and will have access to a pool all week so I can work on my swim technique. Have a great night all!!!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- I totally understand the picture thing. Not to mention if you are like me, you refuse to ask anybody to help. My family would think I was weird taking pics of my body parts and putting them on there. Some things are better left to me.

    Andrew- I'm hardly ripped, but I sure would like to be.

    I actually logged everything I ate today. I'm so screwed up with eating I don't even remember how much to eat anymore. I ended up eating 1500 calories but I burned over 1,000. Why can't the whole 'how much to eat' thing be easy. I'm looking for black and white here, no blurry lines, no all bodies are different. That's too much for me sometimes. I want quick and easy and no thought involved!

    On a positive- my DH ate only what I gave him today and stayed within his calories. Ok, after my last statement it seems wrong that I'm guiding him, huh? Blind leading the blind.